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“Malvinas Veterans are increasingly recognized for their valor and courage”

Thursday, May 16th 2019 - 09:58 UTC
Full article 6 comments
Ambassador Kent mentioned that Argentines and British forces are working shoulder to shoulder in the UN peace keeping operation in the island of Cyprus Ambassador Kent mentioned that Argentines and British forces are working shoulder to shoulder in the UN peace keeping operation in the island of Cyprus
“Year after year, this very much deserved recognition towards our Malvinas veterans is increasing” said Argentine Army Chief of Staff Claudio Pasqualini “Year after year, this very much deserved recognition towards our Malvinas veterans is increasing” said Argentine Army Chief of Staff Claudio Pasqualini

The Argentine Army Chief of Staff said he perceives a greater recognition from society towards Malvinas veterans, and this recognition, with time, is increasing. Lieutenant General Claudio Pasqualini made the statement at Wednesday's traditional meeting of the Buenos Aires Rotary Club, which on this occasion had another special guest at his table, British ambassador Mark Kent.

“Year after year, this very much deserved recognition towards our Malvinas veterans is increasing , and it will continue to increase because we are becoming more aware of the dimension of what they did, achieved, their valor and courage, displayed in the Malvinas Islands despite been isolated, under siege and with limited resources”, said the Army Chief of Staff

Ambassador Kent was also invited to talk and in a brief speech mentioned the South Atlantic conflict. “We do not deny, or ignore what happened in 1982, but we are working with the Veterans and the families of the fallen to honor their memory”. Further on the ambassador underlined the intensification of joint efforts between Argentina and the UK, and to that respect mentioned that Argentines and British forces are working shoulder to shoulder in the UN peace keeping operation in the island of Cyprus“.

Looking ahead, ”we continue along the path of collaboration and sharing responsibilities“, and thus ambassador Kent said he was grateful that the Argentine Army Chief of Staff was attending the event, which he described as ”a symbol of our collaboration“

Lt. General Pasqualini also talked about the current reconversion of the Argentine army with the purpose of de-bureaucratizing and making it more efficient in accordance with available resources. ”This chapter should be completed by the end of the year, and should be followed by the improvement and renewal of equipment“.

Asked about women in the Army, Lt General Pasqualini said that currently there are no restrictions for women on duty, even in combat, although this will depend whether they are in conditions to comply with those duties.

As to a return of mandatory conscription, the Chief of Staff was more cautious recalling that ”this is a political decision, as was the elimination of the military service in the nineties”.

Finally Juan Javier Negri, Rotary Buenos Aires club chair recalled that two former presidents of the Rotary Club had also been Argentine presidents. He mentioned General Agustin P. Justo who was elected to office and held the job from 1932 to 1938. Likewise General Hipólito Irigoyen, who led a military coup and was president between 1930 and 1932.

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  • border rover

    Sr Think - a question, do you actually know any Argentines who would ever consider living on the islands ? No! Me neither. Why are you all so obsessed with having ownership of a few small, rather inhospitable islands when almost the whole of Patagonia is empty ? Apart, that is, from the tens of thousands of hectares that you have quite happily “sold” to extranjeros who now exclude your own citizens from the land! When was the last time that Argentine citizens were allowed to visit Lago Escondido ? Notwithstanding that it is one of your National Parks the English billionaire owner prevents access to all! How about the Benetton Estancia , is that land Argentine or Italian?
    What would you actually do with the islands if you ever managed to acquire them? From what we see in Patagonia you would sell them to the highest bidder!!

    May 17th, 2019 - 11:11 am +2
  • The Voice

    The situation is that Think oxymoron gas been brainwashed. He is a Norwegian Blue, a total prick. And his opinion doesnt count...

    May 17th, 2019 - 10:11 pm +1
  • Roger Lorton

    Think - isn't Patagonia a “colonial anachronism” ? Colonised by Argentina in the 1860s, some even refer to it as genocide. People in glass houses ...... etc, etc..

    Mr. Kent rather likes the fame, the fan club, the adoring following. Not a bad definition of “going native” methinks.

    May 19th, 2019 - 08:26 am +1
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