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Manchester University alumni society in Chile; UK number one destination of “Becas Chile”

Tuesday, April 15th 2014 - 23:18 UTC
Full article 21 comments

British Ambassador to Chile, Mrs. Fiona Clouder, held a reception to mark the official launch of the Manchester University alumni society in Chile. Fifty Manchester graduates joined the event in the Ambassador’s residence from many different academic and professional disciplines. Read full article


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  • ilsen

    1. Proof of Chilean entry into the First World. Welcome!
    2. UK soft power. Watch and learn ALBA. Oil is not the only thing worth having.
    Imagine when all those billions in India get educated. Oh but we have some falsely cheap oil from VeneCuba, we are ok. Not!

    I think Chile is on the rise to dominate Latin America and I welcome it. Although, for balance a second strong country should be encouraged. I suggest Colombia. I recommend this bilateral trade alliance should be supported.
    This University does not do business with shite. Only with respectable people.

    Apr 15th, 2014 - 11:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    Great advert for Manchester, been to the university museum many times with my niece and nephew. Ernest Rutherford split the atom at this university also. Manchester University alone has also produced no less than 25 Nobel prize laureates.

    p.s, Argentina as a nation has produced 5. Does this mean that Manchester as a city is 5 times smarter than Argentina as a nation? Hmmmm.....:-)

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 09:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    when you have a national disaster like the fire in valparaiso with 15 deads, 15000 victims, and 25000 destroyed houses, this 4th class newspaper does not say a word and focus on this trifle.

    guess its editorialists have learned from the k official media.

    a typical zone with no water storage facilities, extreme poverty, and urban segregation.
    they dont even have firefighting planes, so they have to ask argentina.

    and the imbeciles here talk about chile belonging to the 1st world, dominating latin america, and all kind of sh*t.
    clearly these imbeciles have never left the islets in their lives.

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 10:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ManRod

    @paulcedron #3

    1. the fire caused 2900 destroyed houses, not 25000. Bad enough. And it's 11 dead...mostly of weak old people suffering respiratory issues. That is quite a low amount for a natural disaster of THAT dimensions and the accidentally hilly geopgraphy, which shows there is good organisation within this historic fire (considered the biggest urban fire in Chile's history). How many died in Buenos Aires October 2013 because of ...RAINFALL... again? About 100, right?

    2. Chile has 27 waterplanes covering the affected area. Out of this 27, 6 are Argentine and have been sent due to it's proximity. So it's a pure lie that we would “not even have firefighting airplanes”. It's usual that countries with such extensive and near borders help each other in such catastrophy scenarios... just remember the big fire in Neunquen and the huge amount of Chilean Firemen, airplanes, helicopters which went to help you out.

    Considering a fire (a natural desaster) in an arid area as criteria for being first world is just plain stupid. Under this critera, the US, Japan and Canada cannot be considered developed nations, because Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Fire and hurricans also affect them and cause human suffering.
    Plain silly argument...

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 11:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    I do not understand why this media does not mention the fire in Valparaiso. It seems that Mercopress will not inform about the sending of an argentine fire brigade and argentine air tankers to Valparaiso.

    I guess it's hard to accept that a “Nazi” country, such as Argentina, helps Chile while a perfect and bright democracy such as the FI ignores the humanitarian crisis.

    Will it be the beginning of the several times mentioned argentine “invasion” to Chile?

    It is clear that nuclerares submarines, first generation destroyers, Thypoon aircrafts only can start wars but they cannot put out fires or help civilians. Is that why the UK has not sent any aid to Chile?

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 12:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    do you think it is a competition to see which country is more developed than the other?
    the victims here were from a massive flood not a rainfall, and of course the useless mayor of la plata, the national government etc are the first responsibles for not building the necessary infrastructure.
    that´s why, between other reasons, we are an underdeveloped country.

    now chile is more of the same, trying to disguise it as a first world country is nonsense.

    according to some chilean urbanists, some of the main causes were the lack of adequate regulation and illegal settlements.

    not a first world country problem for sure.

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 12:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    It is now as it has always had been.

    Every single time an accident happens in the South Atlantic Argentina must help.

    Every single time a natural disaster happnes, either in the South Atlantic or in the south of Chile, Argentina must assist.

    Every single time the islanders need cheap services not provided by the UK Argentina must pay for it or accept the usage of their resources.

    From my point of view I am quite happy that my country can assist chilean people.

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 12:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    not a surprise the chilean firefighters always arrive late.
    now, that is a real shame.

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 12:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lou Spoo

    @5 & @6

    Awww, what's wrong. Is nobody paying attention to poor little Argentina? You sent some planes to help with a fire in a neighbouring country.....and? That's what most nations, if they had the capabilities, would do. The difference is most nations then wouldn't cry because it isn't front page news.

    pgerman, you're correct submarines, destroyers and fighters can't put out forest fires. That's not what they are designed for. Neither can ice cream vans, satellites or televison sets so going by your logic are we to assume they are a waste of time as well?

    Warships however can and do help civilians. Namely delivereing aid and evacuations from war zones/disasters. Of course it helps if they don't just roll over and sink so I'm not surprised you didn't know that.

    Also what excatly do you expect the Falkland Islands to contribute to fighting forest fires? Penguins?

    If the really want to put the fires out I'd suggest they line up a bunch of Argentines and tell them the Falklands aren't theirs then just stand back. With all those tears flowing the fires would be out in no time.

    But hey, don't let fact people have died get in the way of twats like you jumping up and down shouting “ME, ME, ME, what about ME?”

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 12:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    “Every single time the islanders need cheap services not provided by the UK Argentina must pay for it or accept the usage of their resources. ”

    Really? Such as?

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 12:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    you are not the brightest here, are you?
    who is saying me me me, you dumbass?
    it seems the 4th class newspaper is doing a great job brainwashing ignorant islanders

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 12:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    @Lou Spoo

    It is not that nobody pays attention to Argentina. That's sensible. Why would the World pay attention to Argentina? or to Chile? or to the FI?

    It's the fact that Mercopress seems to be uncomfortable and wants to hide this situation. Mercopress seems to be a news site of the South Atlantic, South Pacific and Antarctic area but this piece of news is not mentioned at all.

    For Mercopress seems to be better to inform that a RN warship is doing “public relationship” in South Africa, Angola, etc...but not to mention the argentine assitance of an humanitaria crisis.

    So in fact it's not about ME, it's about YOU.

    You won't show how a “nazi”, agressive, expansionist and invasive country assist its neightbors “in trouble” while the “perfect democracy” ignores it. It's about YOU !!!

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 12:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ManRod

    “do you think it is a competition to see which country is more developed than the other?”

    actually you think this is... otherwise you wouldn't have made up the story about supposed and proven false information of non-existance of firefighting airplanes in Chile and other aspects in order you don't feel that bad for yourselves. By the way, nobody in Chile thinks we are first world, we are very aware of our deficits and limits, some characteristic not very pronounced over the andes...a nation with still imperialistic ambitions and behaviour over it's neighbours. Would you know, how silly this looks in your current situation!

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 01:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    .“..a nation with still imperialistic ambitions and behaviour over it's neighbours”...take care ManRod...the argentine tankers sent to Chile would be the start of the, several times mentioned, argentine “invasion” to Chile. It seems that Michelle Bachelet is so stupid and “naif” that she didn 't notice that...poor her

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 01:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @4 In an update it now appears that only about 2,500 homes were destroyed. Still, if your home is a wooden shack, what would you expect? And the death toll is now 15. Mostly those that refused to be evacuated. Isn't that called suicide? No mention of argie firefighters though. I just wonder about argie aircraft flying 320+ mile round trips. Over the Andes.

    The comments at 5 and 6 are quite amusing. Look at this “while a perfect and bright democracy such as the FI ignores the humanitarian crisis.” What sort of braindead imbecile would contemplate 3,000 mile air round trips with aircraft the Falkland Islands don't have through an airspace that would probably be denied? And the same goes for UK assistance. The UK might well be prepared to assist Chile BUT..... Isn't there co-operation between Chile and the UK to enable a weekly flight to the Islands? Isn't that likely to be “aid” in both directions? And which half-witted belligerent constantly talks about denying its airspace to that flight? Not that it can legally do so. And look at that comment about “nuclerares submarines, first generation destroyers, Thypoon aircrafts”. Well, nuclear submarines with the ability to launch land attack cruise missiles can lob those missiles into a country that gets too uppity. Destroyers are good for lobbing shells through the hulls of “other party” vessels that have already capsized. And Typhoon aircraft are good for deterring an uppity country from making a Chilean aircraft become another “unexplained” disappearance.

    Wasn't this a fire? Where does the “flood” come in? Did you refer to “underdeveloped”? Can't see it. Is the numpty talking about argieland? Then, isn't that “undeveloped”? With all the assistance it's had over the years, shouldn't argieland be like the eastern half of the United States? Skyscrapers, airports, freeways, infrastructure, inexpensive fuel of all types, low taxes, high salaries?

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 01:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Heisenbergcontext

    @3 & 5

    Paul, pgerman: an article on the Valparaiso fire has appeared on MercoPress. en Espanol. MercoPress frequently publishes stories on that site before the English version, so I would expect the English version to appear soon.

    My condolences to the victims. Fires of this magnitude are just horrific.

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 01:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman


    Conqueror !! have you started saving money to get rid of the usage of the Argentine air space? are quite a stingy person taking into account that the Islanders need your help to be free from Argiland. Remember, taxes are mandatory but donations are voluntary.


    Such as? ..well.
    HMS Endurance ended in Puerto Belgrano. Do you remember?
    StarPrincess ended in Ushuais when it was not accepted in the FI because there were people sick with norovirus. Do you remember?

    You might also have forgotten about the fact that Argentina assisted the Islanders when they were poor 2nd class cityzens. Do you remember?

    The Port Satanley runway was built and paid by argentine taxpayers....Do you remember?

    Not to mention that you still use argentine air space for free as a can discuss about this issue with “Conqueror”....he is saving money to afford direct flights between the UK and the FI...

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 01:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    you still use argentine air space for free as a right.

    I am assuming you are referring to the LAN flights.
    Since when did countries start making charges for use of their air space .
    Did Argentina sign the Chicago Convention ?
    As far as I can see the use of Argentine airspace is about 7 miles !!

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 06:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    Chicago Convention is not an international granted right. It's a free agreement between countries. Some have never signed them. Others even signed it but them considered it null.

    Take for instance that argentine planes want to fly over the FI air space...or over they have the “right”? the full sense of right?

    And yes, I'm refering to LAN flights. Just after the war the FI were conneted to the World by direct flights to London. This happened when Raul Alfonsin, a true democrat, was President of Argentina so it can be done nowadays. That was much better for both sides. The British were free of the influence of using Argentine air space. Both, Argentina and the UK, were free of suffering an “incident” with planes entering each other air space. It was safer for both sides.

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 07:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino


    No one is afraid of Argentina invading. And I mean nobody.

    The Argentinean governments was so afraid of their ow unitary that they have made sure they would prove no match for Chile or Falkland Islands. To be scared if your own military. What a weird world to live in.

    Apr 16th, 2014 - 11:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ManRod

    “”...take care ManRod...the argentine tankers sent to Chile would be the start of the, several times mentioned, argentine “invasion” to Chile. It seems that Michelle Bachelet is so stupid and “naif” that she didn 't notice that...poor her”

    I said imperialistic BEHAVIOUR, I never said you had any posibility to make your ambitions become true in your current Situation. THEREFORE it looks “silly” as I said. If you'd be able to impose your ambitions, it wouldn't be “silly”, but rather a “wary” situation.

    Apr 18th, 2014 - 10:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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