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Britain raises terrorism level to 'severe' in response to possible attacks

Saturday, August 30th 2014 - 11:03 UTC
Full article 95 comments

Britain raised its terrorism threat level on Friday to “severe”, the second highest level, in response to possible attacks being planned in Syria and Iraq, Home Secretary (interior minister) Theresa May said. Read full article


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  • ilsen

    Good to see her being pro-active, not reactive, over this.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 11:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    “The murder of US journalist James Foley almost two weeks ago by a man suspected of being a British national has prompted demands for extra security measures to tackle Britons travelling to the Middle East to join militant groups.”

    The answer to which is obvious: execute them upon their return, they are traitors and the death penalty still stands for such crimes. As these idiots want to see Allah, then we should arrange it.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 11:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    I agree that the passports of those joining the jihad should be revoked. Any one travelling to the region for the purpose of supporting this 'caliphate' should not be allowed to return to the UK. They have made their choice. Leave them to rot in the desert and be picked off by drone strikes.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 11:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino


    That is pretty much what happens. Just this week several people who were attempting to leave the country were removed from planes or refused permission to leave the country.

    Those that have been proven to fight in these wars can be prosecuted upon their return. (We're not like Russia that let's its army personnel to holiday in a war zone).

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 11:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    I say all that want to go, should be allowed to go. Bombing terrorists in the desert avoids all the legal nicities that we abide by at home. Keeps it all very simple really. After all, they chose to go.
    Saves on all the costs involving spooks watching them, expensive trials, building more prisons etc.

    They should be encouraged to go to die in the desert by drone strike. They get to shout their silliness and play at soldiers for a few days, and then boom! Death from above with no clean-up costs.

    A very tidy arrangement all around. Good housekeeping is very important I feel, shows moral fibre.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 02:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    You guys just dont get it. Its not whether they should be going or not. Its about tackling the Muslim issue in Britain itself. Both alternatives depend on the STATE to do everything and be the ONLY solution to everything and make everyone happy.
    The Police STATE has already accepted back in 250 jihadist, they know who they are clearly but are doing nothing about it, they are just watching everything, treading very carefully in what to do next. You end up having a massive intelligence apparatus to spy and see what everyone is up to and one point a fail will start occurring.

    It started with the Welfare states, bringing hordes of migrants from the middle east in to work for and pay for the services of the future retiring Europeans that CHOSE to not have kids. Hence if they didnt have any kids they should have saved money to pay fo their own retirement.

    In the early sixties it might have worked because immigration was far more personal between the migrant and the home culture. Birth rates of Pakistani families in Northern England declined in the 70s then after they re created a society that was more alike with Pakistan itself the birth rates went up again. The arrogance and idiocy that PC people in Europe display is based on the idea that culture of immigrant populations is a one way direction to “Westerness” and its values, ideas and society. News flash, it is simply not the case and this is going to prove fatal error.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 04:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    Oh dear, I think CD2 is becoming a little unhinged and starting to fetishise this issue.
    Many went to fight against Franco, some at home feared they would return and spread the evils of communism.
    Equally Fascists were on the rise in London's East End, many feared they would become Hitler's Fifth Column.
    Well, little old Britain survived the twin spectres of Fascism and Communism in the last century, I am sure it will struggle on through this one.
    Just remember we were fighting in the Crusades many hundreds of years ago. We are still here.

    I am sure that if the Islamist Extremists did ever try and take over they would be stopped. Meanwhile the British will continue managing the situation in our own quiet way.

    Do you honestly think what you say hasn't already been discussed in the hushed corridors of power? Plans are already in place. Tolerant as we are, no-one will be upsetting the apple-cart, by stealth, population growth or otherwise I can assure you.
    You really don't understand how far the British Establishment will go in order to maintain the status quo.
    Everything is in hand and under control. The British don't like to shout about it, no need dear boy, no need.
    Thanks for your concern all the same, awfully decent of you, considering you have such pressing matters closer to home.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 05:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    Ohh ilsen... You poor thing. Britain was ruled in the old days by brilliant statesmen that had served in the front lines and that understood history like Churchill now you are ruled by lawyers of a established state class that are just desperate to keep on the kool aid that you seem to be so fond of.

    On the other hand I find it ever more hypocritical that many of you guys focus on Argentinas woes when you have these problems in your own streets. When I die this country will still be Argentina. You will die in the Great Sultanate of Britanistan

    And Btw. The islamification of Europe is dangerous to everyone since the Muslims will inherit the technology, arsenals and economies of ageing old Western powers who already are terrorist exporting countries.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 05:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    @8 CD2
    “Britain was ruled in the old days by brilliant statesmen that had served in the front lines and that understood history like Churchill now you are ruled by lawyers of a[n] established state class ....”
    I agree with most of that statement, especially the first part, yet feel you really underestimate the quiet dogged nature of the British.

    “On the other hand I find it ever more hypocritical that many of you guys focus on Argentinas woes when you have these problems in your own streets. ”
    Well this site is primarily about the South Atlantic nations so comment should be expected to focus there. There are many other sites devoted to European concerns. Also, re: 'our streets'. This is really minor stuff in the general scheme of things, but worth keeping a lid on. Times change. In ten, twenty years there will be a new bogey-man to scare the children with.
    Maybe you think we should start burning Chinese restuarants now, just to stay ahead of the game?

    “The [potential] islamification of Europe is dangerous to everyone...”

    Agreed, yet it hasn't happened. It won't happen either. Do really think the Germans or French will allow it? The British are tolerant up to a point, and then no more. The French and Germans are more racist and less tolerant. Do you really think we would all stand quietly by and allow Sharia law to take over?

    “You will die in the Great Sultanate of Britanistan ”

    A foolish and goading statement not worthy of reply.

    all the best, ilsen

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 06:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    But there's more. IS “fighters” are estimated at 80,000. This must be faced, on the ground, by at least 400,000 troops with the most up-to-date and extensive equipment. With no silly attention to “Conventions” and “rules of engagement” that never had this sort of situation in mind. The “enemy”, man, woman or child, must be exterminated. Lawyers must be imprisoned for even attempting actions against troops or border personnel. The UK's border must be solid. Every suspect individual should expect 6 weeks in a tented detention camp while checks are carried out. Followed by removal of citizenship/nationality, seizure of all assets and expulsion. Branding the word “TRAITOR” on the forehead should be seen as optional, but a bit of fun. Citizens of countries under threat should have the right to bear firearms and use them.

    I make no apology for any of this. My country is at risk. I am at risk. I demand that the risk be eliminated and that I should be able to defend and protect myself, my property, my family and my neighbours wherever I may be.

    Incidentally, for the sake of the nutjob @8, the “caliphate” will die. Try history. No “caliphate” has ever succeeded.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 06:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • malicious bloke

    “Incidentally, for the sake of the nutjob @8, the “caliphate” will die. Try history. No “caliphate” has ever succeeded.”

    The Ottoman empire lasted for 623 years and at one stage was on the verge of marching on western europe before they were turned back at the gates of vienna.

    Just sayin'

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 06:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2


    You have nothing to do with the glories and templance of your forefathers, you are today nothing else than apathetic condescending cowards that have lived in guilt for far too long and have given away all that they fought so hard for in a generation.

    Churchill's generation as well as pretty much happened during the total history of Imperial and Christian Europe had not problem in simply saying and believing that European culture, beliefs, laws and values where superior to those of the third world. And he was correct, what they got wrong is in the idea that western values, laws and culture should be imposed upon them all round the world.

    For what I gather In a way, you are already admitting there is a problem but you expect the BRITISH STATE to magically solve it for you but hence they cant and now you expect more proud countries like GERMANY & FRANCE to solve it for you. It wont happen.

    If by chance Europe decides and maneges to stop Islam's advance it will not be for thanks to the likings of yourself, it will be because the last push back of working class Europeans that whispers among eachother and sees what is happening in the streets disides to take drastic action. It wont be thanks to kool aid champagne liberals of the Guardian, Channel 4 Huffington Post and brain washed liberals. I doubt its going to be easy because demographics are already a time bomb and immigration estimates have alwaways being underestimated.

    I dont see much hope for Europe after reading this. Nearly 10 years old and by far more accurate than any news comment of today.

    Best hopes that liberty survives in far East Asia, North America and parts of Latam

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 06:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    hmm... you really have a bee in your bonnet about this don't you?

    Ok, forget the white, male elite in government here that are not even a shadow of Churchill etc.
    Let's talk about the women of Europe, from Italy and Spain, Germany, the Scandinavians, the Dutch, the French and the British. Do you believe that these millions and millions of educated, knowledgable, political, enfranchised (voting), sophisticated and in many cases, financially-independant women are simply going to allow Sharia law an easy path?

    That their daughters will be denied education?

    That they will put down a well-earned glass of wine after a hard days work and remove their mascara and cover their hair simply because some wierdo with a beard tells them so? They are more likely to scratch his eyes out with a well-manicured nail.
    That they should become invisble? That they can't drive, and return to being chattels of men, unable to own property or vote?
    Love or hate her, do you think Margaret Thatcher would tolerate the rise of Islamo-fascism?
    There are more, many more like her.

    Your statement...
    “For what I gather In a way, you are already admitting there is a problem but you expect the BRITISH STATE to magically solve it for you but hence they cant and now you expect more proud countries like GERMANY & FRANCE to solve it for you. It wont happen. ” a little ridiculous, naive even.
    Yes, there is a problem, but not a dominant one. We don't expect any 'magic' but do expect the State to resolve it in a timely and responsible way. It what we elect and pay them for. Entirely different from the way the way the Argentine State operates, which is obviously influencing the way you think. They are not the same entities. Not even similar. Nor do we expect France and Germany to solve the problem for us. We work, often behind the scenes, very closely with our allies and friends. In poker you don't flaunt your hand.

    And yet you predict the demise of Europe in 30-40 years?

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 07:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    I am not downplaying the current threat of Islamic extremism in Europe but we do need a little perspective here. Muslims make up less than 5% of the population in the UK. The vast majority integrate and are peaceful, useful members of society. Don't lump them in with the tiny minority of muslim extremists.

    I have a tendency to agree with the solution that if they leave this isle for their perceived glory fighting a brutal religious war, they should know they forfeit their citizenship of the UK. They can stay there.

    To be honest, vilifying all muslims will only further isolate impressionable youths and drive them towards extremism.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 08:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    First of all Mediterranean Europe like Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal are not in the same mess you are. They have sacrificed economic prosperity for the upkeep of Monocultural societies. Unlike northwestern Europe.

    You see silly naive feminist women that you speak of are part of the problem and should take their fair share of responsability. They are very brave against the powerless Catholic church and other christian religions yes...very anti western tradition and anti family but so far they have proven to be total are cowards against Islam.

    Where have these champagne femenists being all along to prevent slavery, rape, grooming of young women in Rotherham or all over the country???

    As I have said most of them are going to die leaving less than one kid. They have persuited their careers and jobs, dated till well in their 40s and 50s and now depend on Muslim youths to pay for their retirment.

    You have systematically raged war against low class white males. Which is the backbone of any society, where your soldiers, farmers, labourers, tradition, basic identity and mojo as a country comes from. Nobody will be coming to protect you in the future. So far the response of these femenist woomen and politically correct people is to move to the next white hood and leave the working class to deal with the hordes of Muslims and call them extremists and xenophobes if they even dare to speak out.

    “And yet you predict the demise of Europe in 30-40 years?”
    yes I do.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 08:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 14 ElaineB

    Frankly, given my experience around Stoke-on-Trent, the “impressionable youths” have already rejected their own parents who in most cases have no idea about what they are up, sound a bell, anyone?

    Then look at the response from the “community leaders” who are mainly Immams: all they do is preach the Quran (or their version of it) and refuse the denounce these terrorists.

    Stuff Blair and his multiculturism, THAT is what got the UK into the mire but I think sooner or later if the government do not act then Enoch Powells' “rivers of blood” will come true but because of Muslims, not 'Jamaicans'.

    A lot of my friends and business contacts are at the end of their tether with Cameron et al and want the problem gone.

    Perhaps UKIP will eventually be given the chance.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 09:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    Oh really? Is feminism a dirty word to you? Feminism simply means equality with men. Does that make you feel insecure? What are you scared of?
    There are so many holes in your last post I don't know quite where to begin... but I will try...
    “First of all Mediterranean Europe like Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal are not in the same mess you are. They have sacrificed economic prosperity for the upkeep of Monocultural societies. Unlike northwestern Europe. ”
    What are you saying here? Is this good or bad? You talk about 'mess', just look at their Economies; they came to Germany/UK etc for a bail-out. Maybe they should have been a little more open-minded.
    As ElaineB states;
    “Muslims make up less than 5% of the population in the UK. The vast majority integrates and is peaceful, useful members of society. Don't lump them in with the tiny minority of Muslim extremists.”
    These people contribute to the economy and are conservative, business-orientated and family minded.
    “powerless Catholic church”,
    Yes thankfully it is now. What with its stance on abortion and contraception, attitude towards condoms/Aids in Africa etc. I am happy to see its power recede. Who made this happen? I am sure the voice of (mainly Protestant/secular) enfranchised, educated European women had a role. Abortion is still illegal in almost every country in South America. Women do not control their own reproductive Rights.

    You are closer to the extremist religious viewpoint of these crazy fundamentalists than the Europeans.
    Please compare Catholic South America and Protestant/Secular North America for figures on female emancipation, economic success etc.
    Yet you believe the women of Europe will just hand this over to some Islamist Extremists?
    Many women in Britain have already organized their own private pensions, can you imagine that? Financially-independent women? Hardly ‘silly naïve feminists’ as you so discourteously call them.The UK is just fine, stop reading the vitriolic Daily Mail
    HTH :)

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 09:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    This has morphed into an all encompassing rant against society. CD, you usually contribute to a good debate but you sound like TTT tonight.

    Feminism is about two words 'equal opportunities' nothing more; nothing less. It is not anti-men or wanting to usurp men, it is purely to have a level playing field to compete in life. The feminism you speak of is not one I recognise. Feminists can CHOOSE to work, have careers, stay at home to raise families or a combination. The point is, they should have the choice. Why can't men stay at home and raise the family if that is the choice of the couple? You seem to think it is a Christian woman's duty to out-breed other religions. Astonishing.

    How about women control all the money and power and we can keep men at home for breeding purposes and to raise the children when we choose. Does that sound fair? No, of course not. Why should women be treated like that?

    When I travel to South America I often say it is like time travel back to the fifties when it comes to the attitude of men towards women.

    “You are closer to the extremist religious viewpoint of these crazy fundamentalists than the Europeans.” Well said. Their religion revolves around oppressing women.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 10:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    I normally enjoy reading CD2's contributions and occasionally debating a point or two. However, recently he seems to have gone on slightly disturbing rants along the xenophic/doom-bringer lines of TTT or jealous paulcedron. The insecurities regarding strong women are reminiscent of Voicey/El Stinko.
    Quite worrying really. I hope he hasn't succumbed to the intellectual morass that is seen so often here.
    Good point about not being 'anti-men/level playing field to compete in life. etc.' Totally agree.

    hmm... the potential for “ “rivers of blood” will come true but because of Muslims, not 'Jamaicans'.” is a possibilty in places like Bradford, but I hope still unlikely. Like it or not, British society is one of the most closely monitored societies in the world. And we don't like a fuss! Sure it is under control.
    I have heard it said that the riots in Tottenham, (fairly close to my current location), were deliberately provoked in order to 'let off steam' prior to the Olympics. I can't prove any of this, but it makes you think how much is being stage-managed...
    Could equally apply to the current 'angst' re: the 'muslim hordes at the door'...
    Stir up a bit of anger in order to sway the vote?
    Just a thought.
    I would never underestimate the machinations of the Whitehall mandarins...
    CD2 certainly has bitten the bait. I remain classically cynically British to the core.
    To CD2 I will only say; What is your recent focus on migration? It has been happening in the UK since about AD 04. Neither UK or for example, that classic melting-pot, New York has done too badly out of it. Those legendary travelling traders, the Lebanese have been operating in South Am since about 2 days after the Spanish arrived.
    I am wondering about your heritage? Spain was a Muslim country for a while...

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 10:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    “The insecurities regarding strong women are reminiscent of Voicey”

    WTF are you talking about..I don't have a problem with strong women...
    I have never mentioned any such thing....
    Strong women are great...means I don't have to do all the heavy lifting....

    Why are you all pussy footing with CD...if it was Toby saying these things you would be all lacing into him....
    Tell him straight...he's a racist bigoted xenophobic prick...
    What part of...he hates the British...don't you understand...?
    Do I have to do everything for you???

    It's only because he sides with you over the Argentine Govt that you are tolerating his crap.....
    I never have....
    ....the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend...springs to mind....
    Grow a pair and tell him straight....

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 11:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Paragon

    Everyone is missing the point lol U.K. government says that Islamist terrorists that have taken over substantial territory in Iraq, and whom it previously falsely labeled as “rebels” when they were busy fighting Assad in Syria, pose a severe threat to the security of the U.K. Britain has exported Islamic terrorism to the Middle East for many years, from Afghanistan to Libya. Three years ago it was revealed via WikiLeaks that a top Al-Qaeda assassin was in fact a MI6 agent. Also, there are Muslim clerics who work for the U.K. government as recruiters and hate preachers. That is one explanation why there are so many British Jihadists in the ranks of ISIS. Secondly and more importantly, the Islamic State has sparked political and theological instability across the Middle East, and if they continue expanding, could plunge the region into even greater chaos. The group has prompted bomb blasts and fighting in Lebanon, and in Jordan and Kuwait the governments are worried that sleeper cells may attack at any moment. But it is Saudi Arabia that is on high alert, worried that the Islamic State group will come after them with force. In a recent interview, a senior Islamic State defector said their next stop would be Saudi Arabia, which includes Mecca and Medina. Its rulers are now in full panic, sending money to the Lebanese army, funding UN counter-terrorism efforts, and even getting senior Muftis to condemn the group. And who is behind all of this well the USA They are highly trained, well equipped, Do you all think they just sprang up out of the desert sand lol

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 11:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    hmm... just to say I have read your comment, you may have a point there, but please be assured that I am not on anyone's 'side'.
    Quite happy as an independant, thank you. I also think CD2 is normally a quite sensible commentator, whilst I admit I have lost track of which 'voice' you are as I do not pay much attention to your posts.

    Interesting.... as a conspiracy theory. Although I don't doubt that the Security Services of UK/USA, (Mi6/CIA whatever), has agents already embedded in ISIS, my question is;
    What are you getting at here? Causing panic in Saudi Arabia? Fire-stoking the ancient and modern Middle-East conflicts?
    To simply cause chaos that the military-industrial complex can benefit from?
    Sorry, I don't understand your point.

    Aug 30th, 2014 - 11:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Paragon

    Its not a theory, lol . Its all about destabilising the región and has been for many years, CIA knowhow along with finance via Saudi Arabia, Qatar you ask what for.... well get your head out of the sand, Oil..... and insuring long term financial control It seems then that the danger of ISIS and the necessity to eradicate it is directly correlative to US interests. Put another way, the IS is a useful tool in Syria and southern Lebanon where it creates chaos to the detriment of Assad and Hezbollah respectively, while in Iraq, the IS is dangerous where it threatens the US client regime in Kurdistan and Western oil interests. But of course, the detail consistently left out of most analysis of the IS problem is the simple fact that it is a creation of US intelligence and its covert war on Syria.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 12:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2


    Feminism hasnt worked like that. It ended as an open form of positive discrimination against men. Dont make this into a typical men vs women debate. Equality is the least thing feminazis have in mind.

    The point is regarding to this topic is that western women live by different standards and behaviours to that of Muslim women do. And that is a FACT whether you like it or not.

    Yes, what im saying Meditterranean Europe has chosen a different path than the North of Europe did. Italy’s inverted population pyramid should not be to differnt to that of the UK which is more columnar shaped. The difference in the bottom is the input of immigration and birth rates of Muslims in the british pyramid in regards to the italian one.

    Have you noticed to consider that Japan or Italy hasnt the same kind of social and ethnic unrest that riots in Paris, London and Malmo had??

    They have chosen a more poor economy that has problems in sustaining their old hence they go into this massive public debts but are stable with cohesive societies, no terror issues no riots and on the long term it will pay off. What is so hard to understand about that?.

    Im an athiest, but I do recognize the role that Christian civilization traditionally upholded and has now gone. Where the Church and values functioned in the old days now the STATE is in charge. If that makes me an “crazy fundamentalists” so be it.

    What Elaine fails to recognize or omits is the fact that those 5% (The Brit version of INDEC) are much younger and with much higher birth rates than white ethnic Brits who have had no kids and are much older and will start dying in the next few years. In the 2011 census the brits foun 50% more Muslims that they expected in the 2001 projections.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 12:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Silly does... “Which Voice I am” have any bearing on my comment... don't pay much attention to my posts feel qualified to mention....
    ...”“The insecurities regarding strong women are reminiscent of Voicey”
    .......foot ..aim ...pull trigger...;-)))

    BTW CD's comments are about as sensible as yours.....
    ps...Venezuela!!! that got your attention...

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 12:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    ”Equality is the least thing feminazis have in mind.”
    Well, that comment just took you outside the realm of sensible debate.
    To repeat: It is about equality of opportunity.
    I really enjoyed ElaineB’s comment “How about women control all the money and power and we can keep men at home for breeding purposes and to raise the children when we choose. Does that sound fair? No, of course not. Why should women be treated like that?”
    Any thoughts?
    Modern women are not trying to emasculate men. Your insecurities are showing. Why shouldn't a woman be your equal?
    As for “Have you noticed to consider that Japan or Italy hasnt the same kind of social and ethnic unrest that riots in Paris, London and Malmo had??”
    Riots in London happen about once every decade… not bad really. Not like Vnzla running battles for months, for example.
    Was the last one in London to do with Islamist Extremism? No. The disturbances in London we caused by the death of a gangster/notorious street criminal by the Police. Some disaffected youth then decided to use this as an excuse to loot some shops and have a crazy street party whilst taking out their aggression on the Police. Absolutely nothing to do with Islamic Fundamentalists.
    “that western women live by different standards and behaviours to that of Muslim women do. And that is a FACT whether you like it or not.”
    Yes, it is a FACT, (no need to shout), but as I previously said, it is because Western women have a choice. Do you honestly believe that they will happily return to the Dark Ages. Or they will be forced to at gunpoint? That European society will let that happen? Really?

    “massive public debts but are stable with cohesive societies” umm... no, no society can be cohesive with massive debt. It is proven that the educated young are fleeing Spain in their thousands. Not cohesive, similar to Ireland in the past.
    I will happily refute your other misguided statements but I am against the word limit.
    I will respond to @23 in due course.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 01:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Paragon

    @26 Before you reply think on this while you have your thinking cap on, The US has claimed it will begin reconnaissance flights over Syria - a tentative first step toward direct military intervention it has sought in attempts to overthrow the Syrian government since 2011. While the US is using the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq (ISIS) as a pretext to carry out these intrusions into Syrian territory, it was the US itself that created and to this day perpetuates ISIS and other extremist militant fronts amid a documented attempt to reorder the entire Middle East. What is expected to follow is an incremental expansion of US military intervention in eastern Syria that will include further arming and funding of the very terrorist networks it claims it is violating Syria's borders to attack, culminating in eventual military operations carried out against the Syria government itself.

    The US justification for directly intervening in Syria however, only further undermines the very “international norms” it claims to champion, What is perhaps the most troubling aspect of all about America's attempts to begin military intervention in eastern Syria using ISIS as a pretext, is the fact that it and its regional allies including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, created ISIS in the first place to use as a proxy mercenary force for the purpose of overthrowing the government in Syria and confronting pro-Iranian forces across the region from Lebanon to Baghdad. With Syria effectively containing ISIS in eastern Syria and routing them in the more heavily populated regions of western Syria, the West's designs for regime change in Syria appear effectively defeated The West's feigned surprise at the immense funding, armament, and organization of ISIS attempted to create 'distance' between itself and the mercenary force they themselves created. If the Brits and Yanks feel threatened in their own homeland then they should look to their own government and Banksters for responsibility.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 05:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    I don't know ilsen, it's not the f_ing point like most of your entire comment!!! But why dont you ask her in that case would she rather wed any unemployed young simple English guy which are of plenty in the UK and make babies with him ?? I mean she works in high government level for many years, Im assuming she can easily provide for him and the kids. Like older men when time is closing on them do... I bet you she wouldn't.

    And the rason is because women are not biologically predisposed to pick that kind of partner. You have to pick someone who can provide the resources and safety for the mother for 9 months.

    Unfortunately women by biology predisposed to be are gold diggers... So dont come along to give me that crap that women are equal than men. That poor sod R. Williams that killed himself was having to maintain two ex- wives and his own one and family.

    The riots had clear racial backgrounds that triggered them, or had the cops shot a white guy would have London being sacked for it ??
    “Do you honestly believe that they will happily return to the Dark Ages. Or they will be forced to at gunpoint? That European society will let that happen? Really?”

    Yes, I do because it is already happening.

    Its something very gradual in which people that can afford to move out do so, so rich feminist women will simply move to another hood, region or country and will just go on. It doesn't have to be a civil war and the Muslims win and take over, its simply a day by day slow but dissimulated and continual process as it has being so far.

    But hey, what do I know about anything??

    I hope that this brilliant man makes you understand more what Im talking about he is a real academic and has studied this and followed islamiphication for years.

    But you seem to be interrested in listening to your own kool aid and self made belief.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 05:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    1) Quite interesting, sensible & truthful posts from poster “Paragon”....
    Something to be expected from a “Patagonian by Choice”, I reckon ;-)
    Anyhow... Most of what he describes in his posts, has being going on in the Middle East since before those “romantic” times of Max Freiherr von Guy Oppenheim & T. E. Lawrence...

    2) I can see that even some of the Turnips in here are opening their eyes about poster “Cabezadura” true values....
    Fundamentalists like him, with their complete disregard of “Minor Details” as, for example, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, were once in charge of Argentina... Not anymore..., I' m happy to say...
    (Speaking about disregard of Human Rights.....I'm reading that the UK is planning to ignore the principle of “Presumption of Innocence” on Muslims... BAAAAAD MOVE!)

    3) About that preposterous insinuation at (19) about Mr. Voice and “Yours Truly” being insecure in the presence of strong women...
    Well.... I can see that Mr. Voice has already clarified how useful Strong Women are to share the burdens of life's heavy loads... ;-)))
    My own opinion about those wonderful creatures of God...???
    Let's say that I know them “a bit”...
    A fact that makes the “weak” among them nervous, insecure and charmingly aggressive...
    And the “strong”........................................ very interested... ;-)

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 09:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @24 Well, gosh, you reveal so much about your prejudices against women. You think men are now the oppressed? You are unhappy that you might not have the social advantages just because you have balls rather than tits?

    You know, in civilised societies, women can be independent and not NEED some rich guy to finance their breeding. And why do you assume men will automatically be higher earning? I do know from my time spent in the Southern Cone that women are still stuck in a time warp of inequality and oppression but I am working on it.

    You, Sir, are a dinosaur. An insecure one at that.

    @29 It is really O.K. to agree with some comments and views, and not others that a person makes. C.D. may be somewhat extremist in his misogynist views but your attitude to women also leave a bit to be desired.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 10:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    Somebody just got a bit “charmingly aggressive”...

    Chuckle chuckle.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 10:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @31 :)

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 10:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    Elaine dismisses Muslim as a problem for England because they constitute only 5% of the population.

    It's not all Muslims that we might worry about, it's just the 372,000 that are male and in their 20-40 year class demographics.

    If we assume just 10% of these young men are radicalised
    (seriously angry about the Blair-Bush years, and today's Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan, etc),
    these 30,000 - 40,000 young men are sufficient to seriously disrupt England's way of life.
    After all, less than 200 IRA did it for years.

    I am less stoical than Elaine.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 12:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 33 GeoffWard2

    And I agree with everything you say, other than 10% seems low for Stoke-on-Trent.

    The UK have woefully underested the problem until now, hence the scramble to “raise security levels”.

    I am not sure how this will compensate for the failures made so far.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 12:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (33) Geoff ward

    Less stoical than Elaine, maybe.
    Less sincere than Paragon...., certainly.
    Paraphrasing his words...:
    “If you Brits feel threatened by Muslims in your own homeland then you should look to your own government and Banksters for responsibility...”
    “Do you Think they just sprang up out of the desert sand...?”

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 12:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @33 I did not dismiss the problem at all, just added some perspective.

    “I am not downplaying the current threat of Islamic extremism in Europe…..” was my opening line.

    Let's not lump all muslims into the same category of extremism, please.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 12:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (36) ElaineB

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 01:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    What is so misogynistic of anything that I said?? Its a simple matter of reality.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 02:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (33) Geoff ward
    Why are you ignoring the female Jihadists?
    They are doing a heck of a job in Chechhnya....

    (36) ElaineB
    You say...:
    “Let's not lump all Muslims into the same category of extremism.”
    I say...:
    Silly me.... I thought that was the whole idea.

    (38) Caradura
    You say...:
    What is so misogynistic of anything that I said?? Its a simple matter of reality.
    I say...:
    From a “Gorila” point of wiew..., you are surely right...

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 02:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    Think & Voice
    Mete pua experts

    OK F- it send me the Feminazis, the politically correct Brits libtards, the whole bunch against me

    Its time for some serious “Man with no name” moment

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 02:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (40) Caradura

    You surely mean a “Yojimbo” moment you Westernised Argie Gorilla...

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 03:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @38 I cannot believe you are being serious. If you are, there is nothing I can say to enlighten you. Why not re-read your comments about women and the role you think they have in society and see if you can spot just how offensive your words are.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 03:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    Do you even know what an argument is?? Did I ever say which role should women have in a society??

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 03:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Klingon

    I agree with nearlyeveryone of CD's comments here. The writing has been on the wall for so long and are Europeans are whipped into being Poltically correct.
    I seen this coming in 1996 when I was pulled out of the queue in immigration entering London and searched and repeatedly & questioned while hordes of middle Easterner's/African's where wavied through.
    The fact is that if they had not let all these Muslims in the first place, the UK wouldn't be in this predicament.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 03:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    “He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount”
    Chinese proverb

    As they dont want to admit they have a problem and hope that government, Muslims will automatically adapt or that Germans, French or someone else will solve the problem for them they will be soon out of business.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 04:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (44) Klingon Turnip says...:

    “I seen this coming in 1996 when I was pulled out of the queue in immigration entering London and searched and repeatedly & questioned while hordes of middle Easterner's/African's where wavied through.” 

    I say...:
    Excuse meeeeee...., but I Think that, if I was an English bobby on duty at a London Airport, chances are that I would stop, frisk and question any guy looking like this...:

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 04:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    ElaineB (#36) 'Let's not lump all muslims into the same category of extremism, please.'

    I did not lump all Muslims together.
    You will note that I was saying that the problem was with 5% of the English population; 50% of that (male); some 30% of those (20-40 year olds); some 10% of that (the radicalised): ... I make that around 2% of the English Muslims.
    That is 2 people out of every 100.
    As for female jihadists (Think #39) - that might increase it to 2.2%.

    I am happy to raise my calculation to 32,000 clear and present problems.

    What would any sensible nation do if faced with 38,000 (+-) life-threatening problems?
    ... Surely, at least as much as they did with the tiny but vicious IRA.

    Please do not be upset if the Government takes appropriate protective measures - this is what we pay them for.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 04:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    Geoff, that was more of a general comment. Just as I am sure you know I was attempting to put the Muslim population of the UK into perspective.

    I won't be upset at all if the government takes action against the extremists. I already stated that anyone leaving to fight in their perceived glory war should immediately lose citizenship of the U.K. If the intelligence services want to make that permanent lose of world citizenship, good luck to them.

    I also have no doubt that covert operations are already underway - have been for some time - and I hope no stupid wannabe Snowden or Assange blabs our operations to ISIS. ”In the name of freedom' but really for personal glory.

    But it is more than that. There are disaffected, ostracised teens, ripe for exploitation in our country. We all know how easy it is to whip them up into hatred and manipulate their minds. That needs to be tackled at source and making all Muslims the enemy will only further feed that problem.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 04:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    Snowdens and Assanges are the consequence of your already faulty approach right from the start. Because in order to have your multicultural society “function” you end up having a Orwellian police super State prohibiting Nasheeds on YT and ISIS videos and other sorts of propaganda. Following what Muslims do and bowing back to them in the court rooms and any basic form of social life. Just in order to maintain the status quo. You already have lied statistics about the numbers of Muslims in the country and your media describes crimes commited by “Asians” instead of Muslims or Middle Easterners.

    ”So now, in the new multiculti Britain, the child sex trade is back, as part of the rich, vibrant tapestry of diversity - along with Jew-hate, and honor killings, and decapitation porn. The solutions to the internal contradictions of multiculturalism are (a) David Cameron's expanded security state; (b) Afsun Qureshi's universal prostration before Islam; or (c) an end to mass Muslim immigration. The last is too obvious for any viable western politician ever to propose it.

    That leaves Wilberforce's “reformation of manners” - on a scale he never contemplated, and with a self-segregating community extremely resistant to outside influence. Meanwhile, leaders such as David Cameron keep hoping that somehow all these excitable young men with their surplus energies will embrace “British values”, without ever being able to say what these “British values” are, other than the stuff Yorkshire schools teach as the source of all the evils in the world - imperialism, racism, colonialism, etc. And even as we dither, in Rotherham and elsewhere, Islam is already reforming our manners. As I wrote the other day, slowly, remorselessly, we are becoming them.“

    ”There are disaffected, ostracised teens, ripe for exploitation”
    Ohh poor things. But EDL kids are all drunken extrimist nazis not eeven worrth listeening too.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 06:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    CabezaDura #49

    I understand your angst; it speaks volumes of your troubled personal history. You sound to be exactly as educated as is/was Fido Dido. But I recommend that you don't cross swords with Elaine, she is much too much woman for you.

    Apologies, all. Typo in #47. Stet. 32,000, correct to 38,000

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 07:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @49 Are you quoting an opinion piece as fact?

    You seem very excited about the idea of a multi-cultural society. I didn't think such racist and xenophobic people still existed but given your views on women I should not be at all surprised.

    Go and look in the mirror and you will see a twat.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 07:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 50 GeoffWard2

    There are even MORE of them!

    Another 6,000 is neither here nor there in the scheme of things: what we have already is overpowering the feeble minds of the politicians and what in reality, not wishful thinking, to do about it.

    The first thing they should do is to forget the so called Muslim Council of Britain, they most certainly do not listen to, nor do they represent, the Muslims of Britain.

    “But I recommend that you don't cross swords with Elaine, she is much too much woman for you.”

    Oh yes, :o).

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 07:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Some of the Engrish posters in here at MercoPress are quite pathetic....

    Take Engrish “Femme du Monde” ElaineB at (51) for example ..... “so travelled & informed”.... yet getting all shocked and surprised by the existence of racists and xenophobes in this world...

    Or what about Engrish “Ex-Pat” ChrisR at (52).... getting all worried about Old Blighty's democratic institutions being under foreign attack.... whilst pushing for military dictatorships, street lynchings and magnicides in the region he is a (unwelcomed) guest of...

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 08:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @53 Oh, stop stirring.

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 08:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    @54 No, you stop stirring...

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 08:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 54 ElaineB

    I think The Lunatic is a bit upset with both of us.

    Good (as far as I am concerned).

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 09:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2


    “I understand your angst; it speaks volumes of your troubled personal history. You sound to be exactly as educated as is/was Fido Dido”

    Sure. Like exactly what?? Somehow you think Im rejoicing about this. Im not, im simply a believer in western values and true freedom. And the subject of islamification in Europe is fascinating to me. Geopolitics in general are fascinating to me. Scary but fascinating at the same time.

    I dont even know who Fido Dido is.

    Elaine is pretty overrated as far as Im concerned. She obviously felt identified with comment 15 and started attacking me but she cant even pin point accurately in a straightfoward argument what is so misogynistic about my comments. But besides its not the point in regard to my original idea and reasons why native western populations are in decline.

    But hey dont worry Im just a misogynistic and racist twat. I hope that helps. (but a handsome one, because I went to look at myself in the mirrror)

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 09:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    ”But hey dont worry Im just a misogynistic and racist twat. I hope that helps. (but a handsome one, because I went to look at myself in the mirror)”


    Aug 31st, 2014 - 09:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    yeah LOL

    Aug 31st, 2014 - 09:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    When I hear young handsome Fascists say that they believe in“True Freedom”..., I invariably come to think about young, pretty Attila...

    He was tough on pussy-cats....

    Sep 01st, 2014 - 03:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Hepatia

    Given the lack of any specific intelligence this action can only be interpreted as a step in the UK government's plan to make the country even more of a police state than it is presently.

    Sep 01st, 2014 - 04:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 61 Hepatia / 'British' Bummer

    Ha, ha, ha.

    They will be coming to take you away (to the looney bin) soon.

    Laugh a minute, pity you are off your head.

    Sep 01st, 2014 - 11:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    What our government say's and what it actually does are to different things,

    already today bleeding hearts and do-gooders have shot most of the proposals down as-anti freedom , other people rights and making them stateless could well be illegal,

    the Muslim minority could well be insulted , how can we actually prove them guilty, boy o boy the greedy lawyers will have a field day with this,
    who cares abt OUR rights, obviously no one.??

    Sep 01st, 2014 - 06:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    Somewhere in 2014's England, a Briton just wrote...:
    “What our government say's and what it actually does are to different things,
    already today bleeding hearts and do-gooders have shot most of the proposals down as-anti freedom , other people rights and making them stateless could well be illegal, 
    the Muslim minority could well be insulted , how can we actually prove them guilty, boy o boy the greedy lawyers will have a field day with this,
    who cares abt OUR rights, obviously no one.??”

    Somewhere in 1932's Germany a Kraut could have written...:
    What our government say's and what it actually does are to different things,
    already today bleeding hearts and do-gooders have shot most of the proposals down as-anti freedom , other people rights and making them stateless could well be illegal, 
    the Jew minority could well be insulted , how can we actually prove them guilty, boy o boy the greedy lawyers will have a field day with this,
    who cares abt OUR rights, obviously no one.??

    Sep 01st, 2014 - 07:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    Hey Think... Why did you and Massot exile in Scotland and Canada instead of thee same regimes that armed youu and trained you like Cuba and Gaddafi's Lybia??

    Sep 01st, 2014 - 10:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton


    Tut tut
    We aint over run yet
    And we aint in

    Sep 01st, 2014 - 11:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Martin Woodhead

    Oh noes the terrorism alert has gone up.
    Time for another cuppa

    Sep 02nd, 2014 - 09:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @28 CabezaDura2,
    l agree whole-heartedly with your opinion re radical islam.
    @44 Klingdon,
    Correct sir, had they had not let all these muslims in, in the first place, this problem would not have arisen.
    Scandinavia is now finding that out to their sorrow.

    Sep 02nd, 2014 - 10:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    I remember other times that people were at war and ALL people - involved or innocent - of that nationality/culture were sent to camps until it was over - WWII Germans, Japanese interred in the USA etc..

    If a jihad is the modern type of war, then impoundments and incarcerations are in order to avoid attacks and subterfuge within the home country.

    It sounds unpleasant but, in times of war, nations war against nations. ISIL/ISIS/IS claims it is a 'caliphate' - a super-state, a new country
    (check out the Fatimid caliphate).

    The first 9/11 type attack on our mainland which might be attributed to IS (etc) should go beyond our response to the IRA and destroy Islam at its core in the United Kingdom.
    If this means making 5% of the UK population stateless then so be it.
    OK it may become 'a Gaza' but if we make our displacement camps on the Outer Hebrides (so the Scots can bear some of the problem), or the IoM or the IoW (if politicians are 'sensitive') this can be more easily controlled. The UN can provide the tents.

    [There was a time when I would not have made this facetious posting, but the Blair/Bush years of child abuse in the Muslim Labour town and cities of England have caused me to re-think.
    The political leaders, police and 'support' leaders in these towns and cities - those that are culpable - should themselves be 'relocated' never to return. UN tents should be provided.]

    Sep 02nd, 2014 - 12:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Sounds ok to me.

    Sep 02nd, 2014 - 06:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ynsere

    My full support for Ilsen and Elaine. They have described the Britain that I admire. I'm sure the Brits will win the war against terrorism of whatever
    persuasion. The US seems to have lost it already with their loss of personal freedoms as of 7/11.

    Sep 02nd, 2014 - 07:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    People must start to understand that you cant win a war against terrorism, its a oxymoron. The war on terrorism was condemened to fail right from the start.

    Britain has already lost in Afghanistan and Irak. Britain is evolving into a super orwellian state in order to maintain the uneasy peace within its borders of a multicultural society. The roots of it is in the implementation of the Welfare State, political correctness and feminism which made Western Europe ageing old dependent on unskilled labour from the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere to sustain old folk that lived longer and a ever bigger state.

    Multicultural societies fail and collapse and this is what history teaches us. Or is a coincidence that the Scots want to break up as they feel more Scottish than British?? There is no longer a British identity. And you have to wake up to this fact.
    You can be Multiracial society, that is one thing, but only if you have a Monocultural like happens in Israel or Latinamerica which unifies the country under history, values, religion or common enemy or a common purpose or goal.

    Say what you like about the US, it is the only country where its citizens rose to take the boot of the State of their heads, they are all armed bastards and they dont have the same % of Muslims as they have in Europe. They can afford to disengage from the Middle East and immigration from Muslim to the US is going to collapse over the following decades.

    Sep 02nd, 2014 - 07:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 72 CabezaDura2
    “Say what you like about the US,....they don’t have the same % of Muslims as they have in Europe.”

    In actuality they have almost the same number as the UK.

    My best friend was on a cruise a few weeks ago and met an American family. The father was incensed with Obama and his 'leniency' with Islam but went on to say that a lot of Americans are convinced he is a Muslim himself.

    The Quran is crystal clear on this and there is no avoiding the conclusion, but the approbation I got last time I went through this just illustrated how insulated a lot of Brits were from the coming reality.

    Sep 02nd, 2014 - 08:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @73 ChrisR,
    Correct sir, we may yet see the “rivers of blood”.
    With a lot of people, its too hard to face reality, so they ignore it & hope that it will go away.
    But it will not go away, the more you ignore it, the bolder it becomes.
    For example, the RGs obsession with the Falklands.
    We all know that its not their territory, they know it too.
    But they were emboldened by wishy-washy, spineless talk such as “lease-back” & “joint sovereignty” & other ridiculous phrases in the past.
    lt should have been forcefully nipped in the bud when it first raised its ugly head.
    l have been saying for years that Britain is heading for a disaster with its immigration policies & have been accused of all sorts of things(which l mostly ignore).
    People refuse to face reality & if you upset their nice little world too much, the the well-oiled PC crowd swing into action to pillory you.
    At times l have felt like Winston Churchill, when he warned about German re-armament & the politicians of the 1930s laughed at or ignored him.
    Trouble is brewing, l am sorry to say.

    Sep 02nd, 2014 - 09:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    73. Only 0.6% of Americans are Muslim according to the CIA factbook (2007) It may be a bit higher today but still less than 1%, in contrast the UK is near 5% and rising rapidly. Its number grew 67%, far more than they were expecting fro the previouus census in 2001

    Halal meat consumption is well over the 10%, Muslims in british jails are 13% So maybe the brit government is INDECing about the real numbers of Muslims in the UK. France is already at the 10% Muslims and Jewish populations are under attack and leaving. My guess is that by near 20% of Muslims like happaned in Malmo Sweden the Jews will be long gone to Israel or America

    Sep 02nd, 2014 - 09:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 75 CabezaDura2

    I was not posting about percentages but that the number of individuals in both countries is the same, bleeding millions. Does it really matter what the percentages are if you have overwhelming numbers anyway?

    You are woefully out with Halal meat consumption: it is nearer 100% and the reason is that all the big slaughterers have decided that they cannot keep full stun at the same time as the Halal kill.

    The cowards at DEFRA (government department supposed to look after farm animal ‘welfare’) gave in to them. A few of them should be put through the Halal process to put some spine into the rest of them.

    Although all meat products have to be labelled with country of origin (full of loopholes) no mention of Halal is to be found. An attempt to force supermarkets to reveal the kill type failed due to the customers being ‘confused’, in other words boycotting the Halal rubbish.

    The ONLY people who are confused is the government: they have forgotten what being British means and it doesn’t mean Sharia Law in Britain, even though the Home Office have allowed it in the sink holes of Bradford, et al.

    As far as I can see Britain is going to hell in a handcart due to Blair, The Cunt Brown © Jeremy Clarkson 2010 and the coalition of cretins who are scared shitless if any Islamist cries ‘racist’.

    When I think of all my family members who died in WWII or soon thereafter due to their wounds to provide Britain with her freedom, I could willing execute the entire government for allowing this travesty to our nation to continue.

    Sep 02nd, 2014 - 10:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    I guess it just keeps getting worse by the days. I understand how frustrating it is. A Dutch guy told me once that I must hurry to get there because in 100 years time there would be no more dutch blonde babes in Holland. Moroccan gangs where already running the place..

    That said what I dont understand is the attitudes of the left wing liberals in Europe that enable these established classes and governments to sell a country away.

    Fascinating reactions though, here I was called you xenophobic, racist, misogynist dinosaur or if you continue to speak well some how there is a problem with yourself some insecurity, phobia or whatever so the problem is with you, you need a lobotomy and here take the kool aid and dont talk about it anymore.

    However, but what I dont understand is where the PC liberals want to go or what they want to achieve as a whole.. That countries become a massive melting pot with no identity, no values, no essence in which native culture is demolished with a massive Orwellian Super State controlling and maintaining the “peace” or an islamic country or caliphate all together?? In other threads here they will discuss me that the Muslim population growth is questionable but dont discuss nor deny that the country will become islamic all together by the current projections. So they question the timing of the journey but not the destiny itself.

    This is the part I dont get. What do they want??

    What was most reaviling though was the following.
    “You really don't understand how far the British Establishment will go in order to maintain the status quo.”

    Sep 03rd, 2014 - 05:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    I'll put the kettle on... (while we wait for CD2's attitude towards women to join us in the C21st...)

    Sep 03rd, 2014 - 06:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    Caliphate (Wiki. -

    you don't need a European country to be governed by Muslims for it to be declared as part of the modern Caliphate being created in the Middle East.
    It just has to be declared by the one great leader, and then ALL Muslims in those countries have a duty to obey, without further thought, the great leader - Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, referred to as Caliph Ibrahim.

    The inevitable conflict of leadership between the elected leader and the Caliph leader will rip apart Western European nations, just like it is doing in the middle East - unless agreement is reached (across the EU?) to pre-emptively address this matter.

    Sep 03rd, 2014 - 07:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    You can only push a tolerant nation so far,

    and we suspect that British tolerance and inapt lack of action plus to much appeasement by the government is slowly but surely turning the tide of British opinion,

    nothing is set in stone so please never think that Britain cannot or will not do nothing,

    the tide is turning and these jihadist and terrorist are changing the way the world treats them and they may not like the result,

    Sep 03rd, 2014 - 10:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    I feel quite content that the Security Services are on top of this.
    As you were!

    Sep 03rd, 2014 - 12:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    ”I'll put the kettle on... (while we wait for CD2's attitude towards women to join us in the C21st...)”

    So its back to the kitchen then??Ohh well I want my coffee with half milk and two drops of sugar... Try to not spit in it

    You should really google Estrogen based parasites of Stefan Molyneux.

    Sep 03rd, 2014 - 02:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Room101

    Active bullets and bombs with active fanatical ideals behind them rarely if ever take to intellectual or social arguments. Before and after those actions perhaps, but they have meaning for the present Islam terrorists. They have no country except for what is in their minds, and the Promise therein for an individual if he or she carries out their versions of their belief. Sacrifice is an integral part of their lives- even a desired result. Conflict is an essential for them. But, it has no part for a great many other Islamic followers. Indeed, it is for many, anathema. Neither the Islam Koran or Christian Bible; New Testament; speaks for violence, but some people take that bit out which specifically forbids it. Even Archbishops will support wars, often subtly, for establishment and politics. Often with the accompaniment of sentiment and grief of congregations. We can all become victims of our own propaganda or philosophies; sincere, but mistaken. But it's just a part of the picture isn't it: it is even more complicated than that, or very simply, a love for conflict. Yes there are those that do have that.

    Sep 04th, 2014 - 09:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    What time is it in Argentina?
    Have you legalised abortion yet? Still using wire coat hangers in dirty basements CD2 ?
    50% of your population has less Human Rights than the other 50?
    Sounds very backward to me.

    You lot still take the Pope seriously? The English told Rome to bugger orf nearly 500 years ago. Not exactly scared of wierdo foreign religions I think.

    Meanwhile, I am sure modern Britain can handle this temporary terrorist threat. Equally I am sure all the 360 million Europeans are not going to allow a few fundamentalists to drag them back into the Middle Ages.
    Don't worry your pretty little head about it anymore.
    PS. Real men make their own coffee.

    Sep 04th, 2014 - 02:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    You are just being silly

    Sep 04th, 2014 - 04:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    You are just being wrong.

    Sep 05th, 2014 - 11:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    I think the raised security threat may be something to do with the missing Libyan planes. There is speculation that they may be used in a terror attack on the 11th. How do 11 planes go missing?

    Sep 05th, 2014 - 03:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    lots of internet 'chatter' about the missing planes. I am sure the US will be scouring the planet for them.

    Sep 05th, 2014 - 05:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    One Malaysian missing plane - world-wide media coverage for weeks.

    Eleven missing Libyan planes: not news - it can't be, the BBC don't think it's worth reporting.

    That makes 12 commercial flying bombs.
    It sure sounds like NEWS to me ... even if the BBC thinks otherwise.

    Sep 05th, 2014 - 07:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    it is a bit odd that the BBC are not reporting on this...

    Sep 05th, 2014 - 10:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    It seems pretty likely to me, ilsen, that the planes have been sold in exchange for weapons in the caliphate's fight for a world islamic state.

    Either that or for flying bombs for Europe's capital cities
    - just another everyday expression of jihad.

    Sep 06th, 2014 - 11:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen


    Sep 06th, 2014 - 12:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    I've been thinking about the insanity of war
    and my father
    and - especially - my grandfather

    and Richard Attenborough

    I've never been one for war.

    Sep 06th, 2014 - 04:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 93 GeofWard2

    When I was just a nipper, one of my uncles who had been in the RAF had a massive gash down the LHS of his face. It took me until I was about 8 or 9 to ask him about it because he had never said why he had it.

    I never talk about it was all he would say. At his funeral, many years later I learnt from another uncle (my mother was one of twelve brothers and sisters) what had happened. My uncle was an aircraft engine fitter and he and others had rebuilt the Griffons on a Lancaster bomber and as usual were on the proving flight (to give the pilot confidence I suppose) and everything went great until the landing and they crashed due to (they thought) pilot error. Two of my uncle’s colleagues were killed and he was hospitalised for a long time. Apparently one of the Perspex ‘windows’ stopped him from being thrown out of the aircraft, hence the damage to his face. The gash was nothing compared with his internal injuries.

    There are times when war is necessary to defend your home and family and the Falklands are family. I never understood why Afghanistan was a priority to us: the Gulf / Saddam were all about oil and Blair’s arrogance.

    But once our forces are in theatre we MUST support our guys and sod the government when they waiver, which they do (except for the Blessed Margaret of course).

    Sep 06th, 2014 - 06:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @93 GeoffWard,
    That film is just so sad,
    And now l am crying.
    @94 ChrisR,
    My grandad was an RAF engine fitter too.
    His back was scarred & still had pieces of shrapnel in it from Tobruk.
    Although wars are immoral, we must retain the right to defend ourselves.

    Sep 06th, 2014 - 08:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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