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Brazil's First lady will be examined for suspicious transaction

Friday, January 25th 2019 - 20:45 UTC
Full article 23 comments
The Federal Revenue, the body responsible for taxation in Brazil, will examine in particular Michelle Bolsonaro's account The Federal Revenue, the body responsible for taxation in Brazil, will examine in particular Michelle Bolsonaro's account

Michelle Bolsonaro, first lady of Brazil, will be subjected to an examination of the Brazilian treasury within an investigation into a series of suspicious transactions involving the president's eldest son, Valor newspaper reported Friday.

President Jair Bolsonaro, who conquered the October election promising a fierce fight against corruption, had already explained in December that a 24,000 reais (approximately $ 6,300) check deposited by Fabricio Queiroz, a former employee of Flavio Bolsonaro, eldest son of the boss of the State, in the account of Michelle Bolsonaro corresponded to the reimbursement of an undeclared loan.

The Federal Revenue, the body responsible for taxation in Brazil, will examine in particular the account that received the value of the suspect check. The account in question is in the name of the now first lady of the country.

The Federal Revenue affirmed to AFP that it does not comment on the information related to taxpayers due to the “fiscal secrecy”.

The suspicious movements of Fabricio Queiroz were identified by the Financial Activities Control Board (COAF), the anti-laundering body of Brazil.

This agency identified “atypical transactions” for a total amount of 1.2 million reais (about $ 300,000) in 2016 and 2017 incompatible with the income declared by the former employee of Flavio Bolsonaro.

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro (Alerj) and elected federal senator, the oldest son of the right-wing president is also targeted by COAF due to 48 suspect deposits with a total value of 96,000 reais (USD 30,000 at the average exchange rate) of that year) made in your bank account between June and July 2017.

The Bolsonaro eldest son, who will assume his position as senator in February, denies any irregularity and states that the money was obtained transparently by selling an apartment in Rio de Janeiro.

In total, 27 deputies and 75 officials of the Legislative Assembly of Rio are in the sights of this investigation of the treasury.

Although he later came out in defense of Flavio stating that he is the victim of “unfounded accusations”, Jair said during an interview in Davos on Wednesday that his son “will have to pay” if it is proven that he has made an error.

“It's not fair to use a boy to try to reach me,” he had said during an interview with TV Record.


With AFP's info

Categories: Politics, Brazil.

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  • :o))

    Like everything else, this too will be swiped under the dirty carpet. Anyone wants to bet?

    Jan 26th, 2019 - 07:12 am 0
  • Jack Bauer

    ”President Jair Bolsonaro, who conquered the October election promising a fierce fight against corruption, had already explained in December that a 24,000 reais (approximately $ 6,300) check deposited by Fabricio Queiroz.....”.

    Boy, that DOES sound veeery suspicious...a nominal cheque, of such a 'high' value, and 'deposited' in her account....must have raised eye brows everywhere....BUT, IF it were illicit money, who would pay it via nominal cheque, and deposit it ? What happened to the good old system of handing the money over, stashed into a whisky box ? (used by Palocci to deliver bribes to Lula, at the airport...)
    But of course, I forget we are dealing with a biased press, intent on throwing shit in Bolsonaro's fan...based on what ? a weak 'suspicion'...

    Besides, I've lent bigger amounts to friends of mine and never declared it in my income tax return... may be atypical, but not illegal.

    Jan 28th, 2019 - 04:35 pm 0
  • :o))

    @Jack Bauer

    Pl. hold your breath - more shit is most likely to hit the fan!

    Jan 28th, 2019 - 06:46 pm 0
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