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Head of Brazil's nuclear energy development sentenced 43 years in jail for corruption

Tuesday, August 9th 2016 - 08:57 UTC
Full article 6 comments
Othon Luiz Pinheiro da Silva considered the father of Brazil’s nuclear program and a pillar of the military-industrial establishment, was convicted of corruption Othon Luiz Pinheiro da Silva considered the father of Brazil’s nuclear program and a pillar of the military-industrial establishment, was convicted of corruption
The 43-year sentence is considered relatively harsh, although Silva, like most white-collar criminals in Brazil, is only likely to spend as little as a sixth of his sentence The 43-year sentence is considered relatively harsh, although Silva, like most white-collar criminals in Brazil, is only likely to spend as little as a sixth of his sentence
Dirceu, the former chief-of-staff to ex-president Lula da Silva, received 23 years when sentenced again in May for helping orchestrate the criminal organization Dirceu, the former chief-of-staff to ex-president Lula da Silva, received 23 years when sentenced again in May for helping orchestrate the criminal organization
Eletronuclear’s Silva colluded with firms to set up an over-billing and kickback operation with the construction of Brazil’s third nuclear power reactor, Angra 3. Eletronuclear’s Silva colluded with firms to set up an over-billing and kickback operation with the construction of Brazil’s third nuclear power reactor, Angra 3.

The CEO of Brazil’s nuclear power company Eletronuclear, was sentenced to serve 43 years in prison by a Rio de Janeiro judge, Valor Economico newspaper reported. Othon Luiz Pinheiro da Silva considered the father of Brazil’s nuclear program and a pillar of the military-industrial establishment was convicted of corruption, money-laundering, organized crime and obstruction of justice, in the latest chapter of the country’s historic “Operation Carwash” investigation.

 The 43-year sentence is considered relatively harsh, although Silva, like most white-collar criminals in Brazil, is only likely to spend as little as a sixth of his sentence behind bars before being released.

José Dirceu, the former chief-of-staff to ex-president Lula da Silva, received 23 years when he was sentenced again in May for helping orchestrate the criminal organization in suspended President Dilma Rousseff’s administration under investigation in Operation Carwash.

Dirceu was a repeat offender, having been convicted and jailed for leading a corruption ring in the government during Lula’s second term under the Mensalão, or big monthly graft, scandal.

Eletronuclear’s Silva colluded with executives at large Brazilian engineering firms Andrade Gutiérrez and Engevix to set up an over-billing and kickback operation with the construction of Brazil’s third nuclear power reactor, Angra 3.

“The elements of the court findings permit the conclusion that the corruption scheme was structured before, during and after the tenders for Eletronuclear’s construction of Angra 3 and consisted in the payment of bribes to public servants and agents” by the engineering firms, the judge said in his ruling, according to Valor Economico.

In additional to heading Eletronuclear, a subsidiary of Brazil’s electric power holding company Eletrobras, Silva was a vice-admiral in the Brazilian Navy.

The sentence from Rio de Janeiro-based Federal Judge Marcelo da Costa Bretas marks one of the first high-profile rulings in Brazil’s anti-corruption push to be handed down outside of Curitiba in Paraná state, which has spearheaded the Carwash investigation.

Categories: Politics, Brazil.

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  • ChrisR

    The “elite” of Brazil just cannot help themselves helping themselves to cash they have no right to (see what I did there?).

    Soon as you see 'Lula' mentioned you know it's going to involve graft and corruption.

    That's exactly what you get when illiterate and innumerate people like Lula get involved with anything they can rob.

    Brazil Nutters!

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 06:35 pm 0
  • Jack Bauer

    The problem with Brazil's “elite”, is that it is made up mostly of corrupt politicians, unscrupulous businessmen and greedy bankers.....
    They totally lack any sense of morality and 90% of them aren't worth their weight in shit.

    Aug 10th, 2016 - 06:15 pm 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 2 Jack Bauer
    “They totally lack any sense of morality and 90% of them aren't worth their weight in shit.”

    Hang on a cotton picking minute! I thought all of Brazil were card carrying RCC headbangers?

    How can they all be crooks except the wankers of course (rhyming slang)? :o)

    PS Our erstwhile gordo1/01 aka as 'Nancy' is of course a retired banker and he's a downright liar but so proud of being an RCC prisoner of the Vatican. So yes, I see how it can happen.

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 11:44 am 0
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