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IMF chief Lagarde will stand for a second term

Saturday, January 23rd 2016 - 04:35 UTC
Full article 2 comments
Lagarde's term in office expires on 5 July and the process to find a successor opened on Wednesday. Lagarde's term in office expires on 5 July and the process to find a successor opened on Wednesday.

The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, has confirmed she will stand for a second term. Ms Lagarde threw her hat into the ring during an appearance on French television.

 Her term in office expires on 5 July and the process to find a successor opened on Wednesday.

The UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, has already said he is “delighted to nominate” her for a new term. She has also received the backing of Germany, China, France and Korea.

Last month, Ms. Lagarde was ordered to stand trial in France for alleged negligence over a compensation payment to a top businessman, Bernard Tapie. She approved the payment in 2008 when she was French finance minister.

However, Ms Lagarde's lawyer described the decision to make her stand trial as “incomprehensible”, and said the IMF boss would appeal.

Despite this controversy, commentators say she has no obvious challengers for the job.

Categories: Economy, Politics, International.

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  • ChrisR

    So the French crook will get it handed to her on a plate.

    They should dig a little deeper into her time as a minister, there is a lot more for her to answer.

    But of course she is the token woman to appease the feminists who demand 'equal opportunities' as long as the women get more than the men. The IMF have always had second raters in charge, so no change there then.

    There are of course plenty of really good women in industry but they are already doing REAL jobs and won't even consider a none job like this.

    Jan 23rd, 2016 - 11:31 am 0
  • Briton

    Just like that thief at FIFA,
    she will cling on by her lipstick until she is dragged away.

    Jan 23rd, 2016 - 08:27 pm 0
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