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Sailing vessel re-edits Argentine navy and merchant service course during the Falklands conflict

Tuesday, January 5th 2016 - 09:04 UTC
Full article 32 comments
 The crew belongs to the so called “Malvinas Argentinas Foundation” and includes Nilo Navas, head of the organization and sponsor of the trip. The crew belongs to the so called “Malvinas Argentinas Foundation” and includes Nilo Navas, head of the organization and sponsor of the trip.

An Argentine flagged sailing vessel, “Galileo” left on Sunday from Mar del Plata for an 18 days tour of the South Atlantic following the path of the Argentine navy and merchant vessels during the 1982 conflict. In a later expedition plans are for “Galileo” to reach the Falkland Islands.

 The crew belongs to the so called “Malvinas Argentinas Foundation” and includes Nilo Navas, head of the organization and sponsor of the trip.

Mar del Plata media describes “Galileo” as an ocean fearing sailing boat, Navaltec 38, totally equipped for such incursions, 11.50 meters long; 3.75 meters beam with a 1.70 draught. Captain is Andres Antonini who is taking his 16-year old son along, Facundo; Mario Monserrat, plus Mario Barreto, chef; Eduardo Montivero and Navas.

The vessel plans to call several Argentine ports where it ”will promote and spread teachings on aspects referred to the Malvinas question, including the 1982 'feat' (conflict) and on Argentina's sovereign rights over the Islands.

During the 18 day course, “Galileo” is scheduled to call at Puerto Madryn and Puerto Deseado, 'following on the route of Argentine navy and civilian vessels which participated in the conflict, with the intention of honoring the crews and heroes“. On its way back it will call at Ingeniero White.

Later in the year the ”Fundación Malvinas Argentinas“ plans to call at the Island of the States, Ushuaia, to the geographic point where the Argentine cruise ARA ”General Belgrano“ was sunk during the conflict by a British submarine, and finally 'Puerto Argentino', Port Stanley, thus becoming ”the first trip of Malvinas veterans to visit our Malvinas Islands by sea”.

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  • commonsense

    Given the rg's recent naval history it wont leave port let alone make the open sea, if it does, maybe one of our subs should repeat history and sink it if it gets to the point where The Belgrano met its end and turns toward the FALKLANDS and PORT STANLEY.

    Jan 05th, 2016 - 09:30 am 0
  • stick up your junta

    When they leave the Falklands will they follow the route the Argie POW'S took back to Argentina

    Jan 05th, 2016 - 09:51 am 0
  • commonsense

    isn't the previous yacht, that was going to undertake this journey, still in Port Stanley and subject to salvage laws, having been found abandoned and drifting in the open sea after The Fat One, maximum, got scared and ran for home back to hide behind his mommy's skirts?

    Jan 05th, 2016 - 10:02 am 0
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