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Pope Francis condemns speculation with food commodities at FAO conference

Friday, November 21st 2014 - 08:56 UTC
Full article 85 comments

Pope Francis condemned speculation in food commodities and greed for profits today, saying they were undermining the global fight against poverty and hunger. Addressing a United Nations conference on nutrition, he called on rich nations to share their wealth and denounced waste, excessive consumption and unequal distribution of food. Read full article


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  • Englander

    No disrespect intended but what is needed is more birth control. We only have one planet and its already over populated.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 12:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Agreed but the problem is education. It used to be if you could not afford to care for children then don't have then. Then along came the nanny state that provides money for having children then he presto a glut of children. What ought to happen is find the absent fathers and make them pay.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 12:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    “It is also painful to see that the struggle against hunger and malnutrition is hindered by market priorities, the primacy of profit, which have reduced foodstuffs to a commodity like any other, subject to speculation, also of a financial nature,”

    So what does he suggest?

    The farmers who have millions invested in their farms and seeds, etc. GIVE it to the food chain?

    Yeah, that will work: NOT.

    Whether he likes it or not, one mans profit helps pay the wages for the people working in the business.

    Get rid of the dictate that birth control is wrong: it originates from the time the kiddy fiddlers in frocks needed to build the numbers up. Forget the idiot that was having a wank and came on the ground then croaked: it wasn’t god that killed him.

    How do I know? There is NO god.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 12:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    “The farmers who have millions invested in their farms and seeds, etc. GIVE it to the food chain?”

    here in argentina, the granero del mundo, the largest producer of food in the milky way, in spite of the government, all the farmers, estancieros and agricultural producers collaborate with huge amount of foodstuff to fight malnutrition.

    most of the times is through a catholic entity called caritas, which is very efficient to distribute them.

    you should something similar in england with those 13 million who live under the poverty line.

    giving up the money you isleters are milking from the honest british taxpayer will also help.

    so, get a bit of dignity and stop spending their money.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 01:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Just like the mighty Euro food mountains that are wasted every year.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 01:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leiard

    @4 paulcedron

    Argentina still struggles: this historically wealthy country where 30% live below the poverty line, higher than India and Ghana.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 01:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pheel

    Hi, Paul,

    there are Food Banks worldwide, including UK, not only in our center of the world :-)
    Told as food producer and member of one of those banks.
    What I could tell you is that our government is THE problem, everything that it touches become corrupt, including food aid to the most vulnerables: elders and children.
    Culture of subsidies has filled our common restrooms with plenty of “vagos”, adults in age and strength to look for a job.
    Politics campaigns (part. K and Scioli) wast millions and cut special aids during electoral year. For example, aid to homeless childre at risk.
    Our donations are stolen from School Councils

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 02:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • inthegutter


    “It used to be if you could not afford to care for children then don't have then...”

    That's just not true at all. In fact the opposite is true. In countries with strong social welfare systems the birth rate is generally less than in other countries. The birth rate (number of births per unit of population) around the world has been declining for decades. Curiously it has surged recently in the UK, though that may reflect a surge in immigration from child-bearing age people due to EU enlargement.

    In the past the birth rate was much higher, this was due to a number of factors. These include much higher infant mortality and lack of pensions (offspring were effectively your pension).

    With the exception of a few countries (Mexico, Turkey, France) all the OECD nations with fertility rates below 2, and thus below replacement levels. Population growth in these countries is only being driven by immigration (only a minor effect over the OECD) and life expectancy increases.

    There is a well established inverse correlation between wealth and fertility rate. If we want to lower population growth you need to make poor countries richer.


    “... with those 13 million who live under the poverty line.”

    You really are stupid. No one in the UK lives below the international poverty line. A significant number live below the relative poverty line which is defined as 60% of the median income. 60% of the median income in the UK is about $24,000 which is significantly higher than the average income in Argentina $14,000. Assuming income is distributed in Argentina like it is in the UK (it isn't, it's much more uneven) this suggests that ~75% of people in Argentina would be in poverty by the UK's standards.

    The UK spends very little on the Falkland Islands. We do however spend quite a bit on our armed forces, a tiny bit of which just happens to be based on/near the islands just in case a bunch of thieves try to steal them again.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 02:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    boludo 8
    stop reading this 4th class newspaper, you brainwashed, not too bright isleter.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 02:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • inthegutter


    - Not a single fact I used is from this “4th class newspaper”
    - As I have explained before, I'm not from the “islets” if that is your term for the Falklands Islands. I'm from the UK. The UK is composed of one large island, a bit of a quite large island, and many smaller islands. How you haven't understood this yet is beyond me.

    None of those articles contradict a single thing I said. I acknowledge that largely as a result of a sustained global depression/recession the poverty rate is much higher than anyone would like but it is not ay any kind of endemic level. Moreover the UKs economy is currently outperforming most of the OECD and certainly the entire Eurozone.

    It seems you like nothing more than to revel in the (often only perceived) failings of the UK. Why is that?

    Why don't you toddle off and put up some posters reading “MALVINAS SON ARGENTINAS” or “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY” or whatever your current government has just decreed.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 02:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    8/10 Gutter - you posted in 8: ”60% of the median income in the UK is about $24,000 which is significantly higher than the average income in Argentina $14,000. Assuming income is distributed in Argentina like it is in the UK (it isn't, it's much more uneven) this suggests that ~75% of people in Argentina would be in poverty by the UK's standards.“

    Then you posted in 10 based on UK newspapers: ”It seems you like nothing more than to revel in the (often only perceived) failings of the UK. Why is that? ”

    So let me see, you say that you accuse Paul of reveling in perceived failings of the UK and yet you more than gleefully over abuse some perceived gain over Argentina. There are a couple of words to describe that; one it could be called a very sore winner or two, you're a hypocrite.

    Either way that equals no credibility.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 04:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • inthegutter


    To some extent your assessment is right. On the other hand I could claim that I was simply providing an international context to the figures, using the most relevant example (Argentina) of Paul's home country. The point I was trying to make to Paul was that if he considers the UK is impoverished he must also admit that Argentina is significantly more so.

    I will admit I did let my emotions get the better of me here with Paul's constant lies and at best half-truths, that combined with Argentinas recent propaganda policy which I expect to imminently have to deal with.

    For the record I bare virtually (see below) zero ill will towards Argentines in general, and indeed have productive working relationships with a number (hence my imminent visit). However, if I'm being totally honest, I'm not sure I want to see a prosperous Argentina, at least with its current government. While a prosperous Argentina may no longer require the Falklands as a populist rallying call it may also permit it materially threaten the islands.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 04:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (7) Mr. Pheel
    Long time no hear....
    How're things going in Pehuajó?
    Las vaquitas sanasy gorditas, me imagino?

    One little comment......:
    Even if our present administration well deserves the balde de bosta you just threw at them..., I do Think that they are NOT the ONLY problem in this issue...
    Greedy Food Hoarders and Speculants have always existed, here and everywhere... (Shakespeare was a well known Engrish one...) and, in my humble opinion, they should be shot with something cheaper than powder...

    THOSE are precisely the folks Bergoglio is referring to...
    Do you disagree with even a iota of his above predication...?
    I don't Think so...

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 06:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    I've been to London many times and I've never seen families searching through garbage for food.
    Not once
    Every night in BA you can see it on every street corner downtown.

    Every day in Argentina you can see:

    Filthy dead eyed children selling band-aid and pencils in restaurants.

    Teens/Kids juggling and begging in traffic

    It is shocking to anyone from a civilized country. Shocking!

    You are trying to compare 1st world with 3rd and it is impossible just give up.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 06:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Interestingly, these supposed caring argies on here who worry and take an interest in our so called poor,

    can always return the aid we give you,

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 07:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Why do idiotic Socialist/Communist/Marxists think it is possible to hoard something you own.
    It is private property
    Its theirs to do what they want with it.

    And they wonder why their Societies collapse every decade.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 07:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pheel

    Think, hi

    the balde the bosta that our government deserves is well bigger, and in this issue I can talk from experience.
    Tired from progre-hipocrisy about hunger.
    As you say, there have been and are people who traffick with human needs. In our case, the actual version of the “5 sisters” in food commerce are less harmful than our Government who, BTW, is in crony partnership with them.
    Meanwhile children and vulnerable people only receives relatos.
    Save me the “ends justify means” of all the chavismo.
    We have fought Solá, Scioli and Cristina (and all their awful and corrupt esbirros) in order to give a piece of meal to them.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 08:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (17) Mr. Pheel

    “Cum finis est licitus, etiam media sunt licita” is a profoundly complex ethical concept that pre-dates Chavismo by a couple of millennia...

    Anyhow, Lad... I'm not asking you to be a “ideal” nor even a “real” observer of the political process we have experienced in our Country during the past 12 years...

    I would just wish you could be a “less hating” one...

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 09:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    it is funny to read the posts of these english wannabes.
    they face the problem as if it was a competition.
    argentina is a disaster in many ways and so is england.

    but the problem here is the lack of pensamiento crítico, of critical thinking of you english wannabes.
    in that aspect, and in many others, you are the same shite as the ultra k.

    i blame your poor, poor education.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 09:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Ché Cedron...
    Pregunta “d'enserio”....
    How's the construction business going?
    Any sign of improvement... or same old shiat?

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 09:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    14/16 Yankee - Excuse me while I try not to laugh too hard in your face. One may assume that the blog name Yankee implies a US person from the North from the Civil War? I have been the North East US several times and it just amazes me to see the disparity among the population. Complete cardboard cities under bridges lined with cops in NYC, zombie like citizens hoarding malls and begging along commercial strips. Young people in droves, obvious tweekers and druggies pandering like they do in Amsterdam. What part of London were you in, you must have been in the Long Island or Westchester sector equivalent sector of NYC, there is plenty of poverty and it resembles a Muslim version as well. From sea to shining sea, the US and England have plenty of poverty. BTW, the US's little 20 trillion dollar ponzi scheme is about to crash and suffers a market crash about every 10-15 years, so I'd be careful throwing rocks in a glass house if I were you.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 11:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    es un qulombo, tenés que mover el orto de aca para alla todo el tiempo.

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 11:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    O sea................................................. Mal qué mal, laburo hay...

    Nov 21st, 2014 - 11:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    21. I'll stick by what I wrote, thanks. There's no way you can compare 1st world to 3rd world. And I am not worried about the USA paying its debt in the least.
    I love watching the end of the “won decade” I hope there's enough piano wire in BA when it all come crashing down.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 12:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    maso. nada de lo q se hace es p vender, así q el inversor no reinvierte, se queda con los deptos ofic o lo q sea y las alquila.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 12:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Perdoname loco, pero a estos precios inflados..., qué querés que se venda?

    El M2 de depto. en BUE está mas salado que en Estocolmo o Munich!

    Son unos chorros...., son.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 12:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    antes valían más y se vendian. el tema es q nadie los va a vender en pesos por la inflacion
    no se q carajo lograron con el cepo, pero a la const la hicieron crema.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 12:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    #24 - Jim Rickards: the End of Money, you can't have that much debt before you get down graded, the funny point is when the debt hits 27 trillion dollars and investors realize you can't repay the debt.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 12:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (27) Paulcedron
    “Antes” es hace un par de años, cuando las cosas andaban viento en popa....
    “Ahora” estamos en crisis y en cualquier lugar del mundo los precios inmobiliarios bajan un 20, 30, 40, 50 o hasta un 60% en semejantes períodos...
    Pero acá noooo!...
    Acá, cualquier gil con un par de deptos se cree asegurado de por vida y no mueve los precios ní un milimetro...
    Es por eso que el mercado está parado...
    No por Cristina,ni por Axel ni Pampita...

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 01:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    no la metas en esto, eh?

    ahora, si vos tenés un depto como único capital, lo tenés que vender en pesos con una inflac del 40% y además tnés que bajar los precios, lo más probable es que no lo vendas.
    lamentablemente hay gente q lo tiene q vender de todas formas y ahí aparecen los buitres locales.

    a mayor escala serían los elsztein, etc.

    ahora si no la podes culpar a kirchner y al petiso de la inflación, a quien vas a culpar?
    no hace 2 días que están en el gobierno.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 01:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    28. Everyone has an opinion
    but mine are usually right

    You don't' seem smart enough to talk about USA economics
    or much else
    so I'll pass.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 01:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Sorry Troy. This thread.

    Get a load! I feel like sobbing.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 01:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    29/30 - Cuidado - hay que acordarse que LATAM es el continente que se le dice que es la granja del mundo por la riquezas naturales y la abundancia de comida y agua. No mas le toca a los paises jovenes del LATAM gobernar con juicio, lo que pasa econicamente ahora esta pasando por todo el mundo. Estos h.p.s Inglese son demasiados arrogantes en submitir que es la verdad. LATAM siempre tendra lo suficiente para alimentarse.

    31 Yankee. Did you look up Rickards???? NY Stock Exchange and CIA analyst to manage certain aspects of the US markets and futures - Either you're either Warren Buffet and I will take notes or you've been hitting the bottle too hard. NO, I think I will pass. I think your some young snot nosed nobody from New England.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 02:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    How are countries that have been around for over 200 years still considered young? Because they keep making the stupid mistakes of countries that have just gotten their independence.

    Just love the deflection. Anything bad before independence is the fault of European colonists. Anything bad after independence is because the countries are still young..... 200 years plus young.

    I guess some countries (such as mine) mature and develop much quicker.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 03:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    34 Anglo - so are you saying that we should make the same mistakes that the more established European countries have made? Embark on a murdering, plundering, enslaving of other populations that has little to no regard for moral or civil liberties such as the British Empire has done?

    If you don't like LATAM, then just leave and go back to your mature socialist UK island that is on the verge of a prolonged recession.

    No deflection here. We will take care of our own. You don't see LATAM military or hordes filling European towns. thank you.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 03:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino


    Where are foreign militaries or hordes filling Latin American towns?

    “...murdering, plundering, enslaving of other populations that has little to no regard for moral or civil liberties such as the British Empire has done?”

    Is exactly what was done to create the current countries of Latin America. How typical that you won't shoulder any of the blame for what your own ancestors and countries did to come about.

    As for the UK. I don't come from the UK. My country is far superior economically to any country in Latin America and indeed considering Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil are in recession and my country hasn't had a recession for nearly 25 years.... then I'm quite happy.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 04:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    36 - Anglotino - “Anglo is a prefix indicating a relation to the Angles, England, the English people, or the English language, such as in the term Anglo-Saxon language.”

    I had assumed you were English or a Falkland transplant. I did not realize that you are from Australia and frequent the Victoria's Market on Therry Street.

    For the UK, they have suffered a recession along with the US from the 2008 demise. BTW, wtf does an Aussie have an opinion if he is not an Ingles or Argentino?

    “UK 'great recession' almost over, says thinktank”

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 06:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    So what the UK is in recession. It isn't in recession. No matter either way as it is economically better off than Argentina.

    And coming for a country that has problems with civil rights and freedom of speech, it is hardly surprising you wonder why I opine. My country shares a monarch with the UK and hence eith Falkland Islands. Therefore I have a much closer relationship with the Falkland Islanders than any Argentine does.

    As for being pedantic, anglo can refer to a great many things culturally. I guess it is the same for the word latin in latino, which has very little to do with modern Italy.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 09:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    I wonder how many billions worth of agro products and aid from the US alone has gone since the first concerts of USA for Africa in the 1980s??

    The only thing that this mentality produces is further patronization of African countries that feel they are owed something and masses of beggars with nothing to do other than breeding like rats in makeshift tents and celebs like that Irish idiot Bono trying to show the world how good they are with other peoples money.

    Why doesn't this Papa de mierda actually start condemning people for producing offspring that they cant afford to feed and educate??

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 01:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    37. Stevie, liek Toby you can only hide your hatred and bile towards the UK in for so long.
    You have a sad life.
    I'll wait for your next breakdown.

    Btw are you committed after each breakdown and during your brief metamorphosis to a new nick?

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 02:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    Yankee - 40 : Nothing on Rickards?? Nothing on a vetted source for economic forecasting? Skirting the question....again. You have no credibility. You, being a Yankee, as your name implies, what is your lust of the Lymie? Having fought two wars with them, having the Lymie back the confederacy during the US civil war, their prime minister allowing the Lusitannia to sink in order to get you in WWI and yet here you are defending them.

    you are now relegated to the group of toooldtodie and hans: Liars. there is your breakdown.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 05:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leiard

    @41 Sallus
    you must be one of those people that believe all the stats that are published by INDEC

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 06:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund


    On the topic of enslaving, you might like to inform yourself as to who it was who actually closed down the Atlantic slave trade, much to the chagrin of your Iberian conquistador forebears.

    @41 Gosh, that's unusual. There was another Lusitania obsessive round here recently, some guy from the United States Air Force as I recall. I wonder if you've ever met?

    @39 I used to think anybody who hates Bono couldn't be all bad, but now I'm starting to wonder.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 08:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    42 - Leiard, go check him out, James Rickards, NYC best seller, nothing to do with INDEC. Read the reviews in Forbes. Very sobering to say the least.

    43 - Hans, ok, so what is it? Stevie, Hepatia, Force or Farce? I thought you and Ilsen had it figured out when you emailed her with my website and those models? hmmmm........Is that how we respond nowadays just cyberbulling? Slaving, I assume that you are German then?

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 09:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund


    Emailing ilsen with your website? That must have been some other body, no,no child, it wasn't me.

    Personally, I don't think Stevie, not sure about Hepatia, but most definitely Force and Farce, who aren't a comedy double act, curiously enough, but the same person. It's the highly distinctive bile signature that does it, mixed in with hopeless historical ignorance, a novel obsession with Lusitania conspiracy theories, and a truly touching faith in the third party assistance available to Argentina. How are the guys on the squadron these days? Give them my regards.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 10:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    What is a “Lymie” ?

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 10:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    Let us see about you and Ilsen:
    Hans posted this website:
    and ilsen thanked him for link with a smiley face :) . Stop being a LIAR.
    Furthermore Hans, here is an endearing love note:
    (From Ilsen)#110
    PS: HansN is a beautiful, educated, intelligent, young, fit, wonderful caring individual and a prince amongst men. 
    (possibly, I have no idea really!)
    now watch the fireworks...
    (cue massive insecure , jealous, retaliation because CD2's ego thinks I maybe interested in him*)

    Since you failed to answer about the German background, then do want to compare who has a worse rep, Iberian Conquistadors or your nationality?

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 11:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund


    Posting a link on one of these threads isn't the same as emailing a web site to ilsen. Otherwise, I'm sure ilsen has exquisite taste, but what do you think she means when she qualifies her remarks about me with ”(possibly, I have no idea really!)”. Are you so literal minded she has to flag all her jokes for you? I mean, she's dead right, and for all she knows, I have a wooden leg and a busted coccyx where I inadvertently sat on that spiked helmet I got from the Kaiser.

    Not that I think my presumed German or otherwise background has any relevance to anything we discuss on here. In fact, I think a person's background is relevant insofar as they are trying to falsify it for some peculiar reason known only to themselves. What's more, last time I looked, the Germans weren't attempting to justify some unfounded territorial ambition by reference to generic anglophobia and the crimes, real and imagined, of a British Empire that disappeared some fifty years and is mourned by virtually nobody.

    Nov 22nd, 2014 - 11:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    *gets popcorn*

    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 12:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    48 - Hans - Holy Toledo!!! What did you do?? You have definitely made it a priority to get on the political radar screen!!! Are you a Falkland councilman?? You definitely have ties! and now enemies too - to boot. You are a definite Falklander, and your English is well enough written to receive the native marking at a college level, enough to ask whether you have a business relation with this small newspaper?? You really burned some bridges.

    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 05:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund


    Hey, that's funny. United States Air Farce used to make infantile Internet threats too.

    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 09:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    ”(cue massive insecure , jealous, retaliation because CD2's ego thinks I maybe interested in him*) ”

    And she is still waiting for it. Lol

    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 12:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen


    A little joke, and you take it so seriously?
    Massive sense of humour failure, or just that attention-seeking ego ?

    Will I have to put up signs saying “the next sentence is meant to be humorous”
    Maybe you need them? I could have them painted on the buses and trains for you?
    *oops! there I go again....*
    silly boy!

    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 01:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund


    It's a shame for him, ilsen. As we know, he's besieged by hordes of nubile teenage sluts desperate to steal his seed, and it must be even worse for him now that George Clooney has got married. Circumstances like that would tax anybody's sense of humour.

    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 01:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    Bwahahahahahah a!
    *accidentally snorts own coffee*
    I am surprised he finds the energy to post, poor man must be tired out!

    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 03:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    51- Hans seriously - no threats whatsoever from me (virtual or otherwise). Very pacifist on this end in every sense of the word. You really seemed to have gotten the attention from beyond this informal board and the many others boards and venues that you divulge opinions on. Are you really a Falkland councilman? No antagonizing intended..I will leave this alone from here on out. Good luck.

    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 04:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    54. See what you did ?? You made her go all jealous

    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 07:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    Well guys, SALLUS has morphed into the same bitter person as his forebears Guzz and Stevie.

    No question about it now.

    You will never change him and it's all downhill until his next breakdown.

    Sad, but so obvious as to where he is heading.

    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 09:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    I noticed you didn't copy in my '*' previous part of my post.

    * little bit of sick at the back of my throat.

    Nice bit of editing there. I hope your fantasy sluts appreciate it.
    What a sad and disturbed old man you must be.
    I pity the children.

    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 09:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    I didn't edit anything... Maybe your post should be adressed to Sallus.

    “I am surprised he finds the energy to post, poor man must be tired out!”
    “ I hope your fantasy sluts appreciate it.”
    “I pity the children.” ( That seems contradictory since you said that the sluts dont exists in the earlier sentance)

    Wow you are clearly making it about me and my relationship with sluts.
    So jealous...

    Its OK ilsen, you are not the firts one, nor you will be the last one but you are to old for me


    Nov 23rd, 2014 - 10:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund


    I'm sure all the latina lovelies are just weak at knees for a Lothario who's always canny keen to get stuck in like.

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 12:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    'fanatsy sluts' I pity your attitude to young girls....
    quite worrying... I hope you are not allowed to stray to far from yor Old-Folks Home?
    Finally you admit to having a (fantasy) realtionship with these 'sluts'.
    That is how you percieve women?
    Hopefully 'on-screen' is as far as you go.
    I wonder how you think of this woman.

    Probably not your 'cup-of-tea', more of my social/business circle.
    Feel free to send me a request for an invitation, I'll ask my secretary to file it in the shredder...

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 12:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    OK, you two 61 & 62 are ever more insane nonsensical and obscure...

    ilsen its kind of pretty 100% you that came up whith this “fantasy slut” thing..

    I dont know you seem to have some serious issues, no ex nor hubby in the freezer or in the cellar??

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 02:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LaBaronesaDelHielo

    ... watching you, CabezaDura2 !!
    be afraid, be very afraid!

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 05:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    W A I T - A - M I N U T E ! ! !

    Ilsen is a Bint ???
    Well... That explains a lot...

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 05:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    @ 64 LaBaronesaDelHielo

    Can I politely suggest you put @65 on your list along with @63 ?

    jus' sayin'...

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 05:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    Sad part of it, when the economy goes up the toilet and we are all starving, thanks to you guys, she will be able to buy me like those poor young russian or ukranian women after the USSR collapsed for 300 pounds...

    I will end up in fucking Ice cubs thanks to you lot

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 08:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    what are 'Ice cubs'?
    Did you mean 'ice cubes' CD2?
    I might pay 300 pesos for you, for amusement value only, until I tire of you, but not £300!
    I think you have over-valued yourself once more.

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 09:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sallus

    Hmmm Ilsen, you almost sound like a hoot to hang out with at a bar. Tu no eres la Baronesa de Hielo tambien?

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 10:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    I admit that ilsen is fun sometimes. Pero tiene mas entrada que la cancha de Huracan !

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 10:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    I most certainly don't 'hang out' at bars. Too many dodgy characters like Sallus sniffing about...
    Would love to meet La Baronesa, she obviously like to keep her men 'on ice' and in their place!

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 10:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    She doesnt go to bars, she goes to stripper clubs. They say that female strip clubs in London that ilsen goes to the stripper presents himself already naked... He has a wardrobe beside him.. starts off by getting a Calvin Klein underwear on, slowly the Pierre Cardin socks follow, he continues with a Dior shirt, “You Can Leave Your Hat On” sounding on the background, he then puts on his Tag Hauer watch, and by the time the stripper gets his Giorgio Armani Suit & trousers on the London ladies are about to explode.. in the background the curtain falls again to reveal a Jaguar...The dude slowly opens the door of the Jaguar.
    Body guards are not stopping ilsen from assaulting the stripper... Huge hysteria. 2 bodyguards to contain ilsen.... The guy, looks to the cheering crowd & drives off with a gulf bag in the trunk of the Jaguar..
    ilsen faints

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 11:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • La.Baronesa.Del.Hielo

    cabeza madura, se invoca mi nombre para lastimar a otros,y ahora tendrá que pagar por sus pecados.
    Mi espíritu está dentro de todas las brujas, tenga miedo pequeño, tenga el temor de mis poderes.....

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 11:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund

    I'm sure we can all be very grateful that Cabeza Dura is making such sterling efforts to protect his seed. Sometimes nature works in mysterious ways.

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 11:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    @72 CD2
    10/10 for your creative writing skills!
    0/10 for over-sharing your slightly creepy and well-thought-out fantasies on a public forum.

    I don't know who that is @73 but I suggest you might want to visit your local version of El Sorte mountain and start praying to Maria Lionza, or whatever freaky voodoo shit it is that you do down there in Argentina. Looks like @73 ( I won't say the name, (woo..!)), has got your number....
    You could soon be 'chilling-out' permanently!

    @74 HansN.
    Witty riposte, as always.
    A breath of fresh air! Delightful, simply delightful!

    Nov 24th, 2014 - 11:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    Ohhh dear, ilsen I will give you a little tip, I know you are very basic and all but... if you want to make me go jealous dont make 80% of your past 2 comments all about me and then overdo your compliments to boring old HamasNiesund.
    Its pitifull yikes! : ((

    Nov 25th, 2014 - 12:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    you are an old wind-bag that goes on and on. And then some more....
    HansN is concise.

    Therefore to be fair and equitable, I (sadly) do respond to you in greater length.
    Don't take it as a compliament.

    How's that voodoo shit with Maria Lionza working out? Or do you prefer a cubicle with a Catholic priest? (please don't answer in detail!)

    Still fantasizing about cheap Russian hookers I expect....anything to keep that ego pumped.....

    You really need to get a grip(en).

    Nov 25th, 2014 - 12:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    Sure ilsen.....btw you can always choose not to respond, and if you want to talk to Hamas and keen in doing so, just talk to him. I dont see what anything has to do with me!
    I really CANT BELIEVE Im talking to a sophisticated London business woman.

    I will have to leave it here because I'm starting to feel like a real mean jerk.

    Nov 25th, 2014 - 12:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    your not, you are in fact talking to an old, fat, hairy-handed Trucker from North Yorkshire....

    night, night sweetie!

    Nov 25th, 2014 - 12:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    Old, fat &, hairy, living in the country .... Exactly my kind of woman. Super!!...not a snobish high maintanance city girl....

    night night sweet hart.

    Nov 25th, 2014 - 01:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen

    *heart, not hart.I think you meant.

    Sorry, I am an appalling grammar/spelling pedant! Even when birthing lambs....

    PS: google 'Trucker” ....

    Also, find me one post when I have referred to myself in either the masculine or the feminine...
    duerme con los angelitos, querida...

    Nov 25th, 2014 - 01:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CabezaDura2

    I think someone is into strap-oning dudes.

    Nov 25th, 2014 - 01:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ilsen


    Nov 25th, 2014 - 03:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Oooops have I got the wrong thread ? I thought this was about the Catholic Church divesting some of its billions of US$ and give the money for the poor. Silly me, they wouldn't do that would they? Bloody hypocrits all the churches.

    Nov 25th, 2014 - 09:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anbar

    “”“”“”here in argentina, the granero del mundo, the largest producer of food in the milky way, in spite of the government, all the farmers, estancieros and agricultural producers collaborate with huge amount of foodstuff to fight malnutrition.“”“”“”

    are these the same guys poisoning your children?

    Nov 26th, 2014 - 11:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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