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Belize-Guatemala incident reignites standing border dispute; OAS calls for a 'lasting peace'

Monday, April 25th 2016 - 05:30 UTC
Full article 88 comments

The Organization of American States, OAS, has called on the governments of Belize and Guatemala to avoid an escalation of tensions, and renew efforts to establish a lasting peace. The OAS statement follows a previous repudiating “the death of a Guatemalan minor [Julio Alvarado, 13] at the hands of a Belizean patrol”. Read full article


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  • Troy Tempest

    “ ... Guatemala deployed additional troops to that area only a day after Belize opened its Joint Forces Operating Base on the northern bank of the river to police illegal fishing, logging, camping and other such activities in the area.”

    Am I to take it that Guatemala objected to Belize policing its own side of the border, stopping logging and poaching of fish, possibly by the Guatemalans?

    Provocative move to break a treaty and claim to the whole river and its resources.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 06:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Haven't we heard this sort of thing before?
    Of course, its the tropical version of the mal……something or other myth.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 08:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    This seems to have being going on for ever.
    In 1961, my brother's RAF squadron was sent from Gibraltar to the West Indies on detachment to “show the flag”. The Guatemalans were getting uppity with their troops massing on the border. Three aircraft were dispatched to fly low over the border and the Guatemalans quickly went back to their bases.
    In 1972, it happened again. This time the Ark Royal was sent at top speed across the Atlantic and launched two buccaneers in an epic flight before an invasion took place. Like the cavalry they arrived in the nick of time and by their presence thwarted the invasion. Various threats continued requiring Harriers to be flown from the UK as a defence measure resulting in a permanent flight (1417) being located there until 1994.
    Whether or not we now have any obligation to defend Belize, I do not know.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 09:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Englander

    We have more right to intervene in Belize than we did in Lybia, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria. All I would ask is that UK forces are taken out of jurisdiction of Civil Courts so con artist lawyers don't get the opportunity to screw more millions out of UK taxpayer.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 12:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (3) Lowlander Clyde15

    “This seems to have being going on for ever.” ... you say...

    I say...: Why do you, Great Brutish Pirates, “Think” this is going on for ever?...

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 12:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    #6 Methusala
    Because of the thieving propensities of dago banana republics whose greed and double crossing knows no bounds. Somewhat like a place on mainland
    S. America, where you live, whose attitude is the same.
    ” Guatemalan President Jorge Serrano Elías formally recognised Belize's independence in 1991. The following year the United Kingdom announced that it would end its military involvement in Belize, and the RAF Harrier detachment was withdrawn the same year, having remained stationed in the country continuously since its deployment had become permanent there in 1980. British soldiers were withdrawn in 1994, but the United Kingdom left behind a military training unit to assist with the newly created Belize Defence Force.

    The British leave and the dagos start knocking at the back door despite having acknowledged Belize's independence - duplicity -another dago trait.

    I see in your usual snide way you have at least got something correct - modesty would usually constrain me from using the word Great, but as you have acknowledged our status, I concur. The other adjective and noun are just your usual clichés which indicate a lack of any meaningful thought process.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 01:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (6) Lowlander Clyde15

    About 50% of Belize's population are “Dagos”... a percentage that climbs to ~70% in the 12,000 sq km disputed territories between the Sibún and Sarstún rivers...

    YES..., Guatemalan President Jorge Serrano Elías formally recognised Belize's independence in 1991....ON BELIZE's TERRITORY, NORTH OF THE SIBÚN RIVER,...leaving the ancient territorial dispute about the 12,000sq km between the Sibún and Sarstún rivers unresolved and wide open...

    Guatemala and Belize have a long standing agreement about holding a simultaneous referendums in both Countries to decide if the case should be presented to the ICJ.... Belize has been dragging its feet about this agreement for a looong time now...

    The Belizean Armed Farces have just killed a 13 years old farmer at the border, wounding his 11 years old brother and his father in the process...
    The Belizean Armed Farces have killed a dozen farmers at the borders during the last decade...
    A dozen murdered Dago and Maya indian farmers whose only crime was to roam their ancestral territories and practice their traditional cut and slash agriculture...

    Please, educate yourself...

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 02:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    @ Think


    I see there is no link and obviously not all the circumstances are explained or revealed by you.

    It seems unlikely that a country would mobilize troops, declare it is seizing territory and initiate a military standoff with a neighbouring state after one person is killed, under dubious circumstances.

    Try again.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 03:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    It's pointless trying to “educate” THINK . His agenda is if it is anything to do with ex Spanish colonies, they are always in the right. They have the sole right to all the land in S,America and any other land in the S.Atlantic they covet. After all they were given it free and gratis by the grateful native populations.
    In contrast, the British ex-colonies were wrested from the rightful Spanish populations and should be given to the descendants of the Conquistadors.

    Maybe YOU should educate yourself Guatemala's intentions for Belize.
    In 1972 the Guatemalans were preparing to invade Belize and take over the country. Only the timely intervention of the UK prevented this. Since the UK left, they have been threatening again to incorporate Belize into a greater Guatemala...Shades of Argentine and the Falklands.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 05:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest


    Thanks for all the background info.

    That is basically the take I took on events there, and SA in general.

    Guatamaka is quite transparent, as is ThinkVoice.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 06:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Englander

    Think doesn't think.
    It is defective.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 06:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    The Belizean monarchy
    The British could have dealt with the Guatemalan problem, but they were so much more powerful than the Guatemalans that they had chosen over the decades to ignore Guatemalan complaints. Eventually, after the Americans, in line with their 1823 Monroe Doctrine, became involved in the Anglo/Guatemalan dispute as interested parties in 1962, the British, in cahoots with their Western Hemisphere cousins, began to support proposals which would have compromised the sovereignty of Belize and make Belizeans subordinate to Guatemalans.
    The Government of Belize then began to agitate for international support for our independence, whereupon the British responded by pressuring Belize to cede territory in order to appease Guatemala. Eventually, Belize managed to gain independence in 1981, but the claim was not settled, the British refused to give the former colony a defence guarantee, and, more ominously, they provided a constitution for Belize which now appears to our more analytical and nationalistic citizens to be one which provides for Belize to remain a vassal of the British monarchy, without, to repeat, the British being obligated to defend us. Crazy.

    this may well be out of date.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 08:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (9) Lowlander Clyde15

    “In 1972 the Guatemalans were preparing to invade Belize and take over the country. ” say...

    What Country...???
    In 1972, the Guatemalan right wing government, involved at the time on a genocidal civil war that ended costing the life of 300,000 Guatemalans, were “said” to be preparing an invasion of British Honduras..., a British colony at the time, where the Dago and Creole population had no saying over the almighty “Crown”...

    If you knew the least about Latinamerican recent history, you would know that our governments (specially the progresive ones) have, since the seventies, sided in favour of Belizan independence...

    As we today favour a joint, consensual presentation to the ICJ, to settle once and for all this old conflict...

    Anyhow..., NOTHING of the above justifies the Belizean Armed Farces repeated shooting and killing of unarmed peasants trying to make a living in the border area...

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 08:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Belize Asks For Return of British Army 2013

    The government of Belize is making a determined effort to lure back the British Army to its shores after the U.K. shuttered its British Army Training Unit Belize (BATSUB) in November 2011 leaving behind a token presence of about 10 soldiers. The Central American country which gained independence in 1981 from Great Britain has been facing hard economic times and it sees dollar signs in those squaddie boots.
    Code FS 7
    Title British treaty obligations and security commitments beyond the North Atlantic Alliance - Summary
    Date November 1996

    it might be out of date, but it might help,

    question may be,
    Should we help or not.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 08:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Think would agree with the Devil himself as long as the Devil sided with the anti-British party.
    Make no mistake, for all his suave, urbane oiliness, Think hates us with a passion.

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 09:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Irv

    There have been numerous shootings on the border,recently a Belizean Policeman was murdered by Guatemalans.Just a few weeks ago a staff Sergeant was shot while patrolling near the border.These things have not been reported in the international media.The situation Belizean arm forces encounter on the border is a dangerous one ,the Guatemalan Government does nothing to stop its people from entering an important national park in Belize.Yes if it was not for the British ,they would have invaded Belize.Where are the friends of Belize ?Where is the Commonwealth of Nations?belizeans died in both World Wars defending the Empire,we need our friends now,they need only to speak,and a lot of the danger will go away!!!

    Apr 25th, 2016 - 11:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (16) PA-Irv

    Barrow and Morales have talked and the “Danger” has gone away...

    Stop whinging to your Ex Colonial Masters about them Beliceños that “Died for the Empire”,... get on with the referendum to bring the case before the ICJ,... abstain from killing more Guats and there will be no more “Danger”

    Latinamerican greetings...
    El Think, Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina...

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 12:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skip


    “Where is the Commonwealth of Nations? Belizeans died in both World Wars defending the Empire, we need our friends now, they need only to speak, and a lot of the danger will go away!!!”

    I'm sorry but the Commonwealth of Nations isn't a defence organisation. That isn't how it works.

    As for dying and defending the Empire, well Belize chose independence and now it must live with the consequences. If you had stayed and become a British Overseas Territory then it would be a different matter. If Belize wants the UK to do something then it needs to negotiate that with the UK and not rely on old ties that have nothing to do with it. As a sovereign nation it is capable of signing military alliances with whomever it wishes.

    I note that Guatemala was supposed to hold its referendum in October last year and failed to do it, so blaming Belize for the current status-quo is disingenuous.

    There is nothing stopping Guatemala taking this claim to the ICJ for an advisory opinion. But it has failed to do that. Letting its citizens illegal enter another country as cannon fodder seems to serve the purpose of keeping this weak claim alive.

    I expect plenty more poor Guatemalan peasants to be killed in the future as the Guatemalan government does little to provide economic security for many of its citizens and seems quite incapable of stopping them illegally leaving the country.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 12:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    @18 Skip

    Interesting and informative summation, Skip.


    Apr 26th, 2016 - 03:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Irv

    There are so many Guatemalans in Belize, legal and illegal. It is unfair to ask anyone not to defend themselves in these circumstances. Recently a CBS journalist was killed on the border. Investigate and you will be awed by what you find. A grader was stolen by Guatemalans as well as other heavy duty equipment, the grader belongs to Government of Belize, it is still in Guatemala with the government sticker on it, the officials from Guatemala refuse to give it back. Check and see how many diplomatic protest have been lodged by the government of Belize and nothing is done by Guatemala. Investigate properly this situation and you will be amaze by what you find, after all you can ask or read about Rigoberta Menchu she has a story to tell, they killed 300,000 of their own people in a civil war, mostly indigenous people. why would 300,000 Belizeans pick a fight with a country that has 20 to 30 times its population? The protest today in Guatemala tells a story, a few protesting about Belize and large crowds protesting about drinking water. We have buses of Guatemalan kids who get their education in Belize. We accepted refugees from Salvador during their civil war. Seemingly the one that is been believed in this story was the one who “violated ” one of the confidence building measures by going to the international media. We have cases where a bunch of Belizeans were abducted by the Guatemala military in Belizean waters and taken to Guatemala. some years ago 3 or 4 of our soldiers were taken to Guatemala city, they had to be smuggled out, investigate and the truth will shock you!!! A peasant who retaliates with deadly means puts himself in danger, it would be good for the UN,OAS, and yes Commonwealth to speak up before war breaks out and many innocent people die from both sides.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 04:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    What exactly are the OAS doing about this?


    Apr 26th, 2016 - 04:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Irv

    Look at the news report, People in Belize are angry with them, they do nothing, and for the first time they comment. Our people have been killed and attacked many times, no comment of this nature from them, the Staff Seargeant is still recovering from gun shot wound. The same kid killed was caught before and handed over to officials in Guatemala. The day of the incident our military planes doing reconnaissance spotted the incursion, the soldiers were dispatched, they found an adult where the incursion was reported, he was arrested, later that same evening when it was dark, the patrol was fired on, the Belizean soldiers fired back, thats when the child was killed.
    The police man killed was killed in similar circumstances, incursion was dealt with by the military. The “Poor Peasants” followed the soldiers ,found the police escorting some tourist and murdered him.
    To go to Caracol, tourist must be escorted by tourism police. Xacheteros attack our soldiers all the time, the ones killed bring it on themselves. We are British trained, the use of weapons is not our first response. Again shame on the OAS, as we speak the Guatemalans are blocking a river that divides our country. The river is the border as was decided in 1859,half in Belize and half in Guatemala. There are videos with the OAS present, the Guatemalan Navy chasing Belizean Civilians out of the Sarstoon, yet we hear nothing from the OAS. OAS shame on you!!! The ICJ is looked upon unfavorably because of these things, people in Belize believe they will get the same treatment from the ICJ.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 04:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skip


    You seem to be operating under the mistaken impression that it is up to the rest of the world to solve your problem. It isn't. The world will help those that help themselves.

    Asking us to investigate this totally ignores the premise that it is up to the Belizean government to make these matters known. Belize is a democracy and it is one of the oldest continuing democracies in Central America. However Belize can't always rely on others to have its best interests at heart and needs to fight to be heard and aided.

    Considering Belize's location and climate and its status as a Commonwealth Realm is should be reaching out to regional powers such as Canada. Considering the number of Canadian and American retirees I met in when in Guatemala, there is a great opening for growing the economy.

    If more Canadian and American retirees were living in Belize, then believe me, those countries would have a strong incentive to help you out.

    Belize seems to be a mature democracy and an immature regional player. It needs to lifts its game if it wants others to care.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 04:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Irv

    see channel five Belize News for 25/march 2016.There are video footage showing incursion by Guatemalan fishermen. We have nothing to hide, there is an open invitation for friendly nations to participate in the investigation of the shooting. The opinion is the sentiment of the people on the street, the Government of Belize cannot speak about the OAS in this manner since it would be viewed as inappropriate. The OAS is only an observer , but cautioning of the parties should be a part of their responsibility.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 04:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skip

    You just don't get it.

    It isn't any wonder Belize is having trouble if people like you don't get it.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 08:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Martin Woodhead

    Wind your neck in Guats the British have noticed you and it will be tears before bedtime if you try anything.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 08:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Ir

    My comments is only to shed light to the situation so those well intending individuals out there who understand how things are suppose to work will say or do something to maintain the peace. We have use the diplomatic channels as well as much as possible defend our homeland. Surely as you are suggesting I don't understand, I have noticed for many years how the world operates, as well as participate in negotiations to believe the contrary. World peace is all our business, and when those who can stand idle by, we have the situation like what is happening now with the refugee situation in Europe. We have lived this reality in Belize, the strain our resources went through and is going through is difficult to support, but do we turn away the disenfranchised? There are many Salvadorans and Hondurans here, what happens if war comes and they get killed? Central America in the 80's was hell. How come countries that act against the stipulated laws are sanctioned, surely here is no exception to that, it is applicable ,but the truth must be known for it to be fairly applied!! Skip I cant see your point, and I know it doesn't work like you say.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 12:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (27) PA-lr

    The Guatemalan claim is NOT going to dissapear any time soon, and..., as you don't have them Brutish Caribbean Pirates to intimidate the Guatemalans anymore..., the only realistic way to end this situation is to go to the ICJ...
    To this effect..., Belice has to annulate that “Rubber Paragraph”i n its Constitution asking for the participation of at least 60% of the electorate for a referendum to be valid AND get on with the agreed simultaneous referenfum with your Guatemalan neighbours...

    In the meantime, it would be wise that you lift the death penality against Guatemalans peasants for such grave crimes as planting pumpkins on the percieved wrong side of a disputed border...

    By the way...,
    I have to felicitate you for the human and marksmanship quality of your Brutish trained troops...
    Defending themself from a savage surprise attack in the dark by dangerous unarmed Guatemalan peasant children, they managed to keep their cool and lodge eight bullets in the body of a boy...
    Four of them in his back...

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 02:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • redp0ll

    Think you have been throughly thonked by Best concentrate on your turnip harvesting down in Chubut.
    BTW, what are your views on those rebels occupying Columbian territory for the past 113 years? I refer to the Republic of Panama.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 02:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (29) Anglo Ex Pat in Uruguay...

    Colombia -Panama ?
    Ain't in me lizt...
    Ain't in nobody's lizt...

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 03:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    #28 grumpy viejo
    “the only realistic way to end this situation is to go to the ICJ..”.

    This an example of do as I say but not do as I do.
    Time and time again people on this forum have been telling Argentinian posters to ask their government to take THEIR case on the Falklands to the ICJ.
    This has evoked cries of squatters, pirates, turnips return our precious Malvinas.
    On the subject of a legal ruling from the ICJ ?---deathly silence!

    I presume you were at this incident and can verify that the troops willfully shot an unarmed 8 year old - NOW A 13 YEAR OLD !. No possible chance that they shot back when they were fired upon ? Of course not FROM YOUR WARPED VIEWPOINT. I see that your favourite whipping boy must have been involved .
    It must have been the British “what did it” using surrogate Belize troops.

    Try reading this may or not be true but it is a different part of the story.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 04:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (31) Lowlander Clyde15

    You can't read any Spanish...
    And you can't read English either...
    Who has ever mentioned any “8 years old”???

    As I clearly stated at (7)...:
    “The Belizean Armed Farces have just killed a 13 years old farmer at the border, wounding his 11 years old brother and his father in the process...”

    ....................................................“”“ 13 years old”“”“...................................................

    The only ”8” (eight) I mentioned here were the 8 (eight) bullets the Belzean Brutish trained Armed Farces managed to lodge on a 13 years old peasant...
    Four of them in the back...

    Read before making a fool of yourself...

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 05:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anbar

    That's the best you can do nowadays ThinkO?


    Apr 26th, 2016 - 06:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    according to the Belize local paper, they seem to hate the British,
    the paper condemned us wholesale,

    so should we help or are we just being used by those who may hate us, demands independence then demand we come back to save them,

    then tell us to get lost until the next time,
    just an opinion.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 07:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Ir

    Think, I think you are been guided by emotions that blind you. Surely I can see that you are defending Guatemala. I can categorically state if we find out that our soldiers murdered that boy ,they will face the music. Even if they were only 5 years old and firing in the dark after trained soldiers and they got killed, it is totally their fault, or more so their father's fault. Which father in his right mind takes his 11 and 13 year old son on a trip to supposedly free his friend, shoot after military personnel in their country and don't expect that what happened was a possibility. Check and see also if Guatemala has not have confrontation with almost if not all its neighbors. We have had no problem at all with Mexico, none. We have been helping Guatemala in its social problems, we have educated ,housed ,employed too many Guatemalans. Give peace a chance, I am sorry the lad was killed, but his father was foolish to take his children on such a mission. There were outsiders with the soldiers who verified their story, it will be further justified after the investigation. I guess your picking on the British is because the attempts made were stopped by them. Do your research and see who Sagastumi is and you will learn even more on this issue. Whenever the military Government wins elections in Guatemala, they want to continue the land grabbing, there is endless for farmers to grow whatever they wish in Guatemala, but those lands are owned by the Generals. This kid is only a pawn in a bigger game. The president is a Clown who became president and he is their toy now. Give peace a chance.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 07:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (35) PA-lr

    Now we are talking, brother...

    I'm not “blinded by emotions” nor am I siding unconditionally with Guatemala...

    But I do admit that I am “on my toes” when confronted with anything resembling British bullishness doublespeak and haughtiness ...
    A condition I know I share with many Belizeans....
    Maybe you are one of them...

    Anyhow, best wishes for you and your Country...
    Keep the peace
    El Think

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 08:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Think is an anti-British hypocrite & will ALWAYS side with ANYONE who is also anti-British.
    lt doesn't matter what their cause or agenda is.
    He is also a devious, lying, slippery, deflecting snake.
    ln fact he has missed his calling, he should be a politician.
    He hates us with a passion & so he will hate anyone who identifies or sides with us.
    lf the British backed Guatemala, he would hate the Guatemalans & love Belize.
    You really shouldn't take too much notice of Herr Snake, er l mean Herr Think.
    l confess that l don't know much about Belize, so l will do some research.
    And don't worry about holier-than-thou Skip.
    Cheers, PA.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 08:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    OK I fully admit my error in saying it was an 8 year old instead of 13 year old. A careless mistake on my part transposing numbers.
    Somehow or other you seem to allude that Briton had something to do with this incident and that British military instructors trained the Belize forces to specifically at unarmed children. That's a good one coming from an Argentinian.
    British being haughty at times probably so. Argentinians always being arrogant, probably so. Honours equal on that one.
    Basically, you hate our guts and the feeling is reciprocated

    I notice you failed to comment on your statement about the ICJ and Argentina's claim to the Falklands.
    “the only realistic way to end this situation is to go to the ICJ..”.

    Would you care to explain this apparent dichotomy ?

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 10:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skip


    That's because Colombia is more mature. It accepts Panama's right to be its own nation. Unlike Guatemala and Argentina.

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 10:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (38) Lowlander Clyde15

    You say...:
    ”Somehow or other you seem to allude that Brit(ain) had something to do with this incident and that British military instructors trained the Belize forces to specifically at unarmed children.”

    I say...:
    Nope....., I'm just repeating what our Belizean poster, Mr. PA-lr so candidly told us in his post No. (22)...:
    ... “We are British trained, the use of weapons is not our first response. ”

    ...That the Belizean Armed Farces are trained by the British Armed Farces is a fact of public knowledge...
    The part about weapons not being their first response... not so...

    To finish, I'll repeat what I have said many times before...
    I don't hate them British....
    I just know them... quite well, indeed...
    We have shared many a merry hour together...
    At pubs..., river banks...(and other situations I won't disclose in here;-)

    Apr 26th, 2016 - 11:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lucifer

    40. Its easy to know the British since you've lived there since the 70s.

    Apr 27th, 2016 - 10:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- British naval ship the HMS Mersey came to port this week to support the commemoration of the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
    In addition to being in the region to support the British Overseas Territories and engage nations throughout the Caribbean and South America.

    Perhaps MHS Mersey can be sent for a look see..

    Apr 27th, 2016 - 12:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    “The part about weapons not being their first response... not so...”

    IF you are fired on and return fire, that is not a first response.
    The Belizeans say they were fired on and then returned fire.
    You believe the opposite, that they opened fire without warning on poor peasant farmers and children. I don't know the truth of this from EITHER SIDE but you immediately take the anti-British stance and manage to introduce a spurious claim that it must be because of the way the British army trained them. Absolute bollocks. As to you saying that you do not hate the British you take every opportunity to denigrate anything about the country with your pseudo avuncular style.

    Still avoiding the matter of the ICJ I note.

    Apr 27th, 2016 - 04:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    On the one side we have a bunch of unharmed Belizean heavily Armed Farces soldiers trained by the British Armed Farces... claiming self defence...

    On the other hand we have a local unarmed farmer family composed of 1 shot and wounded father, 1 shot and wounded 11 years old little brother and 1 shot and dead 13 years old big brother killed by eigh lucky shots in the dark... Four in his back , 1 in the eye...

    Who do we believe?

    Apr 27th, 2016 - 06:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Ir

    Think I know your past experience with the BRITISH has caused you to as Clyde 15 says be very unreasonable. We are a civil people, as is our defense force, we don't go out and indiscriminately kill people here, and yes there are rogue officers ,but they are dealt with according to the law.Why is accepting that this happened the way our people said so hard to believe.Do your home work and see that Guatemalans have a history of this in this area.The military shoot at the park rangers, who are indigenous mayan while they do their duty. There is a video with the OAS present and the Guatemalan Marines chasing Belizean out of an area that belongs to us, using force when they can to intimidate us. When the FOB was been built on Belizean side of the river the Guatemalan military came across, taunting our Soldiers and civilian engineer in Belizean waters. We have restrained ourselves a lot to get this done diplomatically and peacefully. They only behave themselves when the British were here, they had to. What was said about a journalist saying that we loathe the British may be the opinion of that writer, here in Belize we don't feel like that, we see ourselves connected to the British, some by Blood others by affiliation. We don't feel that about the British and we feel that the only thing stopping the Guatemalans from invading Belize is the possible British response. Peace!!!!

    Apr 27th, 2016 - 08:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (45) PA-lr

    Just for your info..., I have fished tarpon & permit on your flats quite a few times...
    First one was some 20 years before your independence...
    So please lets stop talking Central American realities we all know all to well and concentrate on the specific shooting episode of last week....

    Had sucht ocurred any other place on Earth,..., my spontaneous opinion would still be exactly the same...

    Anyhow, we will soon find out some more...:

    Pura vida
    El Think

    Apr 27th, 2016 - 09:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Think just being Think.
    So as we know him, we can conclude that PA-Ir is telling the truth.
    As l said, if the British backed Guatemala, Think could be relied upon to support the Belizians.
    l think that Squatter Think should also be called “Pavlov's Dogs Think”.
    Regards to all, I

    Apr 27th, 2016 - 09:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    Still avoiding the matter of the ICJ I note

    Apr 27th, 2016 - 11:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    by eigh lucky shots in the dark... Four in his back , 1 in the eye...

    Can this be proved, or is it just a paper report.

    Apr 28th, 2016 - 06:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    Difficult to say, however one burst from an automatic rifle could account for all the wounds without being directly aimed at an individual.

    Apr 28th, 2016 - 09:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Ir

    Briton I believe that with interviews and site visits they will try to reconstruct the scene and come up with what actually transpired. They want to get experts in to do this job.
    For your information, in respect to us not liking the British, the country was split in actually seeking to get our independence. The proposals put forward caused riots. A great majority wanted the British to stay. We don't hate the British as was alluded to earlier. There were many fights, fist fights ,after drinking and partying in the local night clubs, but I cant remember fatalities. Remember we got our independence by peaceful means, no war. We have a Governor General(Queen's representative), and our monies have the queen represented on them, hence our continued ties to England. I don't know of any real effort to completely remove the evidence of the British from our country!!
    From the comments that are been made, I sense a strong anti-British sentiment from Think, and some skepticism from a few British contributors. We assure you that we have nothing to hide, and the Guatemalans are hell bent on using this incident to create mischief. Their foreign minister made some rash comments yesterday in regards to the incident, and possible continuation of their aggressive behavior. I hope it is not just paper report and that the Guatemalans will make amends in respect to their fallacious reports made in the international press. The truth will set you free!!

    Apr 28th, 2016 - 09:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    anti-British sentiment from Think,
    don't worry abt Think, being anti brit is his trade mark,
    but of course that's only his opinion,

    as for
    50 Clyde15 and 51 PA-Ir
    thanks for your replies, one never knows unless one askes.

    Apr 29th, 2016 - 06:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (51) PA-lr

    You say...:
    “For your information, in respect to us not liking the British, the country was split in actually seeking to get our independence........... A GREAT MAJORITY WANTED THE BRITISH TO STAY...”

    I say...:
    Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, my cuatecito beliceño...
    Please tell us a bit more about this totally new version of Belizean history...
    Who forced that GREAT MAYORITY of yours into independence...???
    The Guatemalans...???
    The Communist...???
    The Aluxo-ob...???

    Apr 29th, 2016 - 08:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Be quiet, Squatter Think.
    Stop drooling & gibbering.
    Get back into your box.
    You're just stirring the pot again.
    “The World According to Think”-somehow just doesn't cut it.
    Have you got any more Belizian friends who can give us a similar story.
    lgnore Think, he is an agent provocateur.

    Apr 29th, 2016 - 09:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (54) Chère Isolde
    Contain yourself, you little alux...

    Apr 29th, 2016 - 10:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Ir

    He can do a research on who is Philip Goldson and what were his ideas. There were a bunch of supporters of his who did not want the independence, they believed just as now, we will have problems to defend ourselves. They were always agitating for a British defense guarantee which never came. I can remember my grandmother telling me about Belizean men been drafted or volunteering to go to what she called “ Kaiser War”,ie world war one, they proudly did do. there are some streets in Belize city that all have middle eastern names, there was a riot when soldiers came back from WW2 and were not given the lands promised, they rioted. With these things etched in our history, you can imagine why I made these comments in some of my initial statements. the secretary General of the Commonwealth is here now, Baroness Scotland, Lets see what she will do or say when she goes back. She will be visiting the office of the OAS.

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 01:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Thanks PA, I will have to do more research about this.
    You can almost guarantee that if Think backs a particular party, then the opposition to that party is in the right.

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 07:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (56) PA-lr

    That was better...
    Soooo..., we went from...:
    ”A bunch of supporters of (Goldson) did not want independence” and your sweet grandmother who remembers the Great War...

    Anyhow, fact is that Belice is a newly born independent Country with an ugly Rosemary's baby left by the Brits....:
    ... A 12,000 km2 territorial dispute with your big neighbour to the east and south...
    I sincerely wish an acceptable solution for BOTH Countries...
    After all.... what would the Caribbean be without its British Pirates?

    Adiosito pos
    El Think

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 08:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    Probably as crummy as Venezuela.
    “I sincerely wish an acceptable solution for BOTH Countries...
    with the proviso that it condemns the UK for every possible sin in the world and failing to recognise Argentina for what it is....suggestions from interested parties please !
    Please note ! We did not hang on to the colony but allowed them their independence. Hardly the ”Brutish empire” to which you continually allude.

    Get a different tune, this one is soooooooooo boring viejo.

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 09:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Correction to my post (58)
    It should read...: “... A 12,000 km2 territorial dispute with your big neighbour to the WEST and south”

    By the way...
    Just noticed an interesting geopolitical coincidence between Belizean poster Mr. PA-lr and this humble Patagonian...

    He's kind of pissed off because a neighbouring Country called Guatemala pretends some 12,000 sq. km. of what he considers his Country's territory...

    I'm kind of pissed off because a far away Ex Colonial Empire called UK pretends some 12,000,000 sq. km. of what I consider my Country's territory...

    As I said before...
    I sincerely wish an acceptable solution for BOTH Countries...

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 10:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    We couldn't care less what pisses you off, Think.
    We don't even consider that your country is a proper country.

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 12:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Ir

    Think one of my concern is that a message is sent to Britain via Belize, that the OAS reps from Argentina vote against us and act against us because of the Falkland dispute. The OAS really worries me ,their actions is not in line with these international organization.
    Sorry Think ,hope I didn't disrespect you, just speaking my heart.

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 12:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (62) PA-lr
    As a citizen of little Belice, you have enough reasons to be concerned today...
    Guatemala is one of the big ones...

    But killing some random peasants trespassing on a disputed border zone will not lessen them at all...

    At least you don't have to worry about having disrespected me, ma'e....
    Because you haven't.....

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 02:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    You have nothing to apologise for.
    “ that the OAS reps from Argentina vote against us and act against us because of the Falkland dispute” You have got it right first time. If Britain is even remotely connected , you can bet that Argentina and it's sycophant chorus will vote against it.

    Think is pretending to be fair and reasonable in this case but has already prejudged the issue.
    Britain trained the Belize you must be guilty.
    “A dozen murdered Dago and Maya indian farmers whose only crime was to roam their ancestral territories and practice their traditional cut and slash agriculture.”
    Think's post at #8.
    But killing some random peasants trespassing on a disputed border zone will not lessen them at all...
    Think's post at #63
    He is inferring that the Belizean forces purposely and knowingly shot to kill unarmed peasants without any provocation.
    It sounds like we will give you a fair trial and then hang you.
    But again, that is the Argentine way of things.
    He also considers that the Falklands are Argentinian but does not support taking the matter to the ICJ....... wait a minute,that is what he approves of in the case of the Belize/Guatemala dispute. A bit two faced ?

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 07:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Ir

    Think you seem not to want to accept our side of the story at all. Our soldiers must defend themselves when they are attacked by these Peasants, What would you do or expect your arm forces to do in a similar situation.Firstly we ask a lot of our soldiers, after they fire at you ,you can respond, thats already crazy.When you defend yourself, after someone tries to take your life, many in the international arena doubt or demonize you. They left their signature calling on a tree,“ aqui no esperamos”, we wait for you here, just imagine.
    Guatemalans come inside the territory and squat on Belizean land and want to fight local for it, threatening to kill our citizens. Many times they are facilitated by our Government in the name of peace. Our mistakes have come back to haunt us. Come on Think!!!

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 07:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    You are correct.
    Think is an anti-British(& therefore in this case, anti-Belize)Hypocrite.
    ln post #64, Clyde makes good sense.
    Strange how no other deluded malvinista has not crawled out of the woodwork to support Guatemala.
    Think heard the word “British” & his butthurt meter went off the scale.

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 09:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • junglemama

    ATTENTION MR THINK! As an American EXPAT, living in Belize for more than 15 years I can honestly say, Obviously you have NO CLUE about this situation and you need to come pay a visit to your beloved Guatemala, with its wholly innocent “Maya indian farmers whose only crime was to roam their ancestral territories and practice their traditional cut and slash agriculture...” But you probably won't will you? I am so sick of you arrogant neo-colonialists who fantasize about how nice Mayan Indians are. People are people, no one is wholly innocent based on their ancestral origins and to be 100% honest, the ANCESTRAL RELIGION of the Mayas you hold so innocent is EVIL EVIL EVIL. I have personally seen the remains of babies who were boiled alive IN BLOOD in caves to appease the gods of XIBABLA (HELL) I have also had these “nice indians” plot against me to kidnap our blond haired daughters to sell as sex-slaves, by the grace of YHWH we were warned in time to avert the worst. But I still live everyday praying that one of the illegal Guatemalan Xateros who are literally crawling through our forests to thief, won't shoot my husband while he is in the Jungle making an honest living. Guatemalans are people, some are innocent, some are wicked BUT EVERY ONE OF THEM WHO CROSSES THE BORDER ILLEGALLY IS BY DEFINITION A CRIMINAL, with no respect for the sovereignty of our nation or our right to PROTECT our natural and human resources from their repetitive destruction and theft. LOOK AT GOOGLE EARTH! They have almost completely deforested every piece of arable land in their country and that is why they pour across the borders of a country nicknamed “The Jewel” due to our preservation of our natural resources.
    As for the 13 year old farmer at the border, he was armed, and his Uncle was arrested earlier in the day, THAT is why his Father brought his sons to ATTACK the BDF. It is his Father's fault he died. If you are old enough to pack heat, you are old enough to take lead!

    Apr 30th, 2016 - 10:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Ir

    The Guatemalan signed a treaty with Great Britain in 1859 which clearly defines the border of British Honduras(Belize)they now are saying they don't respect that treaty,they don't want Belizeans to go to Sarstoon Island, as can be seen in the pictures bottom most picture above, the defining line puts the island in Belize. If everyone starts to break these treaties, what will happen in the world. Who police these treaties so this does not happen. Sanctions are applied to countries who behave in this manner, where are the enforcers who normally institute the sanctions.? Where are the environmentalist, a whale was caught in a gill net set by Guatemalan fishermen in the Sarstoon , it died earlier this week. There are videos showing the manner in which the Sarstoon is invaded by illegal fishing, during the night the trawlers come out also. herein lies a very juicy story for even fly by night Journalist. LOTS OF STUFF TO EXPOSE.

    May 01st, 2016 - 01:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • redp0ll

    @67 Pa you are new here. I have been following Mr Thinks posts for five years or more. He tells the lies that suit him. If he has ever been fishing for tarpon off Belize, I'll eat my hat.

    May 01st, 2016 - 03:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • junglemama

    Yes, redpoll, I am new, not online much but intensively researching the issue currently, for obvious aforesaid reasons...PA-Ir @68 is dead on! Guatemala by and large terrorizes and plunders Belize and the rest of the world looks the other way... THINK wants to cry about “innocent mayan children” belize is murdering... LETS TALK ABOUT HOW MANY MAYA INDIAN FARMERS WHOSE ONLY CRIME WAS TO ROAM THEIR ANCESTRAL LANDS GUATEMALA MURDERED!!!!! I THINK THE FIGURE IS ABOUT 200,000....
    And yes, redpoll, I see that only someone with defective thinking would name themselves “THINK” and then refuse to do it... But who knows maybe he will dissuade some other PURO GALLO dipTard from being so unabashadly testicular, is that really a word?
    I have to admit it is infuriating to hear people say that if we can't defend it, it isn't ours, because it is exactly the attitude Guatemala has about it, ”We are bigger, we can bully you and no one cares anymore, the British went home so we are going to walk all over you, plunder your log wood, your fishing, your gold, your land, your women and children... whatever the hell we want really, and you cant stop us, because a line on a map does not make a country, and the fact that we signed treaties that specifically agreed that half of the sarstoon is yours, and that Belize exists, means nothing, our word is worth nothing... and everything south of the western Highway should be Guatemala!!!
    So what these ppl are really saying is that if we are too poor and insignificant to defend our sovereignty, might makes right, and Guatemala deserves to squash us... because they lay claim to everything south of the western highway... do they deserve to take that too, and our farm, if we cannot defend it???
    The real question is, when the little guy is being picked on does the bigger guy who fathered him have a responsibility to stand up verbally for him, or not? I say he does. Belize is self-evident. Anyone who has ever been here can tell you, IT IS NOT GUAT!

    May 01st, 2016 - 04:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    68) Anglo Ex-Pat Rancher in Uruguay...
    Five years already?
    Please refer or link to any of my so called “lies” in the past 5 years...
    By the way...:
    ... What's so “unThinkable” about a humble but well travelled, former Costa Rican wed, olde Patagonian angler as me to have fished them Belizean flats...?

    (70) Junglemama
    Try to control your self pity for a second and... Think....
    You whine loudly about being the little poor guy being bullied by big nasty Guatemala..., “walking all over you, plundering your log wood, your fishing, your gold, your land, your women and children... whatever the hell they want really, and you cant stop them because they say that a line on a map does not make a country,.. etc, etc, etc...”

    But, during 200 years, from about 1750 until 1981 it was big nasty BRITISH Honduras who encroached at every given opportunity on Spanish and later little poor Guatemala's territory... walking all over them, plundering their log wood, their fishing, their gold, their land, their women and children... whatever the hell the Engrish wanted really, and they couldn't stop the Engrish because the British Empire kept drawing new lines on their colonial maps creating new and bigger colonies... etc, etc, etc...

    As I see it,... Belize has today two viable options...
    Find an acceptable compromise with the Guats... or go to the ICJ...
    All other will finish badly...

    May 01st, 2016 - 09:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    You really are despicable Think.
    You deserve the knout.
    There are two citizens of Belize telling you whats happening Think, & you start your usual vitriol.
    As l said before, if anyone is anti-British, Think champions their cause.
    Doesn't matter what it is.

    May 01st, 2016 - 10:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    As I see it,... Belize has today two viable options...

    I see a third. The British army could come back with the agreement of the Belize people and govt. and set up jungle warfare training camps to train UK Troops and Belize forces. I don't think that the Guatemalans would be quite so belligerent. Of course you would cry...foul. A national trait when Argentina does not get it's own way.

    Go to the ICJ. OK for Belize but NOT for Argentina...explain this apparent hypocrisy. You have dodged this question 3 times.

    “the British Empire kept drawing new lines on their colonial maps creating new and bigger colonies... etc, etc, etc...”

    Substitute Argentina for the British Empire. From a settlement on the river Plate, you moved about about 1500 miles south, claimed the Falklands, Sub Antarctic islands, Antarctica and were preparing to invade Chile before the Brutish armed forces taught you a gentle lesson in manners..
    I think suitable terms for this are colonialism and Empire building

    May 01st, 2016 - 10:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (72) Isolde, ny dahling Anglo Squatterette on Malvinas Islands
    You said previously that you would “research” the current situation in Belize...

    I don't know is your multiple tasks as a home engineer on them windblown South Atlantic Islands have allowed you to do so..., but this humble Patagonian has...

    What I have found out is that Belize has lately embarked in the American led “War on Drugs” on Latinamerica...

    This “War” is being lost all over the Continent because of the immense power of the drug cartels financed by the immense appetite for drugs in the Northern Hemisphere...

    One of the realities of this “War” is that the accounting department of the DEA (USA's Drug Enforcing Administration) demands some “tangible results” from their Latinamerican allies in order to continue their financing...

    One of the principal “tangible results” asked for are Dead Bodies that can be counted...

    As Dead Bodies of drug cartel members are hard to come by because they are some tough guys that usually have bribed the local authorities, have no problem in shooting first without asking questions and are much better armed, equiped and informed than the foot soldiers combating them..., the necessary Dead Bodies have to be sourced elswhere....

    Here's where readily available, easily picked unarmed poor peasants come into the picture....

    Cheap and easy Dead Bodies for the “War on Drugs” body count...
    Formerly sourced in Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador and Colombia; lately in Mejico, Guatemala and Belice....

    A nice International Workers' Day for everybody
    El Think

    May 01st, 2016 - 11:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    And you have evidence for these “dead bodies”, Squatter Think?
    Or is it just some more meandering of an old whisky befuddled “brain”?

    May 01st, 2016 - 12:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Isolde, dahling....

    I do not know soo much about your use or abuse of водка...
    But I can say that my brain hasn't been “befuddled” by Uisge or any other natural or synthetic psychoactive substance for, at least 20 years....

    Moderation and minimalism are my leading stars ;-)))

    May 01st, 2016 - 12:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    So, the damage was done then.

    May 01st, 2016 - 05:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lucifer

    The so called “war on drugs” is winning in Colombia.

    But I think the big drug lords moved to Argentina a decade ago
    so it may not have anything to do with the USA intervention.

    May 01st, 2016 - 05:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (78) Turnip Fred Bates, Watchington DC

    May 01st, 2016 - 06:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Ir

    I hope my worse fears will not be confirmed afterwards. The majority of officials we deal with in the OAS are Latin American, if they share the same sentiments as Think ,our goose is cook, We are an active participant in the war on drugs, Belizeans don't go over into Guatemala and squat on their Lands, terrorize the border settlements. Recently a Guatemalan from Melchor De Menchos stole a Hilux pickup truck from the Ministry of Health Parking Lot in Belmopan, he couldn't find the GPS to disarm it, so the vehicle was tracked to his home in Melchor (Guatemala). The Thief was released within hours of his arrest and we had a lot of difficulty to get back the vehicle bought by Government of Belize. We are frustrated with this neighbor, he is not neighborly.

    The foreign minister of Guatemala says on Canal Asteca that the Sarstoon Island is in the adjacency zone so Belize shouldn't fuss over it until the ICJ makes a decision. That Island is clearly in Belize, and that we should ask them permission to go up the river which is clearly defined as the border between the countries, half in Belize and half in Guatemala. Why should we ask permission to travel on our side of the border. He does these things boldly where they are documented, his audacious attitude should be fixed with a few sanctions, we cannot continue to negotiate with someone like that, you wont get your fair share ever!! I am surprise that the death of this whale has not triggered off a response from the environmentalist, the gill nets, the trawlers, the raping of one of the worlds most beautiful jungle. if LAND IS AN ISSUE in Guatemala, let the Generals give back to the people what they took when they were in power, Guatemala has a lot of land owned by them, much more that in Belize. Pepitos will grow there also as well as every other crop that grows on our side of the border.

    May 01st, 2016 - 06:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (80) PA-lr

    Isn't it time for you Heroic Armed Farces High Command to focus a little bit more on the activities of the Gulf Cartel and the Zetas in the north of your Country...where them Mejicanos have thousands og hectares sown with the World's next best Ganja....... instead of shooting some poor Maya indians in the south sowing pepas in their milpas?

    One could Think they are paid to “Only Look South”...

    May 01st, 2016 - 07:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • junglemama

    first )81- who do you think grows the “worlds next best ganja”? “some poor mayan indians in the north” So if we shoot them you won;t cry but indians who arm and assist underage kids in attacking military personal those guys are innocent... right...I have one final thing to say to you ThinkNot, and then I will let you stew in your own testosterone.
    Anyone who stands up for bullies is a coward himself, plus you have WAAAAY too much time on your hands! Get a life man, is all you do check for comments here to see if anyone from England is here to harass??? Are you in middle school yet, remind me?
    As for 74? *shakes head* they don't want bodies, they want MONEY, assets and mostly DRUGS... it is all a scam the whole “war on drugs” is about what everything in the politics is about MONEY, bodies are neither here nor there, though live chum like El Chapo keeps the public happy to keep paying taxes toward the “cause” No the “war on drugs” has NOTHING to do with why the BDF shot the 13 year old, though come to think of it, the kind of man who would ambush the BDF with his underage sons may well be someone who is cultivating flowers illegally... but then that is all marijuana is, it is not a drug, it is just a flower for Petes sake... anyway anyone ignorant enough to believe in the “war on drugs” or the “war on terror” or any of the other token names the USA and UN use to justify their economic bullying and racketeering of more or less the entire rest of the world needs to get OFF the computer, and start paying attention to the way the world works... These are the kind of people who believe governments have their best interests at hear and will “take care of them” HA!!! That is one of the things that makes Belize so great! No one is expecting the govt to bail them out and support their 8 bastard children, they all know everyone deh pan deh own and fi yu community dat yer family!
    80) RIGHT ON! Well said! It is nice to see some brains on this forum that do actually function!

    May 01st, 2016 - 08:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Squatter Think,
    Still awaiting your evidence for these “dead bodies”, so stop deflecting.

    Thank you PA-Ir & junglemama for your information & l congratulate you on your quick summing up of the character of our resident snake-in-the-grass, Think.
    Didn't take you long to realise just what he is.

    May 01st, 2016 - 09:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PA-Ir

    Think I don't want to refocus on nothing else other than the issue on hand, the bullying of Belize by Guatemala. I would really like to feel some genuine research from you in respect to the current situation and its development over the years. If you had fish for Tarpon here years ago, if you come now, you will find that there are much less Tarpons now,same can be said for many of our other natural resources. I don't agree on what has been happening here in Belize for quite sometime now, our constitution states that any citizen of any country that behaves towards us as Guatemala is doing now, should not be able to get Belizean citizenship ,yet we have give so many away to central Americans , 60% of whom are Guatemalans. The word integration now has such a ring to it,a lot of the IFI'S want to hear this to endorse projects,but it is been done at our expense. We welcome people here in Belize and we are an example to the rest of the world when it comes to integration.Why is this peace been allowed to be shattered by those murdering thieving Generals who now lurk in the shadows of the Guatemalan Government. they should be tried for the genocide they committed in the 80's and sent to jail so the rest of us can live in peace. Imagine we have had peace with Guatemala for quite sometime now, and as they come to power, they send their little puppet to create this mess. THINK, Please think and research, I am waiting for you to do some positive contribution to this situation.

    May 01st, 2016 - 09:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • junglemama

    84, waste of time waiting for UNthink, he is too busy hating British to focus on the truth or any real research! To me the solution is obvious sanctions and or a bit of a show of force by the Brits/UN and BDF in solidarity ( a few harrier jets should do) would do fine to curb their bloodlust, that is all it took in the 70's but now the story is different, because the Brits have tried hard for a long time to disown Belize, and on this point even Think can agree, the Brits did rape a lot of resources before giving us 'independence' but that doe not mean Guatemala should get 'sloppy seconds' to avenge the brit's treatment of poor little Guate... Most Belizeans have not even a drop of English blood in them than the “Castillian Spanish” ruling class in Guat and the so called “royal Creole” here are far more African than they are English, so let guatemal pick a fight with Britan if they want revenge, and realize we al have a right to our sovereignty. I honestly do not see what all the fuss is about Guate owning the Sarstoon or any other part of Belize anyway, they come and go as they damn well please and thief like there is no tommorrow, they give birth to their kids over here to try to give their kids (as natural Belizean citizens) a better life than the arrogant Castillian classes afford most Guatemalans, and Belize tolerates the majority of this without complaint... they ought to be patting us on the back for continually taking in all their unfortunates... not making arrogant claims and assertions to our territory... sheesh!!!!!

    May 01st, 2016 - 10:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (84) PA-lr

    Geeeeeee, maje.....
    I have already made my position wery clear...

    You Beliceños can cry foul...
    You can protest about life being unfair...
    You can long after the good ol' times when British Honduras was in control of everything..., from the Bay Islands to the Miskito Coast..., from the Garifunas, Maroons and Miskitos to the Latinos...

    But fact today is that you live in a pretty fkucked up neighbourhood and, like it or not, you are forced to play ball with them neighborus...

    You Govt. says they want peace... but they are not willing to cede one inch on that century old claim...

    Your Govt. had an agreement about a simultaneous referendum about going to the ICJ with the Guats but did all in its power to halt it...

    Tte ONE thing that will NOT further your case... is the shooting of civilians by your armed farces...


    May 01st, 2016 - 10:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lucifer

    Sounds like Argy mumblings.
    Except it's not an Argy
    Well maybe for 15 yrs or so
    Before it fled like a scared rat

    May 01st, 2016 - 11:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • junglemama

    great article....,-Guyana-and-the-Iron-Lady-30251.html

    May 03rd, 2016 - 02:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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