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Reconciliation and commemoration: 100 years after the Battle of the Falklands German flags fly over Stanley

Monday, December 8th 2014 - 23:46 UTC
Full article 75 comments

“With substantial losses at both the Battle of Coronel and the Battle of the Falklands, the annual remembrance events are an opportunity to reflect on the lives lost from both the British and German navies. It was decided early on that this commemorative approach, highlighting the tragic loss of life during both battles, should be echoed throughout events on this Centenary year” Read full article


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  • Think


    Article says...:
    “the emphasis has been on the commemoration rather than celebration of two early and decisive naval battles of the First World War”

    I say...:
    That's why the former enemy flags were flown along side on “Victory Green”...
    Ain't “Victory Green” the one besides “Gotcha Avenue”?
    Anyhow.... Is it me... or isn't that Engrish flag flying a tad higher than the Schwartz-Rot-Gelb?

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 12:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    It's you.
    When you speak, it's always about you.

    You are imagining things, again.

    By contrast, in actuality, it was a day of noble sentiments, honouring all of the fallen.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 01:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    In the Argentina the repatriation of Kenneth Charney better known as the “Black Knight of Malta” (The Black Knight of the Malta) is being launched.

    As an Argentine-born volunteer in the RAF with 6 confirmed victories, 4 probable and 7 damaged. He was head of Pierre Clostermann, his companion and his comrade when he directed the RAF 602 squadron composed of volunteers from around the world. Charney began his outstanding career as a pilot in the squadron 185 Spitfires being one of the key drivers for the defense of Malta, was there where he got his first 4 wins. A long list of victories. Ken was commander of the squadron of Spitfires XVI 132 “City of Hong Kong”. It was the pilot who discovered the German forces initiated its withdrawal from Normandy through Falaise and detection allowed the 2 Tactical Air Force significantly reduce the firepower of the Germans in that sector. He was awarded twice with DFC or Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions.

    Retired from the race and, after having suffered the loss of many comrades, he lived in the beautiful valleys of Andorra and it was there where he began his ascent in search of their comrades in June 1982.

    It was his desire to return to Argentina and that's what it starts in a few weeks

    Accompanied by argentine pilots (some veterans of Malvinas War) who will welcome him and, finally, his remains will be buried in a public ceremony so all those who want would be able to attend it.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 03:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    Think- God you are a sour and bitter old sod- such a typical Argentine living in the past! Victory Green is where it always has been - long before 1982.
    Thick as well if you think that was an English Flag! You sure know how to insult the Scots- Welsh and Northern Irish!
    Thick again if you cannot allow for camera angles etc of a picture taken of 2 equal height flagpoles!
    Just a bitter old fart basically.
    Oh - by the way the German Naval Officer - in his diplomatic posting did indeed lay a wreath with the black red and gold on behalf of the Government of Germany.
    Similarily the Mayor of Coronel laid one with the red white and blue of Chile.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 03:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro


    So much talk lately about this old forgotten battle but very little talk about the oil province..
    ↓ -4.25 (-6.07%)

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 04:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    5 CheerleadingSockoThinks,, right on cue - “carpooling” into work with “Stink of the Shitty-Fingers” Turnip, again.

    I think your characters' roles are blurring.

    Isn't it Stink-Fingers who is supposed to quote the Falkland oil stock prices, and “Marcos Ahmacheerleader” who accuses Yankeeboy of being “Fred the shoe salesman”???

    Stink-Fingers, you're slipping! Are you drinking so much now that you arrogantly believe nobody will notice, or did you not even notice it yourself???

    Argentina- pay your debts, you deadbeats !!

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 05:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redrow

    No Think.
    It's just your lack of perspective.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 06:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    My god Think, yes your right the British flag is higher, must been 1 hell of a job to hammer the other flag pole down.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 07:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CaptainSilver

    I wonder if in 2082 we will see the white blue and gold flag of Argentina flying alongside the Union Jack on Victory Green and a service of reconciliation like this?

    It won't happen whilst the Casa Rosada is occupied by the axis of evil and the Dark Country is populated by morons like #1!

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 09:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Falkland Islands

    @9 The way they are going there will be no such country in 2082 it will belong to the UN.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 10:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    602 (City of Glasgow Squadron) had a distinguished history in WW2. Because of their proficiency, they were the first Auxiliary squadron to be equipped with the Spitfire in 1939. They made good use of them by shooting down the first German aircraft on mainland Britain while protecting the naval base at Rosyth on the Forth. They were sent down south to take part in the Battle of Britain where they distinguished themselves again. As the war continued pilots moved on to take command of other squadrons and “volunteers” were transferred in to make it multinational with pilots such as Charney and Clostermann. We owe them ALL a debt of gratitude.
    I can remember talking with some of the pilots who flew with 602 in wartime and who also flew Vampires at the weekend. As a 10 year old I used to make my way to Renfrew airport to creep under the fence to watch the activity.
    Some times, during a lull in flying, I would be allowed to have a close-up look at the aircraft and was even put in the cockpit of a Vampire and heard stories of dog fights with Me 109's. At my age then, nothing bettered that experience.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 10:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GALlamosa

    It was an excellent day, much appreciated by the descendents of the three admirals, and by Falkland Islanders.

    The 8th December will long remain an important day in our national history.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 10:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anti-Muppet

    I admire the Germans, they are gracious enough in defeat and in memory we stand together to honour the fallen of both sides, we don't burn their flag or dishonour their war dead like those of Argentina do to the British.

    War is never pretty, but that was then, this is now, Bravo to all concerned, too many lives are lost in war, at very least lets remember them and the battles they fought.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 11:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @1. Instead of focussing on irrelevancies, it might be an idea if you were to consider the important reality. WE never forget. IF we are beaten in a battle, WE go back and beat the shite out of the 'enemy'. In the Battle of Coronel, Britain had 1,570 men killed and lost 2 armoured cruisers. A month later, at the Battle of the Falkland Islands, Germany had 1,871 killed, 215 captured, and lost 2 armoured cruisers, 2 light cruisers and 2 transports. Not a bad response!
    @5. What do you care? After all, there's no oil there, is there? So it's just some pointless shares going up and down. On the other hand, have you noticed that argieland's inflation is 40% and rising? That every report on argieland's industry (?) shows it falling apart? Do make sure you keep all your poor in their villas miseria. 690,000 miserias just around BA. Let's call it around 10 million slobs and crims throughout the country. Wouldn't it be better to concentrate on those little problems instead of 5 cents here or there?
    @9 & 10. I don't think so. 2082? I don't believe that the “Things from the Dark Country”, aka the “Slime from the Pits of Mordor”, could bring themselves to admit that they'd been suckered, fooled, brainwashed and exploited for more than 130 years. It's the most important part of being ignorant.
    @12. Of course. Honourable people, like the British and those of British origin, recognise when a war is over. When it was won and who won it. But, if we look back in history, we can see that latinos aren't honourable. A simple example. In 1713, Gibraltar was ceded to Britain in perpetuity. Followed by at least FOUR spanish sieges. That's latinos for you. Subhuman scum of the earth!

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 12:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nigelpwsmith

    I'm glad that the families of the Admirals were able to attend and lay wreaths to the fallen. They may have been opponents in war time, but they are now companions in death and the sea is their grave.

    The Falkland Islanders know only too well that war is terrible. It was inflicted upon them, as it was in 1914-18 and 1939-45. The Islanders are right to commemorate these events, because if we don't, if we forget how awful war is, we are doomed to experience it again.

    We must be constantly on guard against those fools who want to repeat it with their volveremos flags and ensure that they never, ever get the chance to inflict their evil on these peaceful Islands.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 01:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    @3 During WW2 Argentinean pilots were (mostly) from English and Scottish families settled in Argentina. German influence in Argentina during WW2 was strong and reflected by the fact that Argentina did not declare war on Germany until 27 March 1945. The cowardly regime in Buenos Aries didn't resume its illegitimate sovereignty claims on the Falklands until 1941.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 02:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    who told you that?

    the vast majority of those pilots were, like most of the population here, of mixed heritage.
    that is, british, irish, spanish, italian etc.

    clearly, argentinian history is not your strong point, but you should know that churchill was the one who wanted argentina to remain neutral, so the argentine food shipments to london would not be attacked by the germans.
    those food shipments saved them from starvation, and funnily the british never paid them.
    you are still on time.

    last but not least, it was basically a european war.
    argentina didn't have to declare war to germany nor to anybody else.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 02:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    @17. The vast majority of Argentinean pilots with the RAF during WW2 were 'mostly' from British families settled in Argentina. The cowardly Argentinean regime didn't re instigate their illegitimate Falkland sovereignty claims until 1941.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 03:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    Little Paul, so you are now on duty again? Notice you dont include them indiginous Indians. Why? Because you practically wiped out all the original inhabitants to steal their lands. These people are the most important and precious part of what you now call Argieland. One day they will get their land back.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 03:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    boludo 19
    and what the f*ck you know about the conquista del desierto?
    who got the best part of it?
    the sheep farming companies and the railway, who were...BRITISH, you asshole.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 04:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    @ 20. Not many Diego's fighting with the RAF . That 'European war' was a World War and Argentina didn't get involved until 27th March 1945. Yes, Argentina made a lot of money supplying food to the Allies.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 04:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    Boludo #20 You need to look on your 100 Peso arsewipe ( the one now worth about fourpence!) to see your own history! But down there in your tin shack I dont expect you have ever seen one!

    Are they going to put a picture of nuns being thrown out of aircraft over the R Plate on the new ones? Or will it be a side view of your national hero the football cheat? RG land has so much in history to be proud of. :-))l

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 04:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • SebaSvtz

    @ 9

    My thoughts also. All this nonsense has to end some day.

    A more mature Argentina should get along very well with the FI.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 04:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    If we didn't pay....doubtful, then regard it as Danegeld payments for not attacking and taking over your country.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 04:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    there were 4000 argentine (soldiers, nurses and pilots) who helped you to save your asses in ww2.
    they did it on their own, so what?
    add to that the food shipments from argentina and you will realize that england would not exist right now without that help.

    it seems you, bunch of lazy isleters, think that the whole world has to help england each time they are involved in a war, and that happens the whole time.

    now helping england or germany was the same shite.
    both committed the same kind of crimes against humanity.
    the difference is that england continues to do so.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 05:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    Pauly, give some examples of Englands continuing crimes. The UK strictly adheres to International law, RGland does not. Pay your debts for a start…

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 05:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    Meanwhile TDC continues to moan about 1833, or is that 1833 BCE?

    They lie so much it is very difficult to tell.

    Given the Lunatics rant about 'stinky fingers' and smelly Argentine women it makes me wonder if he needs to be promoted to 'Monthly Lunatic' to combine the pull of the moon and his monthly period on his overall lack of mental health. So fitting. :o)

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 06:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • brianF.I

    Lol i love it when pauly gets angry, but i suppose he does live in poverty, with his fat haggard mother in a tin shanty town LOL.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 06:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    I am sure that 4000 Anglo Argentinians made ALL THE DIFFERENCE to the overthrow of the Nazi regime and that Argentina was the main factor in our defeat of Germany. A slightly biased view of your own importance in the great scheme of things ?

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 06:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leiard

    21 Brit Bob

    Argentina also made mony selling food to Germany during the war.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 07:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    25 Peronist CabanaBoy,

    Pay your Argentinian debts - no whining!

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 07:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    20 boludoboy paulie

    “and what the f*ck you know about the conquista del desierto?”

    Apparently more than you do, you brainwashed La Kampora puppet!!!

    Tell me ( like I REALLY care ) did you do your own research into “conquista del desierto” or is it what you have been brainwashed into believing at your weekly hate meetings?

    Can you back up your accusations with proof???

    Can you back up ANY of your accusations with ANY proof at all?

    I can just the Argentine history books on WW2 now, the pictures of those 4,000 Argentinians, charging down the guns at GOLD beach!!

    Much LOLz!!

    The way they must have defeated Rommel at El Alamein!!! The entire Afika Corp brought to it's knees by the 4,000 Argentinians ( of course the 7th Armoured Division / 8th Army were no where to be seen!! ) no wonder Rommel was re-called to Germany!!

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 08:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Frank

    @17 paulcedron
    “clearly, argentinian history is not your strong point, but you should know that churchill was the one who wanted argentina to remain neutral, so the argentine food shipments to london would not be attacked by the germans.”

    In 1941 everyone wanted the RGs to remain neutral as they knew that if they entered the war it would be on the side of the axis......
    Argentinian food shipments were carried in British ships ( not RG ones) and they were attacked and sunk.
    If they had used neutral ships they would have sunk them anyway.... the sinking of Brazilian coastal ships was one of reasons Brazil entered the war.

    The RG education system really is crap isn't it...

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 09:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @17. The official record of No. 164 Squadron RAF shows that the majority of pilots were of Anglo-argie descent. Scotch point 1.
    Moving on, the 'food' shipments were considerably reduced from what they had been. And perhaps argieland knew that the U.S. was going to attack or tell Brazil to do so! Scotch point 2.
    Can you explain when Australia and New Zealand, China and Japan, India and South Africa, to name but a few, aside from the United States and Canada, were moved into Europe? Scotch point 3.

    Just more excuses for being full of nazi supporters and gutless.
    @20. Have we got it wrong then? How did it really go? ”Our self-respect as a virile people obliges us to put down as soon as possible, by reason or by force, this handful of savages who destroy our wealth and prevent us from definitely occupying, in the name of law, progress and our own security, the richest and most fertile lands of the Republic. (We must ensure the prosperity of our English/British settlers).

    —Julio Argentino Roca
    @25. Funny! During WW2, the record shows 383,800 UK military deaths. There is NO record of ANY argie military deaths. And, having murdered 30,000 of its own during the Dirty War, on top of all the indigenous people beforehand, argieland is in no position to point a finger. Not to mention harbouring all those nazi war criminals. Doesn't that mean you approved of war criminals?

    You are such a tosser, Pablo.

    Dec 09th, 2014 - 09:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    boludos varios
    so the argentine food was shipped in british vessels?
    my god...england did not even have the money to pay the fuel.
    how could they afford the cost of the personnel, fuel, import duties and most important, the cost of the food?
    there was no way.
    so, they did not pay a shite, as always.

    i can accept your ignorance cause all you have there is a primary community school, but at least try to use logic.

    on the other hand, germany was defeated by the u.s., not by england, lol.
    but again, without the argentine food (that england never paid) most of the english would have died of starvation.

    so say “thanks a lot argentina” and PAY THE BILL.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 12:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    35 Pablo Bumboy

    Please show us something that says it was not paid.

    If Britain did not pick up the food - do you really think the Peronist WAR PROFITEERS would sacrifice their own lives and ships to send it to Britain through a cordon of the U boat “Wolf Pack” ???

    No, cowards!

    If you had delivered it, there would be reams of Argier propaganda about their “sacrifice” for Great Britain during the war...

    .... nope... not seeing any !!

    Nizi sympathiser and apologist, now Argentina's finest Peronist BUMBOY for your new masters, the Chinese!!!

    You'll love that!

    Pay your debt - defaulting fool

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 02:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    @9 and 13

    The I WW was fought a 100 years ago but the Malvinas War 32 years there is a “little” difference in time. In addition, the status of the dispute is the very sama as it was during the begining of year 1982 so I don't think any of this would be able with the presence of both, UK and Argentine people until a faur solution will be found.

    @36 Conqueror writting and reading about Julio Argentina Roca???...ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!..this is more than I have ever expected...well done Conqueror you will learn about the best ever president in the whole latin American countries...well done...I won[t need to explain here his brilliant will be able to do explain your own people.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 03:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    it seems you have some kind of fixation with male prostitution and stuff, no?
    what happens?
    you are looking for someone to que te desfloren el culo? lol
    look in the islets, apparently there are many with the same tastes as you in those stinky barracks.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 03:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    @ 38...“bennies”..ha ha ha ha...that's a funny history !!!......poor boys...they seem to be good and nice boys...

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 03:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    guess the problem are the resentful old farts you can find in this 4th class site.
    and if they have unresolved psychological problems like the faggot @ 36, it is even worse.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 04:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    38 Pablo CabanaBoy

    YOU are the one prostituting yourself, as an Argentine Peronist !

    YOU are a LIAR, also - Can you refute my reply to your lies ??

    NO, you cannot.

    Your hero Peron was a Fascist, a NAZI SYMPATHISER, and a War Profiteer.

    I even accused your people of “cowardice”, if they existed as you said.

    Did they exist? Was that a lie, too?

    Go ahead and insult me - I expect no more from you - you are incapable of reasonable argument or backing up your statements.

    Do you say everything your masters tell you to say?

    You sound like a Prostituto to me!

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 04:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    Poor old Argentineans still believing in the Falklands sovereignty claims pushed out religiously by their inept politicians to mask political and economic incompetence. Always quick to rush to the ICJ over the Pulp Mills and the US default holdouts but not the 'great Malvinas Lie.' Chuckle chuckle.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 10:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    boludos 41 / 42
    have you seen this video ?
    clearly those teenagers can discriminate between politicians and people, something you, pair of resentful old farts, can´t.

    so it is not a surprise that you pongan a todos en la misma bolsa.
    maybe you think that the whole population is peronista or kirchnerista here.
    well, it is a lot more complex than that, you pair of ignorants.

    luckily and unlike the islets, there is a lot of political parties and trends of thought, but nobody expect that a pair of 3rd class plebs ruled by a viceroy elected by the queen can understand it.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 11:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    43 Pablo CabanaBoy

    As I said @41

    “YOU are a LIAR, also - Can you refute my reply to your lies ??
    No, you can't ”

    Who cares what you call yourself, you support that government's actions.

    Argentina, PAY YOUR DEBTS!!

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 02:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Simon68


    I wish to correct you on a couple of points:

    1) The exports to Britain during WWII were all transported on allied ships, ELMA was not allowed by the government to enter the conflict zone because of our neutrality up till 1945.

    2) All the payment for the exports during WWII were paid through the import of Gloucester Meteors and the hand over of the railways to the government for a nominal payment.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 03:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh

    @45 Simon68; cc Paulcedron

    According to Santiago Rivas, a well respected Argentine Aviation historian Argentina received from the UK in respect of payment for food supplies in WW2 the following aircraft which Sr Rivas describes as the UK's most modern systems:-

    100 Gloster Meteor F Mk4 fighters
    30 Avro Lincoln bombers
    15 Avro Lancaster bombers
    15 Bristol 170 Freighters
    24 Vickers Viking Transports
    12 Airspeed Consul Light Transports
    70 de Havilland Dove Light Transports
    100 Percival Prentice Trainers

    plus spares, munitions and training

    This list, of course, does not include other weaponry supplied to the Argentine Navy, Army etc.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 04:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    Darragh, how can that be possible. It conflicts with his twisted and ignorant mindset so it must be lies!
    Paulc. Before you burst a blood vessel I use the word ignorant in the meaning of “unaware of the facts”. Twisted means applying by distortion anything that reinforces your prejudices.
    So, you are either ignorant of the facts OR purposely lying through your teeth to gain some illusional gravitas. .
    Which is it ?

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 04:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    35 Botty boy paulie

    Please read the posts at 45 by Simon68 AND at 46 by darragh.

    Now that you have been shown to be a liar and an ignorant T*sspot as well, perhaps you could finally get round to answering Troy Tempest at 36.

    Or because even your own countrymen have shown you up to be the sad, angry, un-educated La Kampora Troll we all know you to be , are you now going to stay off this thread and take your quite considerable psychological issues elsewhere?

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 08:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    simon / darragh / grandpa clyde
    england (or the uk, or gb or britain, or the leftovers of the uk or whatever is the name of that country) paid part of the debt with non convertible pounds.
    that is, as if argentina pays its external debt with pesos.
    = toy money = unpaid debt.

    a small part of the debt was paid with those 100 meteors, but they didn't even represent a tiny percentage.
    so the debt still exists.
    and it was not only food what argentina sent to britain, but also guns, rifles and ammunition made by ballester- molina.

    you can do something for your country and start paying the debt.

    since you don´t even have 1 (one) psychologist/ psychoanalyst in the islets, i strongly doubt that you have solved all your mental issues.
    what do you have there for cases like yours?
    the warlock of the village?

    and as i have wisely said, people like you are exactly the same as those twats of la campora, the ultra k, etc.
    no doubts you would be one of them if you lived here.

    like them, you lack critical thinking
    = same shite.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 09:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leiard

    49 paulcedron

    If this so called debt that you imagine exists, why are there no demands from Argentina to pay this debt?

    Try and answer without all your childish playground insults.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 10:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    @49 Pablo CabanaBoy

    Back to @36,

    “35 Pablo Bumboy

    Please show us something that says it was not paid.

    If Britain did not pick up the food - do you really think the Peronist WAR PROFITEERS would sacrifice their own lives and ships to send it to Britain through a cordon of the U boat “Wolf Pack” ???

    No, not on your Nellie!!

    If you had delivered it, there would be reams of Argier propaganda about their “sacrifice” for Great Britain during the war...

    .... nope... not seeing any !”

    C'mon CabanaBoy,

    I challenge you to support your statements!

    Any articles - need actual links this time, not disembodied quotes from the Argie blogosphere, any ICJ judgements, UN Resolutions... anything tangible???

    Nope, nothing from you.

    Why would you lie?

    The thinking, educated, and truthful Argentines like Simon68, openly contradict your statements.

    If you have to LIE to make your point - it is a good indicator that you have no real argument and NO FACTS.

    Really a bit juvenile of you.

    Peronists, Ultra K's ??
    How is Pablo - I - say - what -I'm - told - CabanaBoy any different ??

    You have my sympathy, it must be a very humiliating time for you.

    Waiting for your considered answer.

    Waiting to be repaid.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 11:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh


    please supply links to prove that this debt or part thereof is still outstanding. If you are unable to do so then I will have to assume that you have been 'misinformed'

    What I stated at @46 is in Santiago Rivas's book ' Wings over the Malvinas',
    ISBN 9 781902 109220, published by Hikoki Publications in Buenos Aires in 2010.

    You cannot expect anyone to take you seriously if you cannot adequately substantiate your claims.

    Dec 10th, 2014 - 11:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    52 darragh

    Good work, darragh, a nice even-toned, reasonable response, inviting a reply.

    However, I'm afraid he's flitted off again - never to reply.

    He is likely consoling himself, rocking back and forth, nose in his Campora Juvenil 'Reader', for encouragement.

    Dec 11th, 2014 - 12:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    and the cause:
    Covertibility Crisis

    it seems that you lot are the only ones who do not know that britain was totally banrupt after ww2.

    read more and opine less.

    Dec 11th, 2014 - 12:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leiard

    54 paulcedron

    It is true that Britain was almost bankrupt at the end of WW2.
    Britain took out loans with the US ($4.34 billion dollars ) and Canada (1.25 billion dollars).
    These loans were repaid in full in December 2006.

    With regard to the so called debt to Argentina

    Dec 11th, 2014 - 09:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Stop trolling, paulcedron.
    Why are you such an idiot?
    Get out of Argentina & see the world.

    Dec 11th, 2014 - 10:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    stop insulting isolda.
    luckily i have visited all the countries i wanted + england (just because of my girlfriend, not the best place, eh?).
    you should go out of those islets right now.
    guess that living isolated from the world has conditioned your mindset and not in the best way.

    Dec 11th, 2014 - 10:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    57 Pablo CabanaBoy

    ”...luckily i have visited all the countries i wanted + england (just because of my girlfriend, not the best place, eh?).“

    Ha ha Pablo... ”all the countries I wanted + England...“

    Wow!! That is very revealing!!!

    so, you pre-judged all the countries before going, and then went against your will, resentfully to England.

    I bet you were determined not to enjoy it, show interest, or be impressed... right..??

    I'm sure you made it a miserable experience for your girlfriend too, with your pouting and truculence!!

    It was her big expensive trip out of ARGENTINA as well, and you didn't have the good grace to enjoy it, right?

    I'm sure you ruined what would have been an otherwise enjoyable experience for her, didn't you???

    Yes, we know you.

    Are you still together? Ha, thought not!!

    ”...all the countries you wanted to see..”?

    Never to leave Arg again??

    No curiosity??

    No other countries that might teach you something??

    Maybe you're afraid they'll challenge your charade of LATAM superiority???

    Have you been to Australia ? The USA ??

    Isolde has, as well as Argentina- she knows more of what she speaks than you do!!

    You reek of an Inferiority Complex.

    How sad for ignorant ( uninformed) little you... pouting child.

    Dec 12th, 2014 - 12:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    you are funny and pathetic at the same time.
    how it feels to be locked in those tiny islets?

    as i said before, you guys need to invest your few bucks in:
    1. education (and that includes learning foreign languages).
    2. travels. Not the 3rd class tourism a hillbilly wants to do, like a cruise and stuff, but the kind of travel where you get involved with the different cultures, and for that you need to know other languages.
    got it? you

    Dec 12th, 2014 - 02:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    59 CabanaBoy

    As much as you try to be superior and condescending, you have shown us that you have failed to open your own eyes.

    You are a blind, jealous, and self-centered misogynist, in any language.

    Isolde, ElaineB, ilsen - they all laugh at you on MP.

    You are such a cornball, it's pitiful.

    The best part, you'll never be able to afford to leave again.

    You're a

    Dec 12th, 2014 - 03:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    “you are a...”
    ...duh, you dumbass, you cannot even finish a sentence.
    stop drinking, borracho de cuarta.
    and you think you can judge other people?

    Dec 12th, 2014 - 03:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    61 Pablo CabanaBoy

    Still waiting for an answer @36....

    Nope??? Too stupid are you?? :-)

    ARGENTINA - pay your debts!!!

    Dec 12th, 2014 - 06:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron


    answer for what, you putazo? lol
    you dont even know how to make a question in your own language.

    Dec 12th, 2014 - 03:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Giorgio C. Tsoukalos

    Argentina should leave the Falklands alone and the islanders to their peace as British subjects (note I did use “subjects”, out of respect). But reconciliation with the UK is completely off the table. Now and in 2085.

    The British have yet to apologize for 1845, they are running about 160 late just about now.

    Dec 13th, 2014 - 03:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    Around 550 argentine born pilots fought during the II WW but 122 ones were killed “in action”...some of these pilots were part of one squadron of the RAF...was the 164 Squadron “Firmes Volamos”

    Dec 13th, 2014 - 04:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    @63 Pablo Peronist Prostituto

    Here, Pablo,

    This is @36 repeated for you;

    “Please show us something that says it was not paid.

    If Britain did not pick up the food - do you really think the Peronist WAR PROFITEERS would sacrifice their own lives and ships to send it to Britain through a cordon of the U boat “Wolf Pack” ???”

    Do you remember now?

    YOU said Britain still owed you for food.

    YOU said Argentina risked and lost lives to deliver that food.

    Can you explain why You have to lie?

    Here's your chance, again.

    No?? I guess you LIE because yer full of it !!

    Dec 13th, 2014 - 07:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @66 Troy,
    l think that if Paulito thinks that if he repeats a lie often enough, it eventually becomes fact.
    Dr Goebbels would be proud of him.

    Dec 13th, 2014 - 09:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    toy tempestilent
    “YOU said Argentina risked and lost lives to deliver that food.

    ...says the 1/2wit.
    where did i say argentina risked and lost lives to delivery food, you twat?
    argentina was neutral, you asshole.
    there was not any chance that the argentine vessels were attacked.
    that´s why the war criminal churchill wanted argentina to remain neutral during the whole war.

    not only your education is very, very poor, but you are not even able to think with logic.
    lol, bunch of hillbillies.

    Dec 13th, 2014 - 07:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    68 Prostituto

    “argentina was neutral, you asshole.
    there was not any chance that the argentine vessels were attacked.
    that´s why the war criminal churchill wanted argentina to remain neutral during the whole war.”

    How frickin' naive are you ???
    I think the WWII Argies knew far better than you !

    Allied supplies are Allied supplies - the U-boats wouldn't care too much if they had an RG flag on the ship or not!

    How careful do you think they'd be ???

    Too funny, you dunce.

    “War Criminal Churchill”??? - really??
    You indoctrinated fool!

    Churchill didn't want Argentina to remain neutral - your apologists tell you that!

    Churchill didn't want YOUR FASCIST Peron to join the other fascists either, Franco, Mussolini, and Hitler,

    - he wanted you to frickin' well step up, like Brazil, North America, Austrslia and the remaining Free World - and defeat those Dictators... AND STOP SELLING FOOD TO GERMANY!

    You only did so when Germany was on the verge of surrender, and Japan was on the run.
    Up until then, you were profiting from both sides and hedging your bets as to the outcome.

    How much were you supporting the Reich during the war, secretly?

    A hint might be in Eva Peron's tour of Swiss banks to pick up payoffs from fleeing Nazi's.

    Do you know ANY history, at all??

    Do you even THINK about what you read???




    Dec 13th, 2014 - 09:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    you cannot be more ignorant, no?

    of course churchill was a war criminal you twat.
    not only because of the massive bombing of dresden, get informed about what the fatty faggot did in ireland, his contribution to the boer wars, etc, you imbecile x 1 million.

    the starving people of england during ww2 survived thanks to the argentine food, the uk never paid.


    Dec 14th, 2014 - 10:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    Borrow a brain idiot, it's obvious your's is defective. !
    Instead of howling at the moon, read the details of the Dresden raid.
    It was requested by the Russians as it was an important communications centre.
    Do you think the Russians gave a damn about German civilian casualties after what they had suffered ? With the benefit of hindsight it probably was not necessary but crappy things happen in war.
    I worked with a colleague who had been a pathfinder in a mosquito during the raid. He did his job but later he had problems when the death toll was announced.
    Maybe we SHOULD pay our debts to the FALKLANDERS by razing your shit heap of a country to a cinder. The resulting silence would be glorious.

    Written in jest following in the Pauli school of bitter twisted lying and ignorant journalism.

    Dec 14th, 2014 - 12:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Martin Woodhead

    Its not bennie Hill
    Its bennie from crossroads

    Dec 14th, 2014 - 02:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    70 Pablo Peronist Prostituto

    You are in denial, Pablo!!

    We have already debunked your statements that the UK did not fully compensate the Argentines for food supplies!!

    Pablo - you just attempt to perpetuate that lie - though now you know it IS a lie, and so does everybody else reading this!!

    I guess it is comforting to you to believe that, but you are kidding nobody but yourself!!!

    Are you working??

    Can you afford to leave Argentina?? Ever ??

    Are you looking forward to surfing Turd Beach ??


    ilsen is travelling !

    Skip is likely in Mexico or South America, by now.

    Captain Poppy visits Argentina as he pleases, but has a great life in the US!!

    Yankeeboy made lots and lots of money from property in Argentina- enough to retire on, comfortably!!
    - I guess property values are falling like a stone now, though.

    I'll be in California USA this Christmas season - safe, relaxing, enjoyable... !

    And you... ?

    A polluted beach.
    Auto manufacturers ready to leave.
    Failing economy.

    Argentina, pay your debts!

    Dec 14th, 2014 - 08:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paulcedron

    73 toy
    the only place you will be is the only place you have been, that is the ugliest place on earth: the stinky islets.

    Dec 15th, 2014 - 09:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    74 Pablo Prostituto

    Grow up, Pablo.

    Your Inferiority Complex is showing!!!

    It's all your own fault as an electorate.

    Argentina- PAY YOUR DEBTS!!

    Dec 16th, 2014 - 01:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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