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Argentina begins commemoration acts of Malvinas War

Saturday, March 30th 2019 - 08:13 UTC
Full article 27 comments

In anticipation of the 37th anniversary of the start of the South Atlantic conflict, 2 April 1982, the Argentine football association and Army have organized a raft of events to pay homage to the 649 combatants fallen during the invasion of the British South Atlantic Islands claimed by Argentina. Read full article


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  • FitzRoy

    It ought to read: Argentina begins her commemoration of a failed invasion. The only country in the world to celebrate an invasion. Imagine if Germany did the same over her invasion of Poland! What a sad legacy for those men buried in the Argentine Military Cemetery. They would be embarrassed.

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 10:16 am - Link - Report abuse +5
  • Brit Bob


    Mar 30th, 2019 - 10:35 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Roger Lorton

    Celebrating defeat, as only Argies can

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 11:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Invasion, at least they got it right this time, they mostly say re-taking the Malvinas

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 08:27 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Swede

    The Germans have learnt from their history. They of course do not celebrate wars they started (and lost). It is time for “demalvininization” of Argentina, like Germany was denazified in the late forties. But, unfortunately, nobody will start such a process.

    Mar 30th, 2019 - 09:00 pm - Link - Report abuse +5
  • :o))

    NOTHING odd! Even Brazil will be celebrating the 22 years of dictatorship! So what's wrong?

    Mar 31st, 2019 - 02:08 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • port albert

    Having lived and attempted to establish a business in BA for 10 years and eventually giving up 7 years ago, I know well the Argentino psyche in regard to their invasion of the Falklands. The failure of their nation to take a part in the world and the expectation that because they are Argentinos they should get special concessions has lead them to the pitiful plight they are now in. And the only way out is to comply with the standards of the western world. So the way to reality is they have to admit to starting a war, attempting to steal many billions of dollars from bond holders, cheating every investor every chance they can get and suck that reality up hard and with energy and effort, 2 attributes very difficult to find among the populace. Macri gets it and he is their best hope but rest assured the wealthy middle class have already given up on him because quite frankly he has not given them an instant solution and they really are still not prepared to accept that as a nation they are pariahs and of no account. So the war was a heroic deed. Refusing to pay interest on bonds was right because the lenders were fools. Bribery and corruption at all levels of business and government is the way to prosper. Hard work and perseverance is what idiots do. I wish the best but expect no change.

    Mar 31st, 2019 - 07:38 am - Link - Report abuse +4
  • Sergio Aracri

    Roger Lorton, polizucho cobarde, yo sabía que iba a ser rechazaada mi solicitud para ingresar a tu página basura Falkland [sic] Islands . News and History (de todas formas, gracias por ahorrarme seguir leyendo comentarios de los descerebrados que de ese grupo, me contento con saber que son una escoria a combatir). Estuve leyendo tu mamotreto sobre la historia de las Malvinas. Como todos sabemos, Buenos Aires fue refundada por Don Pedro de Mendoza el 11 de junio de 1580, pero según vos: 1582 – November 2nd, disturbed by Drake's successes, an expedition consisting of 23 ships and 2,500 men
    under Diego Flores Valdés is sent to the south Atlantic. Valdés re-founds a Spanish settlement on the Rio de la Plata and calls its harbour there - 'Puerto de Santa María de los Buenos Aires.' No mencionas fuente, y dudo que exista una tan ridícula. Al pasar, también mencionas: 1588 – Spain sends an Armada to invade Britain. The attempt is thwarted by good seamanship, good luck, bad weather and a resolute Queen. Pero ni una palabra sobre el fracaso de la Contra-armada inglesa en 1589. Si de vos dependiera, serían ocultados de la historia personajes y sucesos como Blas de Lezo y Cartagena de Indias. Así que como historiador no sos más que un policía farsante, a la par que payasos engreídos como Ricky D. Phillips.

    Mar 31st, 2019 - 11:11 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    Name doesn't ring a bell, but I'll pass your comments on. I am not the Admin in charge of applications. Those that do that job are better at spotting frauds and nutters than me.

    And thank you for the contribution, but as for the details of history that are not actually relevant to the Falklands, I include them for the sake only of context. The Armada as an example is not in the least relevant but will help position the events of that period in my readership's minds.

    As to what Argentine know about history, I have generally found it inaccurate; based upon myths and, in many cases, what they read in the newspapers. The founding of BA is another example of context rather than relevancy but I will check my sources. Isn't interpretation wonderful?

    If that's as far as you have got into the Timeline, clearly you have a way to go. Unfortunately for you, the first Chapter is under review at this time as I'm trying to insert hyperlinks to the various charts, documents & images that I've collected.

    However, feel free to visit me here at anytime. I'll pass your views on to the NewsPage admins. They like a laugh.

    And try to remember that this is the English language Mercopress. ;-)

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 05:47 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Martin Woodhead

    a dignified remembrance of their fallen would be one thing but this seems to be stoking up for round 2 idiots. Looks like the Queen Elizabeth will have to visit mare harbour to rub the point home.

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 08:23 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Roger Lorton, no voy a rebajarme a escribir en inglés aunque se trate de lo que aparenta ser una filial uruguaya del Penguin News. Para eso podés usar traductores tan malos como los que usa tu amiguito Stephen Twaddlepots. Y la interpretación no es algo maravilloso, cuando la refundación de Buenos Aires está bien documentada (11 de junio de 1580). Dudo de la confiabilidad de los ¨historiadores¨ británicos, como es tu caso, siempre tratando de ocultar sus fracasos, como en 1589.

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 10:19 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    1589 is neither relevant to the Falklands or to context as I doubt many of my readers have ever heard of it. Pedro de Mendoza was 1536. his settlement lasted just 5 years. Juan de Garay was 1580 but (just to confuse) he named it Ciudad de la Trinidad and a tentative establishment it was too. Diego Flores Valdés arrived in November, 1582 with troops to garrison the settlement and much needed supplies. Without them the City of Trinidad was unlikely to survive.

    I will amend the entries to make them clearer and add Garay in 1580.

    1589 remains irrelevant to the story of the Falklands. Perhaps you should write it up?

    Seems you've been annoying my fellow Admins with inappropriate emojis. As a public group we cannot stop non-members from playing such games - unless they apply to join. Manna from heaven for the Admins when you did.

    As they say in Yankland - suck it up, buttercup.

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 10:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sergio Aracri

    Si, es cierto. Quise decir Juan de Garay para 1580, y no fue un establecimiento tentativo (completamente irrelevante mencionar a Flores Valdés para Buenos Aires. Acá un extracto del acta fundacional de Garay: ¨ [...] yo Juan García Garay, teniente de Governador y Capitán General y Justicia mayor y alguacil mayor en todas estas provincias, por el muy Ilustre el Licenciado Juan de Torres de Vera y Aragón, del Consejo de su magestad, y su oidor en la Real Audiencia de la ciudad de la Plata en los Reynos del Pirú, Adelantado..., y en lugar del dicho señor Adelantado Juan de Torres de Vera y Aragón... estando en este Puerto de Santa María de los Buenos Ayres, hago y fundo una ciudad... La iglesia de la cual pongo su advocación de la Santísima Trinidad... y la dicha ciudad mando que se intitule Ciudad de la Trinidad¨. Estás seguro que fue en 1536 la fundación por Pedro de Mendoza? Ahí sí que no hay fecha cierta (para eso está la crónica de Ulrich Schmidl). Dado el caso, 1588 es tan irrelevante como 1589 . Y como decimos en mi país, chupala, y que la chupen los administradores también, en fin, que la chupen todos.

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 12:03 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    Mendoza versus Garay? I don't much care. It's relevance to the history of the Falklands is minimal. That Buenos Aires existed is all I need to know. That Buenos Aires became a pain later is of relevance. I suggest you try to get further than 1582.

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 12:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sergio Aracri

    Menos mal que no te llamás un ¨historiador¨. Y aunque te llames ¨investigador¨, no sos más que un polizonte en Tailandia. Por lo pronto, yo tampoco tengo cuidado en tomarme en serio tu gran ¨historia¨ sobre Malvinas. Pain? Esa es la presencia de los británicos, pero nunca estarán en paz mientras permanezcan por acá. ;)

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 12:28 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    It is Argentina that is not at peace. The Falklands have never been Argentine. They never will be. Enjoy.

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 01:19 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • :o))

    - What to The Falklanders want?
    - On which side does their affiliation nest?
    - Why?

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 02:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Why don't you let him in your facebook group, Roger?

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 05:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sergio Aracri

    Roger Lorton, la obsesión de paranoicos descerebrados como los de tu grupo indica todo lo contrario. Qué sería de la existencia de Twaddlepots sin Infobae? :D :D Nunca como Falklands, sino Malvinas ;)

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 09:06 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    DT - a) it is no longer 'my' group. I am one of 7 admins but play a reducing part. This idiot managed to offend them before ever applying to join, so they have taken the opportunity to be rid of him. Our Admins are good at the job so i bow to their decisions.
    b) the News & History FB group is not a fight group and is heavily policed by the Admins. As a result it remains the only (?) Falklands FB group that is still 'public' and can be seen by anyone. That status is important to us.
    c) Sergio has other options. For example -
    which is a fight/debate group.

    Apr 01st, 2019 - 10:32 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • DemonTree

    Right. Is that why no one posts on here any more, they're all arguing endlessly in the 'debate' groups?

    @Sergio Aracri
    Everyone needs a hobby...

    Apr 02nd, 2019 - 07:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sergio Aracri

    Roger Lorton, viejo hijo de la gran perra, ustedes se la pasan ofendiendo a Argentina y a su gente. Sin duda que sería expulsado inmediatamente si tuviera que tratarlos a ustedes como la basura cobarde y mentirosa que son. Que no es un grupo de pelea? No, es un grupo de infradotados ridículos más bien.

    Apr 02nd, 2019 - 10:09 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    DT. Perhaps, although they've been quiet of late as well. We call it the Macri effect. I have little doubt that things will change come the next Peronist err .... coming.

    SA - so join the fight group. I'm a member there too. It'll help get rid of all that pent up frustration ;-)

    Apr 02nd, 2019 - 11:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Looking forward to it?

    And I see why Sergio got banned now. I couldn't read all of that but it's obviously uncomplimentary.

    ¿Puedes no crear ningunos insultos más imaginativa?

    Apr 02nd, 2019 - 11:51 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Acá está el grupo de pelea, viejo farsante:

    Este contenido no está disponible en este momento
    Es posible que el enlace que seguiste haya caducado o que la página solo sea visible para un público al que no perteneces.
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    Apr 02nd, 2019 - 12:02 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    DT - Not really, but you do know where you are with those nutters.

    SA - How strange - I can see it

    Perhaps you have to be invited? Has the status of Secret now I see.

    Apr 02nd, 2019 - 12:33 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • :o))

    @port albert

    REF: “Bribery and corruption at all levels of business and government is the way to prosper. Hard work and perseverance is what idiots do. I wish the best but expect no change”:

    The description does match MANY countries!

    Apr 03rd, 2019 - 10:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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