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Falklands' lawmakers reject Argentine “sovereignty document” scam

Friday, March 17th 2017 - 07:52 UTC
Full article 40 comments

An Argentine antique dealer who offered to sell a copy of an old document that he claimed would destroy the Argentine historical case for sovereignty over the Falklands, has been turned down. According to this week's Penguin News edition, the Secretary of the group Asociación Civil de Amigos Malvinas/Falklands (ACAMF) Gabriel Di Bernardo made contact with the Islands in October last year. Read full article


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  • gordo1

    It is quite clear that Ricardo Gómez Kenny's group is given short shrift by the islanders. I had a brief connection with Gòmez Kenny several years ago - he is a relative of the Argentine wife of a former colleague of mine - when he sent me a long list of requests for potential contacts here in the UK. I got the impression that he is seeking merits for himself without truly being as “neutral” as he alleges!

    Best kept at a long distance!

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 08:30 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Roger Lorton

    2.5 million Euros for what, exactly? Gabriel Di Bernardo was a little cagey with the details from what I hear. Argentine, rather than Spanish. 1870/80's?

    Well, from 1884, Argentina wished to invigorate its dead claim, so there would hardly be a document debunking their own claim after that. 1870“s? Quiet time in many ways, Argentina being busy ensuring that - ”Not a single Indian crosses the Pampas where many tribes used to live.” (Roca, May 6, 1884).

    Doesn't leave a lot. Unless it came out of the 1879-1882 Chamber of Deputies consideration of the Vernet family claims for compensation. Now that would be interesting. Some is already known from that verdict but it's unlikely to be worth 2.5 million. Politicians wriggling out of paying up .... too easily dismissed by Argentina's viveza criolla politicians of today.

    Mitre's 1884 report to Roca then. Rarely mentioned, last time was 1948. Rather long. Dismissive of the suggestion of a 1771 promise. Been locked away a long time.

    Still can't see anything being worth that much money. Not when Argentina's claims have long been debunked anyway. All comes down to a non-existent inheritance.

    The matter is settled already. Has been for 28 years.


    Mar 17th, 2017 - 09:18 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Brit Bob

    Ah that old mythical Malvinas chestnut. What does Argentina have to take to the international courts?

    Meanwhile another string to the UK's bow is 'Conquest'.

    On the subject of conquest as providing title to the Falklands, Shaw writes, ‘it would appear that conquest formed the original title, irrespective of the British employment of other principles. This, coupled with the widespread recognition by the international community, including the United Nations, of the status of the territory as a British Colony would appear to resolve the legal issues, although the matter is not uncontroversial’ (International Law, Sixth Edition, Shaw M.S. 2008, p533).

    Falklands - Military Occupation Leading to Conquest & Subjugation:

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 10:33 am - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Voice

    I've got a bridge for sale in London if you are interested...?

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 01:56 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • darragh


    Does it go both ways over the river (presumably) because I'm looking for one that goes south-north but I don't want one that goes north-south as well

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 03:58 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Think


    Good thing you publish that Chantapufi's “offer”...

    Do you happen to have any of it on tape... or video...?

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 04:26 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Voice

    Mr. Think

    A copy of the document has been released on the Internet...
    A letter written by the Argentine President...

    It's pretty Damning stuff...

    ” It is not clear to me that Spain had ever possessed the sovereignty of all these islands. The convention certainly goes no farther than to restore to us Port Soledad, which was abandoned nearly nineteen years ago. If the Spanish right to the Malvinas Islands had been undisputed at that time and indisputable, I confess that I should doubt the expediency of now taking possession of them.
    But in this case in which our right to possess more than Port [Soledad] is disputed, and at least doubtful, it is very desireable [sic] to avoid such acts. I am at the same time very sensible of the inconvenience which may be felt by this Government and of the injury which will be done to us if either the French or Americans should settle upon these islands, the former in virtue of any claim from former occupancy, the latter or both from any claim derived by purchase or cession from the government of Great Britain.

    That which I would recommend is that the Government of Great Britain should be very quietly but very distinctly informed that this Government has claims upon the Malvinas Islands and that we will not allow of any settlement upon, or any cession to, individuals or foreign nations of these islands by Great Britian, which shall be inconsistent with this Governments acknowledged right of sovereignty. I think that this is all that can be done at present. It will have the effect of impeding any settlement or cession by Great Britain and as we may suppose that the French and Americans will hear of this communication they will not be disposed to act in contravention to it unless determined upon a quarrel with this country.”


    Mar 17th, 2017 - 06:19 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Think

    Mr. Voice...
    Sounds familiar..., very familiar... ;-))))

    But..., what I was asking about was if any of the negotiations for the sale of said document by this unscrupulous Argentinean to any Kelper was immoralised in sound or video...

    Would be quite useful for us in conti ental Argentina...

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 06:49 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Doveoverdover

    Ah, still keeping the colonists and their supporters everywhere under surveillance I see. Greetings from all at Dover RBL by the way!

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 07:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Nice having you on board again..., Cmdr. McDod...!
    Pet in the head to Nelson and Nigger from Patagonia from El Think...;-)

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 07:38 pm - Link - Report abuse -4
  • Voice

    Mr. Think

    Maybe an unofficial official request from your Fraud Squad to the FIG for information...
    Seems a pretty treacherous thing to do...

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 07:44 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Think

    Mr Voice...

    After this damning article..., I Think he will not be very welcomed at the Saint Patriks Catholic Irish Association of Rosario, Argentina...
    It would be nice..., however..., with some more tangible evidence about the guy...

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 07:55 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Doveoverdover

    Time has taken its toll and we now have only Nelson to keep us company but he's duly patted. Actually popped in looking to see if Mercopress had picked up on the daring daylight raid by Sr Eduardo Sergio Elsztain on the Falkland Islands Company via FIH Group and the London Stock Market. Nothing seen. Something to look forward to in the morning then.

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 08:14 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Briton

    Brainwashed and conned,
    nothing new then..

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 08:26 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think

    Cmdr. McDod...

    Sorry to hear about Gibson...:-(
    Me auld German Boxer champ is also gone...
    Them two are surely trying to steal each others bones somewhere out there ;-)

    “Dolphins”..., like money..., swim free Cmdr. McDod...
    I don't Think MercoPress will write anything...
    We'll have to wait and see...
    Kind regards...
    El Think...

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 08:34 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • St.John

    Why is no-one surprised to see the kind of crap Voice presents and Shrinkbrain welcomes?

    It's an distorted version of an out-of-context remark made of he Duke of Wellington in response to the Colonial Secretary, Sir George Murray's letter of 23 July 1829. 8 August 1829, Lord Aberdeen sent instructions to Parish to inform the Government in Buenos Aires that the British claim should not be treated with indifference.

    From the real world:

    1. President Bartolomé Mitre's message at the opening of the Argentine Congress on 1 May 1865: “there was nothing to prevent the consolidation of friendly relations between this country and those governments [France and Britain].” “... no ha habido sino motivos para consolidar las relaciones amistosas que existen entre éste y aquellos gobiernos.”

    2. Vice-president Marcos Paz's opening speach to the Argentine Congress on 1 May 1866: “... damages suffered by English subjects in 1845. This question, which is the only one between us and the British nation, has not yet been settled.”. “Este mismo gobierno [= el gobierno británico] aceptó por árbitro al Presidente de la República de Chile, sobre perjuicios sufridos por súbditos ingleses en 1845. Aun no se ha resuelto esta cuestión que es la única que con aquella nación subsiste.”

    3. President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento's Message to the Argentine Congress on 1 May 1869: “The state of our foreign relations fulfils the aspirations of the country. Nothing is claimed from us by other nations; we have nothing to ask of them except that they will persevere in manifesting their sympathies ...” “Nada nos reclaman las otras Naciónes: nada tenemos que pedir de ellas, sino es la continuación de las manifestaciones de simpatía ...”

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 09:57 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Roger Lorton

    Voice still thinks that Wellington's letter is damning. How strange. It merely refers to the 1771 accord and the status quo with Spain in the east and Britain in the west. Spain & Britain. Argentina was told to go do one.

    Still, Voice does like to hang on to his illusions.


    Mar 17th, 2017 - 11:05 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Think

    What Wellington letter...?
    Mr. Voice only mentioned a damning letter by Argie president Mr. Bota de Goma...
    Chuckle chuckle...

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 11:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Voice


    What do you mean...?
    Are you trying to say that I've been the victim of a hoax...and that is not the leaked document in question...?
    Are you sure..? I'm normally quite good with history, I can't believe I would fall for such a deception...

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 11:24 pm - Link - Report abuse -5
  • Roger Lorton

    What you are not normally good with is 'history' Voice.

    Forgot to deal with a question from Think with regards to evidence. I understand that there is correspondence and that Clarin has seen those exchanges. As it happens the seller is a member of the Falklands Facebook news page. When I challenged & referred to the price, he said he could add another nought. His grasp of reality appears slight.

    It is of little consequence. Argentina is already a busted flush on the issue of the Falklands. Particularly as we approach the anniversary of the UN's abandonment of any interest. 29 years with no UN GA resolution. Will this be the last year? Time will tell.

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 11:31 pm - Link - Report abuse +6
  • Think

    Mr. Lorton...
    Any comment on the Sionist-Argentinean plot to buy the FIH...?

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 11:47 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Roger Lorton


    Not much reaction from the Islanders as yet - but then, this isn't the time such a purchase has been proposed. The official reaction, I assume that you've seen?

    Penguin News comment = “The Government of the Falkland Islands has noted with interest, Dolphin Fund’s communication with Falkland Islands Holdings FIH shareholders on March 14.
    While this is a matter for the shareholders to decide, the Government continues to closely monitor the status of Dolphin Fund’s potential bid.
    Any proposed change of ownership affecting assets held in the Falkland Islands will be scrutinized for compliance with Falkland Islands Law.”

    Seems there may be rival bids.

    Mar 17th, 2017 - 11:56 pm - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Troy Tempest

    For DT and any casual readers who may not be aware,

    “Dove Over Dover” is a false persona and imaginary figment of “Think's”, exposed several years ago when he publicly confused his logins of “Think”, “Dover”, and “Surfer”, during one of his Malbec-infused bouts of arrogance.

    Shortly thereafter was the illegitimate birth of “A_Voice”, now under the guise of “Voice”.

    Carry on...

    Mar 18th, 2017 - 12:10 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • downunder

    “MLA Short continued: “There is plenty of evidence already available that destroys the credibility of the Argentine claim,” and yet they still persisted.”

    That clearly sums it up, Jesus Christ himself could tell the Argentines that their claim is fake, but they would still persist.

    Mar 18th, 2017 - 01:15 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Terence Hill

    Voice, V0ice, Vestige, Think et al, sock-puppeteer extraordinaire
    “But very distinctly informed that this Government has claims upon the Malvinas Islands and that we will not allow of any settlement upon, or any cession to, individuals or foreign nations of these islands by Great Britain, which shall be inconsistent with this Governments acknowledged right of sovereignty.”
    So they were told in all three times. Argentine clear acquiescence by ’silence’ competes the UK’s legal entitlement over all others, end of story.

    Mar 18th, 2017 - 01:34 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Doveoverdover

    Troy Tempest

    I recall the alleged outing of my being an online manifestation of Thinks fertile imagination was when, making a sly reference to a scene in Blackadder where the meaning of Tip Top Secret was discussed, I referred to sharing a Tip Top Secret with a “man I met in the Dover Royal British Legion called Bernard”. OK, there is no RBL branch in Dover and even if there was, am I as a well known retired Naval Officer with pecuniary meanness in my genes (ie Scotish) likely to have crossed its threshold if there was? As they wouldn't serve pink gins and I may have to stand a round or two each year I Think not and therefore I am not Think, as Descartes and the Sage of Chubut (not Chabad) might both say.

    Mar 18th, 2017 - 11:22 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think


    Mar 18th, 2017 - 11:41 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Tarquin Fin

    I've got a bunch of tramways and mail boxes for sale. Great investment for 2.5 M euros.

    Mar 18th, 2017 - 03:59 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Troy Tempest


    “DoveoverDover” is certainly a distinct “personality”, but the same operator.

    Mar 18th, 2017 - 07:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Voice

    Unlike Kanye the Canuck that has the identical personality as yourself...

    If Doveoverdover is Mr. Think it's fooling me, the English is certainly “home grown” closer to my own than Mr. Think's...
    Something a Canadian wouldn't pick up on...

    If fact, I'm convinced he's probably me...;-)

    Mar 18th, 2017 - 08:08 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Briton

    Does anyone know the names of these buyers,

    I know someone who wants to sell London and tower

    Mar 18th, 2017 - 08:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Mr. Voice...
    Mr.Doveoverdover posh Engrish intro...: ” I recall the alleged outing of my being an online manifestation of Thinks fertile imagination was when, making a sly reference to a scene in Blackadder where the meaning of Tip Top Secret was discussed, I referred to sharing a Tip Top Secret with a “man I met in the Dover Royal British Legion called Bernard” ... makes it evident that he ain't me...
    Besides... He ain't using no ellipses...

    Mar 18th, 2017 - 09:22 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • downunder

    I can help the discerning purchaser out with a very good deal on Koala Bears. I can provide a mother bear a papa bear and 3 baby bears for just half a million euros, cash on delivery.

    The purchaser must come to Australia to collect the bears and bring a ladder and a few bags.

    Mar 19th, 2017 - 12:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    great .idea

    Mar 19th, 2017 - 12:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Doveoverdover

    :-()h but I could if I wanted to....

    Mar 19th, 2017 - 08:43 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think

    Cmdr. McDod...
    You used one too many...
    Mr. Voice and I use only three...

    -It is an evident (and natural) fact that your written Engrish is immeasurably better than mine...
    I imagine your spoken Engrish to resemble this most British of Reporters...;-)

    Mar 19th, 2017 - 09:31 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • The Voice

    This thread is a sock puppet fest. Might ask some of mine to join in. :-)))

    Mar 19th, 2017 - 11:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    By the way...

    Article says...:
    “Mr. Di Bernardo asked for the cash in 500 Euro notes to be delivered to a location in Rosario.”

    I say...:
    Mr. Di Bernardo is not only a Chantapufi...
    He is also a complete financial Turnip...
    The 500 €uro notes are being phased out in 2018...
    They are, already today, a difficult note to use or exchange...

    Mar 19th, 2017 - 12:16 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Hepatia

    England will return the Malvinas within 25 years.

    Mar 20th, 2017 - 12:27 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • HughJuanCoeurs

    Poor old Hepatia. Again with the old “England will return the Malvinas within 25 years” BS.
    #1 Yes, we have no Malvinas...
    #2 England doesn't have the wherewithal to return the FALKLANDS (please learn the difference between “England” and “The United Kingdom of Great Britain”
    #3 The United Kingdom of Great Britain won't be returning the Falklands to Argentina without the express wishes and permission of the Falkland Islanders
    #4 It ain't going to happen

    Mar 20th, 2017 - 03:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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