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Falklands' Concordia Bay ferry resumes operations

Friday, December 22nd 2017 - 10:43 UTC
Full article 2 comments

The Falkland Islands Government (FIG) confirmed on Thursday that Concordia Bay ferry operations will resume from midday on Friday 22 December. Read full article


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  • Asha

    England will return the Malvinas within 25 years.

    Dec 24th, 2017 - 03:50 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Patrick Edgar

    I don't know Asha ... Margaret and the British government really ruined things at the human heart level, and they did so intentionally for logistic reasons. They chose to deal with the Junta's invasion the way they did, and they knew what they were doing. They preferred and liked the idea of war and chose it. Some have even hypothesized that they secretly set a trap with the Americans for the Junta to step right into, and it does make a lot of sense. They knew the war would plant animosity, scorn, suspicion and prejudice in the hearts of the islanders, and they served themselves of it, as today is plainly evident. They knew how things were going to be handled after winning the war, and they proceeded accordingly. They never once in 35 years since the conflict attempted to get across to the islanders, that it was not the Argentine people nor the Constitutional nation to seek the war, that the Argentine were also victims of the Junta. Their usual propaganda of self importance, saying things like that the Argentine were freed from the Junta thanks to the British and this sort of thing, is just typical of their Modus Operandi everywhere they seek to enter conflict with in the world. These are experienced warring nations that include into their campaigns a psychological layout of events as consistently as the systematic manner in which they start by affiliating themselves with a faction in their victim country until they install bases they will never remove. That's why they so avidly yet indirectly behind the scenes fan and fuel a mediatic war against the Justicialist Party in our country. Once a division and a “pro-British America” side is created, and god knows we are stupid enough to follow along, their path is clearly laid out. They have been doing this since the days of the Vice Royalty become the United Provinces, wedging their testicles into our destiny, relentlessly. Their only effective barrier would be a United Continent. That's why they are lavishing ....

    Dec 30th, 2017 - 06:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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