The National Portrait Gallery in London and the BBC unveiled their first joint painted portrait commission – of Falklands War veteran Simon Weston by artist Nicky Philipps. Weston was voted last September by viewers of BBC One’s The One Show as the public figure who most deserved to have his picture displayed at the National Portrait Gallery. Read full article
Disclaimer & comment rulesNo-one should forget that THIS is what argies did. Out of the more than 70 operations, how many did argieland pay for? THIS is the price that Simon Weston and Britain paid for the freedom of the people of the Falkland Islands. I would like to pay great tribute to his wife, Lucy. They were married EIGHT years after he was disfigured, for life, by argies. Look at him, Falklanders. This is one of the many prices paid for YOU.
Mar 21st, 2014 - 12:10 pm - Link - Report abuse +1One of our greatest and bravest heroes!
Mar 21st, 2014 - 01:05 pm - Link - Report abuse +1This man symbolises our fight for the islanders right to chose their own destiny and this will always be the case. A very brave man who has overcome terrible injuries and has done so much for the 'cause'. I had the pleasure and privilege to meet him last year...a funny, intelligent and articulate man, top bloke!
Mar 21st, 2014 - 02:00 pm - Link - Report abuse +1A great guy. Quite the most deserving portrait.
Mar 21st, 2014 - 06:45 pm - Link - Report abuse +1Hey Conqueror you big drag / drama queen that you are!
Mar 21st, 2014 - 07:57 pm - Link - Report abuse -1hugs and kisses
Interesting how the Belgrano sinking was according to some Argentines a war crime, but not the attacks on Galahad and Sir Tristram.
Mar 21st, 2014 - 08:16 pm - Link - Report abuse +1Full marks to Simon for not letting his personal tragedy blur the justice his like brought to the Falkland Islanders.
here, here.....we fully respect Simon and his family and all others who died in this conflict including the Argentinians and their families just as we reject killing and wars of any kind - there is no justification for that - peace and respect to all
Mar 21st, 2014 - 09:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0What a marvellous man Simon Weston is, especially when you contrast him with the cowardly argie “veterans” who, daily, make the lives of other Britons a “bit of a nuisance” when they burn tyres and threaten ship’s Captains at knifepoint unless large sums of money changes hands.
Mar 21st, 2014 - 10:28 pm - Link - Report abuse +1They are not fit to shovel shit when compared to this man and other British vets who are far more respectful of the Argentine dead than some twat with a LOSERS medal. Thinking about it, that is probably the job the arges have in real life when considering how much TMBOA thinks of them.
Not a great fan of her work...she is rather hit and miss....
Mar 21st, 2014 - 11:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0...let me slip into art critic mode.....
With her portrait of the Queen for the stamp you would be hard pressed to recognise her....
With the portrait of Harry and William..Harry is good but William looks like a Manikin...
I'm also not keen on the compositional aspect of Simon stood behind the chair and the dark background tone to the right and looking upwards's almost as if he is peering out of a corner....
The chair has also become the stronger focal point...
....she also lacks in technical aspects....the light source is directional from slightly above the subject and to the right of centre which would eliminate the dark shadows to the right, yet there is a conflicting light source casting a shadow of the back of the chair onto the wall...the light source would have to be almost behind the chair to create this.....
What else....oh yes she has also repeated one of her common mistakes of using facial tones and colour too similar to the loses clarity....
...and the head is slightly to small....if anything, as the view is from just above it should look slightly bigger than normal....a bit like the opposite of Michelangelo's David.... because it was 17 feet and viewed from below he made the head disproportionately bigger to it wouldn't appear as a tiny head....
here is a photo of the correct proportions of Simon's head to body ratio...
like I said...I'm not a fan....
9 a_Voice
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 03:14 am - Link - Report abuse +1It's more about honouring a man for his sacrifice, honour and contributions to his fellow Britons, than how nice the painting is.
It is a measure of his esteem that his picture is displayed in the National Gallery.
Is your picture in the Casa Rosada ??
My respects to Mr. Simon Weston. He seems to be a victim but he is, it is quite clear, a succesfull man that overcame the tragedy that hit his life.
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 03:15 am - Link - Report abuse -1This is the price that the UK paid for retain the FI but some people here still believe that the final word belongs to the Islanders...
And you Mr. Big Mouth Conqueror, have you started the campaign to cancel the direct flights between the FI and Chile (using the Argentine Air Space)? What a pathetic person are you !!!!..full of hate and stupidity....
Argie troll art critic lacking any sort of imagination, and living in the land of the colourists, whatever next?
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 10:51 am - Link - Report abuse +1@11 pgerman
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 12:31 pm - Link - Report abuse +1Of course the final word belongs to the Islanders.
Simon Weston joined the British Army to protect the UK and it's dependencies from anyone who would do them harm. Anyone who joins the British Armed Forces is under NO illusion that sacrifices may have to be made, including the ultimate sacrifice - their lives.
Yet they join willingly, and serve with honour.
To turn around and deny freedom to the Falkland Islanders would be the greatest INSULT to those men who fought for their freedom, and an even greater insult to those who lost their lives or were seriously injured.
Seeing the Falkland Islanders living their lives the way they want to, in freedom, safety and peace is the greatest reward any of those who fought in the Falkland Islands can have.
You, with your obvious lack of knowledge of the British mentality, seems to think that the Falkland Islanders should get down on their knees and grovel to the UK, when in fact the UK was only doing its duty to protect its overseas territories and their peoples.
It is the duty of every serviceman and woman to protect the lives of British citizens, to protect their homes and their land. One doesn't ask for constant reward for doing ones duty, only that they are honoured for doing their duty.
And the Falkland Islanders HAVE honoured those men that fought for their freedom. They do it every day by living their lives in freedom, by tending the graves of the dead - be they friend or foe - and most importantly by never forgetting their sacrifice.
I guess honour doesn't register in the Argentine mentality it's all about how much each individual can get out of it.
The price of freedom isn't counted in money, it's counted in blood, sweat and tears. And that is why you can't understand why the British taxpayer has NO problem with spending money to defend the Falkland Islands from Argentine colonial ambitions. It's because we rather spend something of little value - money - than what is truly valuable - life.
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 01:55 pm - Link - Report abuse -1Actually 90% of the article is devoted to art, portraiture the artist etc.....
So my comment has value, especially as it draws attention to seeing what most people do not....because a painting is in a gallery doesn't necessarily mean it's good!
In what way is, having a critical eye and understanding of the construction, basic rules of colour and perspective, indicative of a lack of imagination..?
This second rate artist is hardly in the realms of Gainsborough, Van Dyck, Whistler, Rembrandt, Velázquez, Raphael, al....
Great artists don't need to enter competitions to qualify themselves....
BTW...not just the Colourists....but the Glasgow Four....the Boys and the time you are in Helensburgh...pop into Hill House and appreciate a bit of Art and history.....
If you have the imagination for it.....I doubt it.....
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 02:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Art appreciation is subjective, and you have shown yourself to be more subjective than most, consistently.
This is about honouring the man, the subject, not the artwork.
Naturally, you feel no emotional or patriotic connection to this piece or it's subject, as you are not English, not Scottish, and not British.
Therefore, your comments on this item are irrelevant.
I don't know how you consider yourself qualified as an Art Critic? Just as your opinion as a Legal Historian relating to Falklands historical sovereignty is self-proclaimed and in defiance of many internationally recognised and published historians.
Again, irrelevant.
You are of course, entitled to have your own opinion...
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 03:27 pm - Link - Report abuse -1It is fairly obvious that you know nothing about Art....let me point you in the right direction with a quote or two and a link perhaps for you to get a better do not know me or my qualifications....
The appreciation of Art, and beauty in general, is all about the making of, debate about, and arguments for & against, various aesthetic judgments.
Aesthetic judgments - judgments of taste are neither one nor the other, they can be both subjective and objective.
....more nonsense from you....
Naturally, you feel no emotional or patriotic connection to this piece or it's subject, as you are not English, not Scottish, and not British.
Therefore, your comments on this item are irrelevant.
So....a South Atlantic news forum means you need to be British to be relevant....That disqualifies you...Canadian....
...also where is your logic....if an article has only 10% of it referring to Simon Weston how is the other 90% not relevant...
You see what you want to see in an article instead of what is actually written....
....concerning Art you will just have to take my word for it that I am more qualified than you and most folk....
I have consistently posted various times that I have more than an interest in Art...
So Zip it good!
If you want to look at paintings with blinkered eyes...that's your prerogative don't criticise me for not.....
@ 15 Troy Tempest
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 04:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Why do you have to go and set the sock puppet running off at the moth again?
You KNOW it only upsets the Lunatic of Chew Butt when his missives are ignored or the piss taken out of them. :o)
16 A_VoiceofThinkedover
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 05:13 pm - Link - Report abuse do not know me or my qualifications....
...give me strength!
Nobody knows anything about you because you choose to keep it secret, for your own reasons.
Now, you're righteously indignant ??!
Hilarious!! You can't have it both ways, you conceited arse!!
We'll just have to go by your past actions,
- caught out in lies, half-truths, and outright fabrications
- refusal to say whether you are Scottish, though you pose as one and use it for further Cat & Mouse games
- ludicrous pedantic caricature of a Scotsman
- always take the Argentine opposing view over Falklands sovereignty
- collusion with known Trolls
- NEVER criticise Argentina - hmmmm
Saying something unkind about Simon Weston being honoured is just not on, but you ignore that as the subject of the article. You do not even acknowledge him, but pretend that it is the technique and style of the artwork that is the focus
- anything to find a way to criticise and DEFLECT from the true subject, Mr. Weston, and his significance.
So now, you deliberately have us wandering OFF- TOPIC, and better still, talking about YOU, again.
You are not English, you don't claim to be Scottish, you won't say who you are or what your national allegiance/background is.
Therefore, it is very possible that your unkind/untrue/anti- British statements are politically or culturally influenced by an element hostile to the UK and the Falklands.
Secrecy doesn't 't help.
Your opinions are irrelevant.
At the same time, you know nothing about me, though I have been forthcoming. You only latched onto labels like Canadian or British wannabe as an attempt to discredit my opinions and rebuttals to your outlandish claims.
Tea hee hee! I think Voice thinks he is some sort of Artist, but its probably not the sort of artist he thinks he is. :-) A fan of Mr Vetriano, anything realistic will do…
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 05:34 pm - Link - Report abuse +1I have never seen anything nice or positive from him, what a sad man :-(
The bottom line about Art, Music and Literature is that you either like what you see,hear or read or you don't.
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 06:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0It's a subjective opinion.
Well done,Simon Weston!
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 07:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Well deserved recognition.
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 07:35 pm - Link - Report abuse -1So...what are you good at..everyone is good at something.....?
Simon Weston....poor guy..but it's not the only portrait of him...
He was a casualty, there were many casualties....a lot of them dead...he survived. He appears to have more recognition than them because of the nature of his injuries. How about those shot in combat where are their portraits...
I'm ambivalent about was nothing new...he basically ripped off Edward Hopper's style of painting, take a look at his the famous diner nighthawks...
Look at the use of light...very similar.....also a similar play of light in Hockney's work....
Or it's an objective opinion......
Voice, can you paint? Or, are you merely a self appointed critic (the easy option). Has your work ever been exhibited, or are you are bag of wind, like those on your pipes? Are you a musician, a singer, a sculptor a designer or what? You can say what you like but here you are missing the point of this tribute to an inspirational figure that personifies Britain at its best, bravery, fortitude, and forgiveness. If you miss the point on that why should we listen to or be impressed by your critical whingeing?
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 08:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Put up or shut up!
22 A_voiceofThinkedover
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 10:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0He was a casualty, there were many casualties....a lot of them dead...he survived. He appears to have more recognition than them because of the nature of his injuries. How about those shot in combat where are their portraits... ?
So, A_Voice, you don't think he's worthy of recognition?
Didn't you read the article?
Weston suffered 46% burns to his body and face. He underwent more than 70 operations to reconstruct his face, and credits his family and old regiment with helping him overcome extreme psychological trauma. He became a popular media personality, and is a writer and patron of a number of charities supporting people living with disfigurements, including the Healing Foundation.
That quite readily illustrates what your subjective, or as you insist objective, opinion is worth.
But hey, that's YOUR opinion and you're entitled to it - just don't expect others to read that and not think you're a compete ass-wipe.
I suppose the question now is, what is A_Voice good at?
Troy, according to him its blowing a bagpipe, and now he is claiming to be a Brian Sewell! No wonder he is billy no mates.
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 11:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0....he's good at taking the P!ss out of you...
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 11:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I reckon you are one of those rare entities that are good at nothing....
I have never noted a single mention of the appreciation of the finer thing in life in any of your posts... are a Philistine.....
You are never of the many sheeple...
All you do is post comments that you hope will conform to the general consensus of Anglo opinion... know nothing and contribute nothing of any value...
I say what I think and don't care what other people think....
Yes I pity the condition of the poor guy...but that was his career choice.
Don't enlist if you think it's just a game of soldiers....a serious health warning goes with the may be killed or seriously injured....'s in the small print....
There are many fireman, policeman etc that get burnt or injured doing their job....
Where are their portraits...?
This is just a political tool and media circus..
Canadian bland and a waste of space....
25 nololly
Mar 22nd, 2014 - 11:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0LOL !
More likely, tea-bagging.
Now Voice is an arbiter of taste and yet he has no personal achievements? Piping isnt an achievement, its an annoyance. Its all just deflection. He has obviously never been to SA the Falklands or South Georgia. I am well ahead of him there. He's a Think accolite, say no more..
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 12:38 am - Link - Report abuse 028 Long John Silver
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 01:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0Now Voice is an arbiter of taste and yet he has no personal achievements?
I shouldn't pay any attention to A-Voice.
I don't care what he thinks or says, or whether he approves of me or not.
He can air his pretensions all he likes, but I have no interest in being chummy, being his pal, or seeking that approval by engaging in chitter- chat or discussing my private life with a callous, malicious, fraud,the likes of VoiceThink.
ThinkVoice/DoD - always trying to impress, always trying to command attention.
Best not to talk with him when he tries to DIVERT.
@ 8
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 04:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0What a marvellous man Simon Weston is, especially when you contrast him with the cowardly argie “veterans” who, daily, make the lives of other Britons a “bit of a nuisance” when they burn tyres and threaten ship’s Captains at knifepoint unless large sums of money changes hands.
This is absolutely false. Most of the argentine people who fought the war don´t want to keep on with stupid things. I talked to some of them and you can read interviews, and even books written for them, and they are as honorable as Mr. Weston.
By the way most of you prefer to ignore that Simon met the Argentine pilot who attacked, and bombed, his ship and they became friends. This is something to hide......showing two enemies that are now friends, and respect each other, is something hard to eat for most of the people here.
It is much better to show to british taxpayers, and the World, that Argentina is the cruel and fascist dark country that want to expel the Islanders from their homes as the Uk did with Chagos people.
@ 13
The price of freedom isn't counted in money, it's counted in blood, sweat and tears. And that is why you can't understand why the British taxpayer has NO problem with spending money to defend the Falkland Islands from Argentine colonial ambitions. It's because we rather spend something of little value - money - than what is truly valuable - life.
Nice words but I am an adult so I know the way the World function. You cannot write in the name of the taxpayers or the relatives of the casualties.
If it is not a matter of money, I insist, when are you going to start a campaign to cancel all the flights between FI and Chile using the Argentine Air Space. Go directly from FI to London...who cares about money? With such important Defense Budget you can try to convince the UK PM to afford the flights..after all he is a leader that promised the Islander that he will do anything needed to keep the Islanders lives as they want.
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 07:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0It serves Argentina to have an air link between Chile and FI.
If your war dead families want access to FI, this is so far, the only compromise worked out between the two countries.
Argentina will not allow direct flights between BA and Stanley, unless they control it completely, using AA planes and dictating terms to FI Customs & Immigration as to who can enter the Islands and what documentation is required.
No country in their right mind would suspend their sovereignty and cede control of their borders to foreign power, especially one that previously invaded and promised to do so again, if they had the chance.
Likewise, they are not going to rely on a foreign untrustworthy state for their sole air access, or allow it to control all flights - REGARDLESS OF COST.
There, the Brits and the Islanders have put their money where their mouths are, as you insisted.
This is the only compromise you are going to get. There will be no backing down.
Argentina is free to restrict its airspace, just as the FI are free to suspend entry of Argentine citizens, aggressors.
@30 pgerman
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 09:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0I am offering my opinion as an ex-British serviceman, and a British citizen. You only BELIEVE that you know how the world works, when all you are offering is YOUR opinion how YOU believe the world works. Well maybe in Argentina money is the MOST important thing, but it isn't everywhere in the world.
I know from my experiences that the British mentality, when it comes to money, is very different from that of Argentines.
It's very obvious when all YOU talk about is how much defending the Falklands costs the UK taxpayer. Well as a UK taxpayer, the defence of the UK and it's overseas territories are the TOP priority for my tax money. The same is true for many others. And since you aren't a UK taxpayer one has to wonder why you care how much of my taxes goes on defending the Falklands? An ulterior motive to try and get the military presence defending the Falklands removed so Argentina can invade again and oppress and murder the Falkland Islanders, no doubt. But the British aren't naive and we aren't stupid. We also honour those that defend us from aggressive countries, like Argentina, but honour is something alien to Argentines, isn't it?
We don't like seeing British servicemen and women killed and wounded in wars, although we never shirk our obligations and duties, so we are happy to spend money - which really isn't that important in the grand scheme of things - than spend lives to defend the Falklands from Argentine imperialistic colonial aggression. It's called playing the long game. Sometimes it can seem initially expensive, but over time it is far more economical.
Argentina only plays the short game, whatever it can get now, today. It doesn't plan for the future or for future generations of Argentines. It's a very dangerous way to live your lives.
All YOU care about is money. It's obvious from your posts.
As for the flights from Chile to the Falklands, just where did I say I wanted them stopped?
Now you are looking even more foolish, aren't you?
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 01:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I guess you have a point. Nicky Philipps portrait of Prince William and Harry has always struck me as stiff and stilted. Her portrait of HM The Queen is not a great likeness. I have yet to see her portrait of Simon Weston in the flesh, but first impressions in the newspapers and on the ‘net are not encouraging. The composition is a little odd. It appears a little skewed to my eyes. However the real thing may give a different impression.
Having said all that this naturally takes nothing away from the man himself, who is rightly widely admired and respected throughout the country. A man of great courage and dignity who certainly is deserving of a place in our National Portrait gallery.
@ 30 pgerman
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 05:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I am sure a FEW of the people who fought in the war were OK, but they weren’t Argentines were they. Weren’t they Patagonian / Chile conmscriipts who were underfed, under resourced for clothing, untrained in armed warfare and led by a bunch of cowardly, fascist, officers? I think I have that right considering the crapping that went on in people’s houses and the post office, the sighting of anti-aircraft guns within the civilian housing to prevent retaliation, etc, etc.
And why, if they abhor the war so much did all the tyre burning thugs that call themselves “veterans” want a medal commemorating one which was lost?
No, I think I have it just about right.
@5 Keep your queer histrionics to yourself!
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 05:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@11 Why would I want to stop flights between the Falkland Islands and Chile? As for using argie air space, are you aware of the Freedoms of the air? You may want to get your head around argieland having signed and ratified the Chicago Convention. Would you like to move to having your country's aircraft having to obtain specific permission before flying over every state's territory that it crosses? But you have given me an idea. A campaign to stop the Chile/FI flight landing in argieland. And another to deny argies arriving by air landing in FI. Let them walk! Hate and stupidity! You think? Why would I hate a warmongering place that invaded and occupied? Why would I hate a place that took the lives of 255 British servicemen and 3 Islanders? Why would I hate a place that did such things without a smidgeon of legality or legitimacy? Why would I hate a place that IGNORED the resolutions of an organisation that it now relies on and runs to at every opportunity? As for stupidity. There is a degree of stupidity, I agree. Why didn't the UK nuke argieland in 1982? Why did UK forces take prisoners? Why does the FI permit an argie bone pit? Why isn't it all dug up, slurped into a container and dropped in the ocean off BA?
@13 To be fair, members of the British Armed Forces join to assist and protect those who need them.
@14, 16 et al. Twat!
@30 Several jokes in one. argentine people! Who's seen one of these? honourable, despite your sub-normal American spelling, when has anything argie between honourable? You invade, occupy, start a war and get beaten. Under international law, the relevant territory is the property of the victor. But not for you. You continue war by other means. As for Simon Weston meeting and becoming friends with the argie pilot. This demonstrates how mature Brits are compared to the pigswill argies. Apologies to pigs.
33 rupertbrooks0
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 06:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Thank you, an honest man amongst the detractors...and one with an eye for art....
One that doesn't just disagree for the sake of it.....
I do have more than a passing interest in art and know my way round a Kolinsky Sable.
I don't know whether you paint or not....if not have still proved that one doesn't need to paint to be a critic....
I haven't seen the painting in the flesh either, but it was probably painted from posing and photographic reference with the use of back lighting to one side of the subject for the photos and she has mistakenly used both light happens when working from a photo reference to do all the boring bits to save long tedious sittings....
As for the rest of your post... I agree with what you say.....
@35 Conqueror.....sub-normal?...YES !!! found the right are sub-normal....apologies to the other sub-normal.
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 08:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@34 ChrisR
I am sure a FEW of the people who fought in the war were OK, but they weren’t Argentines were they. Weren’t they Patagonian / Chile conmscripts who were underfed, under resourced for clothing, untrained in armed warfare and led by a bunch of cowardly, fascist, officers?..for God's sake...Are you the sub-normal Conqueror using a different account?
All the tyre burning thugs that call themselves “veterans” are accepting that the people who demonstrate and burn UK flags and tyres are not war veterans. Thank you.
@ 32 LEPRecon
All YOU care is about money?. Is it obvious from your posts?
All YOU, the Uk and the Islanders care is about money. When the Islanders were poor, a second class citizens forgotten by the UK, Argentina helped you with gas, petrol, ER, supplies, direct flights to the continent at a bargain prices.
Now the Islanders are rich, the money is invested but UK taxpayers but the Islanders are rich, but they still prefer to save money using the Argentine Air Space. I, honestly, would like to see both, the Islanders and the UK, saying Argentina? thank you, we don't want to have anything with these people. We will flight directly to the UK since we are rich so we can afford direct flights from the FI to the UK.
Why begging for the Argentine Air Space? Why begging for favours to the dark country? Grow up and make yourselves independent... that includes paying for your own accounts...including defense.
So, LEPRecon , you don't care about money? Pay large flights to London...
Argentine people cannot fly to another place to visit their relatives graves but Islanders, and UK people, can be in direct connection avoiding the dark Country” favors.
Don't you think that are looking more foolish, aren't you?
@ 37 pgerman
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 10:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You think the argies who were at the Falklands are going to tell you the truth? Dear me.
And when are you going to learn the truth for yourself? Start with the argie “Officer” who, when the conscripts on the Islands (the Falklands, there are NO Malvinas) asked for food as they were starving, even though there was a warehouse of it, brought over by the “Glorious” argie “Navy”, SHOT THE POOR BASTARD in full sight of the Islanders. It seems his name is known and his present whereabouts known but NOTHING has been done about it. Such paragons of truth the argies.
Oh, nearly forgot! You accuse us of caring about money. Fair enough, I have had enough of “No Money Pepe” spending OUR taxes on “the poor”, the wankers who have never worked at school and like their parents see no need to worry now Pepe is giving them money NOT to work.
But even that is eclipsed by the actions of your fellow argies (who are in The Dark Country unlike you of course) and is summarised by the following:
“Argentina: spending other people’s money since 1810 © RICO 2013”
I suppose you have never heard of the default(s), never mind, there is another one coming soon.
Mar 23rd, 2014 - 11:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0No I'm not a painter, although I have indulged in street art, which isn't the same thing. Always had an interesdt in art. Picked it up at school where they taught us art history and took us on trips to the National Gallery.
Of course, Nicky Philipps’ effort isn’t the worse portrait of the Queen, of which there have been a surprisingly large number. That honour surely goes to Rolf Harris’ feeble effort. I discount totally Tracey Emins “drawing”. HM the Queen has also been painted, as I’m sure you’re aware by amongst others Lucien Freud, Andy Warhol, Annigoni, Peter Blake, Andrew Festing, Micheal Leonard, Justin Mortimer (weird) and dozens of others. I’m particularly drawn to Rupert Alexander's portrait of HM The Queens Jubilee portrait of a couple of years ago. Austere and enigmatic. It has that hypnotic quality which holds the attention.
God knows what Her Majesty made of George Condo’s effort of some 10 years ago. See:
39 rupertbrooks0
Mar 24th, 2014 - 01:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0Hey there's nothing wrong with street art...Banksy has made a bob or two out of it..he had a lot of fun in NewYork....
It's all expression....
If you have an eye for art...clued up on proportions and perspective....technique and skill will follow.
Get back into it if you have the time...join a class....
Looked at Rupert Alexander's portrait of HM The Queen...the guy has good technical ability though I would have preferred to see a little warmth in there.....
40 A_Voice
Mar 24th, 2014 - 02:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0Well indeed, I have a friend, the Hackney street artist, Stik. I shared a squat with him some 10 years ago. He’s done well with his street art, stick people. Quite a celebrity. Been on the TV, travels the world to paint his stuff, and it’s all so simple. People seem to like it. He;s sold paintings to the Duke of Kent and Brian May (guitarist with Queen) Just shows what can be done. He’s really dedicated though, and that’s pretty important.
@ 38 ChrisR
Mar 24th, 2014 - 02:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0You think the Brits who were at the Falklands are going to tell you the truth? Dear me.
And when are you going to learn the truth for yourself? Start with the Britsh “Officer” who, piloting a Sea Harrier over the Islands attacked some civil houses killing three islanders. He was enroled in the the “Glorious” british “Royal Navy”. HE SHOT THE POOR CIVILIAN in full sight of the Islanders and the World. It seems his name is known and his present whereabouts known but NOTHING has been done about it. Such paragons of truth the Brits.
I suppose you have never heard about this incident, never mind, the islanders do not like to mention this to the press..otherwise...who would believe that they suffered a brutal nazi invasion?.
Oh, nearly forgot! Do not even mentioned that PM Margaret Thatcher, and Ronald Reagan, considered The Junta a ally and she sold them plenty of weapons dreaming with more money in a expected war between Argentina and Chile. Was Margaret son a weapons dealer?..she might be dreaming about bringing some money to her boy.
Oh, nearly forgot! Do not even mentioned that PM Margaret got support and assistance, and pay it back, from Gral Pinochet....I know that she, and her followers, like to be considered freedom lovers....and freedom fighters. Who cares about the chilean victims of Pinochet?..the Islanders for sure not.
I remember quite well the Argentine aware another default is comming are quite lucky...CFK is just another corrupt politician waiting for money. She will leave the country broken promise
@37 pgerman
Mar 24th, 2014 - 06:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0Oooh I must've hit a nerve because your English has suddenly become much worse than usual. I wonder why that is? A new shift on duty at La Campora headquarters perhaps?
Most of your post appears to be just a rant without any sentence structure or sense.
Thank you for proving my point that you do not understand the British mentality, especially regarding money.
Money is ALL you think about, that much is obvious. I'm not saying that British people don't believe money is important, but we certainly don't feel that it is the be all and end all of everything. It certainly isn't more important than people's lives.
Now to answer some of the rants in your post.
1stly - prior to the illegal Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982, it would be true to say that most British people didn't know anything about the Falkland Islands, and many thought (due to the Scottish nature of their name) that they were somewhere off Scotland. HOWEVER, when Argentina did invade, Britain stepped up and FULFILLED it's obligation to the Falkland Islanders by LIBERATING them from the murderous Argentine regime. The cost of that was 255 British servicemen and 3 Falkland Islanders. Yes the Falkland Islanders were killed by mistake by British forces, BUT accidents happen in wars, it wasn't deliberate.
What IS known is that the Argentine regime had plans to ethnically cleanse the islands, so if the British hadn't liberated the Islands then ALL of them would have 'disappeared' like many of your countrymen did.
2ndly - the British didn't know about oil in 1982 when we liberated the Islands, so your inference that the ONLY reason that the British want the Islands is because of the oil is erroneous and BASED on one of your own reasons for wanting the Islands - so you can exploit the natural resources for yourselves. As for the oil, the ONLY people who'll get the revenue are the people of the Falklands NOT the British.
So again you've shown what a fool you are. Pathetic.
Mar 24th, 2014 - 09:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0The only 3 civilian deaths I know of in the Falkland's war was when a shell from HMS Avenger hit a house in Stanley and killed the three civilian occupants.
From your rant, I presume that you are saying that this was a deliberate act by UK Forces to kill some islanders ?
As to the widely known story that it was a Harrier pilot who deliberately fired at the house in order to kill the civilian occupants, it is the first I have heard of it and I have read just about everything printed on the subject..
It sounds like one of the Argie fairy tales about the number of times they sank HMS Invincible.
Do you seriously believe that this could have been hushed up for 32 years?
We could ask any of the Islanders who post here if what you say is true.
Here is a bit of whataboutism. What about the Argentinians who hid among the civilian population of Stanley, concealed artillery there with women and children next to them ?
What a splendid bunch of heroes they were !!!
Mar 24th, 2014 - 12:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I really that pgerman is what he says he is, not La Campora, but an Argentinian working at a downtown Vancouver engineering firm.
He is anti-CFK, however he is a strong believer that the Falklsnds belong to Argentina.
Though he doesn't appear to be a Malvinista even though his arguments are passionate, but flawed.
Wait a minute, maybe he is.
Mar 24th, 2014 - 07:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You remember me quite well, as most of the mid class argentinians I respect, and feel atraction, to British Culture but sometimes I lose my temper when I read false things about my country.
People in this site tend to post lies. Some Islanders also tend to post lies taking political advantage of them.
Take for instace:
Three islanders were killed by the Task Force but none from the Argentine forces so, nobody can seriously write that the Argentine ocupation was a brutal invasion. Not any islander suffered any physical inconvinience. Not even by mistake any argentine action cause damage to the islanders.
Nobody, not even during the militar regime, has ever metioned that the Islanders would be expelled from the Islands. So, any comparison with the inhabitants of Chagos is malicious.
There were plenty of POW. Argentina returned all of them OK but the UK, either by mistake or by bad treatements, killed some of them. Felix Artuso was killed when he was POW. Three argentine soldiers died in an accident when they were working to move ammunition. Nobody knew ever if they were forced to work or if they accepted this responsibility.
Argentina helped, and assisted, with gas, petrol, flights, ER and study scholarships the Islanders when the UK considered them a second class citizens. Even the Port Stanley runway was paid from the Argentine Government. At that time, nobody in the Island, rejected the assitance.
None of the sides, either the UK or Argentina suspected that there was oil. So nobody can accused Argentina of being headed by material interests.
The UK Forces evicted and dinamited a scientific (and civil) base in Thule Island that was (and is) a territory officially under dispute (UN) causing environmetal damage
The truth shall make you free. This Gospel text establishes a close relationship between truth and freedom. Man is a moral being inexorably by the free nature of person. Being in truth is essential to any human activity.
46 pgerman
Mar 24th, 2014 - 08:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Not any islander suffered any physical inconvinience. Not even by mistake any argentine action cause damage to the islanders
You really believe that? Seriously?? You swallowed that lie hook, line and sinker!!
What about the ENTIRE population of Goose Green? All of them locked up in the Village hall for 2 ( two ) weeks?? / a month I forget. But that, in your eyes, cause them any physical inconvenience???
And when they were let out / Liberated by the Parachute regiment, they found that their homes had been ransacked and vandalized.
Nobody, not even during the militar regime, has ever metioned that the Islanders would be expelled from the Islands
Again with the lies. Rex Hunt WAS expelled on 02nd April 1982 and then it was the turn of the Luxton's......
Drip, drip, drip...little by little, getting rid of the islanders... Not all at once... Oh no!!! Someone might notice, but one at a time, family by family.... who would notice that... Right pgerman?
So you see, no one did mention it because no had to mention it. We all KNOW what living under an argentine flag would mean........It would mean Ethnic cleansing. All the British deport or buried and their homes taken over by argentines.
The ENTIRE population of Goose Green them locked up in the Village hall for 2 weeks?? / a month I forget. How many of them were they shot? Or harmed by a misil? many casualties among them?
Mar 24th, 2014 - 08:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Thank you. You wrote that and it is quite clear. Not any islander suffered any physical inconvinience. Not even by mistake any argentine action cause damage to the islanders. A FACT.
Rex Hunt WAS expelled on 02nd April 1982..yes..but he was the Governonr chosen bu the UK Goverment not an Islander. How many ISLANDERS were expelled from the Islands?..NONE..ANOTHER FACT.
We all KNOW what living under an argentine flag would mean........It would mean “Ethnic cleansing”. All the British deport or buried and their homes taken over by argentines ???????. Yes sure, that is the reason why there were, and still are lots of British people living in Argentina. By the way, do you know then name of the farm owned by an Argentine person that was expropiated right after the war? have bad memory. An argentine owner had his property expropiated after the war. ANOTHER FACT.
48 pgerman
Mar 24th, 2014 - 09:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Rex Hunt WAS expelled on 02nd April 1982..yes..but he was the Governonr chosen bu the UK Goverment not an Islander. How many ISLANDERS were expelled from the Islands?..NONE..ANOTHER FACT.
So Rex Hunt was not an Islander?? and what else do you call someone WHO LIVES ON AN ISLAND???
Please tell me you are not THAT stupid and that you are just doing it to wind me up.... Please say that.
and the Luxton's????? Oh yeah, you forgot them didn't you? and how many more would you have forgotten?? So YOU were LYING when you said
How many ISLANDERS were expelled from the Islands?..NONE..ANOTHER FACT.
So Thank YOU you and your FACTS only go to show exactly what would happen.
You and the others like you are proof ( if any were needed ) what would happen to the Falkland islanders if argentina ever got their thieving little mitts on them.
@ toooldtodieyoung
Mar 24th, 2014 - 10:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Your insults are the best proof of your frutration due to your lack of elements to support your positions.
Anyway, you avoided to discuss other topics, such as the fate of the Farm onew by Argentine capital, the fact that the killed islanders was due to British actions, that the POW killed were all argentinians, the assistance received during decades, etc, etc....don´t worry keep insulting.
By the way, today it is estimated that Argentina is home to the largest British community in Latin America, along with Chile, totaling approximately 250,000 inhabitants of partial or complete descent. Why would Argentina expell 2,000 people?
Mar 25th, 2014 - 12:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0the assistance received for decades...
You mentioned this assistance and friendship twice.
Friendship is freely given. Do you feel that ultimately, the Islanders were obligated to surrender their homes and sovereignty, in return ?
Or, that they said they would do that?
Perhaps you were just pretending to be friends while you secretly coveted your neighbours' lands ?
Mar 25th, 2014 - 01:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0It is part of my answer to some people´s post here that pretend to compare the Argentine claim to a nazi goverment.
A nazi and fascist country that builds infraestructure, cures people, educates children, respects the safety of inhabitants, respects the POW...quite a strange nazi country !!!!
On the other side, nice and democratic Government (a freedom lover) that made alliances with Pinochet, killed inhabitants, returned POW in cofins, dinamited scientific bases...and had second class citizens.
52 pgerman
Mar 25th, 2014 - 03:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0You didn't answer my question, do you think the Islanders were obligated to give up their sovereignty because of your assistance?
A rhetorical question, really - don't bother replying.
More important,
Why would Argentina expell 2,000 people?
From the accounts of the war, and from the Islanders, getting rid of , expelling, or perhaps, eliminating the locals would erase the inconvenient claims of people over their homes and lands, allowing an Argentine population and government to replace them.
Though you and Think say the Falklanders were not actually, ALL expelled, it is just as important to realise that the community that had lived and worked, and called the Islands 'home', for 150 years, were no longer in control of their fate. They would have to live in fear for their future, at the whim of a hostile invader occupying their homes.
I used to have more respect for you personally, pgerman, free-thinking and educated, but you reveal yourself as no different than Think, just as callous and indoctrinated.
Mar 25th, 2014 - 11:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0I have never mentioned that the Islanders were obligated to give up their thoughts at all.
The fact is that the Islands alone, either without the assistance of Argentina or the UK, proved to be not feasible or unsustainable from all points of view.
You suspect that Argentina would expell the Islanders from their homes but, nothing, nothing at all of all what Argentina did during 200 years support your idea.
Juts to the contrary, the actions of the Argentine governments, even the most authoritarian ones, was to convince them to accept Argentina as their country.
From my point of view, I have express this idea several times, the Islanders are not invaders at all. The Islands are, it is quite clear their home. I believe the Islandes belong to Argentina but their fate includes the Islanders. I am, and I will always be, against any idea about forcing them to quit the islands.
I'm sorry I disappointed you
Mar 25th, 2014 - 12:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0OK, for the sake of argument, we will go along with the premise that the Argentine government would NOT forcibly evict the current islanders.
However, the population would be subject to an alien culture, laws and language....not of their choosing.
This could lead to a depopulation as the islanders chose to leave rather than submit to this. Effectively expulsion by the back door.
The rhetoric coming from the Argentine government does nothing to allay their fears. They already have had an experience of Argentina controlling their lives and were not impressed.
I can only presume that the islanders are happy with their lives living where they do. They may not have the doubtful benefits of living in a large country but that is their choice.
The inhabitants of Tristan da Cunha and St.Helena seem to be happy with their lot and they are even more remote.
54 pgerman
Mar 25th, 2014 - 01:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You suspect that Argentina would expell the Islanders from their homes but, nothing, nothing at all of all what Argentina did during 200 years support your idea.
Argentina never invaded the Islands before, but in 1982 they were obviously capable of anything.
Mar 25th, 2014 - 01:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You, and the islanders, can have your fears but based on the background (and historical facts) you cannot assure that the argentine plans were to expell the islanders.
In addition, you considers some of my arguments boring and retoric but the truth it is quite clear that Argentina has never acted as a nazi country that wanted to expel the islanders. Just to the contrary. These are historical facts.
the population would be subject to an alien culture, laws and language....not of their choosing. There are plenty of countries that have two official languages. So languages, customs, culture do not seem to be an issue in this case. From my point of view, based on my personal experience, I would prefer the Hong Kong solution. This is one country, two systems. This would allow the islanders to protect their way of life (including their driving customs quite different from Argentinina ones) and the current economic situation.
Mar 25th, 2014 - 01:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The three women that were killed wouldn't have been if Argentina hadn't invaded. Whoever pulled the trigger it was the Argentine government that killed them.
Mar 25th, 2014 - 02:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Based on your idea any (hypotetical) war crime made by any UK soldier would also be an Argentine responsibility. I do not agree. adults (no matter their citrizenship) are responsible of their acts. In addition it is also a legal principle.
Mar 25th, 2014 - 03:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0We are talking about friendly fire (strange term I think) not a deliberate act but I do you see your point. You cannot deny however that these women would have still been alive after 1982 if Argentina had not invaded.
@59 - pgerman
Mar 25th, 2014 - 05:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0It was Argentina's illegal aggressive invasion that caused ALL the deaths in the Falklands War.
Oh and don't make out that the Argentine occupation forces were treating the civilian population well, because we don't forget just how badly the Falkland Islanders were treated:
- Mock executions.
- Locking civilians (including children) up without access to basic necessities.
- Booby trapping the children's desks in the school.
- Looting and vandalising private property.
- Hiding artillery pieces and other weaponry in civilian population centres or disguising it with the protected red cross symbol.
- lying mine fields without marking out their positions.
ALL of these things are ILLEGAL under the Laws of Armed Conflict.
And all of this was added to the FACT that the Argentine occupation force banned English as a language, banned driving on the left, banned the Falkland Islands own currency, insisted that only Spanish and the FALSIFIED Argentine version of history be taught in schools, and threatened to murder the radio presenter if he didn't do EXACTLY what they wanted.
Argentine forces in 1982 were NOT good people. They didn't follow the law, they didn't treat the people of the Falklands with ANY respect. They were in FACT vicious fascist thugs - NAZI'S.
And it's thanks to men like Simon Weston that the Falklanders were liberated from this tyrannous and murderous regime. And it's thanks to the current British military that the Falkland Islanders remain FREE from Argentina's NAZI imperialist colonial ambitions.
Try and whitewash it any way you like, but the Argentine forces in 1982 were SCUM and COWARDS.
The Falkland Islands community PREDATES the formation of the Republic of Argentina which is WHY Argentina refuses to take their ludicrous sovereignty claims to the International Court of Justice, because you know that ALL of your LIES would be exposed and you would be laughed out of court.
Mar 25th, 2014 - 08:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The illegal base at Thule was NOT a research station but an illegal Argentine military base established by the Argentine dictatorship in November 1976 and called Corbeta Uruguay. Britain made an immediate protest when the incursion was discovered in December of the same year, but tried diplomacy rather than force so not to provoke. The base was later used as a forward base for the invasion of South Georgia in late March 1982.
The island of Thule forms part of the South Sandwich islands, which were discovered by Captain Cook in 1775. After sailing Eastwards from South Georgia he spotted the first small group of islands he named Clerke island, after his first lieutenant. The larger group he called Sandwich Islands after the then First Lord of the Admiralty John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich,
Strange how the Republic of Argentina can form pretensions of sovereignty of this remote island group, when they themselves have acknowledged British sovereignty on two occasions.
On July 21, 1908, South Georgia, the South Orkneys, the South Shetlands, the Sandwich Islands and the territory of Graham Land were by Royal Letters formally constituted Dependencies of the Colony of the Falkland Islands and placed under its government. This was officially gazetted in the Falklands gazette and was formally acknowledged by the then Argentine Foreign Minister without complaint.
Further letters Patent were issued on March 28, 1917 which clarified and defined in detail the exact area of British sovereignty and listed the Falklands dependencies. Once again the Argentine Government acknowledged receipt of the gazette recording the Royal letters Patent without protest.
When a State acknowledges receipt of official gazettes without protesting the contents therein is to officially accept the gazettation.
The Argentine Republic did not form a pretension to the South Sandwich Islands until 20 years after accepting British sovereignty for the second time.
Mar 25th, 2014 - 08:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0And when are you going to learn the truth for yourself? Start with the Britsh “Officer” who, piloting a Sea Harrier over the Islands attacked some civil houses killing three islanders. He was enroled in the the “Glorious” british “Royal Navy”. HE SHOT THE POOR CIVILIAN in full sight of the Islanders and the World. It seems his name is known and his present whereabouts known but NOTHING has been done about it. Such paragons of truth the Brits.
You still have not addressed my request for information about the Harrier pilot who killed civilians when he attacked some houses in Stanley.I did manage to find out something from an Argentinian blogging site about a cluster bomb dropped by a Harrier which killed 3 civilians.
If you know anything about cluster bombs then you would know that they are inaccurate and are used against troops or soft skinned vehicles in an area of about 100 metres. They could not be used against one house but would take out a whole street !
The Harriers also use 30mm cannons which would blow a human into bits
The site also included eye witness accounts of the Invincible listing over and burning fiercely, hundreds of UK troops deaths which were hushed up by the MOD and flight simulation games showing conclusively that Argentina destroyed the RN, RAF and Fleet Air Arm and actually won the ground war also.
So, chapter and verse please....not unsubstantiated accusations.
Also, can any Islander throw any light on this ?
Mar 25th, 2014 - 09:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0According to wiki, your delightful Admiral Anaya, who believed that the Brits being maricones would not resist, initially planned to replace the entire island population with Argentine settlers
Peronism is a curse for Argentina, but even worse is your Cult of Immaculate Victimhood.
50 pgerman
Mar 25th, 2014 - 09:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0So I have avoided the topic of such as the fate of the Farm onew by Argentine capital and you haven't answered any of mine so we are just as bad as each other then?
as for the that the POW killed were all argentinians
As I remember, 2 were killed while they were assisting in the clean up of ammunition at Goose Green, apparently some boxes of ammo had been booby trapped by some argentine officers and they exploded as the men tried to move them, Regrettably, one other soldier could not be reached by the British medics and so, out of mercy and to prevent him from burning to death while alive, he was shot by one of the para's .
The only other POW to be shot was out of a misunderstanding on board the Santa Fe. The Royal Marine who was guarding the crew thought that one of them was trying to scuttle the boat and shot him dead.
So there you have it. But let us not mention Lieutenant Jim Barry who was fooled into trying to secure the surrender of some argentines at the school house near Goose Green. They all waved their white flags like crazy until he came out into the open to accept the surrender, and then they shot him didn't they?
Doesn't look like the Geneva Convention means a whole lot to argentina does it? even though you signed up to it.
@64 HansNiesund
Mar 25th, 2014 - 11:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You don´t need to suggest that I read about Anaya. I know him. For your information, The Junta might be a surprise for you, but they were not for Margaret Thatcher (or Ronald Reagan) who considered them were good people and allies. In addition, don´t make me believe that a link from wiki is true. You have already rejected some links (and other web sites) due to lack of seriousness in the past...we know each other quite well...I know your dialectic resources...
Peronism is the cancer of Argentina, I agree 100% with you. But in this case, the victimhood is from some of the Islanders who pretend to have been invaded by a cruel nazy army....
@ toooldtodieyoung
Based on your comments all the Argentine soldiers that lost their lives under the POW condition are not an issue at all. They got what they deserved !!!...being an argy is enough reason to be killed...
In addition, Lieutenant Jim Barry was killed by mistake. His sad fate was explained in a very interesting book, Comandos en Accion. Apparently, some argentine soldiers didn't notice that some comrades had surrendered and they just saw a british soldier during a combat. This version of the event also accepted by british soldiers.
But, don't worry..any information that comes from a source different from yours is false and fake. You justify their deads but the fact is that four people were killed being POW..all of them were argentines.
Doing terrible things in an organized and systematic way rests on normalization. This is the process whereby ugly, degrading, murderous, and unspeakable acts become routine and are accepted as the way things are done. There is usually a division of labor in doing and rationalizing the unthinkable, with the direct brutalizing and killing done by one set of individuals; others keeping the machinery of death (sanitation, food supply) in order; still others producing the implements of killing, or working on improving technology (a better crematory gas, a longer burning and more adhesive napalm, bomb fragments that penetrate flesh in hard-to-trace patterns). It is the function of defense intellectuals and other experts, and the mainstream media, to normalize the unthinkable for the general public. The late Herman Kahn spent a lifetime making nuclear war palatable (On Thermonuclear War, Thinking About the Unthinkable), and this strangelovian phoney got very good press
Mar 26th, 2014 - 12:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0pgerman
Mar 26th, 2014 - 12:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0Argentina invaded their peaceful, unarmed, civilian neighbour, militarily, with no Declaration of War, deported the legal ruling authority, refused to leave despite a binding UN Resolution, threatened and imprisoned some civilians, took away the rights and liberty of 2,500 people, vandalised, urinated and defecated in private homes, created a situation where 3 Islanders were killed, killed 255 British military sent to free the Islanders, did your best to kill more...
and you maintain Argentina did nothing wrong?
I don't see you respecting anyone's property, homes, sovereignty, or Human Rights.
Nor were you justified in putting those rights aside.
If you felt the sovereignty of the Islands were in dispute, as a signatory to the UN, and according to International Law, it was not up to you to decide to resolve it by military action.
You are thieves deluding yourselves that you are somehow entitled to someone else's home.
Argentina's 200 year history... - sorry, you can't slip that one by. Argentina wasn't formed until 1853, and nowhere near the Falklands, to boot - you didn't take Patagonia ( inhabited) until the 1880's.
Before 1853, 161 years ago, you were a PART of the UP, a collection of rebels who had violently rebelled and rejected 'Mother Spain”, then fought amongst yourselves.
By contrast, the Falklands community have been continuously, harmoniously, inhabited, and administered by Britain for 181 years now.
Frankly, I can't see your history in the region as being very reassuring to the Islanders.
Troy Tempest
Mar 26th, 2014 - 01:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0Did I write that? Did I write that Argentina did everything OK?..Are you sure?...I have never wrote that. Please, check my posts to see if you can find this from my side.
I wrote, once more, that the acusation that Argentina acted, during the whole relatioship with the islanders, as a nazy country that all it had wanted is to expel the Islanders is a false accusation.
In addition, any suggestion that the Islanders would have the same fate as the Chagosians is, also, a misleading attitude to confused people.
The Islanders are, for sure, peaceful and friendly people, as most of the people in general but the issue is not about them. It is about a territory under dispute between Argentina and the UK. It is also considered a territory under dispute by the UN. Have you ever met a patagonian person? You would be surprised..since they are also good friendly and peaceful as the Islanders.
Argentina is a modern name that took some political institutions, basically provinces that were viceroyalties and governorates, that had already existed previously to the unification of the country.
In addition, don´t try to show off that you know about Argentine history because you don´t. all you would do is to repeat the false accusations of genocide in the Patagonia.
Mar 26th, 2014 - 06:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0 Did I write that Argentina did everything OK?..Are you sure?
I'm quite sure you feel they were justified invading the Falklands to take them for Argentina.
Did you write, Argentina should not have militarily invaded a peaceful, civilian community and claimed it for their own ??
I wrote, once more, that the acusation that Argentina acted, during the whole relatioship with the islanders, as a nazy country that all it had wanted is to expel the Islanders is a false accusation.
How do we know, you never really got the chance, you weren't there long enough, and the whole world was watching.
At the very least, the Islanders' had lost their rights and freedom to a hostile military that had the power to expel or murder them if they deemed it expedient, a military that had murdered its own people, already.
Like we can't say they were to be expelled for certain, you cannot say they would be unharmed and allowed to remain,for certain, as the British freed them before anything happened.
@54 pgerman
Juts to the contrary, the actions of the Argentine governments, even the most authoritarian ones, was to “convince” them to accept Argentina as their country.
...and what would THAT entail?? - a wonderful illustration of your pattern of conquest and subjugation over the past 200 years. Not reassuring for a population under military occupation.
Argentine statements like, the Islanders are free to be British, but the Islands are Argentinas' , most recently in a public statement from your government, suggest an ultimatum, become Argentine or leave... !
Any righteous indignation from you is ridiculous.
Your military were hostile INVADERS and you were foreign OPPRESSORS of a civilian community.
This was NOT an honourable war.
It was initiated by you for your own gain - you are responsible for ALL the repercussions.
Spare me your war criminals fallacies - no mis-deeds, no accidents, no abuses, would have been, if you had not invaded!!
@70 pgerman
Mar 26th, 2014 - 08:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0I agree with your assessment. If the British had done nothing after 2 April 1982, then it is likely that the whole Falkland Islands population would've been ethnically cleansed by the Argentines, who were angry that the Falklanders didn't welcome them with open arms.
Whether that ethnic cleansing would've taken the form of deportation or disappearing will always be up for speculation, BUT since the Argentine government in 1982 had already 'disappeared' nearly 30,000 people, what would another 2,5oo matter to them?
What stayed the Argentine's hand was the British task force, sailing towards them, which in turn focussed the WHOLE worlds media attention on them. To disappear people before world attention is not something murderous regimes like to do.
Even though the Argentine government thought the British were bluffing by sending the task force, the Argentine government couldn't risk the media finding out. So they played the waiting game, hoping the British would give up and turn back.
As we know, the British kicked their cowardly arses, and sent them packing.
pgerman is deluded, and thinks (like ALL Argentines) that they can somehow whitewash or rewrite history, and if that doesn't work play the 'it wasn't us, it was them, and we didn't support them despite all evidence to the contrary'.
It's part of that flaw that the majority of Argentines have, the inability to criticise themselves, their country, their government or their history. And THAT makes them dangerous AND untrustworthy.
Just look at the excuses they come up with regarding the genocide committed in Patagonia:
- it wasn't us.
- they attacked 1st.
- it was only a few thousand people.
- they were from Chile anyway.
- some of them survived, but they adopted (had it forced on them) our culture.
They deliberately ignore the true definition of genocide, just like they deliberately ignore the true meaning of UN resolutions.
66 pgerman
Mar 26th, 2014 - 08:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0You justify their deads but the fact is that four people were killed being POW..all of them were argentines
The truth is the truth my brain washed friend, No matter how you try and put a different spin on it.
The fact that you choose to walk through life with your eyes closed is not my problem. It is all yours.
But, don't worry..any information that comes from a source different from yours is false and fake
These are your words......... not mine.
@ TroyTempest,
Mar 26th, 2014 - 10:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0LEPRecon,
l couldn't agree more with your conclusions.
Thank You.
Of course none of this would be necessary but for one simple inalienable fact:-
None of this would have happened if the Argentines hadn't invaded another peoples' land.
lts ALL on their heads.
Why they wriggle & turn, & squirm is that they are ashamed that they were defeated in 1982.
l think that with their mentality they ALWAYS have to win.
Life isn't like that, you win some-you lose some.
God knows, we have had our defeats also, you just try to improve.
But we've had our Victories too!
Thanks all.
Isolde, TroyTempest, LEPRecon and Toooldtodieyoung,
Mar 26th, 2014 - 11:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0Really the way you repeat arguments, and acusations, without any basis make me remember the fascist-kirchnerists. After all, you and Peronist are no that different.
Your basic (and primitive) ideas about good and evil are also another similarity with CFK and their followers....
@74 pgerman
Mar 26th, 2014 - 02:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Really the way you repeat arguments, and acusations, without any basis...
We are trying to clarify our points as you insist on being obtuse and not addressing the crux of the issue:
Do you, pgerman, feel that invading a peaceful foreign civilian community, with the ensuing loss of liberty, Human Rights, and lives , was morally justifiable - because you felt you should have it ??
My post @71 was addressed to Troy Tempest not pgerman (although I'm sure you all worked that out).
Mar 26th, 2014 - 03:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@74 pgerman
Are you ever going to answer Troy's question? Because if you don't we all know that you have lost the argument and instead prefer to resort to the usual troll tactics of prevarication, distraction and changing the subject.
So answer his question.
To all the British retrobates on this website and some of the ignorant yankee no nothing about international affairs posters I suggest you start with some history lessons...............
Mar 26th, 2014 - 03:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
@77 El Diego
Mar 26th, 2014 - 04:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Yawn! Pathetic attempt at diversion.
Crap websites (I mean wiki! ) come on! You could at least try. I've got a feeling your heart really isn't in it.
La Campora are obviously paying you too much for that crap attempt at diversion.
Hey La Campora! Cut this mans wages, he's useless!
Mar 26th, 2014 - 05:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Panic mode...change the subject to trolling dodgy entries in Wiki.
The neutrality of this article is disputed. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved. (September 2013)
Question book-new.svg
This article may rely excessively on sources too closely associated with the subject, preventing the article from being verifiable and neutral. Please help improve it by replacing them with more appropriate citations to reliable, independent, third-party sources. (March 2014)
The heading on your wikipedia extract. Obviously written by some biased moaning Argie ...You ?
List verse. Just as believable as the Wiki entry,
The industrial revolution ruined the world ? YOU seem to be quite happy with it. Without it Ferrari. Notice the use of the PAST TENSE in this article.
How about 10 ways Argentina is ruining the world.
1. You are breathing .
Mar 26th, 2014 - 05:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Do you, pgerman, feel that invading a peaceful foreign civilian community, was morally justifiable?
No, you might not know me but I have mentioned my opinion several times in this site. The ocupation (invation) was a stupid thing of The Junta that had considered that their allies (Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher) would accept it as a tolerably mischief.
I had suspended any assistance from the Continent to the FI ....petrol gas, flights, ER and scholarships to see, if in year 1982, the UK would accept to pay for these living expenses. But The Junta were a bunch of stupid guys playing the role of the hero. They (The Junta), as Margaret Thatcher, wanted to be war heroes.
With the ensuing loss of liberty, Human Rights? The islanders, at that time, were a community of second class citizens. A bunch of forgotten, and second class, citizens that had to be helped, and assisted, by Argentina to survive. At least to have a life quality of the XX century. Otherwise, they would end as chagosians. Expelled from their land by the same UK itself.
In addition, your allegations of having been tortured, homes vandalized, bla bla bla..are just rubish to play the role of victims. Not even the British soldiers mentioned this. Not even those who risked their lives mentioned this.
As I told you. There are more doubts about some actions (and the morality) of the UK Task Forces than of the Argentine forces. This is something you cannot deny no matter the spicy condiments added with evil intentions. POW killed in dubious actions, civilians killed by friend fire, scientific bases dynamtted, etc, etc, etc....
You would never admit any mistake. You would never admit that the Islands are a neither a sustainable community nor a succesful economy without the aid of any REAL country.
@80 pgerman
Mar 26th, 2014 - 06:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The Falkland Islanders were never 2nd class. They had freedom, and the right to live their lives the way they wanted to. They still do.
It is Argentina and people like you that want to remove those rights from them and make them 2nd class (or more likely 3rd class) people.
If Argentina has a problem with the way the war was executed then they have the right to take it to the Haig.
Of course, if they do take it to the Haig, then they will have to admit to ALL of their breaches of the Laws of Armed Conflict.
I believe that 2 Argentine prisoners were killed by an ARGENTINE booby trap - I think Argentina will be answering that one.
What scientific bases dynamited? The illegal Argentine base on Thule island which was a front for a military invasion? Again, not a war crime.
The Laws of Armed Conflict (if you ever bothered to read them, which by your posts you haven't) state that in a war each side is to protect - to the best of their ability - civilians and their property.
So, due to a mistake (they happen in war all the time), 3 Islanders unfortunately lost their lives. Argentina would have to PROVE that the British deliberately targeted these civilians with the intent of killing them for it to be a war crime. That you can't do, can you?
Also Argentina would have to answer for:
- Flying the white flag (a protected symbol) then deliberately opening fire (not an accident or misunderstanding) murdering an officer who came to discuss a truce with them.
- Detaining and locking up civilians without access to basic necessities.
- Looting and defiling civilian property.
- Hiding artillery pieces under the protected red cross symbol and in-between civilian houses - basically using civilians as human shields.
- Mock executions against the civilian population.
- Laying mine fields without marking where the mines were laid.
-Booby trapping the children's desks in the school.
All of these things are ACTUAL WAR CRIMES for which Argentina should answer.
I have just arrived in from Miami after winning some new investment for my latest business venture in the oil and gas space - we are just making so much money there its unbelievable. As a celebration we plan to have an asado tonight in my penthouse and with some close friends as we plan our next deal over a glass of a quite exquisite Pinot Noir ................probably selling something overpriced to a dumb ass (usually geographically challenged) yank with more money than brains - that covers about 99.9% of texans anyway but they are great investors - hahaha. Glad to see the Latino Population is now outgrowing the rednecks and soon Texas will be 100% Spanish Speaking and not a bullet fired - thank you Obama
Mar 26th, 2014 - 06:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@82 - El Diego
Mar 26th, 2014 - 06:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Surely you should shun everything that the industrial revolution (those evil British) has brought about? That includes your business venture in oil and gas, and your penthouse, and your computer. And all the medicines and vaccines.
Go get yourself some land, plant some crops (don't use pesticides or machinery) till it by hand, and become self-sufficient.
By the way, if you have to brag on the internet to people you don't know or will never meet about how rich you are, then that means you're not. You're just a poor deluded fool who has low self-esteem that is trying to 'big' himself up.
How sad.
Mar 26th, 2014 - 06:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0If these stories, and inventions, had been certain the British Government, and the UK military authorities, had judged the Argentine POW as war criminals. As it was done in Neuremberg after WWII. Because, it was not only their right but also their duty, according to the definition of Crimes Against Humanity.
Se same way Alfredo Astiz was sent to France for questioning by the French Government for having killed three nuns.
But this did not happened because your list of alledged crimes, and abuses, are just false tales, and inventions, to show that the Islanders suffered a cruel and brutal Nazi occupation. my oil and gas business came on the back of those dumb redneck brutos in Texas, my penthouse was built by Argentinians of Italian descent, the car is Italian, the medicines are from France and USA, the wine is Argentinian admittedly with some French influence...............from the English only came blood, hate, exploitation, slavery, racism, killing and the retrobates on this forum - that's the history of the English in Argentina I am afraid - oh well off for a spin in the Ferrari with my Brazilian girlfriend
Mar 26th, 2014 - 06:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0On top of all the fantasies and inventions of war crimes by some britons ..this...I must read a stupid argentinian writing stupid things...El Diego...please, go to the streets to get and smoke some paco and then go to a La Campora unidad basica to free the World from capitalism....idiot...
Mar 26th, 2014 - 06:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0(86) pgerman
Mar 26th, 2014 - 07:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Just for your kind info...
”El Diego is as Argentinean as you are Papuan New Guinean...
@87 Think,
Mar 26th, 2014 - 07:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You could well be correct about this.
His grasp of the English language seems too good to be a non-English speaker.
l know that he's very materialistic & wants everyone to know it.
But who cares?
@88 lsolde,
Mar 26th, 2014 - 08:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0We could well be correct about this.
His grasp of the Spanish language is too bad to be a Spanish speaker.
We know that he wants everyone to know how very materialistic Argies are.
But who cares?
@84 - pgerman
Mar 26th, 2014 - 08:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The only one making a song and dance about this is Argentina.
If YOU feel so strongly about it take it to the Haig, but if you do be prepared to have ALL of Argentina's misdeeds taken into account.
As I said earlier, it's obvious that you don't actually understand what constitutes a war crime.
I would suggest that you read the Laws of Armed Conflict, but even if you did you would still keep the stance you have because you cannot admit that you are wrong.
The real reason that Argentina won't go to the Haig is because you know that all your misdeeds with be aired in public. It's similar to the reason you won't go to the International Court of Justice, because you know that all your lies will be exposed to the world.
It's easier to pretend that you still have some chance to get the Falkland Islands than to admit to the truth that you will never get them, and that you are all basically failures.
Argentina's brutal dictatorship was ended by their being beaten in the Falklands War.
You should be thanking people like Simon Weston for liberating you, but you are too arrogant and self deluded to accept the truth.
When I was a young boy, I wanted to sail around the world
Mar 26th, 2014 - 09:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0That's the life for me, living on the sea
Spirit of a sailor, circumnavigates the globe
The lust of a pioneer, will acknowledge no frontier
I remember you by, thunderclap in the sky
Lightning flash, tempers flare, 'round the horn if you dare
I just spent six months in a leaky boat
Lucky just to keep afloat
Aotearoa, rugged individual
Glisten like a pearl, at the bottom of the world
The tyranny of distance, didn't stop the cavalier
So why should it stop me? I'll conquer and stay free
Ah c'mon all you lads, let's forget and forgive
There's a world to explore, tales to tell back on shore
I just spent six months in a leaky boat
Six months in a leaky boat
Ship-wrecked love can be cruel, don't be fooled by her kind
There's a wind in my sails will protect and prevail
I just spent six months in a leaky boat
Nothing to it leaky boat
@89 Think,
Mar 26th, 2014 - 09:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Do l here an echo in here, in here, in here……
Please try to be more original Cher Think, think, think...
l've told you all this before, before, before, before…...
@ 90
Mar 26th, 2014 - 09:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0If these stories had been certain the British Government, and the UK military authorities, had judged the Argentine POW as war criminals. As it was done in Neuremberg after WWII. Because, it was not only their right but also their obligation, according to the definition of Crimes Against Humanity.
Why did the British authorities released all the POW?. Even those who commited the crimes you mentioned?
Simply, becasue this did not happened because your “list” of alledged crimes, and abuses, are just false inventions, to play the role of the victims of a “cruel” and “brutal” Nazi occupation.
In addition, I feel respect and sympathy for people like Simon because all his suffering and his determination to overcome the injuries. He is quite clear an examply for all of us.
If I had to thanks the British Task Force for having liberating me from the Junta..what about the chilean people?...Maggie got plenty of support from Gral Pinochet during the war. Following your reasoning Chilean people must hate the British Task Force for having made Pinochet stronger.
93 pgerman
Mar 26th, 2014 - 10:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Go on my brain washed friend....Keep telling yourself:-
It never happened
It wasn't us
It doesn't matter what you want to believe, just like all those retards who believe that the Holocaust never happened or that the moon landing were just a NASA conspiracy, acted out in a warehouse in downtown Los Angeles........ It doesn't matter.
The rest of the world knows the truth.
Mar 26th, 2014 - 10:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The truth, for all known, is that there were not war crimes during the FI war. This was informed officially by the UK (after investigations done by the Judicial Power) and other humanitarian organizations. This is the official history. As official as the Holocaust, or the Man landing in the claiming the opposite is is like claiming that the Moon landing were just a NASA conspiracy, acted out in a warehouse in downtown Los Angeles.
In addition, the assistance received from General Pinochet was recognized by Margaret Thatcher herself as something to feel pride of...
The irony of all these discussion as that it is quite evident that you are either misleading or the CFK followers...
Mar 27th, 2014 - 11:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0The truth is that Argentina not only lost the war but also richly deserved to lose it. Germans have manned up and accepted their blame for World War II. When will Argentinians show a comparable level of humility?
@95 - pgerman
Mar 27th, 2014 - 01:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0And again and again you refuse to acknowledge the truth about Argentina and yourselves.
Although it was Argentinians who murdered over 30,000 other Argentinians, you cannot accept that, so you add the addendum: the military Junta who were supported by the US and the UK.
Yet the US and the UK didn't ask the Argentine regime to murder all of those people, the Argnetine regime did that ALL by themselves.
And every Argentine that stood by and let it happen must shoulder some of the responsibility for themselves.
And when this murderous brutal regime took it's dirty war to the Falkland Islands the Argentine population celebrated the act, and forgot all the terrible things that they had done.
Yet you REFUSE to accept ANY responsibility for the actions done by your countrymen in YOUR name. That makes you a very dangerous person, and Argentina a very dangerous country, because those who REFUSE to learn from their own mistakes will continually repeat those mistakes.
And you do refuse to accept that Argentina is was wrong in 1982 and is still wrong today. So you repeat the same tired old lies over and over, and given the chance you would bring your dirty war back to the Falkland Islands.
You are not to be trusted.
Accept responsibility for once, act like an adult instead of a petulant child.
But I suppose that is too much to ask from a deluded people who believe that they are somehow perfect and can never make mistakes.
I am thankful that the British have true heroes in our midst, like Simon Weston and the other veterans who fought against Argentina's ruthless and brutal regime.
Perhaps one day Argentina will grow up and thank them too, and apologise to the Falkland Islanders for trying to steal their homes and take away their freedoms.
Mar 27th, 2014 - 03:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You have one issue, you hate Argentina while in may case, to the contrary, I feel attraction to British culture. That's is the reason why you cannot be objective.
Firstly, the Argentine Defense Forces are responsible for having killed a litlle bit more than 8.000 people. This is the actual figure, this is the official number of missing people. This was a Genocide. It is quite clear. But the facts in Argentina were a little bit more complex than this since there were several violent clandestine groups that had responsibility for having killed inocent people in their attacks. I guess it was a similar situation to the IRA in Northen Ireland were the UK Government killed some people in a very difficult context.
I agree with you that the Argentine society was responsible for these political events in LATam, during these decades, violent militar regims got plenty of support from the USA, European countries and even from the Vatican. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to survive.
Take for instance, that some USA leaders were judged in their country for having taking part in Gral Pinochet coup d'etat. Would you considered this?
@98 pgerman
Mar 27th, 2014 - 05:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0So now the military Junta in Argentina weren't all that bad, and the people they murdered probably deserved it, is that what you are saying?
Well, pgerman, your extremely desperate attempt to link the murderous Argentine Junta that disappeared over 30,000 people, with the British Government fighting a bunch of terrorists really does show your true colours.
You are a nazi, and a supporter of the military Junta, who would step on anyones human rights to get your own way.
But as always, according to you it was the 'other' guys that allowed it, it wasn't Argentina's fault, we are 'perfect', we cannot make mistakes, we cannot learn from our mistakes.
Thank you for revealing your true nature. That is of a pathetic loser, fascist nazi wannabe.
@99 LEPRecon,
Mar 27th, 2014 - 05:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0They will never admit their mistakes & will invade the Falklands again if they get the opportunity.
They are still being taught lies at school & are still believing these lies.
l don't think there will ever be peace.
C'est la vie.
96 ljordao
Mar 27th, 2014 - 08:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0When will Argentinians show a comparable level of humility?
Ha!!! Me thinks that Satan will be skating to work before that happens. Their president's nickname is not The Mad Bitch Of Argentina for nothing y'know?
Their Foreign minister? He has more humanity in his little finger than he does in the rest of his entire body..........
So no, I don't think that will happen
the British Government fighting a bunch of terrorists - talk about hypocrisy and there is no bigger one that the Poodle itself............terrorists in Poodle eyes are those people who object to the British colonial invaders - history is full of freedom fighters from USA to India to Ireland to Africa to Malvinas...........Britain's whole history runs with the blood of innocent people
Mar 27th, 2014 - 09:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@102 El Diego,
Mar 27th, 2014 - 10:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0One man's Freedom Fighter is another man's Terrorist.
How do you think Spain regarded Argentine Rebels in their wars of independence.
Terrorists? Traitors? perhaps.
Pointing the finger at Britain is very hypocritical of you.
Every nation has a dark past. Name me one that has not.
You just show your bigotry.
Especially when you try to insult by calling us a poodle.
1982 hurts, still eh! lol
Mar 27th, 2014 - 10:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Do you know about dogs ? There are three poodles... a toy poodle which is a small family girly pet. The others are miniature and large.
If we are a poodle, then we are the large variety with sharp teeth which occasionally bite if provoked...which your country will find out if it tries anything.
You equate to a chihuahua ...a yappy insignificant pest.
@91 El Diego......I don't understand the connection to the Split Enz song. Are reliving the Kiwi 80s?
Mar 28th, 2014 - 12:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0@102 El Diego
Mar 28th, 2014 - 08:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0If the British are Poodles, I wonder what that makes Argentina?
Imagine being totally beaten and humiliated by a mere Poodle! Running away at breakneck speed with your tails between your legs and the 'Poodles' chasing you nipping at your heels. LMFAO
Argentina - the joke that keeps on giving.
@104 Clyde15,
Mar 28th, 2014 - 09:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0Very good Clyde. l forgot about the larger Poodles.
l think the Germans use them to hunt rabbits or foxes.
They can be quite vicious l believe.
@106 LEPRecon,
The Argentines would have to be Field Mice or Voles! lol!
99 LEPRecon
Mar 28th, 2014 - 11:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0So now the military Junta in Argentina weren't all that bad, and the people they murdered probably deserved it, is that what you are saying? When did I say that? I wrote that the made more than 8.000 people dispeared and that this was a Genocide.
your extremely desperate attempt to link the murderous Argentine Junta that disappeared over 30,000 people, with the British Government. I have already told you the official figures, based on the compensation paid and the Nunca Mas comission files, is 8.000 people instead of the mentioned 30.000 people.
desperate attempt to link the murderous Argentine Junta that disappeared over 30,000 people, with the British Government. I wrote several times, you cannot denny it. Either Ronald Reagan or Margaret Thatcher considered THe Junta allies. DO I have to explain this to you? Do I have to let you know more details about this? I thought you were a person with a minimun of knowledge...but I believe I must suggest that you start reading some history....
You are a nazi, and a supporter of the military Junta Is this a joke?..yes...I wouldn't take this serously.
it wasn't Argentina's fault, we are 'perfect', we cannot make mistakes, we cannot learn from our mistakes. I wrote just the opposite.
That is of a pathetic loser, fascist nazi wannabe. You don´t know me as to write tha I'm a loser and fascist. In addition, you are acting as a peronist since I'm not the issue in this argument. Neither me nor you are those under discussion.
I would suggest that you:
a) Read about contemporary history to understand the events of 1982
b) Read about Argentine history to understand the events since 1810
c) Learn to read other people's comment
d) Try to open your mind to understand othes point of views
e) Accept others point of views without offend those who think differently
The British Poodle is the USA Poodle and you will do what your master tells you or he will simply kick your ass until you do what he tells you and everybody knows behind the scenes he wants you to get out of Malvinas because all of Latina America is lobbying him for that and he knows that trade with Latin America is much more important than trade with the Poodle. Brazil is already a bigger economy and Mexico and Colombia are coming behind and then there is the worlds largest oil reserves in Venezuela so it doesnt take a degree in political science to understand why the Poodle is isolated. The Poodle problem is one of identity in that it thinks it still lives in the the colonial 1800s and the reality is just too much to bear for it hence all the silly little holding on to insignificant islands in South America that they will have to give up just as they did in all the other colonial territories - There are some enlightened politicians in London who undertand this and are growing in szie as they also realise the risk of having the Poodle cut out of LA trade....Its just a matter of time and finding the face saving exit excuse that the Poodle PM needs but believe me the talks are ongoing behind the scenes and is only a matter of time
Mar 28th, 2014 - 01:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0#109
Mar 28th, 2014 - 06:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I had to take a gaviscom tablet after attempting to read your indigestible blurb.
Have you never heard of punctuation or paragraphs ?
Your literary style is reminiscent of Axel.
Further explanation is needed as to whom these enlightened politicians in London are. G. Galloway perchance ?
I thought you used the term Sepoys for people who disagree with the government.
Your diatribe is just a piece of Argie wishful thinking. If it makes you happy, keep on believing it.
but believe me the talks are ongoing behind the scenes and is only a matter of time
At least Hepatia would quote 25 years...what is your estimate ?
As to believe me ! You are the biggest liar of all the ARGIE POSTERS.
Ferrari, strings of polo ponies, social meetings with the UK Royal Family, luxury flats etc etc.
However, you do have some entertainment value.
@109 El Diego,
Mar 28th, 2014 - 08:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0lts always just a matter of time with you idiots, isn't it.
You are not an Argentine, anyway, so what has it got to do with you?
yes sorry about the grammar but I was driving and writing at the same time - the Ferrari is really bad for that - I need to get a driver LOL.................but its true the Poodle trainer OBAMA has not came out and supported the UK case because he dare not go against the Latins who represent not only a significant political group in USA demographics but the obvious trade opportunities
Mar 28th, 2014 - 08:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The actual timing will be much less than 25 years and we will see negotiations moving to front burner after the next Argentina election - Michael Portillo has been quietly moving this forward behind the scenes involving the American, Spanish and French governments
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