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Falklands granted 5.9 million Euros by Europe for economic development activities

Thursday, December 5th 2013 - 20:29 UTC
Full article 60 comments

The European Commission announced on Thursday that the Falkland Islands has been allocated a sum of 5.9million Euros to support economic development activities between 2014 and 2020. The announcement of the new allocation under the European Development Fund was made at the 12th Annual OCT-EU Forum being held in Brussels this week. Read full article


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  • LEPRecon

    Oh look, the European Union acknowledging that the Falklands are a British Overseas Territory.

    Oh look, the European Union making it easier for trade between the EU and the Falklands, and the removal of quotas.

    Oh look, another Argentine 'myth' blown out of the water.

    Dec 05th, 2013 - 09:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    I like how they got the boot in at the end, good for them.

    Dec 05th, 2013 - 09:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CaptainSilver

    The Falkland Islands supported by the nations of Europe, the biggest trading block in the world whilst RGland gets support only from corrupt banana republics. Say it all. Gollum, the failed foreign minister :-).....

    Dec 05th, 2013 - 10:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Condorito

    6 million euros, what is that, 2000 euros for every man, woman and child on the island. That is a lot of development money.

    Dec 05th, 2013 - 10:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ljb

    But but but........everybody supports Argentina. pmsl.

    Dec 05th, 2013 - 11:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Ton

    6 million - over 6 years ....... still better than nowt :-)

    Dec 05th, 2013 - 11:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    So not only doest he EU recognise that the Falkland Islands are part of the UK and hence part of the EU,


    It then hands over almost €6 million or nearly £5 million or US$8 million.

    So the Argentine claim that the Falkland Islands are isolated by the supposed success of Argentina's ongoing sovereignty myth is just that... myth.

    And weren't we regaled with the claim by MEP Luis Yañez Barnuevo from Spain while he was in BsAs as recently as June that “British sovereignty over the Islands as such, is not accepted” by the European Parliament?

    Aah, the more Argentina says things are moving in one direction, the more they seem to be moving in the exact opposite.

    Dec 05th, 2013 - 11:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nigelpwsmith

    More and more proof that the civilised world regards the Falkland Islands as British and therefore part of the EU.

    Dec 05th, 2013 - 11:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • El capitano

    LOL....all prepped for another hysterical crying jag from those Argie dwarfs...!!

    Dec 05th, 2013 - 11:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino


    Common spelling mistake by ESL speakers.

    Dec 05th, 2013 - 11:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • A_Voice

    Get your head out of those fantasy novels....-)

    ”Dwarfs is the standard plural of the noun dwarf. Dwarves is a newer variant popularized (though not invented) by English author J.R.R. Tolkien in his fantasy fiction works, including The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The Tolkien spelling is appropriate when referring to little people in fantasy worlds. Dwarfs is better everywhere else.”

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 12:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    When are you Euros gonna catch it? YOU ARE SCUM, we want nothing to do with you, and all the puffing and huffing with humiliating words about Argentina not going into your arms, because everyone is supposed to fawn in front of a European the message seems to be (legends in your own minds), won't change it.


    Argentina is forever off your dirty, bloody hands.


    Dec 06th, 2013 - 01:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura


    Listen you are young still. Just get out of here, stop trolling around this doesn't do you any good. You were always right, in general people here are disgusting, there is exemptions, but it has already begun affecting me.
    Argentina has become a laughing stock of the world thanks to this government, people like Think, Dany Berger, malen, Axel Arg, Marcos Alejandro and others are to blame for who have supported (and still do) this administration that has destroyed the poor country and are entirely responsable for the state of which its in. Not any outsiders.

    I was an optimist after the last elections, one tries to have a civilized discution about many other stuff but these people want to see you in the pit and are only capable to talk about only 3 subjects the Malvinas, Argentina is shit and is heading for worse, and Gibraltar ..Lately I have being feeling pretty down.

    You might find me in the spanish side but not for now.

    PS; Forget the fucking islands, its not even worth it. Nothing is going to change. And you dont even have a right here to stand for your country anyway you are a bad person for doing so

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 01:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    I warned you.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 01:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura

    14) But you too, for your own good, just get out of here...

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 01:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    Don't worry about me. I know what I am doing.

    My long term thinking is way beyond what anyone here on the other side can fathom.

    You may not see it but there is a rhyme and reason, and very calculated one at that, for EVERYTHING I write, every day, and even the Pseudonyms that have represented us over the last two years, from TTT to Nostrolldamus I through XII, from Arifu to John Troll the I-XVI, to Elio Ojos Amarillos, from Trolley to Truth to Giorgio B. Tsoukalos. Even Mikarita Yatemata had a purpose.

    And next year will be the grand culmination.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura

    Forget next year mate... Get out of here!!!!

    Can I close my account??

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    You can do Harakiri by just being really nasty, off-topic and cursing. That will take care of you. Have a nice summer.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura

    I was thinking of swearing on someone, but I would be a coward if I did.
    Ill write them...

    You too. Sorry if I was harsh at times
    Farewell then

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • A_Voice

    bye bye everyone......
    ...if your names not're not coming in....;-))))

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • knarfw

    @19 CD

    I enjoy reading your opinions, I don't necessarily agree with you all the time but you at least provide a more balanced input from an Argentine point of view. I'm British by the way and spent 4 months on the islands in the 80s just in case you're wondering.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll


    Swearing at a European is no sin. They have not formally apologized for the XVI, XVII, XVIII, IXX and XX centuries, so by all means, give it what they deserve.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • A_Voice

    ....I can take a good swearing you may have noticed....;-))))
    ....knock yourself out...

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    Are you European?

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • A_Voice

    I'm.....A Voice...;-)

    .....CD....see how life goes on without you...why miss the fun...

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    I only swear at Europeans. I pity North Americans, and ignore South Americans. Unless you tell me you are a dirty Є forget it.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • A_Voice

    So what are you saying?....That CD was your puppet as it was CD that felt like swearing at a European...
    Was that the clue...Harakiri...suicide...killing off a persona?

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    I NEVER have had more than one account. I have admitted I have had many reincarnations, but never two at the same time. I am who I am, and proud of it.

    I am not European.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 02:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • A_Voice

    it's immaterial to me...
    ...but if you like where you live and you are happy who you are and you are not indigenous, then you probably may have Europeans to thank for that...regardless..;-))

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 03:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura

    21) OK, but understand his is just draggin me in and taking my time away, people here are just far too mono thematical and literally dont wish me nor my country any good most of the time...It gets me to down when I dont even support the government and people are mocking the state in which you are in, If I take more of this it eventually becomes too personal. And I can practise my english elsewhere in any case talking to other kind of people.

    Voice you know Im not TTP. To all others dont please start bashing me when Im gone.

    This is important. Most of all I hope nowbody trolls over my account and passes as myself..Plese dont do so. Thank you

    Bye bye

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 03:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • A_Voice

    haha.....and you once accused me of being too serious...I told you before that they wouldn't accept you no matter what you said......but so I accepted?
    It's not fixing the world, its not going to change anyone's opinion even...
    It's entertainment....lighten up....:-) I win some... I lose some but at the end of the day I don't give a beats the telly...

    Come back all is forgiven....I'll even like Putin......;-)))....pretty please with sugar on top....I rarely attack you...and never your nationality or country...
    ...think about it...

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 03:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 03:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • A_Voice

    hahaha.....that's more like it....

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 03:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    6 million - over 6 years?

    “Britain fought a war for the Falkland Islands in 1982 but protecting them costs UK taxpayers millions and millions of pounds every year.
    ” we need a bit of political bravery and admit we can no longer fund the islands in the south Atlantic”

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 04:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gordo1

    Cabeza Dura, The TruthPatrol and A_Voice - Now, now ladies you may get your knickers in a twist!

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 06:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Ton

    €4.13 million were granted in July - is this latests news and addition or an increase ??

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 06:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CaptainSilver

    #34 Marcos - you are forgetting the black stuff, the oil. We havent... heh heh heh. Pirates never make mistakes like you do.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 09:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ljb

    Ha Ha Ha
    The Truth PaTroll has thrown his toys out of the pram.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 10:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anbar

    The Truth Patrol

    Father = David Icke
    Mother - Syliva Brown

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 10:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Eddieposted

    The UK pays over £10 billion a year in overseas aid to poor hostile countries like argentina, and over £4 billion a year in net contributions to the EU.
    The cost of the Falklands defence to the UK is around £60 million a year (less than 0.2% of the UK defence budget) for excellent training facilities - and soon to be covered by the Falklands oil revenues.
    Don't build your hopes up with Guardian writers' drivel.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 10:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • downunder

    “The European Commission announced on Thursday that the Falkland Islands has been allocated a sum of 5.9million Euros to support economic development activities”

    Copy that Argentina, copy Hector?


    Dec 06th, 2013 - 10:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ljb

    And don't forget, we have to pay for the men and equipment whether they are in the Falklands or in the UK. I would rather they were in the Falklands.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 10:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @12, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 26, 28. Why do you say “Bye” and then reappear? “Bye” is a short form of “goodbye”, a parting valediction, as it originated as “God be with you”. Is it because this is the only place you can spout? The only place where people might “listen” to you? Sad that. Perhaps it's because of all those languages? Do your compatriots also say “Smartarse” and walk away? And did you miss some of the last words @13 “you are a bad person”?
    @16 And what are you going to be “next year”? Devil, Satan, Ahriman, Abaddon, Lucifer, Set, Azazel, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Belial, Mastema, Sammael, Lilith, the Antichrist, Iblis? Or, hang on, are you going to destroy the world?
    @22 I hope that, since you think swearing at a European is not a sin (what an outdated notion -sin), then you'll understand why a European might think that argies are only any good as slaves. Incapable of working properly without a good whipping. Looking forward to opportunities to give you a good whipping.
    In the meantime, take some advice. Get a job. Try to extend yourself. Could you aspire to licking a cesspit? Next year may be the one where argieland dies. Where you'll be eating grass. Where no-one will “give you a hand” in case you try to eat it. A sad thing in a sad place. You should have a psychiatrist!
    @30 Try perspective. “people here are just far too mono thematical and literally dont wish me nor my country any good most of the time”. That's because your “country” is virtually indistinguishable in attitude from muslim arabs when they consider Israel. Your “country” has nothing admirable. Your “country” killed 3 Falkland Islanders and 255 British servicemen. Crimes for which your “country” has yet to pay. 2 April 1982 is another day that “will live in infamy”. And your “country” continues with its criminality. German, Italian and Japanese people admitted their countries' crimes. Argies say “It wasn't us. It was the junta.” Cowards!

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 11:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    I thought The Falklands were self sufficient why spend European Euros on this lot!!??

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 03:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Falkland Islands

    @28 The Truth PaTroll if you are not European, please share your roots with us, so we know if you can spout. ??? what are you?

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 03:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • St.John

    Malvifister: This confirms the Argentine claim, that the EU doesn't support the Falkland Islands.

    The European Commission granted the Falkland Islands 5.9 million Euros, probably because their flag looks nice, not because the EU supports the islands.

    Jeeeeez, don't the malvinistas look stupid on a 77,054,000 Argentine pesos backdrop?

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 04:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @45 Falkland Islands

    Tobias once tried to convince this forum that he was a native Amerindian. This claim was blown out of the water less than a week later, when he forgot he was meant to be a native Amerindian, and began slagging them off because they had the temerity to disagree and protest against the Argentine governments treatment of them.

    That's the problem when you lie about so many things, you have a hard time keeping them straight and remembering what you actually did say.

    As for Tobias, he's got very European features. He hates Europeans because he hates himself, it's that simple.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 05:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Eddieposted

    All EU members receive EU development funds.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 06:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Falklands granted 5.9 million Euros by Europe
    Well that’s fxcked it for CFK,

    She cant claim it now the Eu has invested in it.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 07:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura

    @ Toby

    Of course you can do as you please

    But why, if whatever it is you say is going to occur I assume a dollar collapse, financial collapse, avian flu outbreak, nuclear blast or whatever why dont you come back and say I told you so when it does occur why do you spend more time here??

    I dated a psicology student once, learnt a lot from her, specially to never date a psicologist...
    What you have here is a informal and unhealthy contract where you provide them the boxing sack to be beaten around for their own entretainment in exchange you get their atention. It has obviously become personal for you. Just let the K trolls to be mocked for making havoc the country. They deserve it. Whilst they are no anti K normal Argentines here the K trolls will come back like a plague, you are not a government supporter so I still have hope in you.

    Please have some dignity and selfrespect just let them be, you dont even believe the stuff you say. You dont need to prove them anything fool..

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 07:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • A.J.Rimmer

    Actually CD, i hage nothing against you, or Argentines for that matter. I do have a major issue with Malvinists and Peronists. Both to me are vile self serving hipocrits. With no thought for others and only themselves.

    You my friend, are a breath of freash air.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 07:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog


    “I thought The Falklands were self sufficient why spend European Euros on this lot!!??”

    1/- They are part of the EU.

    2/- All EU countries get EU money spent on them-and as the UK puts £4 billion into the EU why not.

    Makes me laugh-and hope you get a laugh too aussie sunshine, that the great country of Argentina cannot sell bio-diesel to the EU, yet the tiny tiny Falklands has excellent links with the EU.

    If Argentina had sense they would ditch their sovereignty claim, trade with the Falklands (making Argentina money) and use the Islands as a link to the EU.

    The way it is looking the South American countries aren't doing well with EU links-and they want them-the Falkland Islands actually HAVE them.

    Small is beautiful, diamonds are more valuable than bricks.

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 09:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    *52 well it sounds fairly legal to me! Hope the invest it well!!

    Dec 06th, 2013 - 09:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    @49 Briton
    Wonder if this means Argentina can’t possibly do business with the EU, now it so blatantly subsides the Islanders, it so clearly recognises.

    Just a thought, te he.

    @53 Squatter Bloke
    “Hope the invest it well”

    Mission school clearly failed with you, didn’t it!

    Dec 07th, 2013 - 12:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • downunder

    #52 ”If Argentina had sense they would ditch their sovereignty claim, trade with the Falklands (making Argentina money) and use the Islands as a link to the EU.”

    Or alternatively, Argentina could surrender to the FIG (again) and they would then be part of the Falkland Islands and be eligible for EU economic development money!

    Dec 07th, 2013 - 06:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    *54 Oh YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!! “ HOPE THEY INVEST THE MONEY WELL” how´s that??!! Ummmmm No.I got AA in English! sorry to disappoint you.So don´t try to be so brash and cantankerous, mate!!! :)

    Dec 07th, 2013 - 01:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Why should CFK put the Falkland's and argentine future trade at stake,
    just to satisfy her deluded imperial ambitions,

    think of all the riches Argentina could have,
    just by being friendly to the Falkland's,

    instead they put greed corruption and bullying, first,
    no wonder they are envious and jealous of the Falkland'

    Dec 07th, 2013 - 07:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog


    Don't fret, they will invest it well-apart from the cock-up with the fishing boat in the 1980s that didn't work, the Islands have always been good investors-that's why they are not in debt and ALL of their population are looked after well.


    If Argentina were sensible enough to run their economy like the Islands they would indeed be mega-rich-and yes if the Argentines became Falkland Islanders (a proximity claim methinks once the Falklands become independent), as you say they would be in the EU and in the Commonwealth.

    Sadly they are in Mercusor which doesn't seem to be working that brilliantly.

    Dec 07th, 2013 - 10:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Joe Bloggs


    Is that the most recent story you can find about someone from the UK with some credibility who thinks the UK should stop paying for the Falklands? That article is more than 3 years old. The ground swell is so violent I can hardly stand up!

    Dec 07th, 2013 - 10:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund


    This is a viewpoint, a minority one to be sure, but certainly one that exists in the UK, and one which the Malvinistas are obviously keen to encourage.

    So who do they send as Ambassador to the UK?


    Dec 07th, 2013 - 11:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino


    I met an Argentine guy in Australia and he believes in self determination for everyone including the Falkland Islanders.

    Now thankfully, Argentina can withdraw all its protests at the UN.

    Dec 08th, 2013 - 07:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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