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Dutch government releases former Venezuelan general retained on DEA request

Monday, July 28th 2014 - 07:11 UTC
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Dutch government releases former Venezuelan general retained on DEA request Dutch government releases former Venezuelan general retained on DEA request
Aruba Justice minister Dowers said U.S. officials were “very disappointed” with the decision to free Carvajal who had been detained on a U.S. warrant Aruba Justice minister Dowers said U.S. officials were “very disappointed” with the decision to free Carvajal who had been detained on a U.S. warrant

The Dutch government released a former Venezuelan general who was detained on US drug charges when he arrived in Aruba to serve as his country's consul on the Dutch Caribbean island, sending him home Sunday night and defusing a diplomatic fight with its neighbor.

Aruban authorities had argued previously that Hugo Carvajal, a former military intelligence chief, didn't have immunity from arrest because he had yet to be accredited by the Netherlands, which manages the foreign affairs of its former colony that sits off the coast of Venezuela.

But at a hastily called news conference in Aruba's capital, the island's justice minister said Carvajal was being let go because Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans decided Carvajal did have immunity, but also declared him “persona non grata”, a term used by governments to remove foreign diplomats.

“The fact is that Mr. Carvajal was granted diplomatic immunity, but he is also considered persona non grata,” Dowers told reporters at the news conference in Oranjestad that was streamed live on the Internet.

Shortly afterward, Venezuela's government announced that Carvajal had been freed and was flying to Caracas with Deputy Foreign Minister Calixto Ortega.

Dowers and Chief Prosecutor Peter Blanken said the decision to detain Carvajal on Wednesday was based on the fact that he while he had arrived using a diplomatic passport, he had no accreditation to serve as a diplomat on the island. They said officials decided to comply with the detention request from Washington based on an international treaty between the U.S. and the Netherlands.

“But that information changed today based on what Minister Timmermans of the Netherlands said. And Aruba has to follow instructions,” Dowers said on Sunday.

He said U.S. officials were “very disappointed” with the decision to free Carvajal, who was the highest-ranking Venezuelan official ever detained on a U.S. warrant. His arrest could further damage Venezuela's already fractious relations with Washington.

Carvajal served for five years until 2009 as the late President Hugo Chavez's head of military intelligence. The two met in the early 1980s at the military academy in Caracas and later took up arms together in a failed 1992 coup that catapulted Chavez to fame and set the stage for his eventual rise to power.

In 2008, Carvajal was one of three senior Venezuelan military officers blacklisted by the U.S. Treasury for allegedly providing weapons and safe haven to Marxist rebels in neighboring Colombia.

Carvajal has denied any wrongdoing on those counts as well as charges unsealed this week in southern Florida that he was an associate of Wilber Varela, a major Colombian drug trafficker who was murdered in Venezuela in 2008.

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  • ChrisR

    The drug capital of Europe knows who it's friends are I see.

    Jul 28th, 2014 - 05:39 pm 0
  • ilsen

    Venezuela gives 'hero's welcome' to freed general Carvajal

    And on and the circus plays. Pretty disgusting really.

    I would never say Guilty without a fair trial, but I do not believe the US just randomly issues arrest warrants without reason.
    quote from the BBC
    “US authorities allege that in his role as military intelligence chief, Gen Carvajal protected drug shipments made by Colombian traffickers through Venezuela.

    He has also been on a US Treasury blacklist since 2008 for alleged links to left-wing Colombian rebels.

    Venezuela had appointed Gen Carvajal as consul to Aruba, but the Dutch government has so far rejected the appointment.”

    This deeply unsavoury character is notorious, and feared, in VZLA. The allegations of drug-running and terrorists are old news there. This political appointment was made because
    a) he is an old buddy, (and fellow coup-ster) of Chavez
    b) because the bus driver Maduro shit-scared of him
    c) he knows where all the skeletons are, literally, financially and otherwise.

    A disgusting state of affairs.

    Jul 28th, 2014 - 05:47 pm 0
  • Nosregor

    Well said Ilsen. No one I know is celebrating his release...and I know that, because I live here.

    Jul 28th, 2014 - 08:12 pm 0
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