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Brazil's ex first lady dies; Lula da Silva allows donations of her organs

Friday, February 3rd 2017 - 09:36 UTC
Full article 14 comments

The wife of Brazil's embattled former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva died on Thursday, a week after she was hospitalized with a brain hemorrhage, doctors in Sao Paulo said.“An absence of blood flow in the brain was identified,” doctors at the Sirio-Libanes hospital said, declaring Marisa Leticia Lula da Silva brain-dead. Read full article


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  • Jack Bauer

    “An absence of blood flow in the brain was identified,” doctors at the Sirio-Libanes hospital said......”

    Well, so not all that different to when she was 'alive'...
    One down, one to go...

    Feb 03rd, 2017 - 03:57 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • axel arg

    Que o noso abraco voce chegar la onde voce esta compañero Lula. I must say that i felt too sad when i heard it on the news, its well known that men arent as strong as women, thats why i hope god gives our partner Lula all the strengh he needs to move on with his life, after this terrible lose, there are millions in latinamerica who love and need him, and im sure that whereever Marisa Leticia is, she will help him to avoid he fells down. Lula and Cristina deven voltar..

    Feb 03rd, 2017 - 04:32 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Jack Bauer

    @axel arg
    “compañero Lula”, que seja o próximo.....e logo.

    You must think Lula is losing sleep over his wife's death, but the truth be known he loves no one but himself....the only reason he brought her back into his life, was because he was elected President end 2002 and had to present some one as his wife...after abandoning her and having 2 or 3 well-publicized affairs in between. Just to show how broken up he was over her death, when Temer went to pay his condolences, the 9-fingered mollusc had the nerve to try to counsel Temer, telling him that he should not overhaul the social security system during a recession - caused by him - and that if Temer needed help, all he had to do was call....and Lula would come-a-running.....what a bloody nerve. But don't worry, “Lula não deve voltar”....he is being prosecuted in 5 separate cases in Federal court, and if condemned, the only place he'll be going, is prison. Sorry for popping your balloon.

    Feb 03rd, 2017 - 07:26 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • axel arg

    Sorry Jack Bauer but someone so misserable like you could never pop nobody”s balloon, . For being honest, i don't give a shig about Lula's private life, i only care about his policies, if he was a bad father o a bad husband, only his family has right to judge him, not a poor mediocre hater like you, anyway, i said i was too sad, in fact i am, because i really think he must be very sad after the death of his wife, my posture is for a humanitarian reason, which is something that someone so misserable like you can't understand. Respecting thr denounces of corruption cases, you already know what i think about it, you also know what is what i really defend, i only hope that for the future of workers, Lula or somebody who applies simillar policies to Lula's can be the next legitimate president from Brasil, not like your Temer. Although you don't accept it, Lula was the president. Who did more than any other for workers.

    Feb 04th, 2017 - 01:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    @axel arg
    Well, if “you could never pop nobody”s balloon”, that means - in English - that I could. Besides not having the faintest clue as to who Lula really is, if you don't “give a shig about Lula's private life”, that just proves it.....Lula's political life is a mirror of his private life : his hatred for the 'elite', of which he has become one - through corruption, his aversion to reading, far less studying, which partially accounts for his inferiority complex....all his personal traits are displayed in both his private and public life, so you cannot try to separate them, as if one was good and the other doesn't matter....
    I'm perfectly capable of discerning between true grief and just pretending, so much so, that Lula and the PT have already started using her death as a political much for the personal grief...
    If you are truly concerned with the worker's plight, then just take a look at what happened from the middle of Lula's 2nd term to Dilma's ousting : highest emplyment ever registered in Brazil, huge increase in criminality, impoverishment of the people, generally speaking, and who was in power - absolute power please note, as the PT had an ample majority in Congress - during this descent to the gutter ? Lula, Dilma, the much for their concern about the worker's welfare. Just fyi, although the PT is plugging Lula's name for 2018, it's just a tactic to confuse public perception, because as per ruling by the STF, defendants cannot run for president, and far less after being condemned....the former already disqualifies Lula, the latter is just months away...
    Anything Lula may have done for the workers, was washed down the sewer during the last 3 years of Dilma's 'reign'....

    Feb 04th, 2017 - 01:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    The “Widening Circle”:

    Petrobras scandal reaches Chile:

    Peru raids former president’s home:

    BILLIONS are at stake - freely shared in “partnerships” - amongst the CORRUPT Politicians and the CROOKED Entrepreneurs.

    As the general population is victimized & is made powerless by the SAME “partners”; the countries involved are DOOMED to remain as the “ETERNAL Third-World Countries”!

    Feb 05th, 2017 - 12:18 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Jack Bauer

    Further to my above comments, to which our socialist resident (Axel) has nothing to offer, and for his benefit, would like to add that, just to get an idea of what type of miserable sod Lula is, he turned his wife's wake into a political rallye...that's right, he took advantage of the fact the saloon was filled with his 'red shirt' followers, and had to start growling about politics....he might as well have danced on the coffin. He has no respect for anyone, not even his dead wife....
    As if that is not enough to realize what a 'nice' guy he is, until about 3 years ago, Lula had a lover , by the name of Rosemeire Noronha, who worked as secretary in Dilma's presidential office in São Paulo. She used to accompanied Lula on all his international trips - which were plentiful - to ostensibly help him out....and all this right under his beloved, deceased wife's nose. Anyway, when the affair became public, Dilma had to fire her, but Lula arranged for her to be paid a monthly pension of R$ 50 thousand (about US$ 15,000.00), and of course, the money came from OAS, the same construction company that was going to reward Lula with the triplex flat in Guarujá, and actually modernized - at great expense - his country home in Atibaia....
    Another interesting fact, Lula's wife's aneurism was detected 10 years ago...instead of operating it back then, with a 95% probability of success, she was told it was nothing to worry she carried this time-bomb around, in her head, for 10 years, and now, it has been blamed on the “Lavajato” investigation...which only indicted the 'presidential couple' less than one year ago...
    Lula is the most disgusting piece of crap that ever walked on two legs. Would like to see him join M.Leticia asap.

    Feb 05th, 2017 - 10:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    Jack Bauer: The day you stop being so misserable, and learn to respect all those who don't think like you, we will be able to have a better conversation, with a higher level. In the same way that you have right to be a detractor of Lula and pt, i have right to feel affection for Lula for all he did for workers, and i'll always say it, although haters like you don't like it. Lula was Marisa Leticia's husband, he wasn't the husband of all the rest of the brasilian women, so if he was a very bad husband, only she had right to judge him, not you. Don't be so ridiculous. On the other hand, you know that i was very critic of Dilma's second government, because she finally applied the cuts that she criticised from conservatives, but it doesn't mean that she had to be destituted, for implementing the same mechanism used by ALL formers presidents, to finance the brasilian budget, although many cretins don't accept it, they made a parliamentary coup, and damaged democracy seriously, beside, they haven't found yet not even one proof of corruption against her.

    Feb 06th, 2017 - 02:06 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • :o))

    Hi, Jack! Wrt the theatrics at the funeral - now that he is “free”; he should try his skills at Hollywood!

    Feb 06th, 2017 - 06:47 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Jack Bauer

    @axel arg
    What amazes me, about you Axel, is that you're incapable of seeing Lula for what he is.
    But before I go on, where exactly have I “disrespected” you ? and, why is exposing the truth(about Lula) NOT “high-level”?...I can't help it if the truth hurts your feelings.
    What I posted about him is 100% true, and the information can be found anywhere on the internet, given that you probably don't read Brazilian newspapers or follow Brazilian TV.
    The only thing Lula did for the workers, besides increasing already existent benefits ('bolsa-família' being one of them), was to create a false impression of wealth, which crumbled as soon as the government's money, under Dilma, ran, his true legacy was to lift the workers up, for a limited time, then to make them fall back into their previous reality. Or is unemployment of 12,000.000 workers something to be proud of ?
    If you don't believe me regarding Lula's lovers and his flagrant disrespect for his legal wife, look up : his 1st wife, Maria de Lourdes (1969-71) ; his 2nd woman, Miriam Cordeiro (the one he abandoned, along with his daughter Lurian, whom he refused to accept), his 3rd wife Marisa (now deceased), whom he married in 1973 (and whom he also abandoned); a short affair with Bete mendes, TV actress and part-time PT congresswoman), Rosemary Noronha (affair started mid-90's and ended during Dilma's presidency, when the cat got out of the bag), and his bringing Marisa Leticia back into his life when he was elected end 2002....and his last known affair, after the romance with Rosemary had to be terminated - and while M.Leticia was still alive - is a CUT union leader, named Juvandia. So, easy to see what kind of crap he's made of....
    As to Dilma's cuts, they were cosmetic, made absolutely no difference....she was kicked out because of “creative” accounting with the Federal budget (illegal), and lying openly about Brazil's economic situation. The truth hurts, doesn't it, Axel ?

    Feb 06th, 2017 - 04:12 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • axel arg

    Jack Bauer: Don't try to deceive me, you and i know perfectly that Dilma's destitution was a farce, in fact, ALL previous administrations made pedaladas fiscaes, however nobody was destituted for it. Respecting Lula's private life, you already know what i think about the issues that involve Lula's behaviour as a husband, that's why i won't add anything else. On the other hand, don't be so hypocrite, you don't respect the people who don't think like you, in fact, you underestimated me in different opportunities just because i'm pro pt. Regarding the changes that Lula did, when i think about the millions of people who could have all their teeth, thanks to the dental programme of the government, or when i think about the millions of brasilians who could have their own houses, and could send their sons and daughters to the university thanks to the policies of pt, i have the conclution that despite all the critics that anybody can make to the three administrations of pt, the truth is that nobody made as much as Lula and Dilma made for workers. Maybe for you those changes are irrelevant, because perhaps you have always have all your teeth, and you have studied without needing the help of the government. Finally, i” tell you that i am not socialist, i have a centre left ideology like Lula and Cristina, beside, in such a conservative society like ours, it's impossible to apply that sort of model. I don't believe in the falacy of free market.

    Feb 06th, 2017 - 11:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    Where the Criminals Are the Ones Running the Show: Brazil Prisons and Brazilian Politics:
    REF #1:
    REF #2:
    REF: #3:

    Feb 07th, 2017 - 10:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    @axel arg
    I don't have to try to deceive are doing a good job all on your own.
    About the “pedaladas fiscais”, sure previous governments (including Lula's) resorted to them, but they got their finances back on track within the fiscal year - as values involved were infinitely smaller - and they got Congress' approval before doing it....AND, they didn't have to hide it, as Dilma did, because they were done with Congress' knowledge. Although Dilma did - in a very remote way - something similar, then please explain her motivation for trying to hide her “pedaladas” and then deny having “peddled” when discovered, and finally trying to downplay them as something insignificant ? Because it was to hide the mess she had gotten the economy into into, and she had to maintain appearances if she was to have any chance of winning the Oct 2014, talking of deceit, it was practiced big time by the woman you defend....

    “you don't respect the people who don't think like you, in fact, you underestimated me in different opportunities just because i'm pro pt.”

    Yr claim I don't respect people “just because they are PT”, and your definition of “underestimation” as meaning 'disrespect' is pathetic...While I usually keep my distance from 'petistas', for obvious reasons - nothing in common, for one - I can respect an honest 'petista', although they are hard to come by - but anyone who 'knows' Lula, is incapable of 'respecting' him...forget the fact he is a 'petista', just remember he is a lying, thieving SOB, whose goal was to use Brazil for his own nefarious purposes. You forget that I've accompanied Lula's political activity for over 40 years, and there is little to praise him about.
    Believing the PT propaganda - dental programmes, 'millions' of popular houses etc - is mainly just that - deceitful propaganda.
    Ideology (centre-left) means little to Lula - he believes in unlimited power and tyranny, provided he's at the top. Screw him !

    Feb 07th, 2017 - 05:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • :o))

    THE Prophecy: Brazil is about to [sooner or later] legalize corruption - Believe it or NOT:

    Feb 11th, 2017 - 01:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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