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Pope Francis blesses massive dignity march in Buenos Aires against unemployment and recession

Tuesday, August 9th 2016 - 09:11 UTC
Full article 28 comments

Argentines with the support of the Catholic Church and a message from Pope Francis, on Sunday turned an annual religious celebration into a massive rally to protest growing unrest over unemployment, recession, inflation and a promised second half of the year rebound which remains absent. Read full article


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  • Mendoza Canadian

    Funny how the Pope didn't criticize la cretina when she was creating her mess. Still haven't heard him speak up about her two “bastard” grandchildren. Or do the laws of the church only apply to the poor?

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 11:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Lucan

    Doh! People start companies which provide jobs and create wealth not governments. Peronist thinking!

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 01:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    The 'Dope of an argy Pope' always finds a way to make the demonic RCC look even more of an anachronism than it already is.

    The Dope's resident idiot on here, gordo, nancy1 and his 'son of nancy' the 'puppy 01', will be wetting themselves at this message of Christian driven bollocks. They must be tickled pink to be associated with this arsehole.

    Kiddie fiddlers to the fore then!

    As if Macri hasn't got enough cunts to deal with, he gets an apologist of TMBOA sticking his 'crook' in: nothing 'shepherds' about that one.

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 02:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    “It is estimated that some 500,000 people attended San Cayetano this year, a figure that, if verified, would be the highest since 1991.”

    In another post, Captain Poppy disputed a previous estimation of 100,000 that I had posted as the attendance to this “massive dignity march.”

    ”BTW........try a few thousand for your so called 100,000 protest. The (sic) is the differenc ein BEING THERE and READING ABOUT THERE,” admonished our valiant Captain.

    What a disappointment. Apparently it is much more difficult to count people fighting for their rights than just sheep.

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 03:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Here is the head of the richest church in the world condoning the march, why does the Catholic church not give money to the poor? Hypocrites the lot of them. It is the poor that has been brainwashed to give to the Catholic Church as if giving is going to get them into Heaven, Heaven does not exist folks.If the Argentines got off their arses and worked for a living everything would be hunky dory.Without foreign investment Argentina is going nowhere. Who in their right minds would invest in Argentina with the population so allergic to work.

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 04:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (4) Sr. Massot

    Jupppp... Captain Poppy is as usual quite wrong about all things Argentinean...

    Down here in Chubut..., I can say that it is quite difficult to find anybody that likes Mr. Macri's policies....

    - The working people, goes without saying, dislikes them deeply.....

    - The touristic sector owners hates them..., tourism is down some 60% since Macri's assumption...

    - The oil sector dirigents detests them now... in the beginning they were happy they could sack people and try to lower their wages..., but now that most hydrocarbon activity has stopped..., they fear big time for their own existence...

    The landowners, farmers and ranchers abhorr them.... prices for everything they produce down here has gone down... whilst all other prices and services have gone up with some 40%...

    The ignorance of them Anglo turnips posting in here is really flabbergasting!
    Just look at the post of that Turnip, Mr. Mendoza Canadian at (1), where he writes...:
    ***“Funny how the Pope didn't criticize sweet Cristina when she was creating her mess”***

    I say...:
    In which kind of bubble does such a turnip live???
    Every thinking person in Argentina knows that the relationship between Bergoglio and the Kirchners was very bad and that the Cardinal used every given opportunity to critizise them...
    Hereby, just a little article about that (from the right wing press)...

    I really..., really..., really... wonder why this Anglos keep posting such outright..., easy to check..., lies ...

    Is it some kind of Trump virus out there I havn't heard of?

    El Think

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 04:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    #5 golfcronie

    “If the Argentines got off their arses and worked for a living...a population so allergic to work.”

    What an absolutely ignorant, prejudiced statement.

    Tell us, my friend. Have you--at all--read the story above beyond the headline?

    If you did, you would have found that Argentines, in record numbers, marched to “demand that the government of president Mauricio Macri takes action to create jobs and re-launches the economy.”

    Have you seen, somewhere in the above sentence, the word “jobs?”

    I didn't think so.

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 04:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Governments do not create “ jobs ” they create the criteria for foreign investment so that creates “ jobs ”. For many years the Kirchners have NOT created any “ jobs ” let alone foreign investment in fact quite the opposite. I remember them taking over Repsol not so many years past. Not many foreign companies would want to invest only to be taken over by the government. Tell us Oh great one how would you fix the Argentine economy, I would suggest that it will take many years of austerity to achieve any sort fiscal stability. I await your answer on how you will fix the economy instead of bitching about it.

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 05:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Geeeeeeeeeeeee..... Yet another Anglo Turnip at (8)...

    He starts trolling at (5) with a typical haughty Anglo generalization about foreigners...: “A population so allergic to work.”, he says...

    When contested, he changes his tune and pretends to discuss serious dogma economics....!

    What a Turnip!

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 07:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Lucan

    Seems to me tbere is one principal Turnip here, and I am 'Thinking' its number 9.

    Spouting twisted Peronist logic GOVERNMENTS DO NOT CREATE JOBS!

    Such 'Thinking' is exactly why Argentina is in tbe shitty state its in. Regular bouts of Peronism are the principal cause. A People who laze about, cheat and skive need to change their idle habits.

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 09:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    Who sunk the Peso? KFC did, old turkey kneck, rubber lips, tbe botoxed crone! Macri let it float and guess what, it plunged ramping up the cost of imports, blame her, your daarling Think. What have we now? Economic pain caused 100% by Cristina. Chief Turnip Think can't understand it, neither can the Pope. Until Argies understand economics Argentina will lurch from crisis to crisis. Saying Hail Marys won't help. Argieland needs to pull itself up by its bootstraps.

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 10:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marti Llazo

    @ 6 Voice: “The oil sector dirigents....”

    WTF is an oil sector dirigent?

    Let's look at how that US$5 billion in public monies is being spent on subsidies for petroleum production in Argenzuela. And how it affects the deficit spending that is bringing the next default into sharper focus.

    Aug 09th, 2016 - 11:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    #8 golfcronie
    El Think got you by the b...s all right!
    You indulge in writing ridiculous things such as Argentines do not like to work--and then change subject, attempting to show you hold some sort of brain on top of your shoulders.
    Still, we got Lord Lucan at #10 (a Lord among us?) who skates right into the wall babbling about the need for “A People who laze change their idle habits.”
    And at #11 we have The Voice who cries out loud that the current economic situation is not caused by the Macri government but by...guess what! By CFK's government, which was in place until Dec. 10, 2015.
    And then we have stern Marti naming bad-word subsidies and ominously predicting another default for Argentina... predictable...

    Aug 10th, 2016 - 01:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marti Llazo

    @13 “....another default for Argentina... predictable....”

    Yes, indeed predicable!! Based on both the boringly common Argentine history of defaulting on sovereign debt every few months, and the downward spiral of the present economic condition. I'm ...predicting..... a significant foreign-debt default within 4-6 years.

    Aug 10th, 2016 - 03:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    And we have a hypocrite at 13 , safely ensconsed in a Commonwealth country constantly defending basket case economics in the country he left and is frightened to return to. Is he brainwashed, or just like Think - soft in the head?

    Aug 10th, 2016 - 11:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kanye

    “And at #11 we have The Voice who cries out loud that the current economic situation is not caused by the Macri government but by...guess what! By CFK's government, which was in place until Dec. 10, 2015.”

    “Is he brainwashed, or just like Think - soft in the head?”

    The question should be: is Mr. Massot a propagandist or just stupid?

    He repeats over and over that Macri should have turned around Evita K's decade of damage to the economy within 6 months.

    When it's pointed out to him that only someone who is incredibly stupid would say that, he changed his tune to say he
    is “just the messenger” and the “people” are saying Macri needs to “change course”.
    By that, he means, return to
    Evita K handouts and La Campora Noquis jobs.

    He has no answer when it is pointed out that Evita's policies brought ruin and she cleaned out the Reserves she used to pay for programs. There is nothing left.

    He starts up anew on another thread, spewing the same things.

    He indignantly writes that the people are marching for their “rights”.

    What “rights” ?

    The right to have others support them?

    Nowhere in the Argentine Constitution or anywhere else, does it say it's their right to have others support them.

    Mr. Massot :
    Propagandist or Stupid??

    Aug 10th, 2016 - 02:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    #16 Kanye
    “The question should be: is Mr. Massot a propagandist or just stupid?”
    That's a good attempt Kanye. Good for you for at least trying to advance some arguments and a lower proportion of name-calling.
    Unfortunately, keep blaming the previous government for today's ills becomes less and less relevant with each passing day. The Macri government is shooting itself on the foot by stubbornly pursuing a battle against a majority of Argentine consumers.
    “He starts up anew on another thread, spewing the same things,” you wrote.
    That's not my fault, Kanye.
    The Macri government is piling up political errors every single day and what one thought it bad yesterday is belittled by today's events.
    Today, the legislative opposition (a very inefficient and divided opposition at that) will try to come together and issue a ruling quashing the energy price increases.
    Today, several leftist, non-Peronist unions are demonstrating in Plaza de Mayo against the increases in the cost of living, unemployment and the tarifazo.
    And again, let's be clear: It's not a matter of asking president Macri to solve the problems of Argentina in six months.
    He knew the situation the country was in before Dec. 10.
    He said he was going to improve things if elected--instead, he is making a bad situation worse.
    If he feels he's unable to solve the “pesada herencia,” then he should just say so and go back to be a CEO in daddy's companies.

    Aug 10th, 2016 - 03:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kanye

    “Good try”, Mr Massot,

    “”It's his fault“.

    No, Mr. Massot,
    It's your fault for saying something stupid.

    Mr. Macri said he would improve things, but he never said in 6 months everything would be better and Argentines would instantly reap a reward for voting for him.

    Only a moron would say that.
    Only a moron would believe that.
    Only a stupid person or a liar, would say that he said it.

    What he did say was that he would change economic policies immediately, to create a climate that would start to attract investment leading to economic growth.

    He has started that already, and now investors are once again looking at Argentina.

    He has fired the Noquis on the public payroll who didn't even come to work.
    That should save the actual working taxpayers some money.

    And you have stated he should ”change direction“.

    That ”direction” didn't work before - that's why Argentina is in a mess and has no more money.

    Yet, whenever these facts are brought up, you run away and repeat the same propaganda again on another thread.

    E. Massot:

    Propagandist or stupid?

    Or both?

    Aug 10th, 2016 - 03:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Voice

    Stupid propagandist sums it up. But, you can add hypocrite because he's in Canada not in the front line in RGland.
    If you torpedo a ship (like Argentina became under Cristina) it can possibly limp to harbour (where it is now), gather materials to mend it (which is what Macri is trying to do), whilst the crew are not earning because the ship is not earning and a large section of them are grumbling. There is going to be some pain whilst the ship gets repaired. Its going to take some time and everyone has to play their part and cut out the skiving. Its the 5th biggest land mass in the world with massive natural resources. Unfortunately its inhabited by idle scroungers bottle fed on handouts and free football by Peronists. Its got to change... Massot should get back there, stop whingeing and start grafting

    Aug 10th, 2016 - 04:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kanye

    The people voted out the Peronists because they didn't like their “course”.

    The choice was tough love with hope - Macri.
    More of the same, no hope - Evita K puppet Scioli.

    Who is protesting?

    The Noquis!!

    Aug 10th, 2016 - 04:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    #17 Kanye

    “Mr. Macri...never said in 6 months everything would be better.”

    Kanye: You should know that in the age of Internet you can't fool people stating any sort of nonsense. When you make fictitious statements, a few seconds suffice to expose you.

    In April and May, this is what Macri told La Nacion and Fortuna web:

    “Inflation will drastically go down in the second semester.”

    “in the second semester, clear results of the work accomplished by the Government to battle the inflation plague will begin to be seen.“

    In July, Macri's tune began to change:

    ”I said the second semester was going to be better than the first--I did not say Argentina was going to solve all its problems in the second semester.”

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 07:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gordo01

    @3 Andy Capp

    Just to remind you! You seem to ignore these warnings almost every time you post.

    ”Comments do not reflect MercoPress’ opinions. They are the personal view of our users. We wish to keep this as open and unregulated as possible. However, RUDE and FOUL, discriminative comments (based on ETHNICITY, RELIGION, GENDER, NATIONALITY, SEXUAL ORIENTATION or the sort), spamming or any other offensive or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated. Please report any inadequate posts to the editor. Comments must be in English. Thank you.

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 01:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    #22 Gordo01
    A good reminder, Gordo. Time for MP to enforce the above policy, as many potential commentators will be scared away by bullies that proliferate in this board.

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 04:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    @ 22 Nancy

    So it was you who complained to MP? LOL

    You poor, poor RCC prisoner of the Vatican you!

    @ 23 Enrique Massot
    “as many potential commentators will be scared away by bullies that proliferate in this board.”

    You mean you? I agree, you should stick to Canada!


    Aug 11th, 2016 - 06:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @22 Whilst the editorial staff do scan and remove some posts it is also possible to contact them to alert them to revolting and offensive posts.

    I notice behaviour has become worse since the abuse button stopped working but 'Contact us' details are at the bottom of the page. You need to link the offending post.

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 06:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    #24 ChrisR
    “I agree, you should stick to Canada!”
    Nice try, Chris!
    Unfortunately for you, I like to comment as much about Canada as I do about Argentina. Both are countries I care about.
    So I guess you will have to still suffer me...but while you are at it, please do not lose an opportunity to see a point of view that takes you out of your comfort zone. Who knows? You may discover something!

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 06:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @26 I would ignore the childish remarks. Adults can disagree with a point of view - and I do disagree with you on most points - but you are entitled to post.

    I actually think ChrisR is looking for a ban so he can get his life back. Is there anyone he hasn't offended?

    Aug 11th, 2016 - 06:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot

    #27 ElaineB
    Appreciate your advice. It's certainly refreshing to hear that in spite of disagreeing, you support the right to post while observing MP's policy.

    Aug 12th, 2016 - 03:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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