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Venezuelan situation could delay the Mercosur summit scheduled for March

Monday, February 24th 2014 - 04:49 UTC
Full article 9 comments

The Mercosur summit is still scheduled for March but given the current situation in Venezuela, host of the event, “there could be another delay” admitted Paraguay's Foreign minister Eladio Loizaga, who added that there are permanent contacts between members countries to try and avoid another scenario. Read full article


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  • ChrisR

    I posted when they announced it was March, “did they mean 2015”?

    Seems I might have got it right.

    What a complete farce of a country, I wonder how long it will take the bus driver that he is on his own, apart from 50,000 Cuban “advisors”?

    Feb 24th, 2014 - 10:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • bushpilot

    Go nowhere, fall far behind the rest of the world, and then get re-elected because it isn't fair the rest of the world went somewhere.

    Feb 24th, 2014 - 07:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Here in faraway Chile is a growing community of middle class Venezuelans that have escaped for a more stable lifestyle. They all remain in close contact with their homeland and the gossip we hear is astounding.
    I lived through the UP period in Santiago during the 70's, but it seems that the current economic and political atmosphere in Caracas is far worse.
    Forget about toilet paper and cooking oil and instead imagine hospitals without medicine and electricity...

    Feb 24th, 2014 - 07:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    Just tweeted by Macri

    “Sr. Maduro, donde usted ve al enemigo, yo solo veo venezolanos ”


    Feb 24th, 2014 - 09:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GFace

    @4 His Facebook page has a longer version if this...

    Feb 24th, 2014 - 10:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @5 Thanks, I don't do linkies. :)

    I did post the text on another thread but the link is better as the comments are interesting.

    Feb 24th, 2014 - 10:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    you are not the only with crystal balls....... lol!

    I remember pouring scorn on this when first announced. And I'm sure others may have too

    sounds like Loizaga is already getting nervous. ...

    How can this country be expecting to hold International Trade Summits whilst Caracas burns and the Economy collapses?

    Seriously, would anyone show up?

    I would have to laugh if it wasn't so tragic.
    The Tupamaros murdered another student today. Headshot. Left him laying in the street outside his College. Wasn't even on a protest....

    Feb 25th, 2014 - 12:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GFace

    @6 The comments supporting Macri's post/tweet are indeed heartening. And no doubt terrifying to Maduro. The only thing a fascist fears more than someone having an opinion is knowing that other people also hearing it.

    Feb 25th, 2014 - 01:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @8 I think the best point he made is that we do not confuse the actions of the government with the people.

    “The other days the Argentine Government ratified its ”total and absolute support“. It should not be confused to the Argentine with the Argentine Government, as we do not confuse it to you with the Venezuelans. ” Or words to that effect.

    It is impressive to see so many level-headed comments from Argentines.

    Feb 25th, 2014 - 04:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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