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Corbyn said the “new Britain was closer than ever”, and Labour “is a government in waiting”

Sunday, December 31st 2017 - 06:00 UTC
Full article 8 comments
The Labour leader used the message to attack a “failed system” of governance and “stagnant economy” of wealth disparity run by a “self-serving elite”.  The Labour leader used the message to attack a “failed system” of governance and “stagnant economy” of wealth disparity run by a “self-serving elite”.

Labour is “staking out the centre ground in British politics”, British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn has said in a New Year message. Mr. Corbyn said the prospect of a “new Britain” was “closer than ever” and he was leading a “government in waiting”.

 The left wing veteran promised to use 2018 to help people “fulfill their hopes” in a future where “we all share the wealth we create”.

Labour defied predictions of a landslide defeat in the 2017 general election to secure a hung parliament. The result saw Prime Minister Theresa May lose her Commons majority, but the Conservatives remain the largest party.

The Labour leader also used the message to attack a “failed system” of governance and “stagnant economy” of wealth disparity run by a “self-serving elite”.

The 2017 general election showed “the establishment's secret is out: they're not as strong as they appear” and have “no idea how to fix their broken system,” Mr Corbyn said, adding “the old political consensus is finished”.

He insisted Labour now occupied the new centre ground in British politics. “We are staking out the new centre ground in British politics, backing the things which most people want but are blocked by vested interests.

”We are a government in waiting, while the Conservatives are weak and divided and stuck in an outdated rut with no new ideas,“ he said.

Mr Corbyn said Labor's mission was to ”give people support and security and use their talents, unleash their creativity and fulfill their hopes“.

”The hope of a new Britain, run in the interests of the many, not the few, is closer than ever before. Together we can, and we will, deliver it”, he concluded.

Categories: Politics, International.

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  • The Voice

    The latest The Times poll puts Labour 2 points ahead, Corbyn has certainly energised the young who had never experienced the chaos of the socialist union dominated 70's. You cant tell these people anything they are so well meaning yet so gullible.
    The boundary changes to equalise the number of voters in each constituency will stop Corbyn, but will the Tories be able to impliment it?
    Unfortunately Corbyn isnt even a step up from the Tory rabble we suffer now! What a mess...

    Jan 01st, 2018 - 01:36 pm +1
  • Pytangua

    I know this report on Corbyn will be anathema to all right-wingers who read Mercopress - so that makes me particularly happy !!! But just remember this - the left in UK is today far more serious than the 'populist' left in Latin America. We need to give up lookign to Latin America for inspiration - we can teach them a thing or two. Happy New Year.

    Dec 31st, 2017 - 12:47 pm 0
  • boufiewolf

    Corbyn is a delusional commie is what I say

    Dec 31st, 2017 - 03:58 pm 0
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