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Guest post: the UN is not the solution for a rogue debtor

Saturday, September 27th 2014 - 08:13 UTC
Full article 160 comments

By Arturo Porzecanski of American University (*) - Jose Antonio Ocampo, a former United Nations official and co-president with Prof. Joseph Stiglitz of Columbia University’s Initiative for Policy Dialogue, which promotes the adoption of heterodox economic policies in developing countries, recently wrote a guest post welcoming a UN General Assembly resolution calling for the launch of negotiations on a multilateral framework for sovereign debt restructuring. Read full article


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  • reality check

    Someone talking sense at last!

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 09:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nostrum of NostrolL

    Ocampo has an axe to grind. Everything he wrote here is in the shredder already. Only idiots would use such a sequacious zealot as a source of “taking sense at last”.

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 10:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    And someone talking their crap!

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 11:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leiard

    What is the axe he has to grind ?

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 11:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    Excellent article succinctly explaining the psyche of default embedded in The Dark Country from Nestor / TMBOA all the way down to the majority of citizens themselves.

    It won’t change such attitudes one iota: they are a bunch of deadbeats and honest people (and they do exist) have to suffer.

    Despicable bunch the Peronistas.

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 12:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Ton

    2065 was last heard of in 1984. Stabbed in the back by its best friend in 1982 it lingered for 2 years before fading away. RIP 2065.

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 01:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Excellent article, the author certainly has Argentina down to a tee, they are serial defaulters which cannot be trusted, who in their right mind would even contemplate lending them money. Why is it the worlds fault that Argentina refuses to pay what it owes?

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 01:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @7. Not quite accurate. Argieland is a serial criminal. It has, maybe, a dozen honest people in its population. In fact, it has, maybe, a dozen people in its population. Look at Tobi. Anal. Belligerent, Corrupt. Cretinous. Criminal. Degenerate. Depraved. Ephemeral. Fatuous. Genocidal. Hate-ridden. Ignorant. Inhuman. Juvenile. Larcenous. Mendacious. Nihilist. Opportunist. Pitiful. Puerile. Putrid. Ridiculous. Selfish. Senile. Spurious. Un virtually everything. Uncivilised. Uneducated. Unnecessary. Vicious. Vituperous. Xenophobic. What sort of 'things' are we permitting in our society? When you identify dangerous bacteria and microbes, what do you do? You isolate them and then you destroy them. What has argieland done FOR the world? Nothing. Time to do the right thing. Destroy a cancer!

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 02:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Oh let's face the truth from an Argentine perspective. The jealous gang of corrupt European and North American nations have unfairly ganged up on the Argentine peoples to steal their wealth, plunder the countries natural resources and spread their venom upon the children of San Martín for the past 100 years solely due to devious greed and jingoistic jealousy.
    Despite the unselfish sacrifice of hard work and honest intentions by the President and her administration to help the Argentine nations populace to emerge to their rightful position as beacon of freedom, democracy and universal prosperity, the enemies of the nation continue to commit a economic conspiracy to defeat the Peronist dream of a united Latin American democratic workers paradise.

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 02:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    “Argentina, a rogue debtor nation which regularly flouts national laws and international treaties.”

    ........Doesn't seem like this guy has an axe to grind...... From the above description, it sounds like he is speaking the Truth.

    Maybe that's why Tobi is sulking ( again ).... The Truth hurts

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 02:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Simon68

    2 Nostrum of NostrolL (#)
    Sep 27th, 2014 - 10:53 am

    Tobias, this article is written by Arturo Porzecanski, an Uruguayan professor. José Antonio Ocampo, wrote a post congratulating the UN on its support of Argentina's initiative.

    Why don't you read the article before commenting?

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 03:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    Is there anyone Argentina doesn't owe money to?

    As part of my portfoliio, I have shares in British Gas.

    ”...such as British Gas (BG Group), which won an award for $186m plus interest back in 2007 in the ICC Court, an award reviewed and ratified by the US Supreme Court in March of this year, are still awaiting payment”

    Therefore Argentina owes me money.
    The bitch!

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 03:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    Sorry ILSEN,
    You are a part of the jealous gang of corrupt Europeans who have unfairly plundered the natural resources of the Argentine people solely for your own selfish personal greed. Have you no shame?

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 04:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    Piracy is one of the oldest and most noble occupations in history.

    Not unlike the occupation of the current Argentine president.

    I am of course, not referring to carpentry.

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 04:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    Best article on the subject yet!!

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 04:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    The oldest profession is not what the President of Argentina does...
    It's BEGGING...someone had to ask for it first...

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 04:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    @13 Chicureo

    Can you explain Argentina's 106th position in the Global Corruption Index?

    (PS the UK is in 14th position and Uruguay and Chile are rated in 19th and 22nd place)

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 04:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check


    You would have to chop my hands off, hide your street dogs and drown me in cheap Whisky.

    Even then I'd insists on two paper bags, one for her and one for me.

    Just incase hers falls off!

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 04:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leiard

    Argentina today formally appealed to the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the ruling that Argentina violated trade agreements.

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 04:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    And if that doesn't work they can take them back to the UNHRC!

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 04:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    @13 *chuckle*

    @2 Bwahahahahahah! !!!!!!!
    Read. The. Article. Before. Comenting.

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 06:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    An erroneous report. Obviously Argentina's position is up there with Zimbabwe, Somalia and North Korea.

    Now be serious, and speak more respectfully about the representative of virtue and .... Ok,'re right mate... Two bags at least.

    Repent now...

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 06:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    “part of a gang of Europeans plundering Lat Am resources”
    Are you calling me a conquistador?
    I'm not even Spanish!

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 06:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Doggy Rap

    Idiot child Tobias wrote: “Ocampo has an axe to grind. Everything he wrote here is in the shredder already. Only idiots would use such a sequacious zealot as a source of “taking sense at last”.”

    This is exactly why I call you an idiot child. Everything Professor Arturo Porzecanski writes is well documented.

    In your state of schizophrenia, you were even unable to understand, that Professor Porzecanski was commenting on a faulty article by Ocampo.

    Claiming, in this connexion, that Ocampo (who defends Argentine policy) has an axe to grind against Argentina is the summit of idiocy.

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 07:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest


    Nostrils is still trying to understand what is wrong with the statement @13

    I expect that he feels vindicated now and will no longer post.


    Sep 27th, 2014 - 07:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 18 reality check

    You forgot the wooden stake and hammer though!

    PMSL at the mental picture.

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 07:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    It's the only steak I would take her out for!

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 07:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo


    These new world Iberian typically refer to the English and Dutch as the source of all piracy, while considering the Spaniards and Portuguese as the source of the new world civilization. They get a “pass” on a few of their errors of conquest. You others are evil pirates or worse.

    Don't forget the silver bullets, cloves of garlic and a mirror...

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 08:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Doggy Rap

    @ 25 Troy Tempest
    “I expect that he feels vindicated now and will no longer post.”

    Nothing can stop I.C.Tobias from spewing his hate and unfounded allegations left and right, same as nothing will stop Paulito Cedron from posting in “this 4th class site”, nor keep the first generation implanted squatter Shrinkhead ('Think' ... what?!?) from claiming that a people who has lived in the Falkland Islands for up to 9 generations are implanted squatters.

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 10:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jay Bee

    2 Ocampo has an axe to grind.

    Two things:
    1. That's rich coming from you.
    2. Did you actually read the article?

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 11:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    In that case I am proud to be a Pirate!

    Sep 27th, 2014 - 11:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    Argentina a rogue country?
    What a bunch of nonsense spewed by an advocate of the vultures that does not precisely contributes to the editorial reputation of this medium.
    Of course, the two overwhelmingly supported decisions at the UN are big Argentina victories at the political international level.
    As I wrote here a few months ago, Paul Singer thought Argentina would be a walk in the park as it had been the Latin American and African countries he previously plundered with the help of complicit/complacent judiciaries. Argentina, however, was going to be the hard place where the vulture would break its beak. The days for the Singers of this world to do their deeds with impunity are now being counted.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 12:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    32. Bahahahaha I guess you are enjoying 16/1
    You are a fool.
    Singer will get every penny he is due.
    Its a judgement backed by SCOTUS.

    I hope CFK destroys your economy by making Argentina a deadbeat and scofflaw.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 12:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nostrum of NostrolL

    Who the hell is SCOTUS? I've never heard of them so can't be much meaningful backing.

    Anyway, Argentina is called a “rogue” by North America and Europe because it has refused to cower in obsequious servitude and truckling slavery to them. They consider anyone who does not submit to their tyrannical yoke “rogue”.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 02:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    “Who the hell is SCOTUS? I've never heard of them so can't be much meaningful backing.”

    Proves my point about not experiencing life.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 07:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    If he keeps on calling for the blood of Americans and Europeans, he is going to get all the experience of life he could possibly handle and then some.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 08:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    34. Your NPD must make it hard to process that one little judge says in a foreign country can make 20MM Rgs starve.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 01:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Philippe

    And now the UN Charter should be amended, so that rogue members could be expelled from the System.


    Sep 28th, 2014 - 02:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nostrum of NostrolL


    And in the next breath someone supports mass genocide through starvation.

    You people are truly mentally sick, evil individuals.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 02:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest


    heads up - I've posted to your email address

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 02:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nostrum of NostrolL

    I'm not going to discuss this anymore, it's not worth my time or my heart rate.

    The facts are you people wish the murder of Arabs, Argentines, and basically any non-European. You support the bloodshed of anyone living outside of Europe and North America. You value only Europeans and North Americans as humans, all others are less.

    Those are the conclusions that anyone can make by reading the prevailing comments.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 03:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    41 Nostrils

    and in turn, by reading your prevailing comments, we have to conclude that Argentines consider it ok to steal from others, and all Argentines are mentally ill with a persecution complex.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 03:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nostrum of NostrolL


    I'm not certain if you realize that your rejoinder actually helps my cause.

    I think anyone with passive participation here has been by now convinced that Argentines are in fact what you state, since that is what everyone has obstreperously asserted.

    So that would entail no change of opinion.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 03:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Bubba

    CFK and Cia. are funding and promoting causes that are indefensible, and then using delaying tactics and scorched earth policies, trying to punish the righteous...

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 04:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    See I told you his NPD couldn't figure out who's at fault in this case.
    There's a real threat of poverty over this mess.

    I think US State must be chuckling over all this like we all are. Let the idiot Rgs destroy themselves like the Venezuelans have.
    Every day Soy is going down right along with the Peso

    95% of the mfg industry depend on imported components
    Now they're pay in advance
    at 16/1!!!

    Only the deep recession has slowed O/G imports.
    Still with the deep decrease in Soy revenue it won't make up for the loss in industry.

    What to do, what to do??

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 05:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Oh what a surprise...Not!
    Whatever happened to this....


    Sep 28th, 2014 - 05:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    46. You are like the drunk guy at the bar yapping on and on about stuff nobody cares about and everyone tries to get away from.
    Is it impossible for you to control yourself?

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 05:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nostrum of NostrolL


    This fool fails to realize that the only reason the US is “growing” is exports and if commodities fall Latin America stops buying US products, and if Europe is still in crisis they don't buy, and if China falters they don't buy. Also if the US really becomes an oil-exporter (very speculative), and prices fall then they would be selling oil at a loss because Fracking requires a high-base price.

    What a fool. The USA economy is going nowhere if other regions in the world go down like he predicts.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 05:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    48. You are wrong on every count in your post.
    FYI we already have around 300 years for proven nat gas reserves, drilled ready to go.
    I think we'll be just fine.
    Like I've been telling you I'm not worried about the USA. I think we're at the start of a new development age and once we have a new Prez that will let it run. Run we will.
    Wait and see.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 05:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    For goodness sake, how many variations of that are you going to keep posting....
    “You are like that homeless guy stood on a street corner...blah, blah..etc.”

    I've got to say you really are original...not!

    How's the the design magazine yet...?
    Painters finished yet..?
    How is Singer's plans to ensnare the Gas Tanker coming along...?

    You obviously haven't been working spend all your time here...
    Mystic any new predictions for us yet...?

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 06:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Well, its kind of the same thing, homeless guy ranting, drunk guy taunting.
    Both are apt descriptions of you.

    As I told Toby, if my name is not in the article, and I wouldn't expect it to be, I'll post the links of my place when its published.
    The painters still aren't done yet but they're supposed to be finished with everything by Thursday.

    Actually I am super busy, if you notice when I post its usually when I get up, around lunch, after dinner. Or sometimes when I am waiting around for something and its on my phone. That's when there are lots and lots of typos, small keys and a small screen and an uncooperative auto correct don't make it easy.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 06:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    As long as the UN keep supporting debtors like Argentina,
    They merely give others ammunition to avoid paying their debts,


    Sep 28th, 2014 - 06:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Waddya think Iyam...a gullible Yank....
    Anyone can post from a magazine article claiming it is theirs....'s my favourite site for ideas....

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 06:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    But I won't, I've never lied why would I start now?
    That's why you can't ever catch me in one...
    Not like people who don't know which side of the Atlantic they are posting from.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 06:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    H ha,
    Which side of the Atlantic are you on,
    This side or that side,
    And if you were speaking from that side,
    Would it be that side of this side?

    North Atlantic or south Atlantic
    West or east, middle or upper,
    Or is it a pond??

    Life is such a funny thing, cough cough…

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 06:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Rubbish I have caught you in lies and I can prove it....
    You said...that I said that I travel south from Dulles Airport to go North to PA...
    That was a lie and you have yet to show me where I said that....
    I can and have shown you the post before...but you hope people will forget...
    So that is an outright lie...

    I don't understand.....I can and have proved which side of the Atlantic I'm posting from...

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 06:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    #52 Briton
    So now that UN members overwhelmingly voted in support of anti-vulture legislation and also to investigate the link between vultures and human rights violations the UN is not good anymore?
    To the world's shame, only a handful of the most developed countries, UK and US included, voted against the initiatives, effectively revealing who protects whom, and where the buck stops.
    Wake up and get real: unfairness breeds violence, as we see in today's headlines. Only fair distribution of wealth and support to development as opposed to corporate greed will bring lasting peace and well-being to the world.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 06:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    57. Lemme guess Rg Communist hiding in Canada.

    Gads that Military Dictatorship didn't do a very thorough job.
    These bugs are scatter all over the place infesting other countries.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 07:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Only fair distribution of wealth and support...
    ..that does indeed sound like Communism....

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 07:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    57 Enrique

    glad you hold the mighty UN in such high esteem,
    First of the UN is the place to deal with is,

    This is Argentina we are talking abt,

    As for
    Unfairness breeds violence

    This may well be true,
    But are you suggesting that Argentina should not pay its debts,
    Are you suggesting that the rich nations of the world should pay off Argentina debts?

    This was the sole point, nothing more , nothing less.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 07:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    CFK's war against the world

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 07:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    So I will repeat and stand by what I say,
    1, Argentina should pay her debts
    2, the UN is not really the place to air ones dirty laundry
    3, she cannot keep blaming others for argentine debt
    she must one way or another pay her debts, full stop,
    unless of course they are not Argentina's debts or Argentina's problem
    purely depends on what side of the cot you are screaming from...

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 07:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nostrum of NostrolL

    I think what he means is there should not be a global “system” that requires nations to BORROW.

    It is the biggest myth in world economic history that DEBT is an ineluctable condition for progress. This ludicrous tenet has been dogmatically foisted onto international finance and through paltering and false premising and promising, become an inveterate “part” of the sham that is capitalism today.

    Since most nations now have been brainwashed into believing debt is the ONLY path out of poverty (think about the cogency of such a concept), carrying debt has become de fact obligatory. Since lenders know this, they have no reason to fear or negotiate: all nations must borrow, so lets have them borrow as much as possible, drive them to bankruptcy, and afterwards unremittingly dun. Once the usury is successful, the process reboots and initiates a new cycle.

    Nations become impoverished, peoples are pauperized. Bankers grow ever richer and more powerful.

    Modern capitalism encapsulated.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 08:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    63. Nobody makes anyone borrow you idiot. Gads you're stupid.

    Soon you'll see what its like to live in a pay in advance nation.

    Methinks you won't like it much.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 08:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nostrum of NostrolL

    Exhibit A of this “mentality”, and I am perhaps abusing of using this word loosely, is perspicacious to grasp @64.

    Any active or casual reader here should SCRUTINIZE the following words:

    “Nobody makes anyone borrow you idiot. Gads you're stupid.

    Soon you'll see what its like to live in a pay in advance nation.”

    Let's reflect upon this pair of statements. The first one avers that NO ONE forces anyone to take on debt, to borrow.

    The second statement AT BEST adjures, and at worst issues ominous warning, about what will transpire if one does not borrow.

    The analogy to this is: “you don't have to give me you wallet. Soon you will see what it feels like to have a hole in your head if you don't”.

    Check mate.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 08:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    56 Panto - horse

    “I don't understand.....I can and have proved which side of the Atlantic I'm posting from... ”

    Nonsense, you have provided compelling information at times, but PROVEN nothing.

    How many times have you made statements about Scotland and then backed off for whatever reason, when Scots press you?

    As for saying, “ there is street construction at such & such a street, the shop owners name is Mary ... bla bla bla ... ” - Twitter is a marvellous source of real-time information.

    For example, Scan BC gives me up to the minute reports on traffic jams, road closures, police incidents, traffic lights out, burst water mains etc. etc. etc.

    There are many similar local sites for every subject, by a multitude of people - all available to any Troll with the Internet.

    You have already said you're not Scottish, but who can be bothered to find out what you really are.

    Yankeeboy obviously considers work and renovating his house, are more important.

    In contrast, you spend your time creating bogus identities and travel stories, and stalking (eg. CaptainSilver), mining for personal information, all to bait and intimidate other posters.

    How much of your energy do you put towards this each day??

    Sad life you live.

    Too bad Nelson and Nigger aren't real. You could get outside and take them for a walk.

    LOL !!

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 08:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    65. False Analogy
    In an analogy, two objects (or events), A and B are shown to be similar. Then it is argued that since A has property P, so also B must have property P. An analogy fails when the two objects, A and B, are different in a way which affects whether they both have property P.

    Your lack of education is painful.

    56.Voice, Show me the 1st post where you talked about driving from Pearson, Dulles and JFK to get to Trout Run all in 3 hours. Provide the link and I'll show you that you're the liar not me.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 09:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    “Your lack of education is painful.”

    And yet Nostril's sole purpose in life is to accumulate more knowledge. Perhaps he should study economics next time instead of adding another useless language. His failure to understand basic economics shows that his raison d'etre has been wasted.

    I've replied to your email. Thank you. I'm sure you'll be surprised.

    It's interesting that you pull up Troy on not posting his email address when logically there is no need as I posted mine (as I have done several times before anyway) but you failed to even have the courtesy to reply to me after raising (yet again) your confusion when my reality challenges your assumptions.

    You believe you have caught Yankeeboy in lies but you have yet to do the same to me.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 10:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    68. It would be absolutely impossible for Voice to catch me in a lie, I learned a long time ago not to bother with them.
    The truth is hard enough.

    Toby doesn't understand basic math. He should start there then move onto home economics..then we'll see.
    These subjects are obviously not taught in Argentina public schools.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 10:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Yea, all debt is bad is so facile it is in the darn category as printing more money to make people rich......

    Ooh I should be the Economic Minister for Argentina.

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 11:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Silly boy..didn't you see the photo of the Baton for the Commonwealth games that i posted 20 mins after it passed through a Highland village..
    At the same time I photographed a friend of Clyde15 that was watching the procession...and posted that...
    Clyde placed the exact spot from where I took the pic and did indeed confirm that was his friend.
    His friend was also wearing the exact clothes that I had described on here a month previous to the event...his favourite off duty casuals....
    This proved that I knew his friend and that I was exactly at that time and place to take the picture.....
    Puppet Troy was the one that was going to post the email not you....
    Until I mentioned it could betray his whereabouts....
    I also don't believe a word you say.....3 months off work just for the asking.... would also have to pay for your tuition bursary with a job....
    More likely is no job and free studies as you may qualify....or more likely it's all bullshit....
    How convenient it's Vancouver where Troy is supposed to be....
    ...and what is this...Oh Troy I have emailed you...?
    That's theatrics for our benefit....he would know....are you guys in the stone age my emails come to my phone....

    Sep 28th, 2014 - 11:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    71 AVoiceofThink

    Who took the picture?

    How long was that person there??

    You've proven nothing Voicey.

    You seem to have outsmarted us... or me, that is... *sigh*

    How many 'socks' do I have now????

    MonkeyMagic, Anglotino, and Captain Poppy, was it???

    Chuckle, chuckle.... !!

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 01:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nostrum of NostrolL

    The intelligence border lies between 65 and whatever comes after it.

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 02:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino


    Still confused?

    “Puppet Troy was the one that was going to post the email not you.... Until I mentioned it could betray his whereabouts....”
    He was. But I posted mine first. The same email I have used on this site for 2 years:

    “I also don't believe a word you say.....3 months off work just for the asking....”
    Minimum annual leave requirement in Australia is 4 weeks. Which you can accumulate. So 3 months leave is entirely possible.

    However that is not the case with me. But my job will be here when I come back. I already said that my job takes into account my studies.

    Also you obviously have missed the several referencing to my owning real estate.

    “ would also have to pay for your tuition bursary with a job.... More likely is no job and free studies as you may qualify....or more likely it's all bullshit....”
    I haven't paid a cent so far for my degree. It is called HECS-HELP and is deferred through the tax system - I definitely don't qualify for free study. I just pay for books and art supplies.

    “How convenient it's Vancouver where Troy is supposed to be....”
    Really? I'm going to Mexico for 2 months but it is convenient that I will be in Vancouver for 3 days? Get some perspective, I study Urban Design and Planning - Vancouver, Portland & LA all feature heavily in my studies.

    “...and what is this...Oh Troy I have emailed you...? That's theatrics for our benefit....he would know....are you guys in the stone age my emails come to my phone....”
    I was being polite. If he hadn't told me I wouldn't have known. I only use this email address to login in here so I didn't have it set up on my phone - I don't need Mercopress updates every 3 hours. iPhone 5S in case you are wondering - yes I'm a Macboy.

    You can't trip me up because I don't lie. Feel free to keep trying though.

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 04:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    #58 yankeeboy
    Shame on you. I will suggest you either don't know what you are talking about or you lack the slightest empathy for fellow human beings. Picture yourself kidnapped; handcuffed, blindfolded and then submitted to all sorts of atrocities for days, weeks and months, asked questions you may nor may not have an answer for, all that for days, weeks or months in a row until you are but the shadow of yourself, then you are sedated, loaded on a plane and dropped in the ocean, all without prior process so you may or may not be a Communist or whatever other sort of sinner your sick mind estimates worth of being exterminated.
    You say you would not be on that situation because you are not a Communist? I got news for you. In the Argentina of the 1970s you did not need to have that magic Party Card. You could be a Catholic priest and still be at risk; in fact several were murdered by the military. You could have been a high-school student, a home maker, a lawyer or journalist or whatever else you may think of.
    Many of your fellow Argentine ex military dictators are now rotting in prison after undergoing legal trials; you would probably be in good company, and perhaps could teach them how to do better the next time.
    Shame on you.

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 05:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    Don't be silly, Enrique.

    Yankeeboy is pro-Junta, just Anti-Communist.

    That's what he feels you must be, an Argentine Communist who doesn't live there, and therefore continues to support failed populist ideals.

    You are a Communist, right?

    He obviously feels

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 06:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    75. So you're a Communist living outside of Argentina.
    Hmm let me guess did you moved there in the 70s?

    Your vile ways infect Society and drag it under every time your open your mouth.
    I don't know how stupid you have to when there's not one example of where Marxism/Communism/Collectivism whatever you want to call it works long term. Not one.
    Even now you can look to Cuba and Venezuela to see the misery it brings its people.
    It is evil and vile
    and so are you if you spout that nonsense.

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 11:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Usurping Pirate

    @75 : Just for the sake of balance , could you enlighten the audience as to why the military undertook these extreme measures ?
    Could it have something to do with the hundreds that the ERP and Montoneros kidnapped , tortured and murdered, including an ex president ? Or the the hundreds of members of the police and armed forces shot or blown up , some with their wives and children ?
    Why doesn't this government try some of the guerrillas who carried out these vile acts ?
    Oh , silly me , because they ARE the government .....

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 01:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest


    YankeeBoy is NOT Pro-Junta

    just ANTI-Communist

    Sorry, YB

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 03:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    #78 “The Usurping Pirate”

    Just so you know, a civilized state cannot respond to whatever horror happens by unleashing more of the same. That is the difference between terrorism and state terrorism, and that is why those responsible for crimes against humanity in the 1970s are offered fair trails. Their victims were no that lucky.
    You are implying the civil population did something bad enough to deserve what happened between 1976 and 1983.
    And again, just so you know, the thousands kidnapped, tortured and killed never faced a trial in which their guilt or innocence could be determined. Not even babies were spared from the piously Catholic generals.
    I can't believe we are still in 2014 debating what happened in Argentina 40 years ago. But as the saying goes, “none so blind as those who will not see.”

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 04:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leiard

    @80 Enrique Massot

    So those Argentinians that were involved in the invasion (an act war) of the Falkland Islands in 1982 should also be punished ?

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 06:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    @80 Enrique

    You seem a little off course.

    The UN is not a Court of Appeal for debtor nations.

    Your government, the previous administration and the current administration, have perpetuated the crisis they find themselves in.
    As the elected and legal government of Argentina, they have refused to pay back money they borrowed, they refuse to honour their contractual obligations, and when the Court jurisdiction they DID agree to, found against them in judgement, they refuse to abide by the legal ruling, despite being granted a 70% concession on their debt.

    In effect, Argentina has stolen over $70b from ordinary retirees, after promising to pay it back, with interest.

    Now, you say, “ not fair, you're tyrants!”

    You have no moral high ground.

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 06:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    Well said Troy.

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 08:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Voice must still be Googling my old posts!

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 10:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    You gave him a handful of stuff, there.

    You probably stopped him dead with his knee jerk objections. He needs new material and a new avenue of attack.

    Sep 29th, 2014 - 11:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Voice... with new material... surely you jest?

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 02:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    True, his favourite subject is still, himself.

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 04:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    We all know how old that material is!

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 11:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    I've been patiently waiting on him to show me the string of posts where he claimed I was lying.
    Still nothing...
    Not surprising tho..

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 04:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Yo ready for this...? Yankeeboy liar....

    Do you see anywhere in that post that I say that I travel South from Dulles Airport...? tell me why you tell lies.....;-))))

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 07:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    That's not the original thread as I asked, but these are priceless:

    .I always keep under 30mph over the limit.......big trouble if you don't. So your 110 mph is nonsense!.......95 tops!
    .Even at 75mph one could cover 225 miles in 3 increase the speed but allow for slight delays.

    Rural PA 2 lane Hwys...Bahahahaha you've obviously never been there.

    I read through almost all of those posts and my assessment of you being a drunken loudmouth is spot on.

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 07:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Sooo......what about your lies...? Nice to try and deflect.....
    It's the original thread where I give directions and route from Dulles.....;-)))

    Where does it say I head SOUTH???

    You obviously don't drive...the US15 is more than a 2 lane highway and it goes where I want to go..IT GOES RIGHT TO TROUT is what is known in the UK as a dual carriageway for the most part...

    FYI...I have been caught by a State Trooper on the US15...doing 89mph....a risk you take...

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 08:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    “ ...stopped by a State Trooper... ”

    Didn't think to mention that before??

    Sounds like an afterthought embellishment.

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 08:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Regurgitation of an extremely old argument.

    Guess I'm off the hook.

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 08:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    92. Deflect? Nope, I asked you for the original thread and what you posted was a carry-on conversation where Cap and I pointed out your lies.

    I told you before I drive that route a few times a year to go to my family's lake house in NY and you are just plain lying. There are too many small towns, hills, 2 lane hwys with trucks to go that fast ESPECIALLY between Harrisburg to Williamsport. You're just a filthy liar.

    So try again with the original string of posts and I'll show you again exactly where you lied and I proved you wrong.

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 09:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Don't know when the last time you took the 15...but for starters it bypasses Harrisburg and there has been a lot of upgrading on it...there is still a stretch by the river where it climbs that is slower, but not for long....
    You are also lying... that post is the first time I mentioned the route I take from Dulles....
    Also I remember keeping my speeding ticket from the State Trooper and I'm going to dig it out and post a picture of it.....then you are going to look like a right dick...
    Not only will it show my speed, but also the location on the 15 just before the New York State border...when I was heading North to catch a flight at Pearson driving a Canadian Rental....
    It will also show the calculation of the fine....around 180 odd dollars.....

    You are such a lying twat....why would you take the US15 from DC to go to New York State that is a dog would probably take the 83 then the 81....

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 10:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Last time I drove that route was just about a year ago. I'm sure it hasn't changed that much since then.

    I never lie.

    But its easy to catch you isn't it.

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 11:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Soooo...why would you use the 15 to go to New York State....anyone can look at the map and realise that is plain dumb....
    Spit it out...Why Yankee Why...?'s easy to catch you isn't it...

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 11:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Er, My final destination is one of the finger lakes, genius.

    My family was one of the original settlers in that part of NY. We've owned property there since right after the Revolutionary war. I know it well as have my past 10+ generations of family.

    Gads you're an idiot.

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 11:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    You're the are trying to say you take the 15 after must take the 83 before that and not the lower part of the 15 that I take from Dulles...unless you were coming from VA....
    Finger lakes...not that far from where I was caught speeding...I head the other way nr Corning towards the 90 to Buffalo then Canada....

    Sep 30th, 2014 - 11:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    As I said earlier to Anglotino, Voice was preparing “new material” to re-fight his failed “Trout Run” campaign, again.

    Oh, ho hum...

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Another one that will look stupid when I post the speeding ticket...showing I do travel at 89 mph through rural Pennsylvania...;-)))
    Ho hum...
    Hahaha Finger Lakes area for generations....You are Fred Bates born in Rochester upstate New York....;-))))
    Thanks for that.....;-)

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Voice, Must I take 83? Why must I? So you were going 89 on 390? Is your story changing again?
    Funny how it changes so much whenever you are called out, filthy liar.
    Funny how that is..
    BTW still no link to our original conversation on the 3 hours from Person, Dulles or JFK...why's that?
    Why's that?

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    No need to try and deflect...I know what road you must take because I know where you are coming from...;-)))....Fred....

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Did I say I was born there? No, I didn't. Maybe I was born in PA where my family had coal mines around Pittsburg or VA where we had a farm for 250+ years around Williamsburg...or or or or

    You've been shown to be a liar and a fool.

    Hmm still no links
    I wonder why?

    Isn't it your bed time or wait is it dinner time or wait bed?

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    Corning to Buffalo alone, along the 90, is 2 hrs 45min at the speed limit. !!

    But why would you head to the 90 at Henrieta, when taking the 390 and the 20, is half an hour shorter??

    That doesn't make sense for an impatient fool who is speeding to bring his travel time to a minimum.

    Silly fool.

    I've been on those roads too, Voicey.
    Lots of driving on the NY Thruway, the Pennsylvania Turnpike etc.

    I even had my picture in the Corning newspaper once.

    with no traffic, over 3 hours from Trout Run to Buffalo, and even longer if you take Voice's proposed route on the 90.

    Odd that you allowed yourself to be humiliated before, and NOW, you have a ticket - crucial info blotted out, I expect.

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    No you didn't, but you were...
    You have never shown me to be a liar....
    I'll explain it for you again...I take the 15..join the 390 go through Danville then nr Geneseo head towards Batavia and join the 90 and on to Buffalo...Niagara...then Pearson.
    I have tried other ways, but that is the fastest....
    ...or or or Fred Bates....;-)))
    Hey sucker....

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    Oh, story is modified now - it figures.

    Just like your last attempt.

    More like a 5 hour trip Voicey - wasting my time and effort - you're so easily debunked.

    Good night.

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Sweetie why do you like to be humiliated time and again?
    Actually all 3 of us have shown you to be a filthy liar
    Again, if you think that's me I am waiting by the phone call me anytime.
    I've been waiting for years if you add in Think's time
    Yet nary a call
    Not even a text
    or a little email
    I wonder why, don't you believe your own posts either?

    Maybe next time I've driving through I stop by Lycoming Mall and look for a loudmouth drunk but only if you promise I won't get fleas.

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    ...there has never ever been a modification that has always been my route north.
    Now let me prove that I know the roads better than you....
    Buffalo to Batavia is 44 mins....Batavia to Corning is 1 hour 35 mins...that knock s20 minutes off your suggested route...
    That's because you have never driven this route the amounts of times I've had to so piss off...I'm tired of proving you wrong....

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    Anyone can google it, Voicey.

    Is that why it took you so long to answer?

    How many times are you going to go to this well?

    You blew it before.

    How much attention do you need?

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    hahaha proved you wrong yet again.....;-)))
    How embarrassed you must be...
    Do the calculation numbnuts
    Buffalo to Batavia...44 mins
    Batavia to Corning..1 hr 35
    Corning to Trout Run...1hr 2 mins
    Who is it that travels 89 mph again..Oh it's me...
    Is there anyone else that wants to be made a fool of...?
    Learn from can't be caught out when you don't lie.....Puppet....
    Hey Fred Bates in DC...deny that you are Fred Bates....;-)))

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 01:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    109 YB

    I found the “loud mouthed drunk” for you.

    He's right here.

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 01:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Hey Fred...have you ever heard my Yankee's pretty good....a lot of practice...
    Do you do showings.....;-)))))

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 01:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Moderator

    Unbelievable exchange....

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 08:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Coice and Think, both double down when they're humiliated. Its like none of us can add simple math.

    Poor thing, ranting and raving at the ether
    If they weren't such dicks I would feel sorry for them.
    but i don't and I am glad they're miserable

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 11:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    How much was the 'fine', I wonder? Chuckle.

    Did Voicey pay the Trooper on the spot, being a foreigner with an out of state car?

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 12:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    117. I don't know what the rule is in NY but I doubt they'd just let him go if he was going 40mph over the speed limit driving a out of country rental and on a foreign license.
    Plus you know he was a dick to the trooper.
    That's a given.

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 01:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    You two give it a rest...I've got you beat....let it go otherwise you are going to look foolish...I can prove it...
    ...move on...
    ...and don't you bother reading, I said how much the fine was and I said it was in PA close to the NY State line...
    No one with any sense would be a dick to a state trooper....hand hovering in the region of his gun...
    “Evening Sir... is there a problem?”...;-)))

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 01:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Okay prove it.

    So you were clocked going 89 on 15 somewhere in the winding hills of PA right before you hit NY? And you didn't have to post bail? Driving a foreign plated car w/ a foreign license.
    Hmm that sounds a bit far fetched.

    So go ahead and prove us to look foolish...go ahead, we're waiting.

    While you're at it post the link to the original discussion where you could make it from Pearson, JFK and Dulles to Trout Run.
    Go ahead
    We're waiting

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 01:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    120 Yankeeboy


    I love his threats “.... another one who's going to look foolish when I post the ticket of my photo... ”

    I just googled NY speeding tickets, and clicked 'images'

    I got thousands of NY speeding ticket images.

    I'm sure there's one near Corning.

    Same for Penn. tickets as well.

    Here's an example:

    What a horse's patoot this guy is....

    LOL !!!

    He's PROVEN nothing.

    Not so bright - he's full of himself and underestimates everyone else.

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 02:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Voice......NY State Trooper you say. BTW......did he/she approach you on the driver or passenger side> Anyhoo

    You never answered me how you Scottish freedom when? But.....I assume this far down you were for the the Union, no?

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 02:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest


    He didn't originally specify. He said “ near Corning”

    Now he says it was in Penn. “ near NY border”

    Here's Hwy 15 in Penn - check out the StreetView photo
    - 2 lane blacktop - 89?? sure... Troopers don't like that from foreigners - he'd be in the local pokey and car impounded.

    Mt Carmel-Merriam Hwy

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 03:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Voice and Think tend to double down when they are proven wrong.
    I wonder why they both tend to do the same thing?

    So, I've driven through that part of PA at least 25X in the last decade. It would be pretty hard to stump me on anything there.
    Funny story, one time I took an old 79 240D we keep around at the summer house on that hwy and the hills were so steep the best I could do was get it up to 40-45 with all of these cars blowing their horns at me but couldn't pass because it was too dangerous or wasn't allowed. It was hilarious but I never did that again :)

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 03:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    124 YB

    Those W123's are well-loved cars, but slowish. :-)

    I hope you still have it - they're becoming quite chic amongst the hipster set, along with the W114/115.

    Yes, I can imagine nobody could maintain a consistent high speed on those roads.

    Only a fool would try to say that.

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 03:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Drivers side Pops....looking quite tense as my hands were out of site as I was rummaging in the door compartment for the rental documents....
    Not a wise thing to do....I was told afterwards....
    Like out of a movie Troopers hat and dark sunglasses....;-))
    I answered you Pops check your post...I always answer you...
    What a plonker...that link is not the's nowhere near...;-)))
    It was somewhere near here..
    Look at that clear open road ...two lanes on both carriageways....dumbass....

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 03:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    In the middle of Seneca Lake?
    The only road around there is not anything you could do 89 on. No way.
    It doesn't even have night time lighting fool.

    I thought you were going to post something to show us how foolish we all are..
    All you did was post something that makes you more foolish
    as usual


    Oct 01st, 2014 - 03:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Huh.... google maps doesn't appear to let you link the place....
    ...go to google maps, then put in...
    then go to street view....

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 04:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    127 YB

    Another big time-wasting exercise from Voice, just to get attention for himself.

    Sorry, Voice - yer boring.


    Oct 01st, 2014 - 04:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Drivers side huh....well, perhaps NY State is a little behind the times in protocols approaching cars. It's far safe, better inside and a clear and easy head shot approaching on the passenger side. SOP in Massachusetts for Troopers and in fact all of the New England states. Even the locals use it now.

    Anyway, I must have missed you response. Whatever is was the Scotts who lost are probably better off in the end.

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 05:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Boring, I've been on that road at least 25X in the last decade. Obviously way more than you.

    Where's the post that's supposed to embarrass me Troy and Cap?
    Come on we are waiting


    Oct 01st, 2014 - 06:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    I don't know why you are trying to include Pops....
    It's you two I'm going to make fools of.....
    I can't find the ticket...
    ..but I have found the Receipt of Response To Citation/Summons...
    I was close with my location a few miles south of it....N Mill Creek Bridge to be exact..
    Driving a Pontiac Sedan.. Reg...AXRK938...State ON...I guess that would be Ontario...seeing as I hired it from Pearson....
    I'll get round to posting it....;-)
    BTW the..
    Charge. Section and Subsection
    $75....$3362...$$A1..1 - 24
    If you look up the citation codes 3362 means maximum speed limit violation..
    ...the 24 is the mph over the limit and the limit was 65mph on that stretch...
    This is used to calculate the amount of fine...
    $42.50 for breaking the limit then $2 for every mile over it... court costs etc....

    ...Fred Bates...born in DC....;-)

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 07:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Still waiting for the post that's going to embarrass me.

    Except I never lived in Rochester. Been there tho, pretty horse farms in the burbs it but I would never live there its too cold for me.
    I know my phone hasn't rung, have you been bothering that poor guy in DC?

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 07:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice's you alrighty...
    or are you now going to deny you are a Realtor.....

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 08:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    Never mind that, where are the posts and the promised photos??

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 08:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    I will neither confirm or deny anything because it has no bearing on my insightful posts nor your inane lies.
    It's the same reason I won't tell you where I live.
    Why would it matter one way or the other?

    Oct 01st, 2014 - 08:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Amazing how much information Voice demands of people.

    Oct 02nd, 2014 - 02:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    137 Anglotino,

    ...and for what reason, one asks?

    As YB says, “what difference would it make anyway?”

    Voicey kreps his info secret, never makes a definitive statement - small target.

    You can bet he would use YB's personal info for his own snide nasty purposes.

    What a sh!t he is.

    I bet Mrs. Voice left a long time ago, and the kids don't speak to him.

    Far too much energy wasted on the fool.

    Oct 02nd, 2014 - 03:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Same as Think.
    I wonder why

    Oct 02nd, 2014 - 11:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    Oddly enough, while reading about speeding tickets on Google, one of the photographs, a ticket from NY State showed a speeding car did 89 mph.


    I wish I had bookmarked it, can't pull it up now, lost amongst the great number of others.

    Oct 02nd, 2014 - 03:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Waste of time through the post again...

    ”Not only will it show my speed, but also the location on the 15 just before the New York State border...when I was heading North to catch a flight at Pearson driving a Canadian Rental....
    What part of...
    ....heading North just before the New York State border...
    ..didn't you understand....JUST BEFORE not AFTER...
    ...that puts it in PA you Moron....

    Oct 02nd, 2014 - 03:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    Thanks for your reply.

    I was fishing for that, and you walked into it.

    Now, when you post your imaginary ticket that you say you can't produce, you can't pluck the NY ticket off the 'net and say “ oh, well, close enough!”

    Chuckle - paint yourself into a corner again.

    Oct 02nd, 2014 - 07:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Sure you did....
    ...anyone believe him...?
    ...what a haven't a clue about the geography of the US....
    ...that's because you're a Puppet....;-)))

    Oct 02nd, 2014 - 07:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    “Where's your ticket?”


    “Where's your citation?”


    Where are your “embarrassing posts”???


    Good view from the bridge, right?

    Chuckle chuckle

    I'd say come back play again tomorrow, but you've used up all your tokens.

    so funny :-)

    Oct 02nd, 2014 - 07:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Last Thursday I went from Preston Lancashire to Reading Berkshire on the M6 motorway in 2hrs 30 minutes.

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 11:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @145 golfcronie

    An obvious lie. Nothing moves on the M6 ever, in fact entire generations have been brought up as traffic jam babies, it is a well established 'fact'. ;)

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 12:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest


    “ ...but if you check it out on Google Maps.... any fool can see... bla bla bla... ”

    Forget it guys, Voice has abandoned thread, slunk away back under his rock.


    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 12:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Whew, glad I wasn't holding my breath waiting for Voice to show me an embarrassing post I made..
    Wow I really dodged a bullet.

    He's such a fool I don't know why he even tries. I really wonder if its some sort of pseudo pycho sexual humiliation thing with him
    I can't figure out why else he keeps coming back

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 01:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    148 YB

    Voice has had all week now - geez, in that time, he could've
    had a printing shop or forger buddy of his, mock up a Penn. ticket AND a citation.

    Shee-oot, why not a “Citizen of the Year Award” from the village of Trout Run ??

    Put this one back on the shelf.

    Give it 2 months til he tries again

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 01:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Troy, As I've said I know that area well. It is full of hillbillies with houses that cost around the price of my car or less.
    Why he'd pick that spot over all the amazing places in the USA to have a 2nd home is quite telling.
    He's bitter and lonely
    and it shows

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 01:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    Well, that's assuming he's actually there, but I take your point - well suited to someone like him.

    I suppose he could always drive into Allentown if he's seeking the 'camaraderie' of a bar fight or the grumbling of other drunks.

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 02:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Oh there are plenty of “taverns” near trout run filled with large Welfare recipients spending their whole paycheck at the bar and McDonalds.

    I've had to stop there to get gas a time or two. Not a pretty picture.

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 02:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    IF he were ever there.

    With Voicey's attitude, they'd beat the crap out of the mouthy foreigner within 5 minutes, just for fun.
    Lucky if he wasn't robbed when he started bragging about owning property etc.

    Fun to think about though.

    Ha ha ha...

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 04:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    That's hardcore buck country. He's more likely to have a stray “.306” pierce a random part on him than robbed or beaten. Especially coming into rut season and hunting.

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 05:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Was just trying to change the thread, was tired of talk about the Journey somepne did in the USA, who fuc***g cares? But you are quite right. Anyway I would leave the M6 at Birmingham on the M42, and then the M40. The M25 is considered to be the largest carpark in Europe.

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 05:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    154. Accidents happen.

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 06:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    Well, this thread is 'done'.

    Voicey has been chased out of the room after smarting from having his ears boxed.

    Now, what can a rogue debtor do, but pay up?

    All their strategies are failing.

    But they DO have a new Sky Marshall...

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 06:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Voice do you cross the border at the Peace Bridge, was that your entry point into the USA? You have a Green Card right?

    Oct 03rd, 2014 - 08:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    Do Argentines need a Visa to enter the U.S. ?

    How long does that take to get in?

    ahh, forget it, Voicey has never tried to enter, or he's on the No-Fly List.

    Anyway, he's wasting our time on here.

    Sorry, Poppy, YB, bailing on this thread, guys.

    Oct 04th, 2014 - 01:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    RG's need a Visa to enter the USA and it is getting harder to get one,unless you can pull a string here and there. RG's need one to get into Canada as well but they are not giving them out to Argentine's for some reason.

    Oct 04th, 2014 - 02:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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