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OAS observers for Paraguay municipal election on 15 November

Friday, November 6th 2015 - 11:26 UTC
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Paraguay Representative before OAS, Elisa Ruiz, reaffirmed her country's confidence in OAS and the role the observers will play at the municipal election Paraguay Representative before OAS, Elisa Ruiz, reaffirmed her country's confidence in OAS and the role the observers will play at the municipal election

The Organization of American States (OAS) will deploy an Electoral Observation Mission (EOM) for the 15 November municipal elections in Paraguay, according to the agreement signed between OAS and Paraguay.

 Secretary General, Luis Almagro, underscored OAS contribution with observers missions to the hemisphere’s democratic systems and recalled that this year OAS has sent 13 teams to various countries of the region.

“This is part of the OAS ongoing effort to strengthen democratic processes in the region. Since 1991, OAS has deployed 12 electoral observation missions in Paraguay” indicated Almagro.

The Permanent Representative of Paraguay to the OAS, Elisa Ruiz, reaffirmed her country's confidence in OAS and the role the observers will play at the municipal election.

“For us, OAS is some sort of a “Papaguazú,” which in Guarani means “great father,” because in him we always trust, and once again, we thank OAS and donor countries for this mission” underlined Ms Ruiz in reference to members Argentina, United States, and Peru and to Israel and Serbia, OAS observer states.

Chief of Mission is former OAS Chief of Staff, Ambassador Hugo de Zela, who will lead a team of 25 experts from 15 different nationalities. Present at the signing ceremony, held at OAS headquarters in Washington, D.C., were representatives from United States, Mexico, Dominican Republic, and Venezuela.

Categories: Politics, Paraguay.

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