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Sunday's vote, Argentina's first step to October's presidential election

Thursday, August 6th 2015 - 08:59 UTC
Full article 27 comments

Argentines will be going to the polls this Sunday to vote in the open, simultaneous, mandatory primaries (PASO) when the different parties will be choosing their one-candidate for the big prize on 25 October when the successor of Cristina Fernandez will be elected together with half of the Lower House (129 seats), a third of the Senate (24 seats) and 43 members for the Mercosur parliament. Read full article


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  • ChrisR

    Who GAF already?

    Whatever people do the Ks will still be in power.

    Aug 06th, 2015 - 12:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    The above article is an opinion piece barely disguised as reporting.
    “Similarly, it is not mystery that the next Argentine government will have to implement some orthodox economics to the 'K model.'
    Says who? The writer--that's who!

    Even better:
    ”...last Sunday an investigative report by journalist Jorge Lanata accused Fernandez of...heading an ephedrine mafia.“
    The writer conveniently forgot to point out that Lanata is star journalist for the Clarin Group doing just what it's set up to do: try to influence Sunday poll with last-minute mud-slinging that will just last till election time.

    The icing on the cake? See it here:
    ”The program, witnesses and claims seemed so serious that the rest of the political spectrum in Argentina asked for Fernandez removal.“
    Give me a break. Let's see Lanata's star witnesses:
    No. 1: Martín Lanatta, who spoke from prison where he is doing life for the murder of three ”business” associates.
    No. 2: José Luis Salerno--imputed in the ephedrine affair he accused Fernandez of being involved.

    After the failed attempts to implicate the government in Nisman's death and fake stories accusing Economy minister Axel Kicilloff of taking a large YPF salary and Máximo Kirchner of having secret millionaire offshore bank accounts, Clarín needed to pull a better one--without time for reality to set in.

    Aug 06th, 2015 - 02:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    “The above article is an opinion piece barely disguised as reporting.”

    And the resident expert on Argentina living in Canada speaks.

    But diabolical deed did you commit to be thrown out of Argentina? Did you did Max the fat fuck when he was a preteen? Why did you not pick a country more like the commies in SA....or even stay in SA?

    Aug 06th, 2015 - 03:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    With only a few months left for the current government in a country where there is almost no separation of powers and the government controls all bodies of the Estate the unknown economic future is great.

    Future economic decisions can be orthodox or unorthodox but there are serious problems to be solved in the argentine economy. An empty central bank with no reserves, a disproportionate monetary base, a negative balance of payments, a huge public debt (internal and external), a major energy deficit and the absolute lack of private investment. The most important thing is to recover a minimum of credibility in public institutions and in those who will have to make the new decisions. Quite a big deal. Almost impossible !!

    As regarding corruption in the top level of the argentine government, even though there are lots of information not quite clear or proved, there are plenty of doubts that should have been clarified. Nobody explained people why CFK owns a luxury apartment in the very same building as the vice-president (are they a result of a bribe?). Nobody explained people why the Patagonian hotels owned by CFK, and her son, did not issued all the official documents and balances that are mandatory for the law during the last three years without being punished by the Province of the AFIP (Were they trying to hide money laundering under survey?). Nobody explained to the people why the vice-president was the owner of a private consultant bureau that was hire by one of the poorest provinces to assist it to negotiate a debt with the national Central Bank. Nobody explain to the people why Anibal Fernandez (who had been in jail for being driving a stolen car) has more than 600 phone calls with former public servant now fugitive from justice…or why a condemned persona has called him almost 250 times.

    In addition, Nisman assassination doesn’t seem to be able to be clarified basically for the destruction of the crime scene by the police that night due to lack of skill or f

    Aug 06th, 2015 - 06:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    You are very lucky living outside of Argentina. As for the future government of Argentina, the phrase “ reap what you sow ” springs to mind. Mind you it will be very difficult to turn the economy of Argentina around as the future President and followers have no room to manoeuver. Good luck to all decent Argies all one of them.

    Aug 06th, 2015 - 07:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    Nisman assassination doesn’t seem to be able to be clarified basically for the destruction of the crime scene by the police that night due to lack of skill or for negligence. CFK government has another dead, this time a “reason of estate crime”, to the 50 dead people in the FFGG Sarmiento (due to government negligence) or the missing Julio Lopez. She is bloody stained !!!

    Aug 06th, 2015 - 07:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Optimus_Princeps

    @6 You have to understand that many of her followers are no better. I recall when she just won and crime skyrocketed. It wasn't even discussed. The foreign press was still calling her a “saint of the poor”. Her followers were able to get away with assault, rape, murder, and theft without any consequences.

    If you wanted to be consciously aware of who was a backstabbing, lying, morally depraved scum bag, you could just ask them who they voted for. Certain cowards that like to enjoy the benefits of low taxes, and low crime rates while spouting invalid opinions wouldn't know.

    Aug 06th, 2015 - 07:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Enrique can you vote in Canada......or is the a long term goal of yours?

    Aug 06th, 2015 - 07:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Z-ville

    Could someone explain this from the article:

    “the ingenious bureaucrat who manages, openly and looking straight into the eyes support and justify the unsupportable”

    Did something get lost in the translation there...?

    Aug 06th, 2015 - 09:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Caledon

    Remember .....Vote Early
    Vote Often

    Aug 06th, 2015 - 10:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Ephedrine imports have gone up 16000 PERCENT. under the filthy drug dealing Ks

    Splain me that Reekie you dirty propagandist.

    Aug 06th, 2015 - 10:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ynsere

    No decent candidates except Carrió who hasn't a chance, She's too upright to be liked or even understood by the Argentine electorate.

    Aug 07th, 2015 - 01:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DanyBerger


    BS and lies from a brainwashed watching too much “Pelotudismo Para Bobos”

    1-“With only a few months left for the current government in a country where there is almost no separation of powers and the government

    controls all bodies of the Estate the unknown economic future is great.”

    Idiot if there is not separation of power how Bodou is been procecuted??? or Nisman setup a fake accusation against Cristina? Or Bonadio

    opens an investigation accusing Cristina of illicit use of public funds, etc???

    More BS

    2-“An empty central bank with no reserves”

    BCRA has U$s33.91bn in international reserves in gold, Cash and deposits in international finacial intitutions, etc.

    U$s31bn are just denominated in US currency.

    3- “a disproportionate monetary base”

    4- “a negative balance of payments”

    Yes but very little compared with other countries just -U$s4.57 billion

    Ratio to GDP: 0.74%

    Chile: -U$s3,87bn

    Ratio to GDP: 1.5%

    USA: -U$s386bn

    $17.42 trillion (2014 est.)

    Ratio to GDP: 2.22%

    Australia: -U$s37bn

    Ratio to GDP: 2.57%

    Canada: -U$s54bn

    $1.789 trillion

    Ratio to GDP: 3.05%

    UK: -U$s120bn

    Ratio to GDP: 4.1%

    New Zealand: -U$s8,91bn

    Ratio to GDP: 4.5%

    Peru: -U$s10bn

    Ratio to GDP: 4.95%

    Colombia: -U$s16.1bn

    Ratio to GDP: 4.2%

    5- ”a huge public debt (internal and external)”

    More BS...

    Arg. Debt External owed by private corporations + ARG State= U$s115.7 billion

    Ratio to GDP: 18.65%

    Public debt ratio to GDP: 37.9%

    Aug 07th, 2015 - 07:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman


    I know that you are a fascist so, you cannot read or listen those who think differently without insulting or threatening him/her. Don't worry, you didn't offend me, by writing such words you offended yourself.

    AFIP, ANSES, Central Bank, AFSCA, INDEC, ANSES, RENAR and public media are all of them under the direct control of CFK. The attemps to control de Judicial Power are more than evident. DO I have to write about this? In addition, the Congress voted laws following the orders of CFK. Diana Conti (a peronist representative) told the media ”once our leader (CFK) decided, there are no more freethinkers, we all follow her orders”.

    As regards the reserves of the Central Bank. The CB officially weekly monetary report informed (last week) that the monetary base (in pesos) at the official U$D rate is U$D 56.000 million (this is part of the passive of the CB) against NOMINAL reserves of U$D 33.800 million (this is the active of the CB). Don’t you see it? There are U$D 22.200 million missing….ALL THESE WITH THE OFFICIAL FIGURES OF THE CENTRAL BANK

    In addition the REAL reserves are around U$D 18.000 million since (using the same source of information) the private deposits are U$D 8.000 million, the money lend from Basilea Bank, Chinese Swap are U$D 6.000 million and delayed payments are U$D 5.000 million… where are the NOMINAL U$D 33.800 million?

    Now keep on insulting me !!!!...or call Enrique Massot, living in the beautiful Canada under the protection of the Crown...

    Aug 07th, 2015 - 12:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    All those loans come due next year.
    Bcra is effectively bankrupt.
    Plus I bet bcra and enarsa are found to be alter egos of the govt and will have the assets available to seize.
    Griesa should rule on this next week

    Aug 07th, 2015 - 01:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • chronic


    We've effectively been conducting a straw poll for the last several months - RIGHT HERE - as to who is more credible - you or Lanata and you have been measured and weighed and found wanting.

    That the rotting roadkill institutions that would otherwise validate these claims have been compromised - is undeniable. Reekie - are you ignorant or dishonest? There can be no other explanation - beyond these two alternatives - for your assertions.

    Aug 07th, 2015 - 01:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman


    It is incredible to see how naif people are.

    By checking the officla reports they can understand reallity but they never do this.

    The CB officially weekly monetary report informed (last week) that the monetary base (in pesos) at the official U$D rate is U$D 56.000 million (this is part of the passive of the CB) against NOMINAL reserves of U$D 33.800 million (this is the active of the CB). There are U$D 22.200 million missing….ALL THESE WITH THE OFFICIAL FIGURES OF THE CENTRAL BANK

    Aug 07th, 2015 - 01:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    When all this goes,,,and it will they will find all the u$ assets have been replaced with worthless arg bonds that thsy will end end up defalting on.
    Kust wait.

    Aug 07th, 2015 - 02:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    The latest polls just before the election ban before Sunday's preliminary election (PASO) give roughly 38 per cent of vote intention to Victory Front candidate Daniel Scioli.
    About 30 per cent would vote for Mauricio Macri, leader of Cambiemos.
    Sergio Massa, leader of United for a New Alternative would get about 20 per cent of votes.
    Several pollsters have shown small variations of the above numbers that do not alter the general trend.
    Very interesting. Rendez-vous Monday!

    Aug 07th, 2015 - 05:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    I can hardly wait to see what my next visit to Argentina will be like......I bet you can't wait either Enrique. Care to meet me at Cafe Tortini and I will spring for the espresso and media luna's.

    Aug 07th, 2015 - 07:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DanyBerger


    I'm not facist you are an liar idiot that is another thing.

    Thinking different doesn't mean that you can lie, invent, distort and provide fake information.

    Do you understand the difference?

    “AFIP, ANSES, Central Bank, AFSCA, INDEC, ANSES, RENAR and public media are all of them under the direct control of CFK”

    I don't know where are you from but in democratic republics like Argentina, US, etc. The “exceutive power” has the perrogative to name the

    ministers and fire them as they please, etc.

    This have been like this always from Alfonsín to De La Rua and Duhalde what is the news???

    “The attemps to control de Judicial Power are more than evident”

    Evident to whom???

    The judicial system is intend to administrate justice and not to interfere in politics so according with this the only one attempting to control other powers was the Judical system.

    About the monetary base, etc. you are and ignorant idiot.

    During the peg dollar 1=1 or convertibility was like this so for each dollar in the BCRA only could be printed 1 peso.

    This explode with de La Rua do you remember 2001 ARG. collapse?

    And that figures cover M4 monetary base because monetary base is devide in M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, etc well I'm not going to explain that to you because would be so lo long.

    But lets see an example.

    UK same monetary item (M4) in 2010 was £2.2 trillion or U$s3,4 trillions as you can see far higher than the UK GDP at that time.

    UK reserves at that time were less than U$s68bn so the monetary base was 500 times the international reserves hold by the BoE and 150% of Uk GDP.

    And now is even worse because M1 for UK at that time were only 2.1% of what is today imagine how much they have printed.


    U$s56bn for Argentina is less than 10% of GDP.

    More crap

    I've have explained you before that you don't undertand CBansk balance sheets, so stop playing the financial guru...

    Aug 07th, 2015 - 08:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman


    AFIP: the public repartition that controls tax collection
    ANSES: manages the money of the retired people
    Central Bank: manages the national reserves
    AFSCA: manages and controls de private media
    INDEC: estimates national figures
    RENAR: manages and controls the private fire arms
    Public media: TV and radio owned by the Country

    NONE of these are ministers but public entities and repartitions that belong to the country and not to any government so they cannot be under the direct control of CFK (some of them cannot by the law).

    “And that figures cover M4 monetary base because monetary base is devide in M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, etc well I'm not going to explain that to you because would be so lo long”? ABSOLUTELY FALSE.

    Monetary Base (does not include M0, M1, M2, M3, M4) in U$D at the official rate: U$D 56,000 million

    Monetary Aggregates (includes M0, M1, M2, M3, M4) in U$D at the official rate: U$D 159,410 million

    All these backed by NOMINAL U$D 33,800 million......


    In addition, you must explain to me why the Judge that try to investigate the patagonian hotels of CFK was removed !!!!!

    Aug 07th, 2015 - 11:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Dany doesn't understand the intrinsic value of a reserve currency like the British pound.
    Or just about anything for that matter
    Don't for this idiot invested in Pesos at 4/1
    and bragged about it
    even when I told him he was an idiot
    so yeah...

    Aug 08th, 2015 - 02:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman


    In addition, he keeps on writing about “external ”debt instead of “public” debt. Basically, becuase fascist don´t understand the value of private property. So the internal debt doesn't count...they won't pay it. The public debt is around U$D 200,000 million.


    Should you be able to answer the following questions: (Since Enrique Massot usually doesn't answer the questions that might put him in a bad position).

    Nobody explained to the people why CFK owns a luxury apartment in the very same building as the vice-president (are they a result of a bribe?).

    Nobody explained to the people why the Patagonian hotels owned by CFK, and her son, did not issued all the official documents and balances that are mandatory for the law during the last three years without being punished by the Province of the AFIP (Were they trying to hide money laundering under survey?).

    Nobody explained to the people why the vice-president was the owner of a private consultant bureau that was hire by one of the poorest provinces to assist it to negotiate a debt with the national Central Bank.

    Nobody explain to the people why Anibal Fernandez (who had been in jail for being driving a stolen car) has more than 600 phone calls with former public servant now fugitive from justice…or why a condemned persona has called him almost 250 times.

    Aug 08th, 2015 - 03:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DanyBerger

    @pgerman & YankeeBobo

    The dynamic duo, just wonder who plays the role of Robin??? and catwoman??

    “In addition, he keeps on writing about “external ”debt instead of “public” debt. Basically, becuase fascist don´t understand the value of private property”

    I guess you are too old and have some understanding problems.

    I just explained you that public debt of Argentina is 37.9% of GDP in my post #13 its is the last figure in the bottom of the post.

    And is not U$s200bn otherwise $2,15 trillion pesos because public debt is denominated in local currency.

    Anyone undertanding little about economy easy realises that this is low and not an issue especially if you compare it with countries like US or UK that has more that 100% of public debt to GDP.

    Ratio to GDP public debt

    Japan: 227.70%


    Greece: 174.50%

    Italy: 134.10%

    Portugal: 132%

    Ireland: 119%

    Singapore: 107%


    Spain: 99%

    France: 96%

    Puerto Rico: 95%

    Canada: 93%

    UK: 90%

    Austria: 81%

    USA: 76%

    Germany: 75%

    Netherlands: 70%

    Well there are 100 nations with much higher public debt that Argentina.

    So according with you who are going to collapse first among the 100 other nations???

    “during the last three years without being punished by the Province of the AFIP”

    None get punished by that just you pay a fine and that's all.

    Ask la Nacion Group that owe to the state $330m in tax evasion and still didn't paid.

    Can you explain that?

    Anyway what is your concern about Argentina if you don't live here???

    Aug 08th, 2015 - 04:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    I guess Enrique is not returning....for some reason.

    Aug 08th, 2015 - 05:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pgerman

    @26 Enrique is the typical argentine fascist. He loves the Third World, he loves the heterodox economy, he loves those who fight against “the empire”...but he lives in Canada. He is not so naif as to get involved in discussions he know he cannot win.

    While DanyBerger keeps on insulting people as a proof of his intolerance (typical peronism/fascism) and lack of rational answers....


    Monetary Base (does not include M0, M1, M2, M3, M4) in U$D at the official rate: U$D 56,000 million

    Monetary Aggregates (includes M0, M1, M2, M3, M4) in U$D at the official rate: U$D 159,410 million

    All these backed by NOMINAL U$D 33,800 million...... A MEGA DEVALUATION OF THE LOCAL CURRENCY IS AT THE CORNER....

    Aug 08th, 2015 - 10:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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