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Maduro promises more price controls while bargain hunters empty appliance stores

Tuesday, November 12th 2013 - 08:14 UTC
Full article 17 comments
A stampede of buyers take advantage of the cheaper prices A stampede of buyers take advantage of the cheaper prices

Venezuelans stood in lines outside appliance stores for a fourth day on Monday after President Nicolas Maduro deployed the army to force retailers to slash prices. After taking control of several appliance stores last week, Maduro vowed late Sunday to step up inspections of businesses selling shoes, clothes, automobiles and other goods to make sure they aren’t gouging consumers.

 Maduro pledged he’ll impose limits on profits as the government tries to curb inflation running at 54%.

In eastern Caracas, a five-block line of bargain hunters, some waiting since Saturday, snaked from a JVG electronics store hoping for the chance to buy plasma televisions, washing machines and refrigerators at deep discounts.

Maduro is gambling that by expanding price controls he can regain support he has lost since winning election in April, as inflation soared to a two-decade high and the U.S. dollar shot up on the black market to nine times its official value.

Analysts said the measures might bolster government candidates in next month’s mayoral elections, but warned that the tougher rules are likely to inflict more damage on Venezuela’s economy by discouraging investment and adding to shortages that reached a record level in October.

“We can’t just close the businesses; the owners have to go to jail,” Maduro said in an impassioned speech Sunday night in which he cited Jewish, Muslim and Christian texts to harangue businessmen he accuses of usury. “We can’t allow our hard currency to be used to rob people through the sale of these goods.”

At the same time Maduro is attacking merchants he calls the “parasitic bourgeoisie,” he has vowed zero tolerance for looting. On Monday, police fired shots in the air to prevent crowds from raiding a toy store in the Caracas suburb of Los Teques, with many businesses in the town shuttering early for fear of violence.

Maduro also took his offensive to the Internet, blocking access to seven websites that track the value of the country’s Bolivar currency on the black market. The president over the weekend accused the websites of spreading panic and conspiring against his government.

Free-market economists say the only way to stabilize the economy is to lift capital controls put in place a decade ago by the late President Hugo Chavez and to devalue the Bolivar.

That’s a notion Maduro rejects. The president argues that Venezuela’s inflation is the result of hoarding and speculation by his opponents in Venezuela and in the U.S. He says the country, which is South America’s biggest oil producer, has more than enough dollars to pay for imports.

If not for the “economic war” being waged by his opponents, inflation should be running around 16% to 18%, Maduro said Sunday night.

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  • Gordo1

    Who is guiding him? The little bird who speaks to him in the name of Chávez?

    Nov 12th, 2013 - 10:11 am 0
  • Mendoza Canadian

    Commie paradise...again....

    Nov 12th, 2013 - 10:56 am 0
  • Anglotino

    Only in Venezuela could 16-18% inflation be considered low.

    Guess Argentina has low inflation after all.

    Nov 12th, 2013 - 11:01 am 0
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