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Argentine Navy ship sets sail on Antarctica PANC mission to relieve Chile's Lautaro

Sunday, December 18th 2016 - 23:57 UTC
Full article 6 comments

The Argentine Navy's ARA Islas Malvinas set sail Friday enroute to Antarctica to take part in the joint operation with the Chilean Navy in the “Combined Naval Antarctic Patrol” -- better known for its Spanish acronym PANC (Patrulla Antártica Naval Combinada) -- to control maritime traffic and address environmental issues in the area. Read full article


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  • HughJuanCoeurs

    I love the headline that begins with “Argentine Navy Ship” because it implies that the Argentine Navy only has one ship... hang on... perhaps MercoPress is right.

    Dec 19th, 2016 - 07:54 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Idlehands

    I hope somebody on board is aware there's a continent down there. They might crash into it.

    Dec 19th, 2016 - 09:10 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Frank

    Oh , a 30 year old anchorclanker... A Polish built Russian cast off....

    Why not use their other ship.... oh... stuck up a creek somewhere... so sad

    Dec 19th, 2016 - 09:51 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Briton

    HMS Protector is their already,
    so don't sink will you,

    oh the embarrassment of have the Royal Navy coming to ARA Islas Malvinas

    Dec 19th, 2016 - 08:36 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Martin Woodhead

    Traditionaly the royal navy steals other peoples ships but ilse malvinas will b safe from that fate.
    They may follow it out of morbid curiosity though. Hows the icebreaker?

    Dec 21st, 2016 - 05:58 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Pete Bog

    “He also said that in Antarctic voyages, navigation can become very difficult as “last summer, when we were surprised by a storm with winds of more than 100 kilometers per hour”, or when “we find ice that exceeds the maneuverability of the boat.”

    Is this guy for real?

    So you claim a territory and yet know F A about the conditions which must be common knowledge by now?

    Remind anyone of another instant /ore instants where Argentina knows bugger all about the territory it claims?

    Idlehands ”I hope somebody on board is aware there's a continent down there. They might crash into it.”

    It does make you wonder with comments like that from (allegedly) a ships captain..

    Dec 22nd, 2016 - 12:39 pm - Link - Report abuse +2

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