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Record breaking downpour causes flashfloods and mudslides in seven Argentine provinces

Tuesday, April 8th 2014 - 07:46 UTC
Full article 6 comments
In some places rainfall registered was almost the annual average In some places rainfall registered was almost the annual average

More than 3.000 people have been forced to abandon their homes in Argentina as torrential rains and flash floods in the last 24 hours hit at least seven provinces. Classes have been suspended, as well as public transport and so have some of the main highways.

 The seven provinces are Neuquén and Rio Negro in Patagonia; Catamarca and Santiago del Estero to the north; Córdoba and Santa Fe in central Argentina and Entre Rìos.

Late Monday Argentina's Met Office released a strong rainfall alert and possible flooding for the capital Buenos Aires which could be accompanied by intense electric storm activity and hail.

The worst situation was registered in the Patagonian province of Neuquén where in some places almost the annual rainfall (350/400 mm) was registered. Flash floods, mud slides have forced the closure of most transport given the precarious condition of much of the roads system.

This is the province with the most people forced to abandon their homes, (1.500) while the provincial government declared a day-off to assess damages and hopefully avoid accidents.

On the bright side Neuquén Deputy governor said that thanks to the 'excellent job' from meteorologists “we could apply preventive measures”. She confirmed that 1.300 people are out of their homes, 716 of them in the provincial capital.

According to the official it had been raining lightly for five days but in the last 24 hours it turned into an impressive downpour of over 120 mm.
The Argentine Defense ministry said it had instructed its units in Neuquén and Catamarca to help with the search and rescue of people in the flooded areas, as well as providing lodging at the different army barracks.

In Entre Rios, across from Uruguay over 100 families in the capital Parana had to abandon their homes because of strong winds and torrential rain. Twelve neighborhoods of the capital were hit by the storm with several of them left without power, fallen trees and columns, and blown roofs.

In Catamarca and Santiago del Estero to the north of the country, 500 people 500 families had to abandon their homes because of a rain and hurricane strong wind storm, which started Sunday night well into early Monday.

Governor Lucia Corpacci and the provincial Emergency Committee are in the area helping people with a place to live out the situation and provisions. In the Santa Rosa country 200 mm poured in two hours causing flash floods and mud slides.

In Santa Fe the number of people evacuated reached 300 while some of the rich farming province highways had to be cut off because they were completely covered by water with strong currents. In some places of the province, in the last 36 to 24 hours rainfall reached 250/300mm with a peak of 450mm.

According to an official report from the local provincial government, of the 19 counties, 8 are flooded forcing people to abandon homes and farms in one of the richest dairy farming area of Argentina. The current situation is considered as one of the worst emergencies in the last ten years.

In Cordoba an estimated 200 people are reported to have left their flooded homes with rainfall in the last 24 hours in the most affected areas reaching 200mm.

Finally in Patagonian Rio Negro, 500 people have been evacuated and many small towns have been cut off from power and drinking water. Classes have been suspended while some of the provinces main highways are non accessible.

Categories: Environment, Argentina.

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  • ChrisR

    This is a disaster of epic proportions and I send my best wishes to the hard working people affected by this.

    Of course TMBOA will do her usual trick: nothing.

    Apr 08th, 2014 - 07:15 pm 0
  • Klingon

    Thanks Chris.
    Yes, my lawn resembles a swamp at the moment.
    They are talking it could be a million tons of Soy destroyed with this.

    Apr 08th, 2014 - 08:25 pm 0
  • ilsen

    This is very unfortunate for the ordinary Argentine people. They have enough to cope with already and now this too.

    Apr 08th, 2014 - 09:40 pm 0
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