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Rajoy campaigns in Catalonia and calls on the silent majority to convert voice in vote

Monday, November 13th 2017 - 06:44 UTC
Full article 2 comments
Defending his decision in Barcelona, Rajoy said he had “exhausted all roads” after the Catalan government's unilateral declaration of independence last month Defending his decision in Barcelona, Rajoy said he had “exhausted all roads” after the Catalan government's unilateral declaration of independence last month

Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy has said regional elections next month in Catalonia will help end “separatist havoc” in the northeastern region. Rajoy addressed a campaign event on Sunday on his first visit since imposing direct rule on the region a fortnight ago.

 Defending his decision in Barcelona, he said he had “exhausted all roads” after the Catalan government's unilateral declaration of independence last month. Several key Catalan leaders are currently being detained over the move.

The crisis was sparked by a disputed referendum held in Catalonia in October, which had been declared illegal by the Spanish courts, as established in the kingdom's constitution. Catalan officials said the independence campaign won 92% of the vote, from a turnout of 43%.

Many of those who were against independence did not cast votes, refusing to recognize the legitimacy of the referendum.

The Catalan government subsequently declared independence. In response, the Spanish government dissolved the region's parliament, imposed direct rule and called a snap regional election on 21 December.

Speaking at a campaign event in Barcelona for his Popular Party (PP) on Sunday, Rajoy called on the participation of the “silent majority” to “convert their voice into a vote”.

“We must reclaim Catalonia from the havoc of separatism,” he added, saying: “With democracy, we want to reclaim Catalonia for everyone.” He told PP supporters that the right result would boost Spain's economic growth next year to above 3%.

Rajoy called on companies not to leave the region, after hundreds of firms moved their headquarters away amid uncertainty over the region which accounts for a fifth of Spain's economy. He also urged people in Spain to continue buying Catalan products.

For a short while, the man who ultimately runs Catalonia was in Catalonia. But Mariano Rajoy's advisors made sure he would not run into vocal pro-independence opponents.

Instead, he spoke to the party faithful. Rajoy's main campaign event was held inside a hotel ballroom, in front of mostly older supporters.

Spain's prime minister came to win the regional Catalan election he's called for 21 December. His People's Party doesn't command widespread support in this region.

But the pro-Spain movement as a whole makes up about half the population of Catalonia. An election victory for this sector would make it much harder for pro-independence forces to make another attempt to break away from Spain.

Since the crackdown by Madrid, Catalonia's sacked President Carles Puigdemont has gone into self-imposed exile in Belgium, and many of his top allies have been remanded in custody.

Categories: Politics, International.

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  • EscoSesDoidao

    Ah yes, the 'silent majority' Lol.

    Nov 13th, 2017 - 10:57 am 0
  • Conqueror

    If there's a “silent majority” it isn't Catalan. It's an “occupation population” from Spain “forced” into Catalonia by the economic ineptitude of the 36-year Franco dictatorship. And Rajoy and his Partido Popular are Francoist. The Partido Popular is a renaming of the Alianza Popular, a political party formed and then renamed by Manuel Fraga Iribarne, one of Franco's cronies. And the “policies” aren't a lot different either. Fascist dictatorship is alive and well in Spain.

    People could start by reading the Wikipedia article about Catalonia. The Catalans were free and independent from the end of the Western Roman Empire (5th century) to the 8th century. It was free, independent and sovereign from 1640 to 1652. The Catalan people want that back. And why shouldn't they have it? Free from Spanish and French oppression and suppression. Yes, part of the original Catalonia is now in France. What's wrong with the UN Charter “right” to self-determination?

    The Wings Over Scotland article is interesting. It demonstrates how a fascist dictatorship can present a facade of democracy and get away with it. Especially when supported by a supranational organisation with a similar lack of democratic principles. Ignore most of the comments. They are from ignorant Scots that can't, even now, accept that their forebears ruined their country so that they had to beg for union with England because they were bankrupt. And, 310 years on, Scotland is still bankrupt and subsidised by England. I have no idea why England bothers. Unless it's to try to avoid having 5 million whingeing, bankrupt peasants on its northern border. The UK even agreed to a referendum to see whether the people of Scotland wanted to remain part of the Union. Something Spain didn't dare do!

    The whole mass of the peoples of Europe should be demanding a referendum, open only to ethnic Catalans, in Catalonia with the purpose of forcing Spain to accept democracy.

    Catalunya Lliure (Free Catalonia)!!!

    Nov 14th, 2017 - 08:06 pm 0
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