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Catalonia expected to declare independence in matter of days; King says situation is extremely serious and calls for unity

Wednesday, October 4th 2017 - 07:02 UTC
Full article 5 comments
In a BBC interview, Catalonia's President Carles Puigdemont said his government would “act at the end of this week or the beginning of next”. In a BBC interview, Catalonia's President Carles Puigdemont said his government would “act at the end of this week or the beginning of next”.
Spain's King Felipe VI said organizers of the vote put themselves “outside the law”. He said the situation in Spain was “extremely serious”, calling for unity. Spain's King Felipe VI said organizers of the vote put themselves “outside the law”. He said the situation in Spain was “extremely serious”, calling for unity.
Hundreds of thousands of people across Catalonia have been protesting over Spanish police violence during the vote, during which nearly 900 people were hurt Hundreds of thousands of people across Catalonia have been protesting over Spanish police violence during the vote, during which nearly 900 people were hurt
Rajoy held talks with Pedro Sánchez, leader of Spain's main opposition Socialist party, as well as Albert Rivera, the head of the centrist Ciudadanos party Rajoy held talks with Pedro Sánchez, leader of Spain's main opposition Socialist party, as well as Albert Rivera, the head of the centrist Ciudadanos party

Catalonia will declare independence from Spain in a matter of days, the leader of the autonomous region has told the BBC. In his first interview since Sunday's referendum, Carles Puigdemont said his government would “act at the end of this week or the beginning of next”.

 Meanwhile, Spain's King Felipe VI said organizers of the vote put themselves “outside the law”. He said the situation in Spain was “extremely serious”, calling for unity.

Hundreds of thousands of people across Catalonia have been protesting over Spanish police violence during the vote, during which nearly 900 people were hurt. During the vote, 33 police officers were also injured, local medical officials said.

In the BBC interview, Catalonia's President Carles Puigdemont said his government would “act at the end of this week or the beginning of next”.

When asked what he would do if the Spanish government were to intervene and take control of Catalonia's government, Puigdemont said it would be “an error which changes everything”. He added that currently there was no contact between the government in Madrid and his devolved administration.

Speaking shortly before the King's speech Puigdemont disagreed with the European Commission's statement on Monday that events in Catalonia were an internal issue for Spain.

In his televised address to the nation, King Felipe VI said the Catalan leaders who organized the referendum showed their “disrespect to the powers of the state”.

“They have broken the democratic principles of the rule of law. ”Today, the Catalan society is fractured,“ the king said, warning that the poll could put at risk the economy of the wealthy north-eastern region and the whole of Spain.

But he stressed that Spain ”will overcome difficult times“.

Meanwhile huge protest rallies have been taking place across Catalonia. In Barcelona alone, 700,000 people took to the streets, city police were quoted, but this has not been confirmed by the authorities in Madrid.

More than 50 roadblocks in the city caused big traffic jams. Barcelona's metro traffic was cut to a 25% service during rush hour and no trains at all at other times. Barcelona's port was at a standstill, trade union sources said.

Top tourist attractions were also closed, including the city's famous Sagrada Familia church. Mercabarna - Barcelona's massive wholesale market - was left deserted as some 770 food businesses closed for the day. However, the city's El Prat airport and its taxis are operating normally.

Many small businesses have shut for the day. Schools, universities and medical services were also closed or operating at a minimum level.

The strike was called in protest at ”the grave violation of rights and freedoms“ seen during the ballot. Some police officers were seen firing rubber bullets, storming into polling stations and pulling women by their hair.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said on national television that the vote made a ”mockery“ of democracy.

Earlier on Tuesday, Spanish Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido said: ”We see how day after day the government of Catalonia is pushing the population to the abyss and inciting rebellion in the streets.“

He also warned that the central government would take ”all measures necessary to stop acts of harassment“.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaría condemned the ”mafia” behavior of those protesters who had earlier gathered around hotels housing Spanish police officers and demanded that they leave.

On Sunday, more than 2.2 million people reportedly voted in the referendum. The Catalan government says the vote in support of independence was nearly 90%, but official results have not yet been released. Turnout was relatively low at a reported 42%, potentially weakening the position of Mr Puigdemont.

Meanwhile, political leaders are trying to find a way forward. Puigdemont earlier said he wanted a new understanding with the government in Madrid, but the Spanish government has warned it could suspend autonomy of the region.

Rajoy held talks with Pedro Sanchez, leader of Spain's main opposition Socialist party, as well as Albert Rivera, the head of the centrist Ciudadanos party, late on Monday.

While the Socialist leader urged Rajoy to hold talks with the Catalan president immediately, Rivera said Spain should invoke article 155 of the constitution, in effect suspending Catalonia's autonomous power.

Categories: Politics, International.

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  • Pete Bog

    “The Catalan leaders who organized the referendum showed their “disrespect to the powers of the state”.

    When the state sends in Fascist thugs, it deserves disrespect.

    ”warning that the poll could put at risk the economy of the wealthy north-eastern region and the whole of Spain“

    Half of that is right, Catalonia might take a hit but their economy will be even better without Spain's incompetent interference. He is right that the rest of Spain will nosedive without sponging off Catalonia.

    ”When asked what he would do if the Spanish government were to intervene and take control of Catalonia's government,“

    Like Spain's former empire, how did that work out Lovejoy?

    That would convert even more Catalonians to wanting independence.

    Spain thinks you can put out a fire by fanning the flames with oxygen and spraying petrol onto it.

    A sure precursor to a revolution, and another nail in the EU autocrats coffin.

    ”The strike was called in protest at ”the grave violation of rights and freedoms“ seen during the ballot. Some police officers were seen firing rubber bullets, storming into polling stations and pulling women by their hair.“

    And breaking women's fingers. But this is typical of latinos. They are invincible against defenceless civilians, but if they had to fight the Brits they'd get their asses kicked properly.

    ”Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has said on national television that the vote made a ”mockery“ of democracy.“

    But fascist thugs attacking unarmed people doesn't? Like the Botox Queen. Lovejoy is in denial.

    ”Rivera said Spain should invoke article 155 of the constitution, in effect suspending Catalonia's autonomous power.”

    That's effectively asking for a civil war, keep poking the wasp's nest and you'll get stung by more and more wasps'

    Oct 04th, 2017 - 10:03 am +1
  • Voice

    What's next Freedom Fighters...Civil War...?
    Spain needs Catalonia's economy they will not let go easily...

    Oct 04th, 2017 - 12:57 pm 0
  • EscoSesDoidao

    People are going to die here it's coming. ''Spain needs Catalonias economy, they will not let go easily...'' Correct. (I know somewhere else like that)

    Oct 04th, 2017 - 03:44 pm 0
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