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Argentina's “Wild Tales” wins best non-English language Film at British Academy

Tuesday, February 16th 2016 - 08:16 UTC
Full article 10 comments

Argentine box-office hit and Oscar nominated picture Wild Tales (“Relatos Salvajes”) won Best Non-English Language Film at the BAFTA Awards. The British Film Academy also showered a lot of love on The Revenant, awarding Best Picture to Alejandro González Iñárritu and Best Actor to Leonardo DiCaprio. Read full article


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  • brasherboot

    I suspect it was about Argentine fraud again. and again. and again

    Feb 16th, 2016 - 01:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Does the film mention the Falkland's,

    I bet It does..

    Feb 16th, 2016 - 07:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • SebaSvtz

    I didn´t have the chance to watch it.

    As far as I know, it is not one of the classical and boring “what happened during the dictatorship....” films, but a pretty clever set of short stories of everyday scenarios that leads to violence.

    I really want to watch it.

    Feb 17th, 2016 - 02:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Faulconbridge

    No mention of the....unmentionable place, shall we say?... but a decidedly unflattering view of Argentina and Argentines. What Samuel Johnson said of the Irish applies: “...avery fair people. They never speak well of one another.”

    Feb 17th, 2016 - 06:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    Cuentos Salvajes is a collection of acidic, self-deprecating tales, a good sample of Argentine writers' talent.
    It provides a good opportunity for foreigners trying to understand Argentines' psychology.
    Not for everyone though.

    Feb 17th, 2016 - 08:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CapiTrollism_is_back!!

    I didn't know there was a British film industry, much less an Awards Society. They better win more important prizes if the film is to enter more solid footing.

    Feb 19th, 2016 - 06:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zaphod102

    @1 “I suspect it was about Argentine fraud again. and again. and again”

    For the six stories I would say no, no, no, maybe, yes and no in that order.

    @2 “Does the film mention the Falkland's, I bet It does..”

    No, it doesn't.

    @3 “I really want to watch it.”

    It is very good. It is effectively all about revenge. Lot's of black humour! :-D

    @6 “I didn't know there was a British film industry, much less an Awards Society.”

    That doesn't surprise me since you appear to actively cultivate your own ignorance. “more than half of the top twenty most financially successful films, had a substantial British dimension”

    Feb 19th, 2016 - 05:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skip

    Never surprises me when Nostrils pleads ignorance.

    Feb 20th, 2016 - 04:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CapiTrollism_is_back!!

    It's not ignorance, it's the facts. I find it amusing you both think the British film industry is considered 'important' or something.

    The facts are, almost no one thinks of those films as “British”, the title of the article says it ALL: “Hollywood and...” (the rest don't matter). It's Hollywood that gives it any credibility to whatever comes after.

    Of course I would debate that point too, since Hollywood stopped making good films a LONG time ago.

    And btw, you really are getting a bad return on investment also. Not only does no one find themselves naming “British films”, but worse, you are always portrayed as the sly, foxy, duplicitous bad guys no one should trust. Well, they say stereotypes do always have their source in the truth ... (“Anglos will be Anglos” anyone?)

    So, all in all, I would ask for my money back.

    As for Australian film... I think Mendoza province puts out more films per year than Ozzer does.

    Feb 20th, 2016 - 08:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zaphod102

    @9 “It's not ignorance, it's the facts.”

    So you counter my link that contains facts with your opinion that ignores those facts and still claim not to be ignorant? You prove my point, not only are you ignorant you persist in this odd delusion that your opinion always trumps facts. This is why you keep making a fool of yourself.

    There is little point arguing with someone like you since you will deny any evidence that doesn't fit your rather perverted world view.

    I've provided some facts to refute your claim and your response, as always, is no evidence to counter mine just an opinion and insults.

    Feb 22nd, 2016 - 06:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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