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Nicola Sturgeon 'tectonic plates of Scottish politics” promises to fight austerity imposed by Tory government

Saturday, May 9th 2015 - 08:57 UTC
Full article 48 comments

Scottish nationalist leader Nicola Sturgeon on Friday held out the possibility of a new independence referendum – but not immediately – after her party's crushing victory north of the border in a British national election. Read full article


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  • Stevie

    She needs to play quiet. If the English treats the Scots the way they treat less fortunate ones, there's a huge possibility England will take matters in own hands and kick Scotland out of the union themselves...

    May 09th, 2015 - 09:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    What? She blames Labour for their rout whilst being the cause for their rout?


    Give us a blast on the bagpipes and pass the deep fried Mars Bars…

    May 09th, 2015 - 09:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skip

    If Scotland really wishes to leave the union then it will eventually leave. However using it as a stick to bully for always getting its own way won't really work.

    Quebec still rattles the independence stick frequently and look how well the Bloc Québécois did after its big win in federal elections in 1993 where they became the official opposition.

    They currently have only 2 federal MPs.

    Anyway I'm very much a federalist and I think the UK could federalise the union a lot more than it is. The House of Lords could become the Federal Commons dealing with UK issues and the House of Commons could convert to an English Parliament.

    I'm sure any future independence referendum will have to take place when oil prices have climbed a little higher than right now.

    May 09th, 2015 - 09:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    I seriously don't understand how “progressives” ( lazy takers) think that their policies can ever work?
    Just look to Venezuela to see the outcome

    Everyone turns into animals
    Statism turns good people into animals
    It is really as simple as that...

    May 09th, 2015 - 10:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker

    I don't think the Scots realise that having everything controlled by the SNP is going to get them absolutely nowhere at Westminster. I can't see the Labour Party waiting to work with them after what happened, who else are they going plan their plots with?

    The Scots have actually succeeded in having no voice in Westminster because the SNP won't be able to work with anyone, the other UK parties will vote block them out of every single thing they want to do.

    It matters not anyway because Cameron is about to hand them home rule, they manage their own affairs, but more importantly they will have fuck all say in anyone else's. That is most definitely not what SNP wanted.

    May 09th, 2015 - 10:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    No Voice??? What?

    Look...! Splutter splutter... my chanters been stood upon!

    May 09th, 2015 - 11:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @5. The problem is that the scotch don't really understand anything. I've been looking at a newspaper blog about the current political situation. True to form, the scotch bleated that scotland pays 0.2% more tax than England. So? How little is 0.2%? Why do the scotch always concentrate on the last forty years? What about the previous 268 years? In 1707, the scottish pound was assessed as being worth 1 English shilling. Now the scotch use the English pound. Because that's what scotland is worth. 1/20 of England. In 1707, the scotch got a loan. Have they paid it back? Scotland gets 19% more in terms of grants and subsidies than England PER PERSON. How terribly unfair that scotland gets 18.8% more to spend than England. And when the scotch said they were after independence? They still wanted 8-9% of UK assets. In 1707, scotland joined England and Wales in a union. What did scotland bring? Land and debts. What did they want to TAKE? The same land and someone else's property. It's only necessary to use logic. If the land is a common feature, how does one justify taking assets when all one brought was debts?
    But rumour has it that the Barnett formula will be dropped. It isn't justified. Even its instigator, Lord Joel Barnett, now says that it's outdated.
    The scotch might want to read some history. By 1707, without any oil, England had an empire. Scotland had a disaster. They should think it through. With the stroke of a pen the REAL UK, England, Northern Ireland and Wales, could save themselves £55 million, or more, a day. How could scotland save that sort of money? Especially as the oil price drops. No matter what they say now, the SNP and scotch for independence, reckoned that scotland was one of the wealthiest countries in the world. When the price of oil dropped through the floor, how come the SNP leapt forward to 'demand' that the British government assist the UK oil industry? How was one of the wealthiest countries? How did it change from the scotch to UK oil?

    May 09th, 2015 - 12:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skip

    What I love most; is that by just existing, some people annoy Conq.

    Which means he can't escape from them. And is just impotent.

    May 09th, 2015 - 02:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Opiate for the masses from Nicola.

    The Tories have an overall majority, nothing they can do to change or even influence continued austerity. Their plan entirely depended on holding the balance of power.

    “We will block any Tory Gov”, she said.

    England and Wales have just voted a majority Tory Gov, no block there then.

    Similarly the in/out EU referendum will be UK wide, not country by country, where 10 or even 5% of the population can veto the decision of the other 90%.

    Although in the event of a different result in Scotland to the rest of the UK, another referendum would almost certainly be held. However even if Scotland left the UK before the UK left the EU, Scotland would still be out of the EU.

    Worth remembering the SNP only got 4.7% of votes cast, the Greens got over 5% and the liberals 6.9%, with UKIP on 13%.

    Hardly a mandate to start dictating to the rest of the UK what the policies are going to be.

    May 09th, 2015 - 02:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    Can the rest of us have a referendum on Scotland's continued part in the UK please?

    It has been said that “You know you are in for a rough day when you get exactly what you wished for” so they want independence, let them have it!!

    Democracy in Scotland is dead anyway, anyone who saw the news reports of SNP supporters breaking up a Scottish Labour party rally will know the truth and....and please tell me, what constituency did Nicola Sturgeon stand in? Oh yeah, that's right, she didn't did she? how very democratic...... dictatorship anyone?

    May 09th, 2015 - 02:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    Thank all you English posters for your words of encouragement. Turning true to type as usual. I have always considered myself British but have now learned my true position in a burden to the English. So be it.
    Well, maybe independence is a good idea. Initially we would be financially worse off but at least we would be free of the continual carping of the English press and likewise some posters on here..

    Life would suddenly become wonderful for you. You could leave the EU and accrue all the benefits...or maybe not. The world would welcome you with open arms as EVERYBODY loves the English. There could even be a move to relieve you of the burden of a seat on the Security Council as it is getting too much for you. The Commonwealth would cheer that you got rid of Scotland from the UK and I am sure Canada, Australia, S.Africa and N.Zealand would back a move to remove us from the Commonwealth. In addition, you could have ALL your war toys back as we would have no use for them. Our only historic enemy is situated to the South of the island we jointly inhabit.

    Anyway, thanks to Conq et al for reminding me how despised and inferior we are to God's chosen race and how little we have contributed to the UK's success over the centuries. You sure have been kind to us Bwana.

    #7 Xenophobic idiot
    In 1707, the scotch got a loan. Have they paid it back?

    For the third TIME show me where it states that a loan would be given to Scotland and would be required to be paid back
    Topic and posts as below.

    Conservatives on course to a major victory, as SNP wipes out Labor in Scotland
    Fifty million people registered to vote and elect 650 Westminster MPs

    May 09th, 2015 - 06:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @8. There are times when I think you might be an intelligent Australian. Then you type something and I realise that no-one educated could put 'intelligent' and 'Australian' in the same sentence. Don't you occasionally whine about 'ad hominem' comments? And then you make them. Didn't you understand the plan? First we sent the criminal, incompetent tosspots in the hope that the aborigines would wipe them out. Then we sent you off to a number of wars. Happily watching you being taken over by Chinese, Indians and Greeks. And we're on the other side of the world and don't care!

    May 09th, 2015 - 06:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    @11 Clyde15
    You are overreacting, way overreacting, especially where Conq is concerned.

    However there is no getting away from it, the country as a whole has just voted for continued austerity, if you add Tory 38% and UKIP 13% by 51%, over all.

    Along comes Nicola of Och, claiming a mandate to end austerity!!!

    Deciding how the EU referendum is to be structured!!!

    End to Trident!!!

    Has no one told her they have to win the vote in the Westminster Parliament when those issues are debated?

    Good luck with that with only 56 MPs out of 650.

    But then if she doesn’t get her own way, she can also threaten to leave, again.

    Good luck with that as well.

    May 09th, 2015 - 06:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    We will in the House of Commons vote against an in/out EU referendum, if there is going to be one

    Does she know something we don’t?

    Does she think Mr Cameron may squelch of his promise?

    This country is called the United Kingdom,
    When the EU referendum comes, if it comes,
    Then all brits will vote together, welsh, scots, English, northern Irish, Shetlands and all other islands that are within the UK,

    They will vote as British, nothing else, unless someone knows something the rest don’t,

    One can argue till doomsday, but what will be, will be,
    Just saying like


    May 09th, 2015 - 07:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    I thought it was a brilliant result for Scotland. It seems some people who like the SNP and voted for them must be happy to lose all their influence in Westminster.

    A great result for Camoron too. He can duck the fact that his stupidity over Scotland worked out despite him. You don't think he planned this, do you? Ha, ha, ha. He couldn't plan a wedding reception in Browns Hotel.

    And now the UK can look forward to a Conservative majority in spite of all the doubters. If I were not an atheist I would be tempted to say “God help us”.

    May 09th, 2015 - 07:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    What influence did we have in Westminster except for a Scottish Tory Chancellor and PM who is a couple of steps away from being Scottish.
    I don't think I am over reacting to the general tenure of the comments on these forums.
    There is the general agreement that ALL of Scotland put the SNP in power whereas it was about 50% but the rhetoric coming from English national posters ignores this ...good riddance to Scotland so I am just reminding them that they are not so bloody perfect either. As to Conq. he is just an ignorant loud-mouthed buffoon who needs to be countered with facts.

    May 09th, 2015 - 10:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anbar

    I wouldnt count anybody as radical as Conqueror or his opposite on the north of the Border as being British....

    both extremes are representatives of twatism rather than any British, English, Scottish (Welsh or Irish) standards.

    Nationalism is the easiest brand to pick up and hurl... one would have thought that in this day and age of the internet people would be a little broader minded and less jingoistic and nationalistic.... oi vey.

    If Scotland wants to leave the Union (which it voted NOT to last eyar) then let it, and “Good Luck” in the best meaning of things. Personally I think they will screw themselves over, but if thats what they want, then in this day and age of “Self determination” then they should be allowed to go their own way.

    In the meantime let them have fun saying things like “Westminster will hear the scottish lion roar”.... except that it wont... because there wasnt a coalition required, so 5 or 50 MPs means - no real power.

    On which note, lets note PR: FPTP is useless system and the PR result of the election would be much fairer and truly represent what the people voted... resulting in SNP with about 25 seats and uKIP 80 odd... ye gods!!!... but no clear winner (i think the green wouldve gotten about 18 seats too boot!)

    Good luck to any of the smaller parties getting the gi guns to swap to PR though... and perhaps a good thing, as it promotes coalition governments all the time, and those invariably end up like National versions of the EU parliament.. nominally unelected buffoons awash in “committees” that do nothing over decades.

    (Sound familiar to anybody?)

    May 09th, 2015 - 11:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Personally I think the SNP under Nicola Sturgeon have shot themselves in the foot. They ( SNP ) said they would join with the Labour party to get rid of Cameron, Cameron ( quite clever really ) said that Labour and the SNP would borrow far more money than the Conservatives, in fact Nicola kept saying that she would oppose austerity and get rid of trident ( 5000 odd job losses there plus a defence mistake ) Again bad mistake, another mistake was to not stand for parliament as she will not be heard. Not always a good thing to give away your strategy in advance.

    May 09th, 2015 - 11:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    All the lib newspapers US/UK are talking about the “radical” conservative agenda. They make me laugh.

    Is it “radical” to balance a budget?
    Good grief I hope we get a Conservative Prez in the USA next time.
    I'd like the USA to be “radical” in the other direction for 8+yrs.

    May 10th, 2015 - 10:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 16 Clyde15

    Many years ago you did have some Conservatives and more recently some Labour who surely must have had the ear of Westminster?

    Now you have The Sturgeon who is not even elected to Westminster: some use she will be. Who is going to 'speak' for her and the SNP: back to the future with Fish-Face? I don't think he did too well last time, did he?

    I was reading one paper the weekend that claims the SNP will be shunned by all the parties in the commons and with only 56 MP's out of 650 just how is The Sturgeon going to be effective (if she ever was)?

    So in a way Scotland already has Independence, “but not as we know it Jim”. Perhaps The Sturgeon is a trekkie, she certainly behaves like one.

    May 10th, 2015 - 11:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @13. How refreshing your comments are. I am not prepared to 'admit' to my preferences, but I am proud to claim that I am English first and British second. My enemies decide who they are. Attempt to break up the Union that my country enabled? You're an enemy. Attempt to steal my country's assets? You're an enemy. Attempt to destroy my country's last line of defence? You're an enemy. Don't like the way things are? Get out of my country, give back money, take no assets to wherever you go.
    @14. I think you're being a bit hopeful. British or otherwise, can you imagine the SNP oiks voting to leave the EU? It's the next gravy train!
    @15. The intelligent have seen the necessity for austerity to correct 13 years of Labour misgovernment. Britain is already doing better than the eurozone. Once we get rid of the EU from our 'sceptered isle' we can become GREAT again.
    @16. You couldn't find a FACT if it was biting your nuts. Here's a FACT. The scotch pay 0.2% more tax than the English. That's down to the tax on oil production and doesn't affect the ordinary scotch person in any way. Scotland gets GIVEN 18.8% per capita per year MORE than the English. Toss the SNP propaganda in the bin. Isn't scotland amongst the 10 wealthiest countries in the world? So, when the oil price dropped through the bottom of your bucket, why did your 'Glorious Leader' immediately 'demand' (an argie word) that the UK government do something about it? What about you 'wealthy' muppets doing something about it? Go on and be 'independent'. I notice that you even wanted goodies as well as being 'independent'. Here's my 'deal'. We'll build an impassable border. Any scotch in the real UK to be deported. Without any assets beyond what they can carry. Nobody from the north able to enter the UK ever. No free movement. No currency union. No trade. No defences. You get your land but nothing else.
    @17. Do you think it would be an idea if you acquired some education and intelligence?

    May 10th, 2015 - 11:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie

    Nice to see “Argentina” is easy replaceable in your world views.

    Its not Argentina. It's you lot...

    May 10th, 2015 - 11:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britworker


    The world doesn't give a toss about Argentina either way and you do by far the very best job of destroying yourselves than anyone else ever could.

    Nicola Sturgeon is about to find out very soon that everything she expected to try an fight for at Westminster for Scotland, Cameron is about to hand to the Scottish people anyway - gift wrapped!
    Scotland had better try and get used to living within its means and not dipping in to the UK purse when times are hard.

    The whole SNP purpose of having this nationalistic voice for Scotland at Westminster will be null and void. The only other purpose for being there as Alex Salmond was gloating about yesterday, is to cause as much trouble as possible in an effort to damage the union. However, this plan depended on a strong labour presence and that this presence would be friendly to the SNP.......fat chance of that!

    Those 56 Scottish MP's are about to find out that the next five years at Westminster will be very isolating and they will return to Scotland having achieved absolutely nothing for anyone in Scotland.

    Oh and Mr Clyde, the vast majority of the rest of the British people are getting royally sick of listening to whinging, selfish, two faced Scots, don't expect any sympathy on here in your efforts to destroy the UK.

    May 10th, 2015 - 12:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    I think that proved my assertion at #16
    “As to Conq. he is just an ignorant loud-mouthed buffoon who needs to be countered with facts”.
    You are English first and English second. To you Britain means England......
    ...end of story.

    Build an impassable border. Where's your money coming from for this.
    Do you have enough Irish/Poles to complete the job ?

    Just watched the VE parade on TV . How it must stick in your craw.
    The Scots guards and a pipe band featuring in the march past.
    What an effrontery. Haven't you got round to telling them that they have been dismissed from the UK as they are the hated enemy of the UK (aka England) ?

    For the 5th time of asking.....where is your proof that Scotland was given a loan in the settlement of 1707 ? You must know or you would not have posted it after all, everything you say is the truth...or is it the product of your warped mind.?
    I will be out for the next 3 or 4 hours probably talking to some genuinely nice English people as I take a walk in Culzean Country Park .
    At least it will counter the xenophobic hatred of nut cases like you.
    Bye for now.

    May 10th, 2015 - 01:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Eddieposted

    @24 Did you vote for independence/the SNP?

    May 10th, 2015 - 03:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    @16 Clyde15
    Much of the reaction you are seeing is the same as it was to the “we’ll use the pound” issue during the independence debate.

    “We have a mandate from the people of Scotland to do so”.

    A writ which does not run in England.

    Something which as Nationalists the SNP are very well aware of. But then they never were going to say or do anything to promote any conciliation, or agreement that everyone could live with.

    “English matters English votes” is in the Tory manifesto and will now happen much sooner rather than later.

    Then the SNP only sit in the chamber when UK matters are debated and voted on. Including funding and the Barnet formula. Where English MPs will be expected to represent England’s interests.

    And we can at least have an all parties included, honest debate about such things, facts on the table.

    And the system will have some necessary balance, which it currently and un-sustainably lacks.

    I do not believe being pro-English excludes being pro-Union or is inherently anti-Scot, as with many things, it depends upon the terms.

    As I understand it, in 1707 Scotland was paid compensation for the fact England had a national debt, whereas Scotland did not. The money was shared out amongst the Nobles North of the border.

    May 10th, 2015 - 03:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Englander

    Nicky and Alec just fell out of lurve.
    Alec wants independence before he dies, Nicky just wants him dead.
    Nice selection of SNP's MP's but my favourite has to be the spotty, foul mouthed, 20 year old lesbian. She brings a lot to the Party and it ain't iron bru.

    May 10th, 2015 - 06:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Nicola Sturgeon: I didn't lie to voters about independence
    The First Minister disputes Alex Salmond's claim the SNP's election landslide moved Scotland closer to independence and insists she did not mislead voters that there was no link with separation.
    • Some Scottish replies,.

    Arron Blue • an hour ago
    The “united” kingdom continues to disintegrate. It's an honour to witness its demise.

    It's an honour to witness its demise? Would it not sound better saying “it's an honour to see my nation move closer to separation?” This is the real reason, not about a pro-Scottish debate but about watching those 'down there' suffer and disintegrate. Hate you and your ilk.
    longlance Arron Blue • an hour ago
    Hear, hear!

    it does not help when haters from BOTH SIDES of the border have go,

    lets hope common sense prevails //
    and we stay united.

    May 10th, 2015 - 06:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Surely the name of the game is in the title of the party with the most politicians north of the border. SCOTTISH ( the collective word for a scot ) NATIONALIST ( someone that wants an independant country ) PARTY ( a group representing many people )
    Surely you must see that the Scots are hell bent on becoming independant . Its the word NATIONALIST I object to.

    May 10th, 2015 - 07:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    ...Nicola Sturgeon: I didn't lie to voters about independence

    • In September of last year, Nicola Sturgeon wanted full independence from the UK, even though a currency union with rUK was not on offer and the oil price was collapsing. The situation in Greece (and Spain and Portugal) was also demonstrating to anyone what can happen to a small sovereign state that no longer has its own central bank and lender of last resort. And yet, staggeringly, 45% of my fellow Scots voted Yes.
    Now just six short months later, she doesn't even want FFA (full fiscal autonomy) anytime soon! No, no, no! She now says FFA will take several years to implement! Had she won the referendum last Sept, the SNP would, right now, have been negotiating the terms of Scotland's withdrawal from the UK with the British Gov, with D-Day sometime around March 2016. That means Scotland would have been, as of today, less than 12 months away from full independence (and therefore full fiscal autonomy).
    Could it be that Sturgeon wanted to lose the referendum because she knew the economic price the Scots would have paid - and the political price the SNP would have paid when they had to raise taxes or cut expenditure to fill the hole? And, of course, they would have been unable to borrow.
    Salmond clearly wanted independence at literally any price. I suspect Sturgeon privately feared the electoral rout of the SNP that would have followed once all the hate filled, economically illiterate Yes Voters realised they had been led over a cliff by a fanatic chasing a place in history.

    I am a unionist and want this union to stay
    I want to remain British, not a broken country for the benefit of the EU,
    and yes, I think they have a hand in this,

    I am proud to be British, is that to much to ask for,
    I would like all my fellow brits on here to just say,
    you are proud to be BRITISH.

    May 10th, 2015 - 08:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15


    May 10th, 2015 - 08:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    30 Briton

    “I am proud to be British, is that to much to ask for”

    You know what? I am proud to be British as well. I just wish that EVERYONE in the UK is proud to be British. It gets my goat when the un elected head of a party that only has 56 MP's in Westminster suddenly thinks that she is running the show. You know what sweetheart? I cast my vote, due to FPTP, it didn't count and I feel like my views are not represented. So what makes you think that your views are more important than mine?

    Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has called for new tax and welfare powers to be devolved to Scotland as a “priority”.

    and so it starts..............

    I just wish she would give it a rest, we already have 3 parties in Westminster that do not listen to their voters, we do not need a fourth.

    May 10th, 2015 - 08:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    #23 Englishworker
    Point out in my posts where I have said that I am trying to destroy the UK ?
    I have seen nothing on here but anti-Scottish bile and invective and people telling me basically that I should EFF-OFF and do England a favour.

    At the most, the SNP got 50% of the vote in Scotland so by your wonderful grasp of arithmetic that means that 100% of Scotland wants independence .

    The Conservative govt. got about 50% of the vote so that means that 100% of England supports them ?

    How do you figure this out ? See above.

    The ballot is supposed to be secret BUT I spoiled my ballot paper with“no suitable candidate”
    On the referendum I did not vote as I felt, that at my age, I had no right to vote
    on something that would not affect me but the generations to come.

    Now, who did YOU vote for ?

    May 10th, 2015 - 09:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie

    Proud to be British......

    Funny, I never heard any Scot say those words. Ever.

    It's like they make a deal out of being Scottish.

    We understand them. We always knew “British” meant “English”....

    May 11th, 2015 - 03:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rufus

    @30 Briton - The thing about Full Fiscal Autonomy is that it means that you can't blame other people when either you or the global economy in general runs the ship into the rocks without looking like an idiot.

    A lesson that some reasonably well established countries seem to have a problem comprehending...

    May 11th, 2015 - 03:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Englander

    Gordon Brown is always saying how proud he is to be British and he's Scottish.

    May 11th, 2015 - 06:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Monday, 11 May 2015
    Little Britain: Cameron’s True Test
    this may help a little.
    I must say I am very disappointed of the lack of confidence of being British, very disappointed.............

    May 11th, 2015 - 06:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    ...It's like they make a deal out of being Scottish.”

    Stevie is that sort of like Uruguayans make a deal out of being Uruguayan....
    or Australians make a deal out of being Australian...
    or Yanks make a big deal out of....well ....everything.....

    May 11th, 2015 - 07:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie

    I don't disagree, nor do I object. I merely point out that in my experiences, the only ones to make a deal out of being British, have all been English...

    May 11th, 2015 - 07:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 34 @ 39 Breakdowns R Us

    What would you know about being British?

    You don't even know what's going on in your own alleged country!

    Credibility fail, I think.

    May 11th, 2015 - 07:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie

    What, you mean the independent politician that won the intendencia of Montevideo?

    Your victories keep getting smaller each year, Chris.

    Is that the reason for your ladies frequent visits to the eco friendly fridge too, mayhap?

    May 11th, 2015 - 08:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Full Fiscal Autonomy or home rule, to be fair is possibly years away yet, if it happens at all,

    the main problem I think facing us is the EU ,
    this is something David cannot avoid and must deal with one way or another.
    just saying like

    May 12th, 2015 - 06:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie

    Go on

    May 12th, 2015 - 06:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Did you know, apparently according to the BBC,
    EU officials spoke to regional leaders behind the back of Westminster.
    don't know if this is true or not,
    but divide and conquer seems to be the order of the future EU ,
    so some say..

    May 12th, 2015 - 07:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie

    Easy magt. Trade with China. Invest there. Wanna keep local jobs? Specialize or drop in wages.
    The real issue starts when free market expands to agriculture.

    I know, it wont happen. But as it is, it's not like in the good old days, is it?
    And look around you, same sympthoms everywhere. Even across borders...
    Eastern Europeans pressing wages down? Beggars everywhere? They struggle too, you know... You think closing the borders kills the disease?

    Restrain that market. It's only free for the ones who control it...

    May 12th, 2015 - 07:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 44 Briton

    You've done it now!

    You've got Breakdowns R Us reciting animal farm, well his version of it.

    May 12th, 2015 - 09:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stevie

    On the other side...
    This one technically belongs to you, Briton....


    May 12th, 2015 - 10:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    mmmm umm err,
    I know, I will change the subject,

    where will Britain new spaceport be,

    May 13th, 2015 - 10:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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