A majority of Argentines continue to support president Mauricio Macri despite a raft of unpopular measures, public utilities rate increases, inflation, redundancies and slower activity, which his administration has been forced to implement in the first six months of his mandate in an attempt to reorganize the country's economy. Read full article
Disclaimer & comment rulesAfter Kirchnerismo the devil himself would receive high approval ratings, a mandate of 8 years, and small cheques from street-food vendors.
Jun 06th, 2016 - 04:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Despite a raft of unpopular measures...
Jun 07th, 2016 - 07:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The story omits to mention that Macri 's popularity has been going down for four consecutive months, and the promises of improvement in the second semester are gradually Bein replaced by the second year.
...has been forced to implement...
A big, big lie. The current government hasn't been forced to do anything. It's consciously applying neo--liberal measures that are slowing down the economy and contracting domestic consumption at a pace not seen since the months leading to the 2001 catastrophe.
Macri and accomplices do not seem worried in the least, but they are driving the country to disaster at unprecedented pace.
Reekie, it's hard to believe that the degree of ruin brought about by the new government is really any worse than the remarkable damage that was caused by the CKF government. But since both are the result of argie management, we know that no good will come of any of it, that new ajustes and defaults are right around the corner, and Argentistan will come crawling to the rest of the world for bread and debt relief, oh, and all the while blaming the non-argento world for all of Argentistan's errors, crimes, and shortcomings.
Jun 07th, 2016 - 09:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Over 44 percent inflation over the past year. Something you can be proud of.
Reekie, to continue from a previous thread (with corrections kindly provided by you) http://en.mercopress.com/2016/05/16/argentina-s-economy-grows-0.8-during-first-quarter-says-central-bank ...
Jun 08th, 2016 - 06:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0What did Macri ever do for us?
Well, he boosted spending for state universities by 500 million pesos.
OK, apart from boosting spending for state universities by 500 million pesos, what did Macri ever do for us?
Well, he grew the economy by 0.8%.
OK, apart from boosting spending for state universities by 500 million pesos and growing the economy by 0.8%, what did Macri ever do for us?
Well, he helped Siemens announce the intention to provide us with 6,000 jobs.
OK, apart from boosting spending for state universities by 500 million pesos, growing the economy by 0.8% and helping Siemens announce the intention to provide us with 6,000 jobs, what did Macri ever do for us?
Well, he released the dollar clamp.
OK, apart from boosting spending for state universities by 500 million pesos, growing the economy by 0.8%, helping Siemens announce the intention to provide us with 6,000 jobs and releasing dollar clamp, what did Macri ever do for us?
Well, he started the process of paying off our international debts which was a hole dug ever deeper for him by the previous administration's refusal to comply with their contractual obligations.
OK, apart from boosting spending for state universities by 500 million pesos, growing the economy by 0.8%, helping Siemens announce the intention to provide us with 6,000 jobs, releasing dollar clamp and starting the process of paying off our international debts which was a hole dug ever deeper for him by the previous administration's refusal to comply with their contractual obligations, what did Macri ever do for us?
#3 Marti Llazo
Jun 09th, 2016 - 03:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0...hard to believe...
Marti appears to watch the events in Argentina with wide eyes, then say, oh my...how messy they are...not like us.
It's an old trick that persons with an inferiority complex use to try to feel better in their own skin.
Of course, Argentines are messy and dictators never made old bones in our country. Our oligarchy is short-sighted and greedy, which causes continued conflict with the people who never gives up in their will to live better.
Of course, Marti's trick is short-term, short-sighted and does not work. The bothersome feeling that he is inferior will never leave him.
#4 Zaphod102
You again recycling your misleading collection of factoids? You haven't been able to come up with something better in almost a month?
Unfortunately, the picture emerging in Argentina after six months of Macri's presidency is not bright at all.
Domestic consumption is dropping as unemployment increases, the cost of credit is higher, the public services' cost has shot through the roof, domestic small and medium-size companies are hurt by the increase in imports and the increased costs of electricity and gas, and inflation is rampant. Even Clarin keeps rather silent about the economy, although it can't totally silence some of the most controversial news.
While during the Cristina government inflation was an undesirable factor, now Argentina is sinking in stagflation--high inflation, high unemployment and stagnant demand.
The deterioration of the economy has been so sharp it appears to be even faster than what preceded the 2001 disaster.
The only sector that appears to benefit from Macri's measures is the agriculture, which uses a low number of workers.
Mark my words: If Fernando de la Rua escaped La Rosada by helicopter, Macri is going to need a whole squadron to get out.
Reekie, your ad hominem energies are misplaced and wasted since you know nothing of the observers of the disaster that is Argenzuela. Perhaps a little bit of your attention could be given to precisely why this country has been, continues to be, and will forever be such a porquería.
Jun 09th, 2016 - 03:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Your comments on the current state of the economy fail to recognise that the CFK's Decada Gansada generated the very conditions that make Argenzuela so much in debt, so uncompetitive, so mismanaged, so corrupt, so broken-down and worn out in everything from roadways and railroads to navy ships and the inability of the national aircraft industry here to assemble so much as a single working airplane in the past ten years. And for this you seem to blame the oligarchy like some cheap 1930s labour organiser.
Let's hear you describe Ricardo Jaime and the millions spent by Kirchnerismo in buying junk railway stock and the other corruption associated with the rest of the CFK regime and how that sort of corruption has contributed to the mess we see here today. What Argentina needs is a bunch of Somalians to take over and really improve how this country is run.
#6 Marti
Jun 09th, 2016 - 06:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0If you were serious about analyzing the political and economical reality of Argentina, you would save the childish derogatory terms with which you attempt to make points.
Oh come on Marti!
Did Argentina kick your sorry ass across the cordillera and in disappointment you now spend your sleepless nights concocting insults to the great South American country?
La envidia nunca es buena--mata el alma y envenena.
Reekie, you have been hallucinating. There is no such thing as a great South American country. The mere expression is an oxymoron.
Jun 09th, 2016 - 09:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0If you had ever been to Argentina you'd know that there is no cordillera between here (Río Gallegos) and Punta Arenas.
Now tell us why Ricardo Jaime is in jail in your Great South American pigsty.
#5You again recycling your misleading collection of factoids?
Jun 10th, 2016 - 06:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Actually, as I said, I modified the wording of the factoids based on your earlier feedback so, logically, you should have no argument against them.
the picture emerging in Argentina after six months of Macri's presidency is not bright at all.
You need to determine how much of this is actually down to Macri and how much is due to more accurate reporting of the facts. The stats reported by CFK were a complete fiction so if now Macri is reporting the truth and it is worse than she led you to believe then that is entirely down to her. You cannot blame Macri for reporting that CFK got you into a bigger mess than she led you to believe.
The deterioration of the economy has been so sharp...
A sudden shift from lies to truth may look like a sharp decline, but the reality is that the decline was already there, but CFK hid it from you.
The fact is that that the list of factoids are all indicators that Macri has not only stopped digging the hole that CFK was continually digging but has started the slow reversal process. So, for example, your counter argument that Macri boosting spending for state universities by 500 million pesos is insufficient may well be correct but you are actually saying that CFK was spending 500 million pesos LESS than insufficient so it inarguably a Macri improvement.
You haven't been able to come up with something better in almost a month?
Well, you asked for it:
Macri stopped INDEC from lying about how bad you were doing.
OK, apart from boosting..., growing ..., helping ..., releasing ... and paying off ..., stopping INDEC from lying, what did Macri ever do for us?
Macri is now paying the pensioners...
How many of these improvements will it take before you start asking yourself why you ever believed CFK, let alone continue to support her?
#9 Zaphod
Jun 11th, 2016 - 03:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0How many of these improvements will it take before you start asking yourself why you ever believed CFK...?
Well, if you live under a rock or are purposely blind, don't tell me I did not warn you, because unless you are a financial wizard, a rich estanciero or a friend of Macri (I do not believe you are any of those) you will end up being impacted by the giant crisis that is incubating.
Wish you wheelbarrows of joy.
@10 Reekie, you seem to still be suffering from the illusion that things were going well under the CFK reign, to compare how badly things are going today. But since this is Argentina, we are only dealing with shades of badly done.
Jun 11th, 2016 - 03:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Remember that the Kirchnerista mob lied about everything, and you ate it up. As did a lot of people. You probably believed that there was no default, no inflation, and poverty levels lower than those of Denmark, and that Precios Cuidados allowed a family of four to eat just fine on the equivalent of US$10 a month. Just as Kirchnerismo wanted you to believe.
And now it seems that every day we are uncovering more of the lies and the corruption of CFK's década gansada.
Kirchnerismo even lied through its black teeth about the embarrassingly high rates of deaths on roadways. For anyone who doesn't wish to read the jibberjabber, suffice to say that the article suggests that roadway deaths indicated by Kirchnerismo were probably under-reported by about 30 percent. And you wonder why no-one in their right mind believes anything that Argentina says.
Of course, this is only one of a multitude of such mendacious and corrupt conditions. This week there are new releases that the road work contracts that Kirchnerismo awarded to Báez were padded by about 30 percent. And on and on and on. And you think that Macrismo is hosed? It really doesn't matter who is running things -- the country is forever hosed whilst being run by Argentines. And that is why you probably don't live there.
I wonder how much the argentine president pays to get a positive headline for his failing popularity. I don't think you can find any Latinamerican who likes him for any good reason. anyone sucked into his dilution will lose their fortune in a few years when the left come back again witch might be sooner then expected. I hope no one is making any important desitions based on this news alone. http://www.enorsai.com.ar/politica/18838-seis-meses-pro--tarifazos--200-mil-despidos-y-1-4-millones-mas-de-pobres.html
Jun 12th, 2016 - 12:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0@12 cazapiruetas -- ¿sólo 200.000 despidos?
Jun 12th, 2016 - 03:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0That means that a much smaller percentage of the ñoquis and camporistas have been shown the door, as opposed to the much larger number that need to be gotten rid of. When the 4.000.000 dead-wood non-workers are let go, please get back to us.
¿ tarifazos? Do you mean reducing somewhat the outrageous kirchnerista subsidies so that users of services are paying something closer to their actual costs?
Cazapiruetas: I don't think you can find any Latinamerican who likes him
Macri, actualmente:
44,1% de aprobación
42,5% de desaprobación
Chanchelet: Presidenta, Chile (Socialista)
24% de aprobación
72% de desaprobación
@12 ......sucked into his dilution...
I am not sure what that means, but it sounds very naughty.
as I said money talks BS walks, any investor who falls for the lies will lose all of their capital or will have to wait until the next elections or maybe 12 years to get their money back. stupid never learns don't be one. you heard it from pirate-hunter first. sucks can sound naughty to most homosexual and pedophiles but to normal people it is something bad nothing less nothing more. http://www.eldestapeweb.com/elecciones-rio-cuarto-durisima-derrota-cambiemos-un-lugar-donde-macri-habia-sacado-el-70-n18021
Jun 13th, 2016 - 09:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0It is refreshing to see that prat-hunter acknowledges the hopelessness of the Argie condition.
Jun 14th, 2016 - 01:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0I finally figured out that prat-hunter's dilution was a case of his trying to write delusion.
As an argie, he must surely be an expert in the art of delusion.
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