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OAS supports Argentina on hedge funds issue; Timerman regrets “US attitude”

Friday, July 4th 2014 - 06:00 UTC
Full article 38 comments

The Organization of American States (OAS) voted on Thursday to support Argentina’s position against holdout investors, as well as expressing concern over what the entity called “the behavior of speculative agents that affect global financial stability.” Read full article


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  • Redrow

    Surely not another case of Argentina going round demanding negotiations as a way of avoiding having to actually negotiate with those it has nothing to offer?

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 06:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Surely the first paragraph is saying what the Court is saying, insofar as “ through dialogue and arrive at a fair and equitable and legal arrangement with 100% of its creditors.” They ( Argies ) have not done so yet.
    Anyway Tinpotman it is not the US attitude is the law of the USA. You only have to look at all the judgements against the major banks recently to see that. BNP Paribas a French bank has agrred to pay a paltry US$ 9 billion as a fine. Comon Argies just pay up, and shut up.

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 06:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stoker

    The open letter to the OAS delegates from Ambassadors Eizenstat & Soderburg summarizes the US position perfectly.

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 06:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leiard


    “Regrettably, rather than negotiate, Argentine authorities have chosen to disparage both the country’s creditors, federal judges and the judicial system of the United States. Last week, Argentina’s Economy Minister Axel Kicilloff traveled to New York to deliver a frankly inflammatory speech at the United Nations in which he denounced U.S. Courts and his country’s creditors. He made no room, however, in his travel schedule to sit down with Argentina’s creditors and offered only excuses on why his government could not accommodate the court”

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 07:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • zathras

    It's really simple...

    You borrow money

    Then you pay it back.

    12 years of double talk, time wasting

    Finally give over what you owe, or default.

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 07:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Orbit

    Unfortunately the declaration has been rendered null and void by this statement:

    “The manifest will of the Argentine Government to negotiate in good faith and to honor its commitments;”

    The composite of this “Argentine Government” and “good faith” has no legal or moral precedent.

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 07:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • willi1

    timerman: ”I do not quite understand the US’s position” ..
    He does not understand ANYTHING what is going on in the normal financial world.
    After 12 years of lying under the k and ck regime, he understands robbery as a normal state business. wait and see what is found out on his accounts after he has resigned.

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 08:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    What? He does not understand that the US is not a dictocracy.

    Where does he keep his brain?
    In his head.

    Where does he keep his head?
    Up his ass!!!

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 08:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 8 reality check

    Just replace 'Reagan' with 'Gollum' and 'Russia' with 'The Vultures' and it's spot on!


    It's no use even trying to post a 'sensible' comment on this fiasco.

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 10:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    But if the OAS is so concerned about Argentina why dont they just give 1,5 billion US$ to Kicillof for him to pay cash in hand the evil voltures ???

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 11:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Yes, that would be a first, fancy the OAS countries coughing up and not just nodding their heads in support of dialogue, very easy to nod heads but not so easy to put their hands in their pockets. But of course it is their solidarity that counts.

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 11:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    Look at that OAS “Declaration” carefully. Notice the relevant words of paragraph 2. “respected by allowing that payment flows are distributed to cooperative creditors in accordance with the agreement reached with them”. See that? You have to be “cooperative”. If you aren't “cooperative” all bets are off and the thief that stole your money can do anything it likes. Wonder what the OAS would have “declared” had the bond-issuer been the United States?

    @7. I have to disagree with you. Tinpotman does not understand anything that goes on anywhere. Just look at him. Turns up at the UN to offer a presentation on “British militarisation of the South Atlantic”. Starts off with a picture of a British ballistic missile submarine in the South Atlantic. That turned out to be a picture of a British fleet submarine in the River Clyde. Move on to the incident of Timidity, following CFK's insistence on “austerity” and use of the peso, publicising how many US dollars he was going to spend on his daughter's wedding reception in Uruguay. Move on Timshite's threats of ICJ “action” against Urineguay and compare that with argieland moving a nuclear facility close to the border with Paraguay. What will argieland do with that facility the next time that Paraguay does something argieland doesn't like? Withdraw all the control rods and evacuate?
    @11. Being “solid” is quite easy for latam countries. Latam heads are all the same. Stone or wood. No moving parts. Not even at the microscopic level. Just look at the dipstick currently calling itself “The_TroLLing_Stone”. For a start, how much time did it waste thinking up that name instead of something more appropriate like “Brain_Dead_Slug”? Look at how upset it gets when everyone laughs at it. You can find similar dimwits from inconsequential places like Urineguay (Stevie) and Brazil (Brasiliero). True disgraces to the places they are supposed to come from. Not that they do come from those places. Off somewhere claiming benefits!

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 01:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    All this whining from Argentina is making the State Dept and Prez watch them very carefully.
    This is not going end well for them politically.

    They are not a smart people

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 02:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Doggy Rap

    Poor idiot Timerman is as stupid as idiot child Tobias.

    The US government issued an amicus curie brief in favor of Argentina, and yet poor idiot Timerman blames the US of its actions.

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 02:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    The only talking they are doing so far is to denigrate the US judicial system.

    Capitanich is at it again, according to him the system is not independent.

    Then WTF did you issue bonds through their system then?

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 02:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • redp0ll

    Capantanich press conference this morning imputing US courts impartiality and saying the judge was influenced by the vulture funds doesn't help Argentinas case at all. How can those idiots be so bloody daft?

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 02:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    Because the cant issue debt in the international markets under Argentine jursidiction maybe they can in theory, but nobody will lend them.

    They love to spend the money of future generations, and when one asks them to limit spending and cut expenditure they resort to name calling “neoliberal” “oligarch”, etc but when the time comes for payment they dont want to hear a thing about it.

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 02:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Idlehands

    I think it's a good thing that this has come to a head now. The consequences of it will forever be linked to the Kirchner name rather than lumped on any successor. They wanted to elevate the Kirchner legacy to that of Peron - even though his legacy was pretty rubbish too.

    Imagine how things would be if Nestor were still alive. A continuation of the madness?

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 03:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jmackiej

    Should have nationalise Repsol for 9 billion dollars, would have had the money then no problem,

    Typical latin american governments - corrupt and debt ridden.

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 04:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    OAS supports Argentina ,

    If they support you that much, then get them to give you the bloody money to pay your debts,
    after all, that's what friends are for aint they,

    mmm, they just pay you lip service, that's

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 06:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • owl61

    Timmerman and other equally stupid Arg politicos regret the US attitude about this lawsuit. Really? Didn't the US file an amicus brief siding with Argentina? What am I missing here? Oh, I see. Now that the US courts have ruled upon the (pari passu) issue, those Arg politicos want their US counterparts to insult the US judiciary like they are so desperately doing. They don't understand how an independent judiciary works because the Arg executive branch of govt has been busy disassembling the independence of the Arg judiciary.
    Mr Timmerman, please go home and continue kissing KFCś butt.

    Jul 04th, 2014 - 06:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The_TroLLing_Stone


    Independent judiciaries are just an anglo convetion. They are no better or worse than politicized ones. We are not interested in your form of government.

    Jul 05th, 2014 - 02:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    22 The_TroLLing_Stone

    Anyone who observes Argentina's behavior is aware that she is a rogue state and does not comply in any fashion with any international norms. Her credo appears to be that she is the exception, therefor she can refashion any rule to suit her self-interests.

    Jul 05th, 2014 - 02:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    “Independent judiciaries are just an anglo convetion. They are no better or worse than politicized ones.”

    Said no one ever.

    “We are not interested in your form of government.”

    Of course not. After looking at what passes for government for the past 100 years in Argentina, it is hardly surprising that our form of government looks so different to yours.

    Jul 05th, 2014 - 03:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • owl61

    Poor Argentines. The Black market price of the US$ is now 12, Watch it go to 15 next week when the representatives of the Arg vultures (who ate the flesh of their lenders) refuse to settle with its creditors.
    Meanwhile, I enjoy eating at best restaurants, buying lots of flowers for my fancy Recoleta pad, overpaying my sweet, honest, Peruvian maid, taxi cabbing everywhere, and generally enjoying the fallout of KFC's brilliant economic team's program. I shrug off the arrogance of the typical Argentine on the street as a minor inconvenience to enjoy living high on the hog in Bs As a few months per year for a relative pittance. Keep up the good works Messers Kicillof, Captinavich, Timmerman, and Boudou (for as long as you are out of jail that is). None of these fellows will come to the US to represent their vulture government (who ate the flesh of its lenders and spends the money subsidize the energy bills of us Recoleta residents) because if they do, they are likely to be summoned before Griesa to explain why they should not be held in contempt of court for accusing the judge of unethical conduct. Cleary Gotlieb must love this client - as long as they pay the fees in advance, that is.

    Jul 05th, 2014 - 01:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The_TroLLing_Stone


    All those “conventions” are just tricks and mirrors. They are designed so that Europe and North America can subjugate and enslave the rest of the world, and keep them poor.

    Jul 05th, 2014 - 01:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    26 The_TroLLing_Stone

    What a piker your so stupid your attempted rebuttal was without reading the link. In so doing you have now just denounced the UN, your favorite charity. So by your account Argentina can now ignore the UN, so by extension everyone else can patently Argentina in turn.

    Jul 05th, 2014 - 03:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    I think you need US more than we need you, I rest my case milord.

    Jul 05th, 2014 - 03:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    Tick Tock Toby. Tick Tock!

    “Do not as for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for thee...”

    How are your Eng. Lit. Studies coming along?

    Jul 05th, 2014 - 07:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Z-ville


    I see that Argentina has made no attempts to update or correct their history and geography test books and school curriculums for about 150 years or so...

    Jul 05th, 2014 - 08:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    Oops. Fat finger syndrome. Should have been

    Do not ASK for who the bell tolls, it tolls for thee Trolley”

    Ha ha!

    Jul 05th, 2014 - 10:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • redp0ll

    The argentine Judiciary has never been Indpendant of the executive branch. It will get to shoot em first and try em later and probably Nostils will be the first victim, much to his surprise.

    Jul 05th, 2014 - 11:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Joe Bloggs

    26 Nostrils
    All those “conventions” are just tricks and mirrors. They are designed so that Europe and North America can subjugate and enslave the rest of the world, and keep them poor.

    That's simply not true. We only target Argentina with them conventions. We concocted the whole system just to pick on Argentina.

    Jul 06th, 2014 - 12:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Oh why,Oh why do people pick on Argentina? Answer: They love it, gives them some purpose in a dull existance, when they feel that every man and his dog are against them, gives them something to moan about and forget all their country's domestic problems. Stop moaning and get on with life it only comes once.

    Jul 06th, 2014 - 07:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen


    Failing to take responsibility since 1816.

    Is this a record?

    Jul 06th, 2014 - 11:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jonaz_BsAs

    A broken record, one might say.

    Jul 08th, 2014 - 01:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • owl61

    TTS (26 etc) promised in another thread to stop contributing to MercoPress after several of his comments were deleted. I applauded his decision, but upon reconsideration I don't mind that he broke his promise because, after all, he is Argentinian so breaking promises comes instinctively. Besides, his comments and the responses thereto inject a healthy dose of laughter in the otherwise gloomy news of the day.
    Hey, if Argentina wins the World Cup, no one will think about the impending economic disaster to occur later in the month. Kicillof can bootstrap some economic theory excusing his government's deadbeat conduct, e.g., the funds that might have been used to avoid default went to train the winning team.

    Jul 08th, 2014 - 05:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    The same OAS who prevented an elected, (opposition), official Maria Corina Machado, from speaking publicly about the Chavista scum. Kept it behind closed doors.
    This organisation deserves NO respect.

    Jul 09th, 2014 - 08:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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