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Falklands' battle commemoration service in London next 8 December

Wednesday, December 3rd 2014 - 10:57 UTC
Full article 3 comments
The service will be held at the naval church St Martin-in-the-Fields organized by FIA The service will be held at the naval church St Martin-in-the-Fields organized by FIA

A commemorative service at the naval church of St Martin-in-the-Fields, near Trafalgar Square, in London and a reception has been organized by the Falkland Islands Association to commemorate the Battle of Coronel (Nov. 1, 1914) and Battle of the Falklands (Dec. 8, 1914).

 On 8 December, the date of the Battle of the Falklands 100 years ago, the service will be attended by representatives of the British and German navies, Service organizations and Ship Associations, as well as descendants of those who took part in the battles.

Wreaths will be laid, amongst others, by Ms Anna Soubry, MOD Minister for Veterans, the Second Sea Lord, the German and Canadian Defense Attachés, and MLA Roger Edwards.

In the Falklands a committee has been working for 18 months on preparations for similar commemorations in the Islands.

Special guests have been invited, descendents from German and British officers involved in the two battles.

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  • Briton

    The Falkland's should raise 50 foot flags for the world to see,

    all over the island's great big giant union jack flags everywhere,
    the royal navy should have a 2015 naval review of the coast,

    destroyers , frigates , troop ships and the heli carrier
    the parachute regiment parachuting over the Falkland's,
    transport planes fighters,
    and of course hot dogs popcorn and burgers and chips on the ground.

    show these childish argies how its done.

    just a chippy thought...

    Dec 03rd, 2014 - 01:03 pm 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    “Falklands' battle commemoration service in London next 8 December”

    That should be a GREAT ceremony!

    “Special guests have been invited, descendants from German and British officers involved in the two battles.”

    My. my, the world turns.............. If I may, here is an extract from “One Hundred days” by Admiral Sandy Woodward:-

    Captain David hart-dyke was another of my officers from a family with dark blue naval blood. his father, Commander Eric Hart-Dyke fought the U-boats in the 2nd world war destroyer HMS Gallant - his personal telescope lived now in his son's locker in the captains cabin in HMS Coventry.

    David's wife, Diana, bore the well-known naval name of Luce, both her grandfathers being admirals, one of whom in 1914 commanded the light cruiser HMS Glasgow, the only British ship to escape the German far east squadron under vice-Admial Graf von Spee at the disastrous battle of Coronel”

    Dec 03rd, 2014 - 10:32 pm 0
  • ilsen

    If I can re-adjust my working commitments, I may well attend. I feel these events are very important.

    Dec 04th, 2014 - 12:39 am 0
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