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Sales of new cars in Argentina crash 50% in first quarter of the year

Tuesday, April 2nd 2019 - 09:50 UTC
Full article 16 comments

Sales of new cars in Argentina collapsed by almost 50% in the first quarter of 2019, the Association of Automobile Dealers of Argentina (ACARA) said Monday. Sales fell by 49.5% in the year-on-year comparison, with purchases down 50.4% in March year-on-year too, said ACARA. Read full article


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  • Enrique Massot

    Who would have thought of it? President Mauricio Macri is an environmentalist disguised as a oligarchic neocon.

    He's succeeding in reducing carbon emissions in Argentina more than the most determined environmentalist! Less car use, more walking, less eating carbon-intensive red meat -- in fact, just eating less of everything.

    Allow Macri to stay one more term as president, he will even reduce the number of Argentines alive when the reduction in retirement income, health care and pharma assistance begin to impact life expectancy.

    But hey, what's to worry islanders? Macri is a good friend helping the economic development of the islands, so more of a good thing is welcome!

    Apr 03rd, 2019 - 03:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    'Not trying to choke off economic development' would be more accurate, but whatever the Islanders think of Macri, they don't have a vote. Wouldn't you be better off commenting on Clarin or somewhere if you hope to change people's minds?

    Apr 03rd, 2019 - 03:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jonaz_BsAs

    “oligarchic neocon”
    Aimlessly throwing about meaningless monikers such as this one only shows that you don't understand one iota of what you're talking about.

    Apr 04th, 2019 - 01:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • imoyaro

    Kamerad /Komrade Rique, AKA “Short Eyes,” has an agenda. ;)

    Apr 04th, 2019 - 05:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Why “Short Eyes”? What the heck is a short eye?

    Apr 04th, 2019 - 09:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Reekie, it's pretty hard to debate with you because you never answer....Is it due to some psychological block, perhaps a childhood trauma ?
    If you have an explanation, I'd like to know why you always blow your mouth off and when challenged, you keep quiet ?

    This is just one more for the already long list...

    (Continuation of “Brazilian Appeals Court releases Temer...”)
    I’m not discussing “why” most homicides are committed, but simply comparing the (most common) motivation...for ex., of a guy who kills his wife (jealousy ?), and a terrorist fighting for a cause, and the probability of each recidivating after being released.
    I think it’s pretty clear when someone is one-time murderer, or is a psycho serial killer/ a terrorist.
    A terrorist has a cause which will not die when he’s killed, but a school shooter’s cause dies with him. If you keep on splitting hairs, might as well discuss case by case, and we'll never come to a conclusion.

    “In a civilized country”…“If they can keep the prisoners from beheading each other, that would be progress”….when inmates reach that point of barbarity, it’s probably just as well they are killing 'each other'. A few less to jeopardize the safety of innocent people, if they were to survive and get out..

    “…once you've been to jail you know that's the worst that can happen… So it's just not as scary as before”.….in the UK, perhaps ; I saw a report on TV some years ago, on a prison in AUS - it resembled a 5-star hotel / holiday resort ; there, criminals might enjoy returning to prison, but I doubt it in Latin America.

    Apr 05th, 2019 - 06:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    Sounds like you're defending the ordinary criminals now. Supposing the school shooter lives, no one's going to let him out of jail, and the same with the terrorist. But both inspire copycats, sick minds who think it's a great way to make their mark on the world.

    “when inmates reach that point of barbarity, it’s probably just as well they are killing 'each other'”

    Yes, but it's not good that the authorities have lost control to that degree. And I didn't say criminals enjoy returning to prison, but that something you've already endured and survived is less scary than the unknown. Have you never dreaded an experience and found that - although unpleasant - in some ways it's a relief when it finally happens?

    Apr 05th, 2019 - 11:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Haven't you read enough of my posts to realize I definitely don't defend criminals, ordinary or otherwise ? even WCCs ? afaic, they could all be executed/ rot in prison, depending on the extent of their crimes.
    The only thing I've been trying to do, is show that motivation behind different types of crimes, for ex, again, a jealous guy who kills his girlfriend, OR a terrorist act, are different...society demands Justice, 'n that's reflected by the sentence...which “I” presume, is in someway also linked to the probability of recidivating ?
    But if you want to get specific, a school shooter that survives, imo should be executed. The fact their acts inspire copycats, is very unfortunate, but there are plenty of “sick minds” out there ; when will the great majority agree that these a.holes should be shown no mercy ?

    “Yes, but it's not good that the authorities have lost control to that degree”.....well, if the “'authorities” are incapable of providing conditions (for society as a whole) that should reduce crime - not necrly by reducing the number of criminals already in activity, but to avoid 'new' ones - it's not surprising they can't control the various factions who are intent on killing each other, outside or inside the may not be 'good', but under the circumstances, it's not bad, either.

    I can't imagine a criminal here not dreading to go back in, unless he is high in the hierarchy of a criminal faction. The 'general scum' is submitted to all sorts of horrendous conditions, pretty close to psychological torture.

    In 2001, a company I had invested in, declared Chapter 11; I had hopes it might pull through, but didn't really believe it would...3 yrs later, when it declared bankruptcy, I felt relieved as there was nothing else I could do, or hope for....other than to face a long, drawn out legal process, which after 15 years seems to be coming to a close, with a 1st partial reimbursement, of up to 30 cents on the USD, on original purchase value.

    Apr 06th, 2019 - 05:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    I know you don't generally defend criminals, which is why I was surprised to see you giving motives for murder like “because he screwed your wife, because he stole from you, because he intentionally set your house on fire etc”. You said in another post that the gang members were all bloodthirsty criminals who would only stop when they were dead or in jail, so not only do most criminals have bad motives, the probability of recidivating must be sky high.

    We started by talking about why murders by terrorists are/should be treated differently to other murders, and I think you are saying it's due to the motive, and chance of re-offending? I'm not convinced the motive should make a difference - eg between a mugger killing their victim, or a terrorist stabbing a stranger in the street - except in a few cases where it's a mitigating factor, like your guy killing the arsonist who burned his house down.

    “a school shooter that survives, imo should be executed”

    So in this case you think they should get the same penalty no matter the motive? Presume you'd also want eg the (terrorist) Christchurch shooter executed?

    “The 'general scum' is submitted to all sorts of horrendous conditions, pretty close to psychological torture.”

    Maybe you're right then, that they really will do anything to avoid going back. But unfortunately it doesn't stop people committing crimes, just makes the police's job harder and more dangerous because they're desperate not to get caught.

    Re the bankrupt company, I guess you do know the feeling, but it's not really comparable to going to jail, even in a country like Sweden, let alone Brazil. It didn't stop you investing in other companies though, right?

    Apr 07th, 2019 - 10:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    I was not trying to justify, or giving motives for murder as if some could excuse the perpetrator, simply trying to debate the various reasons why sentences vary...perhaps, as I suggested, also based on the probability of recidivating....although a guy who kills his wife will get 30 years max, a terrorist who kills 50 poeople will get life. Regarding the hard-core criminals, 99% will recidivate...that's a fact...besides being all they know, I've never any regret their actions.
    After 30 years in jail, a guy who kills his wife will have learned his lesson, will not seek revenge .....a terrorist, if released, will..imo..

    Regarding a school shooter, I'd execute the SOB, but life in prison is OK...he obviously has something seriously wrong with him that won't be fixed after, for ex., 10 years in jail. Every crime has it's motives, consequences, and I that's why I think each case if different, which may or not have some mitigating factor.
    You're right, I'd execute the Christchurch shooter....the fact he killed them because of their faith is irrelevant, they were innocent.

    The fact “ unfortunately it doesn't stop people committing crimes” is because they think they can get away with it....when sentences become harsher, at least they won't get out so soon.

    At times, when the death penalty is not an option, putting them away for good is what's left.

    Going to jail for committing a crime might not be comparable - in the sense of what the individual may feel - to losing money (through no fault of your own, other than making a bad choice), but at least a criminal goes to jail because he deserves it.
    I just became more cautious, conservative in my investments. You can't just stuff money into your matress.

    Apr 07th, 2019 - 09:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot


    Just post your own opinion about the story above -- yeah, it's that easy!

    I do not believe debate among posters should be the focus, where topics often totally derail.

    Instead, posters may react to stories published and the different opinions would make for a good complement of the stories.

    For example: Do you believe I am unjustly singling out president Macri in spite of the fact that the story above is an indictment in itself? You complained about me not answering you, but said nothing about the story.

    If you do, come on and show us your arguments!

    Apr 08th, 2019 - 01:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    I thought this forum WAS about posting one's opinions on the 'stories'... If debate of different opinions is not the focus, then what's the point ? might as well just read the news.

    Frankly speaking, my first reply to you wasn't about the contents of your post, but about your past, generally broad statements on “Brazilian” politics, which when challenged - because I do not agree with them - you clam up. I just took advantage of the fact you had opened up the discussion, and decided to provoke you.

    Regarding the above story - which you correctly state “I said nothing about”, and had no intention of commenting on - “presuming” the figures presented are reliable, I generally conclude, without being all that familiar with Argentine politics, that the situation does not look too good. Macri’s performance leaves a lot to be desired, but I get the impression that - generally speaking - it can’t be easy to correct 12 years of previous mismanagement…imo…especially when you have plenty of hostile forces working against government, just for the sake of it trying to make it fail….as in Brazil.
    If two people agree on something, or just want more information, ideas flow without confrontation, but if they disagree, I suppose it's normal to say why...thus, debate.

    Apr 08th, 2019 - 04:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DemonTree

    So far as I know, if the murder victim committed a crime and provoked the attack, that is taken into account in the sentencing. But for terrorists who only killed one or two, or failed to kill anyone, I don't know what is the chance of them changing their mind. If people can be recruited by terrorists, presumably they can also become disillusioned with the cause. As for a guy who kills his wife, I always heard people who commit domestic violence are unlikely to change, so it might not be so safe. Possibly it depends on what kind of therapy they get in prison - which in Brazil would be none.

    As for executing criminals, my main objection is the number who are exonerated later. I'd be happy if they executed the Christchurch shooter, or any other mass murderer so obviously guilty, but as a law, life imprisonment is safer.

    “at least a criminal goes to jail because he deserves it.”

    I bet they make all kinds of excuses why what they did was justified, though.

    Maybe losing money could be almost as bad if it left you destitute, but presume that wasn't the case. Anyway, you definitely can't just stuff money in your mattress. Not that I know what to do with mine, with Brexit coming. Will the pound fall further, will the stock market rise or fall? It's all so unpredictable.

    I'll reply about to two threads that've closed, if you tell me where...

    Apr 08th, 2019 - 09:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    “if the murder victim committed a crime and provoked the attack”....sounds like good old revenge, and could have mitigating factors. Terrorists are on a cause...trying to make a statement, by killing as many as they can...anyone, today, tomorrow, until they are killed.

    As to being recruited/disillusioned with the cause, you've got to be a complete a.hole to be recruited in the first place, to believe it will end well. Afaic, they are already disillusioned (and pretty stupid) to believe terrorism will solve their problems. I have no sympathy for them. It's not like committing a simple mistake, then regretting it.

    Agree that domestic violence is a pattern, leading up to the killing, and if not jailed immy, will probably kill again...but after 30 yrs in jail, I have my doubts.

    Right, in Brazil most perps believe they have been unjustly condemned. Their brazen-faced denial of everything is really quite remarkable.

    Today, with DNA, security camera footage, plus witness testifying, I think it's pretty hard to make a mistake...for ex., killing a store keeper after robbing him, caught on tape ; besides, forged evidence would have a hard time being successful in court. In the cases where evidence is overwhelming, however not 101% conclusive, the death penalty could be taken off the table.

    Losing a lot of money IS frustrating, kills expectations, but it's no use brooding over it. Surely, with or without Brexit, you have conservative investments / secure options that'll at least guarantee the safety and the value of your money ?

    Two threads that closed b4 you could reply : “Bs decision to commemorate”, & “as Bs influence wanes”….and I need space to reply to “Travellers scrambling”.

    Apr 09th, 2019 - 05:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Enrique Massot



    “I thought this forum WAS about posting one's opinions on the 'stories'... If debate of different opinions is not the focus, then what's the point ? might as well just read the news.”

    Perhaps I did not explain myself well. Of course under a story you can post your opinions. I may post mine, and others will post theirs.

    It's up to those posting to engage one another in a particular discussion. I am not particularly found, nor do I have the time, to do so. I also won't seek changing anybody's point of view -- just provide some opinion or some overlooked or missing information. As a result, most often I will just post my opinion, expect others do the same, and whoever reads the posts will evaluate the arguments.

    I hope I made myself clear.

    Apr 10th, 2019 - 05:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Clear as crystal...but might be a good idea to justify yr opinion when challeged.

    (Contn of “Travellers scrambling”
    Without realizing it you’ve pinpointed what the press is doing…B has nothing to do with trying to rewrite history (which the left definitely tried - exaggerating where useful to their cause ‘n omitting where inconvenient for them (which don’t recall the press criticizing)…it was a Rodrigo-Velez initiative, reason why he was sacked...but there’s no point in being accurate, is there ? if the mud-slinging can hit B as well, why not ?

    “he hasn't spent much of that time trying to do anything constructive”…well, I'd like to know one Brazilian politician who, in the last 20 years, did ? And the only president who did try, regardless of his corruption, was Temer….Lula, while in Congress did zero. What ‘great’ things did he do while President, (besides claim paternity for the BF concept) ? : 2 reforms, one in the triplex, the other at his country home.

    Any politician who may have tried to do something truly constructive was immy overruled by the majority, so it’s hard to know who, if any, were well-intentioned.
    Does anyone today bother to mention how unprepared Lula was when he was elected ? “

    ”Still sucks if you are willing to work, get judged by all the others“….they made their bed, now they can lie in it.

    Re hot/cold climates, perhaps it’s also linked to intelligence…and/or the need to provide for the future ?

    ”…about the UK, do you think you know the answer already?” I’m sure the UK has its quota of lazy bums, but perhaps because generally speaking, people are more conscious of their responsibilities ?
    In the 80s Brazil was nothing like it is now…but it was better than WAfrica. Not sure if it was racism, perhaps just a reaction towards whom they saw as former colonizers. Today it’s probably worse.

    Re SJWs, why should my advantage (available to all who take advantage of opportunities) be considered a privilege ?

    Apr 11th, 2019 - 03:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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