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Oil race fuels new Falklands chapter

Saturday, April 12th 2014 - 08:45 UTC
Full article 31 comments

The following article from the Sydney Morning Herald was written by Chris Zappone, who recently visited the Falkland Islands as a guest of the local government and the Foreign Office.The Falkland Islands are not an easy place to reach. Flights come only weekly. Cruise ships making the trip brave frigid seas, freezing nights and recently, harassment from Argentine dockworkers. Read full article


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  • Justthefacts

    Either the journalist did not fully understand the situation or something has been lost in the wording:

    ”As Argentina sees it, Britain should return the Islands under the United Nations-supported decolonisation process. Britain will negotiate only if the Islanders have a seat at the table and their right to self-determination (also supported by the UN) is respected.”

    The second quoted sentence is wrong- the UK has said repeatedly it will negotiate sovereignty only if the the Falkland Islanders themselves actually want this (which in practical terms means not any time in the forseeable future). The UK did not say“we will negotiate sovereignty if the islanders are represented and their right to self determination is respected” as the article states, or at least implies. That would be a contradiction in itself.

    Its also shaky to say that “Britain has administered the islands since 1833”. That depends on your definition of 'administer'. One does not have to be physically present on property you own the entire time you own it to 'administer it'.

    As an Australian I am a bit disappointed in this kind of loose language coming from the Sydney Morning Herald, which is generally seen as a quality and balanced publication.

    Apr 12th, 2014 - 09:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    Though well intentioned, no doubt in his belief he should put forward a balanced report, it is clear he actually doesn't completely understand the situation at all. It is very similar to a lot of foreign journalism on the subject, if they had lost over 250 soldiers, they would probably ensure that get the details correct in their journalism.

    Apr 12th, 2014 - 10:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Biguggy

    In my opinion the writer has made the errors pointed out above. These are not that serious in my opinion but errors never the less.

    Th important omission is that the decolinisation supported by the UN is in the 'hands' of the 'inhabitants' of the territory concerned. Article 73 of the UN Charter refers. The relevant part of which reads:
    “Members of the United Nations which have or assume responsibilities for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government recognize the principle that the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount, and accept as a sacred trust the obligation to promote to the utmost, within the system of international peace and security established by the present Charter, the well-being of the inhabitants of these territories, and, to this end:
    ”Members of the United Nations which have or assume responsibilities for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government recognize the principle that the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount, and accept as a sacred trust the obligation to promote to the utmost, within the system of international peace and security established by the present Charter, the well-being of the inhabitants of these territories, and, to this end:”
    Please note 3 very important words in that extract, 'interests', 'inhabitants' and 'paramount'.
    Further the ICJ has said 5 times that because of Chapter XI of the UN Charter, which contains Article 73, ALL (my emphasis) None-Self-Governing Territories (NSGT's) have the right to self-determination.
    Game over for Argentina but they keep trying to introduce limitations to that right but so far neither the UNGA nor the ICJ have done so.

    Apr 12th, 2014 - 10:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    “It’s sort of an operatic experience living next to Argentina,” says Stuart Wallace

    Nuff said.

    Argentina is collapsing in on itself as social disorder and hyper inflation takes hold. KFC is still robbing the country while the rest of the population work out how to feed themselves. The “economic blockade” of the island has done anything but harm the Islanders and they are going from strength to strength.

    So, to re-cap, good news all round then!!

    Apr 12th, 2014 - 11:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    Calm down folks- no a bad article but some errors in it but then that is journalism- sometimes they get it wrong accidentally - other times they write it slightly wrong to make it a more newsworthy article - just journalistic licence.

    Apr 12th, 2014 - 12:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    What a shame that the journalist couldn't manage to mention the impossibility of “return” of the Islands. To whom should the Islands be “returned”? Argieland, whose “claim” depends on two months of presence by murdering rapists? Spain, whose “claim” was ended forever in 1771? France, who's never had a valid “claim” anyway? Or could it be Britain, who discovered and settled the Islands in the first place? There are two excellent arguments. First there is the internationally legally-recognised principle of uti possidetis, that says that what you occupy at the end of a conflict is yours. Then there is the persuasive argument that, with viable air and naval bases, Britain will bomb and missile argieland. I think the second argument is the better one. See how frightened argieland gets when a new SAR crewman is sent to the Falklands. Or when a nuclear submarine appears. Of course, in the latter case, they should be scared. Does it carry nuclear missiles that it could have launched from 7,000 miles away? Or just “conventional” cruise missiles? Might such cruise missiles be fitted with nuclear warheads? What about the latest model of destroyer? Argieland didn't like that. But what was it expecting? That Britain would keep a couple of 40-year old warships to go to the Falklands? And in the air? An airborne tanker, a transport aircraft, a couple of helicopters and 4 combat aircraft. Just 4 combat aircraft. Of course, another 100 could arrive in a couple of days. And so the Falkland Islands and its oil industry are safe. Invest without fear. The argie air farce takes to the air and the wings drop off. The argie navy sets sail and turns turtle. The argie operates armoured minis that it calls “tanks”. The primary fitness requirement for the argie army is the ability to run 2 miles. Kit is not required. That's thrown away in the first 50 yards!

    Apr 12th, 2014 - 01:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    You can NEVER, EVER, trust the “argies”.

    Until Peronism itself is destroyed by executing those who will not renounce it if required and a level headed Argentine government is elected, who can blame the world for seeing The Dark Country for what it is: a cesspit of epic proportions.

    The people of the Falklands must be just a little “browned off” with the ceaseless spouting of verbal diarrhea from the likes of TMBOA but that is all it is. NO possibility exists that The Dark Country will ever capture the Falklands again (there are NO Malvinas, you pratts).

    So carry on with your lives and enjoy yourselves!

    Apr 12th, 2014 - 04:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • alsy

    Islander1 #5 I agree. I just spent a week in the islands, and the important thing that comes out of this article, and which I felt every time I talked with people there, is the energy and enthusiasm of the people that is carrying them strongly forward into the future, regardless of their impossible neighbor over the water. It is clear that Argentina and its people COULD be part of the dynamic future this part of the world has, but sadly they and their corrupt government are their own worst enemy, having shot themselves in the foot with the economic embargo and their noisy international posturing over a lost cause. I met an interesting Argentine visitor there who has just published a book, under a pseudonym I believe, strongly asserting that it is time for CFK and Co to face reality, drop this silly claim, and get on with running their own potentially rich country efficiently and honestly, and in so doing being good neighbours. He told me however it will never happen under the current dictatorship or while Peronism reigns supreme. And it is clear it will be along time before the people of the Falklands Islands will trust them again, if ever. When I got to Stanley for my last couple of days, I met one of a group of visiting Argentine veterans of the 82 conflict. The one I talked with at some length was quietly adamant that it was only a matter of time before the islands returned to their rightful place in Argentina. I'm sure we have all been faced some time or other with irrationally blind religious faith - this was the same.

    Apr 12th, 2014 - 06:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    7 ChrisR

    I've said it once and I'll say it again, TMBOA has to be the nickname of the decade!!! It is just not going to get old.

    But ( and there always is a “but”, have you noticed that? ) how do you destroy an ideology??? How DO you get an entire country to turn their backs on their own national hero???

    We here in the UK have never given a s**t about anything.... take for example, St Georges day..... No one knows when we celebrate it and to be fair, hardly anyone takes the day to celebrate “Being English”.

    Tolerance and open mindedness has been the hall marks of the English culture so it is hard to see how, if ever you can get a country to renounce what has essentially made them “Them”.

    Answers on a post card please.................

    Apr 12th, 2014 - 08:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Bisley

    The British have controlled these islands for nearly all of the last two hundred years and the people who live there are content with it. There is no basis for any change of control. Claims by the Argentine government are nothing but an attempt to distract the public from their corruption and mismanagement which, since the days of Peron and the introduction of socialism, has strangled both freedom and prosperity.

    Apr 12th, 2014 - 08:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 9 toooldtodieyoung
    “I've said it once and I'll say it again,”....” so it is hard to see how, if ever you can get a country to renounce what has essentially made them “Them”.”

    I have given the removal of Peronism very serious thought and have already stated the only solution that I think would work, which is drastic but effective:

    1) A dictator (which is what is happening in The Dark Country” with powers to implement such a drastic course) would need to proclaim “Peronism” (as he / she thinks) a proscribed CONCEPT. Anybody actively or covertly supporting Peronism is to be executed after a judicial hearing.

    2) In any event ALL the government and ALL Peronist party members are to be summarily executed by virtue of their proven support, which they have not revoked.

    3) The actions in 2) are to take effect at all local government in all provinces NO EXCEPTIONS.

    Now think a little about this.

    There are about 15M Peronists out of 42M citizens of Argentina. We have ample evidence of their cowardice in the face of equal odds, SO, after those of 1 -3 are gone, just how many Peronists would be left?


    Simples! :o)

    Apr 12th, 2014 - 09:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • downunder

    I think that Chris Zappone’s article that was published in the SMH, a major Australian daily newspaper, is a logica,l well written expose of the Falkland Islands story. It is very sympathetic to the plight of the Islanders and looks forward to the possibility of a bright future for the Islanders with the developing oil boom drawing in involvement from other South American countries.
    This sort of support from a bipartisan observer should be welcomed by all those who support the cause of the Falkland Islanders.

    Apr 13th, 2014 - 05:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ernest shackleton

    He could also have mentioned that in 1850 (or thereabouts) Argentina renounced its claim and only revived it sneakily many years later, notably just before WW2 when it greedily added S.Georgia and the S.Shetlands to their bogus land grab - presumably in the hope that had a certain Austrian corporal won his war he would have handed it to them on a plate for their support of National Socialism, i.e., Nazism..!

    Apr 13th, 2014 - 10:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nigelpwsmith

    Apart from some important minor errors(!), the article does well in explaining Argentina's stupidity by refusing to co-operate with the Islanders over oil exploration & fisheries, they are only losing out to their neighbours who will eagerly take the business which Argentina tries to blockade.

    It is pretty self-evident that TMBOA's Peronism will die (for the meanwhile) when she (& her fat son) makes their mad dash for exile. Argentina is tottering on the brink of economic catastrophe. Soon they won't even be able to afford to buy the oil they need. Power cuts are already frequent, as well strikes for inflated pay rises. About the only thing that would save Argentina from financial meltdown would be if they were invaded by one of their neighbours - for their own good!

    Argentina is never likely to renounce their claim to the Falklands. Lies that have been assiduously taught over many decades cannot be unlearned. Lies have been handed down, not just at school, but through generations of families. Accepting the truth would also mean accepting that your family had deceived you & they are not willing to entertain this.

    Modern media has a way of infiltrating truth to the young & casting doubts on archaic deceits. Twitter & Facebook have powered revolutions in Arab countries by distributing information so immediately, that the official censor could not keep up. China is so fearful of what this might do to their system, that they put an electronic 'Great Wall of China'.

    Last year, the BBC interviewed young Argentines for their views on the Falklands. Whilst the majority repeated the same clichés taught in school, there were a number who gave a different response. They did not think that the story was as cut & dried as others suggested. They wanted to listen to the Islanders.

    Modern media gives us the opportunity to put across the true version of history - such as the excellent documented facts prepared by Roger Lawton & to prepare documentaries which explain the truth.

    Apr 13th, 2014 - 01:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Cristina Fernandez this year created a Secretariat of the Malvinas
    To pursue Argentina’s “rights and interests” around the Islands.
    [or perhaps,, ]

    David Cameron, this year created a secretariat of the argentines,
    To pursue the rights and interests of the original inhabitants of Argentina to remove all argentine implanted people, and restore to original inhabitants to power.

    Just a thought..

    Apr 13th, 2014 - 08:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • puerto argentino

    Bennies!!! this is coming to an end, The pirates can not go more with this lie, and their American friends do not help much! It is over

    Apr 13th, 2014 - 10:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • downunder

    It will be over when you lot finally accept reality and stop persecuting your small neighbours in the Falklands.''

    Until then the 'pirates' will continue to remind Argentina of its folly and the fat lady will remain mute.

    Apr 14th, 2014 - 08:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monkeymagic

    Splurto aregentino....

    The American “friends” are building a temporary dock to support the next round of oil exploration...LOL LOL

    Apr 14th, 2014 - 09:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • FI_Frost

    @16 puerto argenzuela

    “..this is coming to an end, The pirates can not go more with this lie, ..”

    How so? Tell me when and how this will end? Give us all an explanation as to how nearly 200 years of ownership and history is going to end?

    You just can't, because you don't believe it ever will: never in your lifetime, or even your grandchildrens grandkids...

    Apr 14th, 2014 - 11:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    16 Brassiero
    You signed in under the wrong account, again.

    Apr 14th, 2014 - 12:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Klingon

    The Poms have been occupying our Islands for 150 years and they still can't even build a decent dock for boats?
    Stop shagging the livestock for 5 mins and build a decent harbor.

    Get it done or we send Kristina over there to take charge! :)

    Apr 14th, 2014 - 01:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monkeymagic


    Puerto Argentino is brainwashed.....deluded

    Firstly he believes that history says the islands belong to Argentina..yet there is virtually no evidence of this....Spain disputed perhaps, maybe even Uruguay as a successor state if you believe that nonsense...but not Argentina.

    Secondly, he believes that even if Argentina did have a just historical claim (which it doesnt), the ridiculous spewing of propaganda from the Argtard government would in some way make it sovereignty more makes it far far far less likely.

    The British position is abundantly clear...convince 1500 islanders and the islands are yours.

    so far...three!

    Current attempts to convince include but not limited to:


    There you go puerto.....keep up your ignorant campaign....just 1497 “Bennies” to go!

    Apr 14th, 2014 - 01:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nigelpwsmith

    Argentina's campaign to acquire the Falklands(not 're' acquire, because they never owned it in the first place) involves the Bonnie Langford tactic.

    This tactic involve screaming until they are sick. Rather childish and not very effective. More the sort of thing a child does when the parent won't buy them the toy/sweets/ice-cream that they want.

    About as effective as holding their breath in protest! Though I think we would all applaud if TMBOA turned blue in the face and keeled over after holding her breath!

    Obviously the publisher of that well-known work “How to win friends and influence people” never sold any copies in Argentina.

    Someone should contact Simon & Schuster and let them know!

    Apr 14th, 2014 - 05:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    What is a “bennie” ?

    Apr 15th, 2014 - 12:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog


    ” Get it done or we send Kristina over there to take charge! :)”

    Yes-she could tow Maximo out to form a floating dock-as long as she imports his food-an oil tanker full of pies per week should ease his hunger pains.

    Apr 15th, 2014 - 03:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest


    “Bennie” - just one more Argie derogatory name for a Falklander.

    Apr 15th, 2014 - 05:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    Thanks. I got that. Just wondering why. Being a bit of a cunning linguist, I've always enjoyed a bit of etymology. ..
    still curious as to why 'beny' not ' Tommy' for example.

    Know thine enemy ete.

    Apr 15th, 2014 - 11:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Benson

    I am :)

    Actually we got the nickname from squaddies, from the bobbly hat wearing backward guy in Crossroads (tv series not the film), the bobbly had used to be popular (less so these days) especially amongst the farming community and the squaddies thought us backward. Some resented it but hey it's just a nickname, these days it's pretty much been adopted.

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 10:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh

    In this part of Ireland where we get an awful lot of American tourists we call the loud-mouthed arrogant ones 'Benny' meaning 'B-Brooklyn', 'E- East River', N- Newark, NY-New York'' or some variety thereof.

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 12:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    Thanks guys!

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 02:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    “Tommy Atkins” is a nickname that has been in use since the mid 18th century for British troops. There are dozens of theories as to how it arose but no definite proof for any.
    The Germans used it in WW1 and WW2, being shortened to Tommies.
    It is very rarely used now and has been consigned to archaic language.

    It only refers to military personnel and could not be used for civilians.

    Apr 17th, 2014 - 09:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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