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“Falklands' defense, number one priority whatever the Brexit outcome”

Saturday, June 15th 2019 - 09:56 UTC
Full article 21 comments
The Commander British Forces South Atlantic Islands confirmed British troops will be in the Falklands for the “foreseeable future” The Commander British Forces South Atlantic Islands confirmed British troops will be in the Falklands for the “foreseeable future”

The officer in charge of the United Kingdom military in the Falklands has told Forces News that defense of the Islands is the “number one” priority. Brigadier Nick Sawyer, Commander British Forces South Atlantic Islands said Brexit will not compromise the defense of the British Overseas Territory, whatever the outcome of the UK's withdrawal from the European Union.

“Number one overriding priority that is above anything else is the defense of these Islands,” Brig Sawyer said.

“Whatever happens, the defense of the Falkland Islands will not be compromised.”

Brig Sawyer further assured the Islanders that they can be “absolutely dependent on one thing, that we will defend these Islands and we will be here to deter any aggression”.

It comes during a time of uncertainty for the UK on how the country will come out of the European Union.

The UK is due to leave the EU on October 31 2019.

With just months before the deadline, Parliament is deciding on a new prime minister to help lead the negotiations and deliver a concrete deal for the British people.

But the countries government has said British troops will be in the Falklands for the “foreseeable future” Brig Sawyer confirmed.

He hoped in the future the military can integrate further with the local community and find new ways for the communities to work together.

For new recruits looking to settle in the Falklands, Brig Sawyer says they will be offered “responsibility probably above what they're expecting for the rank they hold”.


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  • border rover

    Mr Think, despite your many years of experience in Angloargentine matters you seem to overlook one important and fundamental fact. The British armed forces don't do politics. They carry out orders from the government. It's not like in Argentina where, from time to time, your armed forces decide to usurp the legitimate elected government and take over themselves. That's why the Falklanders are so wary of los Argentinos !

    Jun 15th, 2019 - 02:48 pm +1
  • RedBaron

    Falklands' DEFENCE (not with an 's').

    Jun 15th, 2019 - 11:17 am 0
  • EscoSesDoidao

    “Foreseeable future”. How many years or weeks does that cover in UK politics?
    If I’d said Boris Johnson would be PM of the UK a couple of years ago I would have been laughed at.

    Jun 15th, 2019 - 11:46 am 0
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