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FBI helps train Sao Paulo police officers in crowd control strategies and use of force

Wednesday, May 28th 2014 - 00:15 UTC
Full article 7 comments
Governor Alckmin satisfied with the FBI training ahead of the World Cup   Governor Alckmin satisfied with the FBI training ahead of the World Cup

Fifty police officers from the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo were recently trained in crowd control strategies, the use of force, and more by the FBI. The upcoming FIFA World Cup was the driving force behind organizing the five-day workshop. Other topics addressed include decision making, interacting with media, and use of intelligence in identifying acts of vandalism.

 The month long tournament will likely see the same types of protests which took place at last year’s Confederations Cup. Demonstrators asserted that money going toward the World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro should instead be spent on public services.

The public safety office in Sao Paulo state will monitor the area around Arena Corinthians around the clock starting June 10. Six matches will be played at the Sao Paulo venue, including the opening competition between Brazil and Croatia.

“We have four important areas here, one of security and defense, one of civil defense and firefighters, one of agencies, and one of mobility and traffic,” said state governor Geraldo Alckmin.

In related news Brazil's ministers of Defense and Justice, Celso Amorim and Jose Eduardo Cardozo announced the federal government's security plans for the coming world event when an estimated 600.000 foreign tourists are expected.

The plan includes the deployment of 100.000 police officers and 57.000 members of the armed forces in the twelve cities hosting Cup matches.

Amorim said that the recurring protests in Brazil during last year's Confederation Cup “did not force the cancelling or delay of any match”, and added that this time authorities will not be surprised and 'are prepared' for any excesses.

Likewise Amorim insisted that “the image of Brazil is that of a vibrant democracy in which citizens can freely express and demonstrate”.

Minister Cardozo said that ”we can't accept abuses or violence, be it from demonstrators or from law enforcement officers. He admitted that during last year's massive turnouts some forces did effectively commit excesses which were condemned by human rights organizations.

Categories: Politics, Brazil, Entertainment.

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  • reality check

    I wonder how many FBI Agents have any actual experience of crowd control or public order disturbances? How many have actually been there, done that?

    Not many I suspect. This training will all have come straight out of a book.

    Theory, that's going to be a big help!

    May 28th, 2014 - 04:41 am 0

    They will need to be innovative.

    A mounted officer was hit in the leg with an arrow yesterday in Brasilia.

    May 28th, 2014 - 07:55 am 0
  • GeoffWard2

    FBI have zero credibility in this field.

    Much better to employ the London Met.
    They have significant experience with massed street demos, riots, aggregations of miners, etc.

    May 28th, 2014 - 12:14 pm 0
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