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Falklands Police correct Argentine flag incident coverage

Friday, March 29th 2019 - 08:20 UTC
Full article 30 comments

The Royal Falkland Island Police have corrected reports in the Argentine press this week. Eight men filmed holding banners and singing at the Argentine military cemetery had been reported in their national press as having been detained for two days in “a tense situation.” Read full article


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  • Islander1

    This was an episode of appalling behaviour by a bunch of village louts - not true veterans paying respects to their fallen comrades.Disrespectfull to fallen and disrespectfull to their God.
    The 100% opposite of how the Arg. Families Commission require visitors to behave in their Cemetery.
    Exactly the sort of behaviour that will result in the Falklands refusing to allow any future group families visits as were organised 3 weeks ago and in March 2018.

    Then to come up with a string of lies and feed them to the Argentine press to try and make themselves heroes instead of loutish idiots just shows their attitude.
    Fortunately 95% of those who visit the Cemetery are civilised and respectfull of their own people whom lie there- and we Islanders - but the 5% will soon ruin it all
    for everyone if this sort of thing happens again.

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 10:28 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Think

    Stop the turnipy brainwash..., Kelpers...

    The serious Argentinean press has reported..., correctly and exactly..., what happened in Malvinas...

    Of course..., if you prefer to read the Argentinean pendants of The Sun & The Mirror..., be my guest...

    And please excuse Argie war veteran Luis Escobedo lack of knowledge about the Engrish judiciary sistem that impeded him to diferentiate between an Engrish “judge” and an Engrish “attorney general”...
    Specially when said Attorney General..., Mr. Simon Young..., didn't take the trouble to introduce himself properly...

    Anyhow..., Kelpers.... Continue the good work...
    Two ***“unresolved”*** vandalic desacrations of that little Madonna at the cemetery and now detaining visitors who ain't disturbing nobody in the middle of nowhere...
    You are good in your way to reach the level of Turkish fundamentalist Erdogan's despicable attitude towards the ANZAC cemetery at Gallipoli...

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 11:52 am - Link - Report abuse -4
  • The Voice

    Waffle on Twinkle, if your countrymen cant behave themselves they will be locked up and deported, as simply as that. Suck it up.

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 01:41 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Think

    To Mr. T above...
    This is what you are hastily becoming...
    Time for you Kelpers to pull youself togheher and eat your Broccoli...

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 02:21 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Martin Woodhead

    under the yellow rules being dressed up in foreign paramilitary gear could have been shot without warning although probably pushing it too claim he looked like a combatant.
    Not your country try to behave with respect don't be suprised if the Islanders don't welcome anymore visits by NOK or vets if your going to behave like that.

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 02:44 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Islander1

    never was a conclusion on that incident- equally likey-given the politics at the time- that it was done locally at the disguised request of the K. Govt in Argentina for political reasons- makes Islanders look bad,
    The current required behaviour standards of the Arg Families Commission ( and also given the “nod” by your Min of For,Affairs folks) make sit clear to visitors that if they offend
    they may well face deportation - and that Was the Argentines that wrote that in - not our side.
    And its not in the middle of nowhere- close the main road from Stanley and Mount Pleasant where the British forces base is and regularily visited.

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 04:29 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Think


    Right there was NEVER any form of conclusion on THOSE TWO INCIDENTS (there were 2 (two) incidents..., some years apart..., remember...?)
    Just some fundamentalist Kelper Anglos saying that it had to bee an Argie false flag because an Anglo Islander would NEVER do a thing like that against a religious thing...
    They should tell that to that other fundamentalist Anglo Islander Brenton Tarrant..., should they...

    Anyhow..., you just keep arresting.., deporting... or whatever our veterans for their “terrible crimes”...
    It makes YOU look bad..., the Foreign & Colonial Office knows it..., you know it..., I know it...

    By the way...,the Kelper “argument” for banning them Argie flags and symbols was that they “distressed” some elderly ladies..., remember...?
    - Tell me..., how many “elderly ladies” were at that cemetery in the middle of nowhere when that driver filed his complain...?

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 05:04 pm - Link - Report abuse -6
  • Islander1

    PTSD affects a lot. more that just elderly ladies. suppose what you regard as your by birthright and generations of your family and others have created - suddenly being invaded by - say the North koreans, the resultant war ends the lives of several whom you know well and destroys much of your property before finally restoring your freedom and choice to you - but said nation let alone apologises for a wrongdoing(by modern standards)- but continues to very noisely continue claiming your homeland and making life as difficult as possible for you, whilst also claiming that you actually have no right to have a say in your own future anyway.

    Now would you be happy with the flag of that nation and politically inspired banners being waved about the place.

    In a civilised society like the Islands we regard a military cemetery as miles and miles above politics and the peaceful final resting place of those who put on their country,s uniform and gave their lives for it in war- regardless of which side.

    Then majority of Argentines also feel this way- and although no doubt differing greatly with us on the political issue- keep personal feelings to the inside whilst here - and pay respect and acknowledge the respect Islanders offer as well.

    Luckily the Idiots are in the minority - but they run the risk of spoiling it for everyone.

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 06:29 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Think

    Stop playing the victim..., Tim...
    You are dangerously approaching “Pathos”...

    - Firstly..., you people are no different than them hundreds of other Engrish Colonial Squatter groups who followed in the wake of the Engrish Empire military invasions all over the planet...
    People that..., eventually..., had to leave what they considered their homes...

    - Secondly...,your arguments are as full of holes as Brenton Tarrant's...
    An Australian Anglo that saw it fit to kill defenceless worshippers to protect Oztralia from a “foreign invasion”...
    An Australian Anglo...!
    Foreign invasion...!
    You get my drift...?

    Thirdly... the flag of a Country that continues to occupate and claim a part of my Homeland circulates freely in Argentina... There are even three Union Jack roofed Mini Coopers matriculated in Buenos Ayres...

    - So..., go ahead with your Anglo haughtiness and your siege mentality and spoil it for yourselves... chay

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 10:39 pm - Link - Report abuse -4
  • The Voice

    Twinkle continues to peddle his three wheeler... zzzz
    Being overawed by the English is a common Argie affliction

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 10:49 pm - Link - Report abuse +3
  • Roger Lorton

    If the suspected offence carries a power of arrest then it should have been exercised. Seems the local law are too scared of political consequences to grasp the nettle. A message needs sending. Arrest and confinement while that suspected offence was investigated would have sent that message.

    Coppers - in the UK too - appear to have become wimps. Overburdened by damned politics. Wouldn't have happened in my day.

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 11:17 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think

    I really..., trully..., sincerely..., with all my heart hope them Kelpers follow your wise, 100 cubic inches Cro-Magnon copper brainy advice..., Rodge... ;-)

    Mar 29th, 2019 - 11:33 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Roger Lorton

    Pussy-footing around obviously achieves nothing Think, except to wind up the locals which may lead to its own consequences. There was an opportunity to send a strong message and once again someone bottled it.

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 12:05 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Think

    I do agree Rodge...
    Pussy-footing around obviously achieves nothing...
    Hard-confrontation..., on the other hand..., will archieve a whole lot...
    All of it to the advantage of us Argies..., that is... Please confront..., copper..., confront...;-)

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 12:32 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Roger Lorton

    You hope it will be to your advantage Think. I suspect that it would not but as there's a distinct lack of courage in the authorities in Stanley we may never know.

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 12:39 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think

    Juppppppppppp..., Roger...

    I definitively Think it will be to our side's advantage...
    Specially if you deliver the robust Colonial Engrish message to them Argie criminals...
    À la “Hussein Onyango”..., you know...? That has worked wonders in the past..., if you get my drift.

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 06:42 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Islander1

    Whilst I would not disagree with your drift that in the 1500-1800s theBritish acted like pirates about the new world at times- no more of course than the French-Spanish-Potuguese-Dutch-Belgians-Italians-Germans etc etc- ALL the old European Powers were at
    it in those days - pillage and conquer,as was your Argentina also in the 1850-70 period to the Patagonia people. In general the British did it in a somewhat more humane and businesslike manner - as can be seen in the simple fact that apart from USA - pretty well all her parts of her old empire achieved their Independence peacefully and have kept the basics of British laws, democratic and legal system as their basic structure today.
    But that was a different world years ago- the world of sword and blunderbuss and nobody could even spell democracy - let alone understand its principles.
    Luckily for the world- Countries have moved on a tad in the last 100 or so years- and believe in things now like the UN Charter principles etc- well sadly Argentina still gets stuck at times in a time warp when it comes to the Falklands issue.

    Do tell me- if I went to and started to walk around say Ushuaia with a shirt on with a small Falkland Islands flag on it - how long before I get assaulted and beaten up and probably arrested? I would not even think of doing it - we have our differences-they exist- simple fact, and I respect them.
    All we ask is that a nasty minority of Argentines do likewise when they visit our patch.

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 12:46 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Think

    ..................................................................................................................... it ain't “your patch”...Mr. Miller...
    It is disputed...remember...?

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 08:57 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Islander1

    Think- of course there is a dispute- but the civilised on each side respect each other,s positions and behave when visiting their territory- sadly the minority do not.
    Actually my family have lived on and created this “patch” for a generation or two longer than the Argentines of European origen have owned Patagonia- remember- the land they took by force from the indigenous folks there.
    And my ancestors never forced any working people off the land and out of these Islands.

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 09:26 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Roger Lorton

    What dispute?

    According to three British Ministers speaking since 1994, the matter is effectively settled. No UN GA resolution since 1988. Argentina simply has no way of taking its spurious claim forward and, as Hurd said in 1994, there is nobody that is prepared to hand the Falklands over to another State against the wishes of the islands people.

    The only dispute, is whether there's a dispute.

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 10:49 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think

    Mr. Timlander1...

    As a descendant from the Engrish Colonial Squatters who followed in the wake of the Engrish Empire military invasion of the Malvinas..., whose family has lived on and created their “Patch” for a generation or two longer than the Argentines of European origen have owned Patagonia..., you..., evidently..., have A LOT OF RIGHTS over the aforementioned “Patch”...
    But absolutely NOT EVERY RIGHT...
    That's the dispute...

    Speaking about disputes...
    Ain't it just typical that a Kelper whose family has lived on and created their “Patch” for a generation or two longer than the Argentines of European origen have owned Patagonia is being corrected and put on his place by an English Brummie Ex-Copper in Siam about the existence or not of the Falklands/Malvinas Isles dispute...?

    Did I ever mentioned “Engrish Haughtiness” in here...?
    I bet your Kelper family has met it a couple of times during the last ~ 170 years...

    Have a nice Sunday...
    El Think...

    Mar 31st, 2019 - 07:55 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Islander1

    Roger- totally agree that there is no realistic understandable dispute by todays world of modern understanding(which explains why Argentina fails to take it to the correct International assemblies) - but the simple reality is that here we have to accept that somebody does dispute our right to exist in a democratic world as we face the reality of it all the time as we are a very small place with no economic clout of our own.

    Think- What invasion? in 1833 Britain merely asserted authority over what was theirs from events years before following that renegade US Captain declaring the islands “ Free of all Govt” shortly before- and in 1833 NO civilians/settlers were forced out as you well know. Just a little militia and dependents who had been here just a year or two told to leave, and not a shot was fired at them, all civilians invited to stay - and all bar 2 couples voluntarily agreed to stay.
    Shall we compare that event to what your ancestors did in Patagonia in the 1850-70s and also to the indigenous peoples of the river plate provinces when they first arrived from Spain etc several hundred years before?
    But as said many times before- the rest of the world has moved on years ago from the era of smash and grab Colonialism - all apart from about one country

    Mar 31st, 2019 - 11:56 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Think

    White Anglo Kelper Man Speaks With Forked Tongue...

    To Patagonian foe he says...:
    ***“Think..., of course there is a dispute- but the civilised on each side respect each other's positions........... ”***.

    To Engrish master he says...:
    ***“Roger..., totally agree that there is no realistic understandable dispute by today's world of modern understanding........”***

    I Think..., White Anglo Kelper Man is more Anglo than Kelper...
    Ergo the Forked Tongue...

    Mar 31st, 2019 - 12:53 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Roger Lorton

    There was no invasion in 1833. Merely a police action to eject trespassers warned in 1829 and 1832. Warnings that Buenos Aires was 'haughty' enough to believe it could ignore. Argentina was 'haughty' again in 1982, and new trespassers had to be ejected. People died because of Argentina's haughtiness.

    Argentina's historical claims are entirely erroneous. Based upon a false claim of an inheritance from Spain which was not recognised at that time. It also takes a nation State to inherit on independence, and Argentina was no nation before 1862.

    Argentines lie about their history. They lie about the details of history (seen the latest Clarin piece on Rivero?). They lie to themselves about the validity of their claims and the opportunities for obtaining the Falklands. Delusional nonsense.

    The ones with Forked Tongues around here Think, are rather closer to you than either the islanders or the British.

    Mar 31st, 2019 - 11:00 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think

    Suuuuuuuuuuuure..., copper...
    You and your Engrish Midlands fantasies...
    Next you'll try to make us believe that Birmingham City is older than Aston Villa...

    Mar 31st, 2019 - 11:42 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    I deal in facts, not fantasies old man. If Argentina believes that it has a serious claim then it should make an approach to the ICJ - as Mauritius did - to seek an advisory opinion. Argentina does not need the UK's agreement for that.

    An option available since 1945, but not one that any Argentine Government has ever seriously countenanced. Why not? Because your Government employs serious advisers who tell them the truth.

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 12:57 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think

    You deal in “Engrish” facts..., laddie..., that's your weakness...
    When the “Constellation Alignment”is right..., we may go to the ICJ...,lad..

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 01:26 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    I deal in ALL facts old un. Alignment's right? The world has turned many times since 1946. Argentina's myths & fantasies cannot stand and successive Argentine Governments have known it.

    Dream on Think.

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 05:25 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Think


    An astronomical fact for you young un... Alignment, yes... The world has indeed turned since 1946... But..., did you take precession into consideration...?

    I have said it many times before..., lad...
    You have produced a Timeline that had all the potential to become a valuable reference....
    Pity your Engrish zealotry has blinded you and made it to an irrelevant one...
    Please try again...

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 07:59 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    Think - it is as it is. If you believe that I've missed anything out let me know what it is. But then, how would you know? You've never actually read it, have you?

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 10:16 am - Link - Report abuse +1

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