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No elections until “vulgar sanctions” against Venezuela are lifted, warns Maduro

Wednesday, December 6th 2017 - 10:15 UTC
Full article 5 comments
Info Minister Jorge Rodriguez said that any potential accord, as well as any vote hinged on “the lifting of the vulgar sanctions” promoted y Venezuelan right wing Info Minister Jorge Rodriguez said that any potential accord, as well as any vote hinged on “the lifting of the vulgar sanctions” promoted y Venezuelan right wing

Venezuela said future elections in the country would only take place once U.S. sanctions against top ranking officials and its finances are lifted, in a sign from the government that next year’s presidential vote is at risk.

 Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez said that any potential accord between President Nicolas Maduro and opposition lawmakers, as well as any vote, hinged on “the lifting of the vulgar sanctions the Venezuelan right wing’s leadership requested of Donald Trump’s Treasury Department as well as Spanish, Canadian and other authorities.”

Rodriguez’s comments on a televised address followed two days of close-door discussions in the Dominican Republic between Venezuela’s warring political factions. The meeting was the first since Maduro installed an all-powerful body of loyalists in August in his push to rewrite the constitution and consolidate power.

The U.S. and the European Union have levied a series of sanctions against top Venezuelan officials and on certain financial transactions in response to the Maduro regime policies of undermining the democratic processes in the country.

The government has dismissed the sanctions, and described the international penalties as nefarious threats against Venezuela’s sovereignty, part of an effort to impose further damage on the country’s fragile economy.

“They tried to hide the truth by saying that these were sanctions against Venezuelan officials,” said Rodriguez, who is the government’s lead negotiator in talks with opposition lawmakers. “No, no. They are sanctions aimed at preventing Venezuela from acquiring medicine, food, and raw material required by its industry.”

Venezuela’s constitution dictates that a presidential vote must take place every six years, but electoral authorities have yet to establish a date for 2018 elections. Opposition lawmakers have demanded the government publish an comprehensive electoral calendar, following accusations of fraud during last October election for governors.

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  • DemonTree

    -Complains of US interference in the running of his country.

    -Makes democracy contingent on US actions.

    Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture?

    And are we allowed to call him a dictator now?

    Dec 06th, 2017 - 01:13 pm +2
  • Bisley

    Why would anyone believe anything coming from this government, or believe that it would ever allow itself to be voted out of power, if there were elections? Maduro and his government are not going to change their policies, or allow themselves to be replaced -- they will either have to be removed by force, or they will continue to rule.

    Dec 06th, 2017 - 03:27 pm +2
  • Chicureo

    A coup d'état is difficult as Maduro is in strong control of the military, but this disaster is only going to get worse for years to come. It's a huge humanitarian crisis where people are starving and the sick are unable to obtain medicine.

    Dec 06th, 2017 - 04:37 pm +2
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