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Oil markets settle lower, but prospects are in place for prices to continue climbing

Wednesday, November 8th 2017 - 10:50 UTC
Full article 2 comments

Oil settled lower on Tuesday after rising to the highest since July 2015 the previous day, while tension flared between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the Saudi crown prince tightened his grip on power. Read full article


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  • Brit Bob

    Falklands Oil - Worth a Punt?

    By a ruling of the UN, Argentina will extend its maritime platform (Politica Argentina) ; New map of the maritime platform reaffirms the sovereignty of Malvinas with UN endorsement (ElCronista); Argentina enlarges its territory 35%, with a UN endorsement ...(La Capital).To add to this euphoric atmosphere the Argentine Foreign Minister stated, ''This is a historic opportunity for Argentina. We have taken a great step in the demarcation of the outer limit of our continental shelf; the most extensive boundary of Argentina and our border with humanity,'' Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra told La Nacion, which tomorrow will publicly announce the details of this resolution. (Susana Malcorra, quoted by Dinatale M, La Nacion, Argentina, 27 March 2016).

    But what is the truth...
    Argentina's Continental Shelf Claims and The UN CLCA Commission (1 page):-

    Nov 08th, 2017 - 11:31 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • :o))

    THAT's just a Fairy-Tale - “prospects are in place for prices to continue climbing”: Yes indeed!

    But NOT of the Crude Oil! There is PLENTY, for EVERYBODY!

    Nov 09th, 2017 - 01:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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