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Samond resigns, but is convinced “Scotland can still emerge as the real winner.”

Saturday, September 20th 2014 - 07:05 UTC
Full article 23 comments

Alex Salmond is to step down as Scottish first minister after voters rejected independence. He will also resign as leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP), which he has led for a total of 20 years. Read full article


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  • Monkeymagic

    Salmond has ruined Scotland, and Cameron has played a blinder.

    The West Lothian question is now top of the political agenda, where before the Labour Party had swept it under the carpet.

    No votes from Scottish, Welsh and NI politicians in Westminster on English only issues....100 odd non-Tory MPs out of the equation and Cameron has a massive majority.

    Scotland remains in the Union and a perpetual Tory majority in England. Gotta hand it to Dave, he has tucked up Salmond and Miliband like a couple of kippers.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 07:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Salmons hasn't ruined Scotland.

    Jeez, exaggerate much?

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 07:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    Depends how you classify ruined, has he contributed to a more entrenched sectarian divide in Scotland? Yes he definitely has.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 08:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    We had the same divisions during and after our republican referendum.

    They're gone now.

    You will always have a fringe element but that is what happens when you live in an open society and accept freedom of expression.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 09:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Take no notice of the stupid monkey puppet....
    It is only fair and logical that England should have it's own Parliament...
    All MP's from each of the countries of the UK should be UK MP's as well as being Scottish, Welsh, English and Northern Irish MP's...
    They all get to vote on UK matters, but also get to vote on their own countries affairs in their respective Parliaments or Assembly etc....only.

    There is nothing magical about the twisted hate and bile that spews forth from the Monkey puppet hater of Scotland....
    Know him for what he is......

    On the contrary Salmond hasn't ruined anything he has initiated a process that may bring about a fairer way in which the Union is governed and the wealth allocated and distributed...
    ...not a bad footnote to add to the end of one's Curriculum vitae or Résumé...(which ever romance language descriptor you prefer).....

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 11:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @2. I'm afraid he has. What is the 'legacy' he has left? He 'believed' in bullying businesses not to give their view. And his 'pal', Sillars, told them there would be a 'day of reckoning'. How 'statesmanlike'. Then there was the bullying and violence on the streets. Like the BLIND distributor of NO leaflets punched in the face. Add in the lies. On the EU, free movement between Scotland and the UK/EU, currency union. Then there were the questions he refused to answer. And last, but by no means least, the attempt to steal UK assets. I kept asking questions. Where's the law that says that one country in a union has to give away part of its assets to another partner that wants to leave? No-one can offer an answer. And where's the law that says the deserter gets to choose the assets. And yet Salmond thought he could DEMAND, amongst other things, two Type 23 frigates and 12-18 Typhoons. As I said more than once, land has a value, doesn't it? The territory of scotland 'belonged' to the UK. That was their agreement in 1707. We were 'giving' it to them. But they wanted to steal MORE. And other considerations. In 1707 England loaned scotland £398,085 10s. Where's that? With a purely nominal rate of interest, that's now worth more than £2 quadrillion. Any sign of scotland repaying that? Nope.

    Scotland has been revealed as a cheating, lying, thieving, violent place with not a shred of honour. There are comments today in the British press about Salmond 'falling on his sword'. Anybody have a problem falling on a figurative sword that still pays you £60,000 plus expenses a year.

    Salmond's legacy. And England will not forget!

    Aren't you in Australia, Anglotino? A 'country' with little history. What it has is based on that of England. England has its own history. We built ourselves. It's one reason England commands respect. Those that say they don't respect are just jealous or dishonest.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 11:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Australia was not colonised by the English....but by the British....

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 12:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    5. You sound sad and defeated.
    One would think you'd be used to it by now.

    BTW I think I mentioned a few weeks back you couldn't over come the polling.
    Didn't I?
    Yeah I did.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 12:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Please do keep up....I do believe I was on the winning side....
    Did I mention that...
    Didn't I?
    Yeah I did.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 12:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    I think @1 has a point. It has certainly taken away the legs of Farage and appeased the Conservative voters that have complained for years about Scottish and Welsh M.Ps voting on English only issues.

    It is also true that the upset and disappointment felt by some in Scotland will pass. They are first and foremost proud to be Scots and will reunite.

    My concern as the devolution debate begins is the idea that England might divide into regions. Apart from the fact that we already have the expense of local government, I think this will lead to a more divided population and disparity in wealth. It will not be long before the wealthy regions do not want to share their tax revenues with the less wealthy regions. It already happens in local governments through the local taxes. Last time I moved house from one region to another and to a larger house, my local taxes were actually lower because the region as a whole is more wealthy. It can actually be a lot less fair to regionalise power and wealth.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 12:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Jim Sillars has been calling for an investigation into vote rigging based on this Youtube fake.....
    What a sucker.....
    Women made one mistake and swapped it.....
    NO superimposed underneath Yes pile ....
    Third guy wasn't writing an takes way too long....

    ...and that accent of the narrator.....not a native English speaker...Indian, Pakistani,....or similar is my guess....

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 01:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    Goodbye Alex you odious toad.
    This man should be tried treason, now that would be a fitting end to his career.
    I hope we never hear from this sorry little man ever again.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 01:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Actually Conqs, Australia's history predates England's as the Aboriginal peoples have the world's oldest continuing culture stretching back more than 40,000 years.

    Perhaps as long as 80,000 years.

    And the English didn't colonise, the British AND Irish did.

    So thank you, because all of your history is therefore our history as well.

    But ours is not yours.

    I am glad the mother country did not divide.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 01:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    As we are now united, lets move on.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 06:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    I think the odious Nationalists deserve The Hag.

    She joined the party when she was 16 and hasn't learnt a damn thing since.

    Just imagine all the headbangers in Glasgow taking any notice of a woman.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 08:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monkeymagic


    Salmonds twisted National Socialist (Nazi) agenda failed and failed miserably.

    By accident he has bought about a massively reduced Scottish influence.

    At the moment Scotland has dominated UK politics far far more than 8% of the population should. Prime Ministers, Chancellors, balance of power, etc etc

    With the West lothian question answered the English MPs will control Westminster (as 92% should in a democracy) and the Tories will have the most English MPs.

    Hell of a gamble by Cameron, but it seems to be paying of Handsomely.

    The stench of Nationalism, and anti-English racism perpetrated by Salmond will likely never go away. It will damage Scotland and Scotland's prospects.

    Any we believe Voicey voted No, or did he realise we'd rip the shit out of him being a loser....or did he shit himself at the last minute and ditch his ridiculous principals...

    From “lest we forget” to “ooops I forgot” in just a couple of months.....from “freeeedom” to “flea pit”


    Not a Scotland hater Voicey....55% of them seem's the Nats I despise.

    Sep 20th, 2014 - 08:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    United we stand or the likes of ISIS will pull us down.

    British.full stop

    Sep 21st, 2014 - 10:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @13. Really, tiny? Not content with stealing the land of the indigenous people, you now want to steal their history as well? Now let's ask a question. Why isn't the government of Australia formed of indigenous people? How are 'you' better than argies? Perhaps because you don't go killing the indigenous people at will? But did you used to?

    And if the English didn't colonise, where did the name come from? It came from the Angles. The majority of the British are now the Welsh. The Irish didn't colonise much. They started in Ireland. They went to Wales and Scotland. Where they are controlled. Seems the English DID colonise.

    Do you think the spanish invaders took on the persona of the indigenous people? Then why should you?

    Based on the name you have selected, where do your forebears come from? Do you trek across the desert, naked, a lot? Eat grubs? Prick your skin in patterns? Perhaps you could try reality. Instead of 'history', perhaps you meant archaeology? Or folk tales?
    @16. I so agree with you. The scotch have hamstrung themselves. Not for seeking independence. That would have been okay if done in a civilised fashion. Instead they descended to bullying and violence. And now they are down to “We want it NOW”. Unfortunately, for them, proper countries don't work like that. Proper countries have to go through the various legal, democratic and parliamentary processes. Argies don't understand this. Neither do the scotch. Meanwhile, the English, tired of being insulted and ripped off, WILL be seeking revenge. The scotch WILL regret what they've done. Wonder if they've figured that they are outnumbered?

    Time for the scotch to remember they've rejoined a civilised and democratic country. Salmond's barbarism is OVER!

    Sep 21st, 2014 - 12:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monkeymagic

    You are right, independence from the UK (or England) if done properly can be seamless and happy on both sides.

    A good portion of the surface of the Planet (including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and large chunks of the commonwealth) managed it.

    But Salmond chose the anti-English rhetoric approach. It was shameful, and won't be forgotten. The bitterness and inferiority complex flowed throughout the campaign...that was the problem.

    As has been pointed out many times, Scotland is not under-represented in Westminster, nor does it get an unfair return economically. Both are lies.

    The simple and only reason for independence was that Scotland is a left wing country who doesn't want a right wing government. What they didn't realise is that England is a right wing country who doesn't want Scottish socialism.

    Had Salmond sold that story, perhaps he'd have had credibility.

    Now, England have finally woken up to the fact that 60+ Labour MPs don't come from England, and in England David Cameron has a seizable majority. It's all rather inconvenient for Labour.

    Why is it devolution only occurs or is even offered where the Tories don't have the most Mps....London, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, it was even offered and rejected in other Labour strongholds.

    How about devolution to the Shire Counties? What say you Mr Miliband?

    Sep 21st, 2014 - 09:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    My opinion,

    I would send England to the polls, to vote on what WE want to be
    1, England and thus recognised as English.
    2, Great Britain and , or united British isle, and thus recognised as British
    i.e. do we want to go it alone or be plain great Britain/united British islands=that others can join,
    [1] England and fXck the rest full stop.
    The other means we are willing to remain British and any and all others that wish to join us can,

    You Cannot join as Ireland, Scotland, Wales, channel isle outer Hebrides , etc etc

    They join as [ Great Britain united British isle what ever the English decided
    And will be British forever, , one country , one nation , one people.
    They have brought this on themselves, those who think fxck you and want to go it alone, then so be it, full stop,
    The English are the biggest and main contributor on this island and if we get no say, or reduced to 3rd place whilst Scotland and Wales rules the roost, then we are better of alone.
    But giving the English a choice whenever to go it alone or still willing to share and remain British
    Will be their choice, and the rest of this island can either comes with us,, or goes it alone,
    Rather that make the English beg to them, we will give them the free choice of coming with us, or go it alone,
    Lets end this once and for all, and one thing at a time, [ EU later ]
    At the very least we will know that they aint going to come back in time and demand independence,, not if they give up ones individual nationality to be totally British.
    Let start from scratch NOW whilst we are here, then we will see who really is with us or against us
    As I said just my opinion, and this is not set in stone,
    A strong robust British what we need
    putting Britain first 2nd and 3rd ,
    we need to invest here with our hard earned money , not give it all away to gain soft power of influence ,
    to some who just laugh at us,. ????

    Sep 21st, 2014 - 11:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino


    You just love to rant and rave. Though you don't seem as drunk as usual.

    I'm an Aussie. So my history is of the Aboriginal inhabitants, the British invasion and what Austalians did with that's inth multiculturalism.

    We created one of the greatest countries on Earth.

    “Why isn't the government of Australia formed of indigenous people?”

    Because Australia is populated by more than Aboriginals and we can't undo 226 years of European colonisation.

    “How are 'you' better than argies?”

    I've never said anyone is better than Argentines. I don't generalise about an entire people nor am I racist. Australia is a country built on the dispossession of its previous inhabitants. To deny otherwise would be a lie.

    “Perhaps because you don't go killing the indigenous people at will? But did you used to?”

    Yes we used to. Actually you could say that it was the British that did most of the killing as most of the people that did it were born in Britain and thought of themselves as British. However we don't do that. We own our past and admit that it was committed by our country and our forebears.

    Tell you what, down a few and posts reply. Please include more ranting and at least several banal threats that show how impotent you are.

    Sep 22nd, 2014 - 12:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Alex Salmond says No voters were 'tricked'
    The First Minister goes back on his promise to accept the referendum result and raises the prospect of Scotland unilaterally declaring independence.

    The First Minister appeared to blame elderly Scots, who were most hostile to leaving the UK, for holding back younger generations and argued that independence is inevitable after they die off.

    Jim Sillars, his former mentor and a former SNP deputy leader, tweeted that the nationalists should “assert” a new rule that Scotland would become independent
    inevitable they could well declare UDI.
    Some now say=
    His words are fundamentally undemocratic and an insult to the people of Scotland. Salmond may regret the result but this reaction is dangerous and wrong

    • The true face of nationalism is beginning to show its ugly face. If Salmond & Co had their way, they would lead the nation straight into a civil war. What other conclusion can we draw from his unchallenged statements that things now lie in the hands of the Scottish people? Nothing more than a veiled threat of civil disobedience which would undoubtedly lead to civil war. Be afraid of this tyrant. Be very afraid

    Sep 22nd, 2014 - 12:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steuart

    I thinks some of the comments here could quite easily have given th YES campaign the additional 6% they needed. I can say that the campaign has been generally very orderly has seen engagement on a level i've never known in my life, democracy is the winner here! That said I think the No campaign should look at what it has 'won'. I think this story has aquite a bit to run as yet.

    Sep 26th, 2014 - 12:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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