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Trump nominates Wall Street lawyer to head Securities and Exchange Commission

Thursday, January 5th 2017 - 09:47 UTC
Full article 12 comments
 Clayton, in a statement, thanked Trump for the nomination and said he will work with financial stakeholders to restore confidence in American investments. Clayton, in a statement, thanked Trump for the nomination and said he will work with financial stakeholders to restore confidence in American investments.

President-elect Donald Trump said on Wednesday he plans to nominate Wall Street lawyer Jay Clayton to head the Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulates financial markets in the U.S. Clayton currently works as a partner with the law firm Sullivan & Cromwell where he specializes in public and private mergers and has worked on several high-profile initial public offerings.

 In a statement announcing his selection, Trump said Clayton is a “highly talented expert on many aspects of financial and regulatory law.” Keeping with his campaign promises to cut regulations that have “stifled investment,” Trump said Clayton will “ensure our financial institutions can thrive and create jobs while playing by the rules at the same time.”

Clayton, in a statement, thanked Trump for the nomination and said he will work with financial stakeholders to restore confidence in American investments.

“We will carefully monitor our financial sector, as we set policy that encourages American companies to do what they do best: create jobs,” Clayton said.

Clayton has previously represented the Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Barclays Capital Inc., further deepening the ties between Trump’s cabinet picks and the Wall Street firms Trump has promised to rein in.

Clayton’s law firm bio shows that he represented large financial institutions following the mortgage crisis in 2008 and helped secure settlements with the government on behalf of those institutions.

Categories: Economy, Politics, United States.

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  • Fidel_CasTroll

    How many companies has the CFK of NorthAmoland already threatened with import restrictions, taxes, or even freezing of funds?

    Where are all the ANGLOS in this forum who for 8 years excoriated CFK for her anti-business practices and for restricting flow of currency (let's remember Trump also wants to limit individuals transfers of money abroad, and also has threatened any company who thinks of relocating HQ overseas)... WHERE ARE YOU?

    All very very quiet. I guess it's ok when an Anglo-saxon is the cheap demagogic populist, but not ok when a Latin-Romanic is.

    Jan 06th, 2017 - 01:16 pm +2
  • Captain Poppy

    Elaine I am finding todays headlines the most interesting from the Trumpeters POV....


    Not the articles, but the comments. In one there were around 9,000 comments and you had to really scour to find a trumpeter. The one's that I did find, the typically gist of the response was:

    “well who cares who pays for the wall as long as those criminals are keep out. We can use the trillions we save from reversing Obamacare”

    I really don't think that they really read much. The first week of the new year and the first actions are creating almost a 10 trillion debt increase. Those drinking that kool-aid must realize that it must taste like piss water. That other Trumpeters, the quiet regretful ones are certainly rubbing their sore asses. I say this without pleasure as I live here.

    Jan 06th, 2017 - 06:28 pm +2
  • Captain Poppy

    Don't forget Sears and K-mart as well. January 2009 the GOP added them the Obama's responsibility, let's be consistent.

    Interesting hofuw in 2011/12 Trump wanted Assange shot, now he's a super hero better qualified than all the USA intelligence agencies combined......interesting .

    The GOP's first budget actions will add 9.7 trillion to the debt, and they are ok with it. That if only first week action!!

    And, if that is not enough, Trump is asking congress for money to build a wall......what happened with Mexico paying it? Are the AMERICAN trumpets feeling betrayed yet? Just wait Trumpsters, it will get more transparent how you got screwed.

    A couple of county jails here in Massachusetts offered their inmates to help build it.

    Jan 06th, 2017 - 11:38 am +1
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