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Timerman: UK attempts to convince Malvinas population that it could have a right to self-determination that does not exist

Saturday, June 27th 2015 - 04:54 UTC
Full article 38 comments

Statement by Argentine Foreign Affairs and Worship before the UN Special Committee on Decolonization, 25 June 2015. Read full article


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  • Skip

    Amazing that the Argentine government can lie so easily.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 05:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Roger Lorton

    I think that Mr. Tinman should read the UN Charter. He'll find that all people have the right of self-determination.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 06:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gordo1

    Disgusting rubbish!

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 06:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    He is not even subtle when he lies, it is full on. Still these Tinpot countries will put out the statements and turn round to each other and say “ see you next year, same outcome ok?” All expenses paid by the electorate. Can I sign up, I am a loose end at the moment?

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 06:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund

    Congratulations to Hector. This is exactly the mindset that ensures the Falklands will never be Argentine.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 06:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    The chairman is obviously biased against the UK and its various BOTs. All decent people will cross Ecuador off the list of countries that they visit as tourists or buy things from. He is brainwashed, anti democratic and in need of a history lesson.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 08:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    Poor, poor Hector.

    Some people actually believe him.

    Deluded fools.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 09:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gordo1

    @6 The Voice.

    Ecuadorians are not known for their diplomacy at any level viz. the nonsensical “asylum” afforded to Assange in London.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 09:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Timerman, go suck a lemon.
    You are an ass.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 10:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    The criminal is a shame to his father's memory, a betrayal to his faith, a symbol of evil from his nation and most unfortunately - a typical Argentinian...

    The country needs a unique form of humaned dictatorship where Christina followers are subjected to obligatory sterilization. Perhaps in two generations later we can accomplish more rationality of the populace. (Then again, perhaps raining down about 20 megatons of persuasion in nuclear missiles is the most practical...)
    From a cost benefit basis, the more practical solution would be for a complete economic ban of any Argentine goods purchases in the UK.
    Any wine fro any country (including my beloved Chile) that supports the Argentine pretensions should be boycotted.
    From a financial standpoint, kill a new investments and place the Argentines in the same rankings as North Korea.
    As I've mentioned before, send in a Mossad team to abduct him to Tel Aviv bound is a steamer trunk for war crimes just like Eichmann.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 10:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Caledon

    Reading this unmitigated tissue of lies ,untruths and innuendo it's not only this corrupt and morally bankrupt committee existence that beggars belief.One wonders what the founding fathers of the UN would think of this whole organisation today.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 11:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    I challenge any Argentine to come on here and substantiate and give back up factual evidence to all of Timmermans Fantasy Claims.

    Oh - and would they like to add in please one interesting bit of Historical fact that Timmerman “accidentally I am sure” overlooked;

    a little event that happened in 1982?

    Could they please also proved some evidence of UN backing to it?

    I wont hold my breath!

    Any takers?

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 11:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • R I F

    1766 is when the first English settlement of the Falklands started, and we have never ever relinquished our claim to the Islands since that time. We saw the French off as part of the Napoleonic wars, and we saw the Spanish off as the result of a war with them, both of which were to cement Englands claim to sovereignty. This predates the any fictitious Argentinian claim from the 1800's, and I say fictitious because we have never ever relinquished sovereignty over the islands. So in essence it was an Argentinian invasion of the sovereign territory of another nation just as their invasion of 1982 was. No inhabitants descended from any of the gauchos who were from either Spanish of Argentinian stock exist in the Falklands, but there are a good few Falklanders who can trace their ancestry back to the early history of the Falkland Island's which isn't the case for Argentina. All their case is based on is the fact that some Argentinain's lived there once for a short period of time before they got the heave ho, Where as some Falklander's have an ancestry that dates back to well before that, and whose inhabitation of the Islands has been constant, even if it was small in number at times.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 11:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog

    “ A noble task that seeks to realize the vision for a truly free and egalitarian world.”


    “with the obligations imposed on it by ” (a non binding resolution).


    “the United Kingdom occupied the Malvinas Islands illegally evicting the Argentine legitimate authorities and people residing there, preventing their return and implanting British subjects.”

    No implanting took place in 1833.


    “ of Spain that had administered these territories since the beginning of its presence in America.”


    “From the moment when that usurpation took place, Argentina has protested permanently and continuously”


    “ It is hard to imagine a clearer picture of an attempt to misrepresent a political and legal principle of such significance.”

    It isn't hard-Argentina does the best job of misrepresentation.

    “It is for this reason, among others, that two amendments proposed by the United Kingdom in the resolution on this subject were rejected by the General Assembly in 1985,”

    Remember 2008?

    ”duly taking into account the provisions and objectives of the Charter of the United Nations and Resolution 1514 (XV) and the interests of the population“

    Which Argentina doesn't=bullshit.

    ” the exploitation of fishing resources beyond the limits of sustainability,“


    ” when it attempts to convince that population that it could have a right to self-determination that does not exist“


    ”That is exactly what the United Kingdom does when it argues and refuses to resume negotiations on the sovereignty dispute because the local population of the islands does not wish to. “

    Have you worked out why they don't want to belong to your fucked up country yet ?

    Try wearing even bigger glasses if your vision is bad-try Spicsavers.

    ” to promote the well-being of the population of the islands”.”

    They already have well being.

    Running out of space exposing the bullshit.........

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 11:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    I'm sure the first settlement was established by Admiral Louis-Antoine de Bougainville in 1764...doesn't sound very English to me....

    You are not talking about the base at Port Egmont...West Falkland are you...?
    I'm sure I read somewhere that East Falkland already had a settlement...oh yes my first paragraph....
    Two islands...two claims....

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 11:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR


    And STILL a failure by the despotic regime of TMBOA to move the Falklanders ONE INCH towards TDC!

    Even the stupidest person alive would bulk at this.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 11:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @14. Shame. I was going to go through and just come up with a number for how many lies Timpot spoke.

    But you missed a few.
    “It is out of any purpose and proportionality that the United Kingdom has the largest existing military installation to the south of the parallel 50 South and that its naval deployment includes patrolling by atomic submarines capable of carrying nuclear weapons.”
    Izzat so? The 13 countries of South America don't have 1200 troops, 8 aircraft and 2 naval vessels? Fine. Then we can invade and occupy the whole place. What's an “atomic submarine”? Britain has 11 nuclear-powered submarines. The United States has 72. Anyone know where they are? And which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons? Well, technically, they all are. Which are capable of launching nuclear weapons. Britain has 4. The United States has 14. Why isn't Timerplonk concerned about US submarines?
    “An example of this is the possibility recently enjoyed by an Argentine citizen born in the Malvinas Islands, Alejandro Betts, who exercised his right to elect the governor of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands, something he could have never have done if he had remained in the islands tightly controlled by the metropolis and whose highest authority is appointed by the Crown. Also, Alejandro Betts is a candidate to occupy a seat for his home Province -Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands- in the MERCOSUR Parliament.” That would be the same Betts that has been found to be a serial liar and possible bigamist. The same Betts that gave his address for his ID card as a property that belongs to someone else and where he doesn't reside.
    Perhaps Timprat has a problem understanding that all the resolutions he gaily quotes are irrelevant.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 12:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Is there any other country basing a “territory” claim on something they thought they owned over 200 yrs ago?
    Is Argentina the only one?

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 01:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    #18 Yankeeboy

    Spain wants Gibraltar back that became a part of Britain in 1713....

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 02:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Terence Hill

    “I come also to urge the United Kingdom to comply with the obligations imposed on it by international law as the only counterpart in the sovereignty dispute” You are an out and out liar Sr. Timerman as UN GA resolutions are not internationaL law. Moreover, even if the UK had never had any claim prior to 1833 their action was permissible under international law. As not one nation denied UK entitlement, and conversely no nation supported Argentina's spurious claim. Argentina couldn't have been a successor to Spain, as she was specifically barred under the Anglo-Spanish treaty of Peace of Utrecht. “Argentina has protested permanently and continuously ...” More fibs, as since the signing of a peace treaty in 1850 until 1947 there were no verifiable protests, except for a plaintive bleat in 1888. Resolution 2065 (XX) is no longer in effect since the Argentine breach by their invasion and subsequent refusal to comply with the UNSC mandatory Resolution 502. It's pretty simple Hector, to receive equity you have to first comply yourself. Self-determination is an unrestricted right under the UN Charter that has further been upheld by the UNICJ. Article 2 paragraph 3; only requires “All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means..“. But, ”there is no obligation in general international law to settle disputes”. Principles of Public International Law, third edition, 1979 by Professor Ian Brownlie. So Hector once you up the ante and resort to force, all chances of negotiations are off the table. Since the UK has for filled all of it's required Charter obligations as to the Islands, it's a done deal, and there is no legal power to compel more. Any activities that take place on the Islands are barred under the the UN Charter from outside interference.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 03:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    H E I L P A U L C E D R O N
    (Despicably one of the least tolerable and ignorant contributors of Mercopress)

    Just like the lebensraum beliefs of Heinrich Himmler, Héctor Timerman advocates that Argentina only desires through peaceful gentle persuasion and logic to eventually convince the world for its right to re-colonize with legal rightful Argentine native immigrants in order to de-colonize the colony of inserted undesirable illegal squatters. Peronist doctrine for justifying that the Islanders are nothing more than a non-people or “implanted population“ which was the same Nazi strategy of lebensraum”

    Argentina wants to settle the lebensraum issue peacefully through persistent diplomatic negotiations and bullying that will require other powers to force concessions to the United Kingdom. The Falklanders are considered by the Argentines just like the Nazis did of the Polish, Ukrainians and Jews.

    Paulcedron, you must feel so proud marching with a torch, brown shirted with your la Cámpora racist bigot friends chanting... “Heil Maximo!”

    Do us one favor, stop claiming that you have any shred of secondary education, especially telling mistruths about architecture of any kind. We all know it's all delusional imaginary lies... It's getting a bit irritatingly repetitive...

    Héctor Timerman, a shame to his father's memory and a disgrace to his faith, even looks like Heinrich Himmler.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 03:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    that it could have a right to self-determination that does not exist,
    The UN says self determination exists, world leaders except you know who, recognises self determination,

    boy the whole civilised world believes in self determination,

    but Argentina does not, just like CFK has no interest in human rights , the right to choose who governs who, freedom and democracy,

    personally I think the argentine government to a total disgrace and an embarrassment to the civilised world,

    they should be removed from the UN none permanent member of the security council,

    but alas, that's the world we live in today, appeasement and more appeasement, Chamberlin would be most proud,

    still, every snake has its day, and it will come to an end , sooner or later,
    and this outdated backward dictatorship of a country controlled by corrupt leaders will get what they truly deserve.

    sooner the better.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 06:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Chicureo

    #22 Briton

    Well said.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 07:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Don Alberto

    Timerman as usual telling a beautiful bunch of lies, which he knows to be lies. The documents in the Argentine National Archive proves this.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 08:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    A so called judge in Tierra del Fuego has ordered a “US$156.4 million embargo, seizure of oil ships operating in Malvinas”!!!

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, good luck with that.

    Do the argies have ANY ships that can make it to the Falkland Islands waters? I do hope so, we can sink them!

    These stupid, stupid, argies, there is just no helping them, they are hell bent on going to hell!

    I do hope we arrange that for them.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 08:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skip


    It's started. I've been waiting for this.

    Jun 27th, 2015 - 11:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Martin Woodhead

    Tbf argentina DID COMPLY WITH RESOULTION 502.
    Eventually and with a lot of encouragement from HM forces.

    Jun 28th, 2015 - 05:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund


    According to this Brazilian defence site, Argentina purchased four Polish built supply and support vessels for the express purpose of seizing oil rigs in Falklands waters.

    Now that would be very, very silly, but then Argentina does have track record of being very, very silly.

    Jun 28th, 2015 - 09:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Mendoza Canadian

    Skip #1...what is so amazing? They do it everyday. Right to your face. La cretina: “I was a successful solicitor.” From her speech at Harvard.

    Jun 28th, 2015 - 01:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @25. To be fair “The public prosecutor's office said in a statement that investigators ”had identified the assets of the foreign companies and discovered that one of them, U.S. firm Noble Energy, has a local office registered in Argentina.“ Authorities would move to freeze those assets, it said.”
    Wonder how the U.S. government will react to that? Do these judges have any grip on reality? If argieland can find a rowing boat in which to set sail for the Falkland Islands, I believe the current Atlantic patrol deployment is the recently-refitted HMS Portland. Although it is noted that, following her refit, HMS Portland carried out extensive sea trials, there is no mention of whether she practiced gunnery or ramming. Wouldn't fancy the chances of anything argie even getting close. Does argieland actually plan to have what few assets it has left destroyed?

    Looks fairly easy to sink. Spearfish torpedos. Harpoon anti-ship missiles. Piracy obviously justifies punitive actions. Cruise missiles on Buenos Aires? How about an old-style “cutting out” expedition? But with up-to-date equipment. The Apaches heading in to “clear” the waterfront. Chinooks to take the Royal Marine Commandos in by landing or long-lining. Perhaps some Gurkhas? Argies don't like Gurkhas. Perhaps some Paras as well.

    Jun 28th, 2015 - 04:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 30 Conqueror

    I DO hope the argies are stupid enough to try an act of International Piracy on a BOT, it is one of the few laws left which carries the death penalty. :o)

    Jun 28th, 2015 - 05:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    Notice the attempt to include S. Georgia/S. Sandwich Islands as part of the “Question of the Malvinas Islands”. He’s got a nasty surprise coming there.

    Won’t be long before he tries to claim Antarctica is included in the “Question of the Malvinas Islands”.

    As their claim to these other territories is practically non-existent it makes sense to lump them together with the claim where they think they have the strongest case. Although even there the claim is pitifully weak.

    Has no one told TinPot that when an Argentine starts talking about “implanted population”, the rest of the world falls about laughing?

    But then I suppose that doesn’t matter to him, just so long as it sounds good to the Malvinazi troops back home.

    Goebbels would have been proud, but would still have gassed him.

    Jun 28th, 2015 - 05:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Like all foxes, she waits ready to pounce upon the unwary and defenceless,

    she will wait until Britain is otherwise occupied with the middle east , Ukraine ,
    the immigrant situation , and now the terrorists attack in Tunisia ,

    then she will push her luck, pray to the pope and await the virgins, in this case male, oopps...
    personally all I can say is,
    try, please try, and we can end this farce for good.

    Jun 28th, 2015 - 07:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @33 Briton,
    They are too smart to actually try anything, but not smart enough to succeed IF they really did have the guts to try.

    Jun 28th, 2015 - 09:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog

    “Do the argies have ANY ships that can make it to the Falkland Islands waters? I do hope so, we can sink them!”

    But how ironic if instead, they were escorted to port and Paul Singer came on the next flight to MPA and seized them?

    One judge (argy) sends the ship out, another upholds a claim from NML.

    And what are the chances of Argentine defence lawyers flying to the Falklands to take part in a court they don't recognise?

    It could be fun, but in reality I doubt any argy ships would dare harass the rigs if the RN are around.

    I get the feeling the Argy judge hasn't thought this one through.

    Jun 28th, 2015 - 10:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 35 Pete Bog
    “I get the feeling the Argy judge hasn't thought this one through.”

    Nobody in SA thinks things through as far as I can tell. It is an anathema to them and their psyche is unable to comprehend WHY they should do it.

    One of my builders I was using to do some very important work for me was astounded when I presented him with a very simple plan as to how to go about the work (he knew I was an engineer).

    When he asked why I should do this, HE was the builder I asked him a technical question involving the likely development with the work to which he replied we deal with things when they happen!

    So I explained the solution to the problem of which he had no understanding: it came as a 'revelation' that somebody who was NOT A BUILDER could work this out.

    They need watching like a hawk for every minute they are working for you. Lovely people but very child like when faced with the reality of their unplanned actions.

    Jun 29th, 2015 - 06:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Argentina, has no claim and no interest in the islanders,

    all they want is the wealth and the oil.

    Jun 29th, 2015 - 07:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog

    @36 Chris R

    Looks like the psychology you observe tells us a lot about their attitude when they took the Falklands-everything was great until the British (who they were told would not turn up), suddenly knocked on the door;

    “we deal with things when they happen!”

    But not very well in 1982, explaining their failure to use PPPPPPP

    Interesting insight Chris.

    With no disrespect to the posters here, it is rather worrying for the Argentine people that their government is full of muppets who know less than the posters here. about history, psychology, diplomacy,the UN, law, etc etc.

    Great entertainment, and I look forward to Argentina's attempts to impound the Falkland oil prospector's assets.

    Jun 29th, 2015 - 08:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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