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Argentina makes its case to Forbes: 'commitment has been to treat all bondholders equally'

Friday, December 27th 2013 - 04:58 UTC
Full article 41 comments

By Cecilia Nahón (*) - The op-ed published on October 21 entitled “Supreme Court Moves Us Closer To Holding Deadbeat Argentina Accountable” openly distorts Argentina´s recent history and the facts surrounding its debt restructuring. Read full article


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  • Lord Ton

    In other words - to rob all the bondholders equally !

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 05:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gordo1

    “Finally, Argentina is a vibrant democracy firmly committed to the promotion of democratic values, the maintenance of international peace and security within the UN framework, the fight against international terrorism, drugs and human trafficking, the respect and protection of human rights, pluralism and multiculturalism, and, in particular, respect for the rule of law. Argentina’s constructive and valued role in the international community speaks for itself.”

    Really? Since when?

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 07:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • St.John

    “The Argentine people were unquestionably the default’s main victims, not beneficiaries.”

    Can somebody explain to me
    1. how Argentina acquired the debt?
    2. where the borrowed money went?
    3. How Argentina can be a “vibrant democracy firmly committed to the promotion of democratic values” when everyone who opposes the ruling kleptocracy is harrassed, fined, or jailed?

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 08:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • downunder

    “The Argentine people were unquestionably the default’s main victims, not beneficiaries.”
    Why is it that Argentina is always claiming to be the victim? Nobody forced them to borrow the money in the first place, people who live beyond their means inevitably end up in the debtors court.

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 08:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    “With an unemployment rate exceeding 21%, Argentina was at a critical juncture, with a paralyzed economy and a dire political situation, struggling to preserve social cohesion.”

    In other words: we don't want a rising up of the people becuase all the Marxists and Peronist idiots like me just might be chucked out of a plane over the Plate.

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 10:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Gads that women is gross. Doesn't she realize she needs to wash her hair and at least look clean while she is living in DC?
    I wonder who wrote that article for her, apparently her English isn't very good either.

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 11:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    To be truthful,
    CFK would be better to sell Argentina to china,
    Argent china,

    It may well deal with your debts ,…lol

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 11:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • RICO

    Argentina chose not to raise money in their own markets and instead raise their money in New York under New York law because they knew they would get to pay a lower interest rate as investors would feel safer protected by New York law. Those bond holders who have already agreed to Argentinas terms were bulldozed into it. Argentina should have entered into negotiations and paid a fair amount out. The fact that they did not is now what is causing them these problems. Argentina goes on boasting what a good bet it is and how asset rich it is but all this indicates is that it has taken advantage of its creditors. If you deal with people in bad faith it will always come back to bite you eventually.

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 12:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    #3 this is the new version of the “Dirty War” Kirchner's version. Abuse power to quell the opposition. Democracy is a buzzword. Ever notice how they use it in everything? Democratize the economy, democratize the judiciary, democratize the media....etc, etc.
    Yet when it come to democratizing the electoral process, squash the opposition.

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 12:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    Cecilia Nahon is the argie ambassador to the United States. In other words, a mouthpiece for argie liars. Would any honest person believe an argie?

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 03:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    The Argentine, an Argentine in general.....most of them I would. I married one.

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 04:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jmmsr1

    I was about to comment however, I still don't believe what I just read. Does this women actually believe that anyone who has the slightest knowledge of the facts accepts this with any grain of truth? To think she is an ambassador.....sheesh

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 06:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ron_57

    Carlos Menen borrowed too much money to build many projects that were not need it. The economy then changed and revenues were low not enough to pay the debt.
    But, Argentina is not having a 17 trillon dollars debt like the USA!

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 08:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Argentina doesn't even have an economy that can break the half a trillion mark and has fallen behind Colombia already.

    How about you try comparing your country to someone is the same league.

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 08:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Did Cecilia mention the FALKLANDS, if not she will probably be sacked, as I thought everything revolved around getting the FALKLANDS back.

    Dec 27th, 2013 - 11:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ron_57

    Obama keeps lying with many issues affecting the well being of millons usa citizens, ....To think he is a*t!

    Dec 28th, 2013 - 12:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Anglo....based on their current pace........they will be runners up to Iran, Cuba, hell and their role model.....North Korea. Were they not the #3 and now the # 3 in SA and on pace to be # 4 next year? It's not going to take much more mismanagement........Cuntlips really excels at that......even demands it from her minions.

    Dec 28th, 2013 - 12:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Yes at nominal market rates they have already slipped behind Colombia - the quiet achiever in Latin America.

    And they're on track to slipped behind Chile - who with less resources and less people is eclipsing Argentina left, right and centre.

    Dec 28th, 2013 - 12:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    16 Sussie

    Obama is the Shizz!!

    He's a nice Prez and he's got it goin' on with his health care plan.

    What have YOU done, lately?

    Dec 28th, 2013 - 01:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gordo1

    Odd thing! No trolls have appeared here to defend the comments of this lady - I wonder why?

    Dec 28th, 2013 - 10:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Most are in the dark without electricity. As Anglo noted in a previous attention to the ones that are no shows during the outages.

    Dec 28th, 2013 - 02:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • It's a TrOLL Road


    Then why do you people moan and cry when you get attacked by Arab terrorists in New York, London, Madrid?

    YOU attacked their countries, no one forced you to get involved in their affairs.

    @14, 15, 18

    You are insane, and have absolutely NO proof of the shit you spewed there. Oh,and Anglotino is a pathetic social racist, who views people with more money as superior.

    “ Sovereign debt restructurings will be virtually impossible in the future.”

    That was all that needed to be said, really.

    If the vultures win, then bankruptcy is out of the question for all nations period. No one in their right mind would consider sitting down and reestructuturing debt, because court precedent would indicate they are entitled to a return on their investment PLUS interest no matter what happens.

    The most amusing part is that the posters on this website, the vast majority fierce capitalists, are by siding against Argentina just to spite Argentina an assuage their burning hatred, siding against capitalism.

    If you guarantee a rate of return equal and greater than what you invested by court fiat, then you effectively have killed the risk/reward linchpin of the economic system. Why would anyone take any risk if the money is guaranteed? Money would cease to flow completely to not only “emerging markets” but to private entrepeneurs, because no one in their right mind would start a new business if they had to borrow money knowing that no matter what, they had to pay it back, no option of protection in case the venture fails.

    Bye bye capitalism. But as long as Argentina loses, these guys are alright with that. lol

    Dec 29th, 2013 - 03:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • downunder

    1 Argentina borrowed the money,
    2. Agentina can't (or wont) pay back the money.
    3, Argentina trys to play the victim card (again)

    Your self serving excuses for not paying your debts are just that, pathetic arguments that try to obsure the fact that Argentina is trying to use the system to live beyond its means and that they are screwing it up for others who are genuine borrowers (intend to pay back their loans).
    Whats the next move? I suppose Hector will be rushing back to the UN crying poor victim again and trying to garner support from some of Argentina's deadbeat mates.

    What a pathetic spectacle.

    Dec 29th, 2013 - 06:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    22. Your argument is a bit dated, Iceland, Greece are two examples of countries that negotiated IN GOOD FAITH with creditors and re-financed their debt SINCE ARGENTINA RENEGED on their obligations.

    You are a pathetic fool.
    Your country is going down in flames BECAUSE of this continued intransigence and being a scofflaw.
    If you don't see that you are dumber than I thought you were and that's saying a lot.
    Argentina will lose, Argentina will pay it is just a matter of time and the clock is up.
    Fuse is set and burning now

    Dec 29th, 2013 - 12:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gordo1

    Why does Argentina always blame its problems on others rather than accepting that most of their problems of their own making?

    Dec 29th, 2013 - 04:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Then why do you people moan and cry when you get attacked by Arab terrorists in New York, London, Madrid?

    YOU attacked their countries; no one forced you to get involved in their affairs.
    So who bombed your country?
    An alien .lol

    Dec 29th, 2013 - 07:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • It's a TrOLL Road


    We don't give a damn about your values, aussie.


    Iceland and Greece being White European nations got fair treatement. Argentina did not, there was no amicable negotiations.

    Argentina aint' paying, and it has already won.


    Because the problem in the world is Euros and NorthAms. Everyone knows that is a fact.


    They were targeting Jewish people, not Argentina per say. They didn't bomb the Subte. They did bomb your underground. They are targeting YOU.

    Dec 30th, 2013 - 12:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    27 snot nose

    “We don't give a damn about your values, aussie.”

    righttt-ttt, I bet you didn't say that when you borrowed the money.

    “Oh, please please, lend us money, our society is crumbling, everyone else is mean to us, please, please... ”

    sad nincompoop, Snotty.

    Dec 30th, 2013 - 03:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • downunder

    27 troll “We don't give a damn about your values, aussie.”
    That's obvious!
    But that’s a shame because if you learnt the value of dealing honestly and meeting your commitments, your country may redeem itself in the eyes of responsible nations and would begin to lose its reputation as a dead beat nation that doesn’t pay its debts.

    Dec 30th, 2013 - 06:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gordo1

    @ It's a TrOLL Road

    You are mistaken - the terrorists who attacked London and Madrid(New York????) were not Arabs, they were Islamic fundamentalists and non Arabs.

    Dec 30th, 2013 - 06:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Gordo titti boi tobi aka Troll road- does not know the difference of the people of the middle east, they are all Arabs to him. Persians , Turks and Arabs making up the radical extremists. The worst is those that do not understand that these guys live to die in their attempt to convert the world to Islam.
    Does he know that is a man rapes a woman he must financially compensate the victims family and apologize....thats all...UNLESS....he refutes it can claims it was consentual, then she is charged. If a woman claims rape.....she must produce 4 witnesses. Must often the women is then killed by the husband or father as a shame killing.

    Nice peoples they are.

    Dec 30th, 2013 - 10:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    27. I think the Greeks would be very surprised to learn that they are Whiter than Argentinians.
    What a supercilious fool you've become.
    You need to find a man while you're on vacation who can take you out of that sh*thole so you can see what a civilized country looks like.

    Dec 30th, 2013 - 11:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Totally irrelevant,
    A terrorist is a terrorist, no matter who they bomb,

    We can assure you , that these jihad’s would blow your family apart, as the rest of us,
    They care not who you are..


    Dec 30th, 2013 - 12:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Briton ......tobi the titti boi has never been to the middle east much less out of that shithole in mendoza.
    He has no clue in the difference between islamic fundamentalism and islamic extremism. I would love to have tobi ask a bedouin to see his janbiya out of it's sheath.
    Yeah tobi.....the extremists would take great pleasure slicing through your throat followed by sawing through your c4, 5 or 6 if you are an infidel. And that titti tobi is anyone that is not islamic. Their goal is world domination of islam. They will convert the world to islam and kill any muslim who converts from islam. These few, minority thinkers gets all the attention from their extreme actions.

    Dec 30th, 2013 - 07:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sergio Vega

    Can anyone tell me in what fairy tale is she living.....????
    Maybe it can be one where the truth is the lie and the lie is the truth, the bad is good and the good is bad, the darkness is the clearness and the clearness is darkness, the corruption is integrity and integrity is other words, all the values are disrupted.
    But not all the Argentines are like her and her boss & Co......There are a lot of them that don´t believe that kind of fairy tales.......They are those which believe on hard work, sober habits, in any other country.....
    The problem is there is a gang of unscrupulous that keep the power for themselves no matter what it means for the rest of the people of the country.....

    Dec 31st, 2013 - 02:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    27. Argentina aint' paying, and it has already won

    I missed that gem.

    Yeah take a look at any newspaper from your country CLEARLY all is well.

    Between you CFK and her minions I think you are all over proscribed Lithium. Delusional isn't the half of it!

    Dec 31st, 2013 - 12:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GFace

    @27 “They were targeting Jewish people, not Argentina per say. They didn't bomb the Subte. They did bomb your underground. They are targeting YOU.”

    So you, little piece of brownshirt bait, Jewish people in Argentina aren't Argentines “per se”? No doubt the AMIA victims didn't and their survive don't have real rights -- not like white goyim authentic Argentineans like you do; no wonder why CFK is rolling them and people like you shrug it off since it puts an fork in the eye of the big Norte, after all, they're only Jews. And always that “per se.” It's so useful when disgusting little hypermationalist racists like you need to marginalize The Other, especially when they're your countrymen-but-not-your-countrymen-“per-se”.

    Dec 31st, 2013 - 02:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Yankee titti boi tobi views this self destruction a victory lap for winning.


    Did you read in the 4 babies that died in Quilmes by fire?

    They are idiots. Macri wanted to adjust to DST and it would save a hour a day of electrical demand and they told him to “work more hours”. They continually cut their noses off just to spite their face.

    Dec 31st, 2013 - 05:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • It's a TrOLL Road


    What are you talking about?

    I stated a fact. The arab terrorist targeted Jewish targets in Argentina, not ALL argentines. Jewish Argentines are Argentines, but being Jewish the terrorist tie them to Israel, and the Arabs have a slight problem with Israel.

    All of that are facts.

    IF they wanted to just inflict damage on ALL Argentines, they would have bombed the Buenos Aires subway. Fact.

    IF they did not have a problem with the BRITISH, only with British Jews, they would have bombed some British-Jewish center in 2005. They didn't. They bombed your underground. Why? You invaded Iraq, their country.

    Just as you say Argentines are responsible for the debt their government incurs, YOU are responsible for the wars your government picks up. Simple as that.

    Jan 01st, 2014 - 05:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GFace

    @39 “IF they wanted to just inflict damage on ALL Argentines, they would have bombed the Buenos Aires subway. Fact.”

    Make up your mind, Brownshirt Bait. Argentines weren't targeted by Iran “per se” but just Jews so you can feel good about your government selling them out because they probably deserved it being insepratbale from Israelis -- after all you never can trust the national loyalty of Jews (an oldie but for racists like you, it's a classic that never best old). Tell me, if some anti- Uruguayan terrorist maniac couldn't get at a Uruguayan due to not finding them or not having the guts to go after one that can fight back, is it ok if they take a whack at you since you are all Latin Americans and lets face it if they have a slight problem with Uruguay, who can blame them.

    BUT AQ targeted all Brits and all Spaniard and not just people who used mass transit (which apparently counts for Argentines too even if you don't dig the underground, does that mean that claustrophobes should feel no solidarity towards victims of the Madrid or London underground bombings?), likewise they didn't just target American and United flyers and people who don't work in finance.

    What a twisted knot your nationalistic racist (and now we see, antisemetic) rants tie you in. What a waste of a life you live.

    And actually, Brownshirt Bait, Iraqis (or Afghans) didn't do the deed on 7/7 you stupid little racist. The only non-native-British bomber emigrated to the UK from Jamaica. What, do they all look alike to you? Why would anyone be surprised at THAT?

    Jan 01st, 2014 - 06:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    They didn't. They bombed your underground. Why? You invaded Iraq, their country.
    so how many non brits died on the underground.?
    did their countries invade Iraq..

    Jan 02nd, 2014 - 12:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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