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Falklands' Day, recalls when John Davis first sighted the Islands on 14 August 1592

Thursday, August 15th 2019 - 07:30 UTC
Full article 80 comments

Falklands Day is the celebration of the first sighting of the Falkland Islands by John Davis in 1592, and is commemorated on 14 August. It was once seen as the National Day of the Falklands but has largely been replaced by Liberation Day which commemorates the end of the Falklands War. Read full article


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  • Sergio Aracri

    Por favor. Como siempre este pasquín vendepatria publicando basura. Que los editores sepan cómo se fundó Montevideo. No es una ciudad inglesa.

    Aug 15th, 2019 - 04:44 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    Montevideo, another convoluted irrelevancy like your discredited claim to futi possidetis. Which even if it had been established as a rule of international law. Would have no application to the UK, as they had never signed any treaty based on it, and neither had Argentina.

    Aug 15th, 2019 - 09:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Roger Lorton

    Surprised this has not attracted more attention. Was Davis the first sighting? His at least is accepted as a definite sighting, followed shortly after by Hawkins. Could the archipelago have been 'discovered' before? Possibly, but the evidence is scant. Too often people see that which they want to see. Unlikely that we wil ever know for certain, so unless some long-lost record emerges, Davis has it.

    Aug 15th, 2019 - 10:37 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Delmer

    '14 June 1982' Liberation Day is the national day of the Falkland Islands and commemorates the liberation of the Falkland Islanders from Argentine military occupation at the end of the Falklands War on 14 June 1982.
    So someone writes regarding here

    Aug 16th, 2019 - 07:55 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Me importa un comino lo que reconozcan o no los piratas. Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.

    Aug 16th, 2019 - 11:43 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Malvinense 1833

    hahahah John Davis english liars!!!

    Aug 16th, 2019 - 12:09 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “Me importa un comino lo que reconozcan o no los piratas. Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.”
    Your reiterating the same lying viveza criolla drivel.
    The only pirates came from Argentina “There is scarcely a Buenos Ayrean privateer which has not committed piracy of every description” John Quincy Adams July 20th, 1820
    “One Argentine privateer was the Herotna, which sailed in 1820 commanded by an American called David Jewett. ... After consulting US Consul George Slacum, who had protested to no avail about Vernet's seizure of American ships, Captain Duncan sailed to the Falklands, and on 31 December 1831 took prisoner the seven men who had seized the three American ships”
    Getting it right: the real history of the Falklands/Malvinas. by Graham Pascoe and Peter Pepper © 2008

    Aug 16th, 2019 - 12:21 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Malvinense 1833

    John Davis latitude? longitude?

    Aug 16th, 2019 - 02:01 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    Malvinense 1833
    “John Davis latitude” He found land, while your all at sea.

    Aug 16th, 2019 - 05:17 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Malvinense 1833

    Come on, you know it's not true. Its positioning is wrong and leads to an open ocean.

    Aug 16th, 2019 - 10:08 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Roger Lorton

    Serg - uti possidetis is not applicable and it is only a theory. Try taking it to a court.

    MoreCrap - only longitude was generally recognised as able to be determined with anything close to accuracy in 1592 and even that cannot be determined in a storm. There is no serious argument that Davis saw anything other than the Falklands and Hawkins followed up shortly after. According to Bougainville, the Spanish still did not know how to find the islands in 1767.

    Aug 16th, 2019 - 10:46 pm - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Sergio Aracri

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.

    Aug 17th, 2019 - 11:47 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    ”Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.”
    This is the third time you've raised this thoroughly defeated contention, you're pathetic loser.

    Aug 17th, 2019 - 03:03 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Roger Lorton

    Dream on Serg. Dreams and fantasies are all you have.

    Aug 17th, 2019 - 10:54 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis. Terence Hill, tu madre.

    Aug 18th, 2019 - 12:05 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    ”Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.”
    This is the fifth time you've raised this thoroughly defeated contention, you're absolutly pathetic.

    Aug 18th, 2019 - 12:37 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Sergio Aracri

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis. Terence Hill, tu madre.

    Aug 18th, 2019 - 03:02 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.”
    This is the sixth time you've raised this thoroughly defeated contention, you're pathetic.
    ”Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.”
    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Aug 18th, 2019 - 11:13 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Los Roosevelt eran basura andante. Terence Hill, tu madre.

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis

    Aug 18th, 2019 - 12:10 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.”
    This is the ninth time you've raised this lie, typical of Argentine ethics of viveza criolla. Which is why nothing will ever change.
    ”Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.“
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Trash, hardly since there were two presidents from the family. Yeah that is why he was elected three times. It also shows why Argentina are apposed to 'free will'
    ”Their results show that the illusion of truth effect worked just as strongly for known as for unknown items, suggesting that prior knowledge won’t prevent repetition from swaying our judgements of plausibility.
    Tom Stafford’s ebook on when and how rational argument can change minds is out now.

    Aug 18th, 2019 - 02:10 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis. Los británicos son el enemigo.

    Aug 18th, 2019 - 03:06 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “Uti possidetis.” You'd be able to show where they ever signed on to such an agreement if true.
    This is the tenth time you've raised this same lie. ”The British are the enemy.” Well that's tough titty 'cause theres nothing do about it.
    Historically you signed a peace treaty, but of course you reneged on, like any anything else you promise. 'The Convention of Settlement, 1850.' This is how legal scholars of the day and therefore nations viewed the effects of such a peace treaty to wit:
    § 12. Principle of uti possidetes. A treaty of peace leaves every thing in the state in which it finds it, unless there be some express stipulations to the contrary. The existing state of possession is maintained, except so far as altered by the terms of the treaty. If nothing be said about the conquered country or places, they remain with the possessor, and his title cannot afterward be called in question. ... ...Treaties of peace, made by the competent authorities of such governments, are obligatory upon the whole nation, and, consequently, upon all succeeding governments, whatever may be their character.

    Aug 18th, 2019 - 05:25 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis. Los británicos son el enemigo.

    Aug 18th, 2019 - 10:24 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Roger Lorton

    Uti is just an Argie wet dream Sergio. If it had any substance, Argentina would have taken a case to either the League of Nations in 1920 or the ICJ after 1946.

    Repeat it as often as you like, it'll never be more than it is - irrelevant.

    Aug 18th, 2019 - 11:11 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    Yeah but in spite of your fourteenth lie, it favours the British not Argentina idiota.
    § 12. Principle of uti possidetes. A treaty of peace leaves every thing in the state in which it finds it
    ..Treaties of peace, made by the competent authorities of such governments, are obligatory upon the whole nation, and, consequently, upon all succeeding governments, whatever may be their character.

    Aug 18th, 2019 - 11:27 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Terence Hill, tu madre

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis. Los británicos son el enemigo

    Aug 19th, 2019 - 12:11 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.” This is the fifteenth time you've raised this lie. Here is where your claim blows up in your face, as both governments call it a Peace Treaty.
    'The Convention of Settlement, 1850. This is how legal scholars of the day and therefore nations viewed the effects of such a peace treaty to wit:
    § 12. Principle of uti possidetes. A treaty of peace leaves every thing in the state in which it finds it, afterward be called in question. ... ...Treaties of peace, made by the competent authorities of such governments, are obligatory upon the whole nation, and, consequently, upon all succeeding governments, whatever may be their character.
    §VISCOUNT PALMERSTON replied, that the question was a very simple one, so far as this country was concerned. It was well known that a TREATY OF PEACE and reconciliation was concluded and ratified between Great Britain and the Argentine Confederation more than twelve months ago.
    ”The confidential draft of CONVENTION OF PEACE, arranged with H. E. the Honourable Henry Southern Esquire, and referred by him to the Government of H. B. M. and which is the same that same that has been accepted without any alteration by the Government of H.M., and signed by the Argentine and British Plenipotentiaries, after the exchange of their respective powers,” Juan M. De Rosa.
    Buenos Ayres, December 27th 1849. Chamber of Representatives

    Aug 19th, 2019 - 01:07 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    El Tratado Arana-Southern no resolvió la disputa por las Islas Malvinas que se originó tras la expulsión de las autoridades argentinas en 1833. Las Malvinas no fueron mencionadas ni en las negociaciones, ni en el texto del tratado. Argentina mantuvo su reivindicación y sus pedidos de respuesta, mientras el Reino Unido mantuvo su postura de negarse a discutir la cuestión. Tampoco hubo mención alguna al tratado por parte del Reino Unido ante las continuas protestas del gobierno argentino.

    En su mensaje a la Legislatura de 1849, Juan Manuel de Rosas expuso los pormenores de la negociación con los representantes del gobierno británico y brindó un detalle de los alcances del tratado. En ese mismo mensaje, Rosas hace explícita la continuidad del reclamo por Malvinas y ratifica las protestas formuladas por Manuel Moreno, el embajador argentino en Londres. En su nota de protesta, Manuel Moreno le notificó oficialmente a Lord Palmerston que el gobierno argentino nunca renunciará a las Islas Malvinas.

    Aug 19th, 2019 - 04:57 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “The Falklands were not mentioned either in the negotiations or in the text of the treaty. Argentina maintained its demand”. Argentina is barred under the relevant international law it can't maintain a claim it is finito
    “12. Principle of uti possidetes. A treaty of peace leaves every thing in the state in which it finds it, unless there be some express stipulations to the contrary. The existing state of possession is maintained, except so far as altered by the terms of the treaty. If nothing be said about the conquered country or places, they remain with the possessor, and his title cannot afterward be called in question. ... ...Treaties of peace, made by the competent authorities of such governments, are obligatory upon the whole nation, and, consequently, upon all succeeding governments, whatever may be their character.”
    “Rosas makes explicit the continuity” Which even this is true he is barred, as this the effect of a peace treaty. So tell it the marines as there is no basis of legality for an Argentine claim.

    Aug 19th, 2019 - 10:28 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis. Los británicos son el enemigo.

    Aug 19th, 2019 - 12:02 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    Thanks for the confirmation that you are completely unable to refute the legal argument I have presented.
    Thus, “who keeps silent consents; silence means consent; silent consent is same as expressed consent; consent by conduct is as good as expressed consent. This is an implied term in law....”
    A Compendium Of Latin Thought And Rhetorical Instruments For The Speaker Author And Legal Practitioner
    If your URL had any value you would have so indicated where. So all it is, is some meaningless viveza criolla, as expected.

    Aug 19th, 2019 - 12:49 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Roger Lorton

    Sergie - once again you reveal your lack of knowledge. Rosas knew that he was abandoning the Confederation's spurious claims to the British islands because Southern told him so. No claim by Argentina for 30 years after that treaty was ratified in 1850. What Rosas said in 1849 was for public consumption - but that's politicians for you.

    Go learn Serge, your ignorance is showing -

    Aug 19th, 2019 - 11:03 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    No necesito refutar a farsantes como ustedes. Para eso están las buenas fuentes en castellano, las que ustedes jamás tendrán la capacidad de entender y las que yo no voy a copiar, porque para eso está la búsqueda, si es que son realmente investigadores, pero sabido es que son puro humo. Leer TU historia, Lorton? No, gracias, yo voy a fuentes fiables, las que muestran la verdadera cara de los británicos.

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis. Los británicos son el enemigo.

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 01:24 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “I don't need to refute ...” So to summarise, Argentina has no legal basis for any claim. Whereas, the UK can rely on at least five planks of international law. With all the legal right on her side she doesn't have to do anything. “There is no obligation in general international law to settle disputes”.
    Principles of Public International Law, third edition, 1979 by Ian Brownlie
    So Argentina can never ever win. She has tried trespass, force, and fraud and accomplished nothing except to reveal she has no claim.

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 01:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Olen

    England will return the Malvinas within 25 years.

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 01:57 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Terence Hill

    I wishes were horses beggars would ride.

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 02:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sergio Aracri

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis. Los británicos son el enemigo.

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 12:07 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Malvinense 1833

    John Davis 1592?
    1590 Coast of the Magellan region and Tierra del Fuego by Sebastián López (Illa Cam Com) Continue to invent your story.

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 01:13 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Malvinense 1833
    “1590 Coast of the Magellan region ... Sebastián López”
    Hmm RL provides a citation and thus proves his assertion, while in a typical Argentine claim you don't. ”ei incumbit probatio, qui dicit, non qui negat (cum per rerum naturam factum negantis probation nulla sit)-the burden of proof lies upon him who affirms, not on him who denies, (since by the nature of things, he who denies a fact cannot produce any proof). The claimant is always bound to prove: the burden of proof lies on him. Upon the one alleging, not upon him denying, rests the duty of proving. Upon the plaintiff rests the proving or the burden of proof,”
    Soma's Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Maxims and Phrases: A Compendium of ...

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 02:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sergio Aracri

    Este Terence tiene toda la necia terquedad de un Stephen Potts, pero no podrá contra nosotros.

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 06:07 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “This Terence has all the..”
    If the legal right was on the Argentine side I'd first to endorse them.
    The historical view of Argentina has been observed. As the US chargé d'affaires Francis Baylies wrote about Argentina in 1832
    “...The revolutions of these people are seditious; their knowledge. chicanery and trickery; their patriotism, their liberty, a farce... ”
    Baylies held that the US should sign no treaty ...for we would abide by it, and they would consider the violation no greater offense than a lie told by a schoolboy...”
    To the present day as constantly defrauding and reneging on every contract or treaty. But what else can be expected of a peoples that aspire to be dishonest vis-à-vis viveza criolla.

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 07:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sergio Aracri

    Bla bla bla. Baylies era un borracho lenguaraz como todos los de su estirpe.

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis. Los británicos son el enemigo.

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 09:47 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “Baylies was a drunken ...” Aha, it's noted you don't even dispute what he says, like all liars you fall back on the fallacy of an ad hominem
    when you're unable to refute.
    “Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.” the very legal theory that absolutely demolishes the Argentine lying claim, thanks.
    “12. Principle of uti possidetes. A treaty of peace leaves every thing in the state in which it finds it, unless there be some express stipulations to the contrary. The existing state of possession is maintained, except so far as altered by the terms of the treaty. If nothing be said about the conquered country or places, they remain with the possessor, and his title cannot afterward be called in question. ... ...Treaties of peace, made by the competent authorities of such governments, are obligatory upon the whole nation, and, consequently, upon all succeeding governments, whatever may be their character.”

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 10:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinense 1833

    Mapamundi Sebastián Gaboto 1544
    Busque señor Terence, está en los libros, enciclopedias.

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 10:56 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    Sergio - you are unable to refute anything. History speaks for itself. The documents are clear. Rosas knew exactly what the position was after he'd signed the Treaty. The evidence cannot be denied, for all your feeble attempts to do so.

    MoreCrap - coasts? There is only one coast that is important here, and that is the coast of the Falklands. No evidence of a discovery before 1592. It is no6t actually very important as bare discovery gives no title but if you have some real evidence regarding a discovery then let us see it. Give me a name perhaps? The name of the expedition? The name on the ship? The evidence supports Davis.

    If there was an earlier discovery then we know nothing about it.

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 10:59 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “Baylies was a drunken ...” Aha, it's noted you don't even dispute what he says, like all liars you fall back on the fallacy of an ad hominem
    when you're unable to refute.
    “Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.” the very legal theory that absolutely demolishes the Argentine lying claim, thanks.
    “12. Principle of uti possidetes. A treaty of peace leaves every thing in the state in which it finds it, unless there be some express stipulations to the contrary. The existing state of possession is maintained, except so far as altered by the terms of the treaty. If nothing be said about the conquered country or places, they remain with the possessor, and his title cannot afterward be called in question. ... ...Treaties of peace, made by the competent authorities of such governments, are obligatory upon the whole nation, and, consequently, upon all succeeding governments, whatever may be their character.”

    Aug 20th, 2019 - 11:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sergio Aracri

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis. Los británicos son el enemigo.

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 12:34 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Roger Lorton

    Take it to a court or tribunal Sergie. You are convincing no-one here.

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 12:49 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    No hablo de ir a tribunales. Mejor sería una política de exterminio de británicos.

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 03:17 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Roger Lorton

    No tribunals? Proof indeed that you cannot back-up what you say. Proof that you have no argument. I doubt that we will be inclined to eliminate you. Your country is not worth the effort. Clearly, you have no argument. You lose.

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 05:34 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Veo que no tenés la más mínima noción de macrohistoria, y si no lo disimulas bastante bien. Los tribunales nada tienen que ver con los intereses británicos. Ciertamente se tomaron un gran esfuerzo para desmembrar al Imperio español, hacerlo renegar de sus fundamentos y fomentar la creación de republiquetas endeudadas. Un trabajo de hormiga de más de 300 años. Malvinas y Gibraltar son sólo consecuencias de lo que es esencia un choque cultural. Ustedes siempre van a ser el enemigo de lo argentino, y por extensión de todo lo hispánico. Ahí no hay tribunales que valgan. Es una guerra cultural, y por eso merecen ser exterminados. Ya te dí el argumento más trascendente que puede haber.

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 08:27 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Malvinense 1833

    Map Alonso de Santa Cruz 1541

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 11:03 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    Malvinense 1833
    “It's in the books” No it's not, otherwise you'd show it. Your link is fake as well, it is a radio site.
    Sergio Aracri
    “The courts have nothing to do with British interests.”
    When you don't have one iota of a legitimate claim, that is the the only recourse you can proffer for your continued wrong doing.
    If you had a URL that had any bearing you'd be able to quote from it.
    ”Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.“ Franklin D. Roosevelt
    So thanks for maintaining a record of peoples who are largely without honour or shame, thus confirming a banditry society.

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 11:10 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Roger Lorton

    Sergie - If you cannot win in a court or tribunal, then you cannot win anywhere. You lose.

    MoreCrap - I asked for a name, not a picture. 1541? You sure, or do you mean 1560? Alonso de Santa Cruz's Islario General perhaps? Some inshore islands than had been depicted on charts since Magellan took penguin meat from them in 1520 (reported by Gomes in 1521 & Pigafetta in 1522. Also by the crew of San Gabriel in 1527). Too far north and too close to the coast this island group is now known as the Penguin Islands and lies to the south of Puerto Deseado. They are not the Falkland islands.

    So I repeat - give me a name, or a ship or a date. Something that would actually constitute 'evidence'.

    You want charts? I doubt that I have missed any but I always am interested in more -

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 12:18 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Terence Hill, jamás abriste el enlace, y si lo hiciste mentís. Y dudo que sepas leer castellano. FARSANTE.

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 02:58 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Malvinense 1833

    Señor Terence:
    Falklands' Day, recalls when John Davis first sighted the Islands on 14 August 1592
    ”Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.“ Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 03:21 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “You never opened the link” Oh yes I did. If there was any relevance you would have so indicated. You don't, because there is no support for your claim.
    Malvinense 1833
    What someone writes on their 'blog' without original documentation is unsupported, and thus is 'hearsay' and has no validity whats so ever.

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 04:34 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Es el PDF de un libro. Ignorante engreído y mentiroso, típico británico.

    Los protocolos de la corona británica

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 06:05 pm - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “It is the PDF of a book.” So what what, which words, on what page? Otherwise it doesn't exist if can't prove its existence.
    “whoever advances a standpoint is obliged to defend it if asked to do so”
    Argumentation Schemes and Burden of Proof Henry Prakken1 and Chris Reed and Douglas Walton

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 08:54 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Te diría que leas todo el libro, si te animas. Seguí mencionando autores anglos que los uso como trapo de piso.

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 09:04 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “I would tell you to read the whole book” Like I said correctly, the burden of proof is your obligation not mine since your making the assertion.
    ”ei incumbit probatio, qui dicit, non qui negat (cum per rerum naturam factum negantis probation nulla sit)-the burden of proof lies upon him who affirms, not on him who denies, (since by the nature of things, he who denies a fact cannot produce any proof). The claimant is always bound to prove: the burden of proof lies on him. Upon the one alleging, not upon him denying, rests the duty of proving. Upon the plaintiff rests the proving or the burden of proof,“
    Soma's Dictionary of Latin Quotations, Maxims and Phrases: A Compendium of ...
    “Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy; States of Affairs; First published Tue Mar 27, 2012
    Philosophers connect sentences with various items, such as thoughts, facts and states of affairs. Thoughts are either true or false in an absolute sense, never both or neither.”
    Moreover, you have just revealed yourself by your own words as a liar. Since it your onus is to prove what you claim is true, since you haven't it, must therefore be false. Since it definitely doesn't meet the criteria of truth, since it cannot be 'never both or neither'.

    Aug 21st, 2019 - 09:29 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Toda la pedantería de tus citas queda desarmada frente a los viles manejos de tu nefasto reino a través de la historia. Tratas de ocultar el bosque con tu Stanford. Esa práctica pirata de dislate ya la conozco bien.

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 12:06 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    So now that you are established as a proven liar
    ”I know that pirate practice of dislate(sic) well.” You certainly do Ollie. The only pirates came from Argentina “There is scarcely a Buenos Ayrean privateer which has not committed piracy of every description” John Quincy Adams July 20th, 1820
    “One Argentine privateer was the Herotna, which sailed in 1820 commanded by an American called David Jewett. ... After consulting US Consul George Slacum, who had protested to no avail about Vernet's seizure of American ships, Captain Duncan sailed to the Falklands, and on 31 December 1831 took prisoner the seven men who had seized the three American ships”
    Getting it right: the real history of the Falklands/Malvinas. by Graham Pascoe and Peter Pepper © 2008
    Uti possidetis
    “Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.” the very legal theory that absolutely demolishes the Argentine lying claim, thanks.
    “12. Principle of uti possidetes. A treaty of peace leaves every thing in the state in which it finds it, unless there be some express stipulations to the contrary. The existing state of possession is maintained, except so far as altered by the terms of the treaty. If nothing be said about the conquered country or places, they remain with the possessor, and his title cannot afterward be called in question. ... ...Treaties of peace, made by the competent authorities of such governments, are obligatory upon the whole nation, and, consequently, upon all succeeding governments, whatever may be their character.”

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 12:30 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 03:49 am - Link - Report abuse -2
  • PHunter

    England will return the Malvinas within 25 years.

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 03:53 am - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    Yet again dummkopf
    “Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.” the very legal theory that absolutely demolishes the Argentine lying claim, thanks.
    “12. Principle of uti possidetes. A treaty of peace leaves every thing in the state in which it finds it, unless there be some express stipulations to the contrary. The existing state of possession is maintained, except so far as altered by the terms of the treaty. If nothing be said about the conquered country or places, they remain with the possessor, and his title cannot afterward be called in question. ... ...Treaties of peace, made by the competent authorities of such governments, are obligatory upon the whole nation, and, consequently, upon all succeeding governments, whatever may be their character.”

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 10:26 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Malvinense 1833

    Señor Terence: Ok, well, then showme the map of John Davis.

    1529!!!!!!!!!!! Señor Terence!!!

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 12:07 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Terence Hill

    Malvinense 1833
    “then showme the map of John Davis” I can do better than your map, of showing fraud by omission.
    John Davis (English explorer)
    ”He discovered the Falkland Islands (today a British Overseas Territory) in August 1592
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 01:51 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Wikipedia, jajaja.

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 04:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -2
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    Wikipedia, plus two more
    Yet again dummkopf
    “Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.” the very legal theory that absolutely demolishes the Argentine lying claim, thanks.
    “12. Principle of uti possidetes. A treaty of peace leaves every thing in the state in which it finds it, unless there be some express stipulations to the contrary. The existing state of possession is maintained, except so far as altered by the terms of the treaty. If nothing be said about the conquered country or places, they remain with the possessor, and his title cannot afterward be called in question. ... ...Treaties of peace, made by the competent authorities of such governments, are obligatory upon the whole nation, and, consequently, upon all succeeding governments, whatever may be their character.”
    Keep on lying but it doesn't work.
    ”How liars create the 'illusion of truth'
    ... a team led by Lisa Fazio of Vanderbilt University set out to test how the illusion of truth effect interacts with our prior knowledge. Would it affect our existing knowledge? Their results show that the illusion of truth effect worked just as strongly for known as for unknown items, suggesting that prior knowledge won’t prevent repetition from swaying our judgements of plausibility.
    What Fazio and colleagues actually found, is THAT THE BIGGEST INFLUENCE ON WHETHER A STATEMENT WAS JUDGED TO BE TRUE WAS... WHETHER IT ACTUALLY WAS TRUE. THE REPETITION EFFECT COULDN’T MASK THE TRUTH. WITH OR WITHOUT REPETITION, PEOPLE WERE STILL MORE LIKELY TO BELIEVE THE ACTUAL FACTS AS OPPOSED TO THE LIES. This shows something fundamental about how we update our beliefs – repetition has a power to make things sound more true, even when we know differently, but it doesn't over-ride that knowledge.

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 04:31 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Hablando de mentirosos queriendo crear realidades... La inteligencia británica, o de cómo ajustar la historia en beneficio pirata.

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 10:12 pm - Link - Report abuse -1
  • Roger Lorton

    Morecrap - the Sanson islands are not the Falklands. have you seen how big the archipelago is? And how far from the coast? You need a lesson in map-reading.

    It's all explained here but for now I remind you that the co-ordinates of the islands are 51.7963° S Latitude, 59.5236° W Longitude. The most northern island is Jason West Cay (50° 59′ S) and the southerly Beaucherne Island (52° 54′ S). It can be seen that the Falklands sit almost directly below Buenos Aires whose Longitude is 58.3816° W. They are also nearly 300 miles from the Patagonian coast and cover an area of 4,700 square miles (12,000 km²).

    Six little inshore dots are not the Falklands.

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 10:36 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “Speaking of liars wanting to create realities ...” You must be speaking of yourself, since the only proof proffered; condemns you out of your own mouth.
    The only pirates came from Argentina “There is scarcely a Buenos Ayrean privateer which has not committed piracy of every description” John Quincy Adams July 20th, 1820
    “One Argentine privateer was the Herotna, which sailed in 1820 commanded by an American called David Jewett. ... After consulting US Consul George Slacum, who had protested to no avail about Vernet's seizure of American ships, Captain Duncan sailed to the Falklands, and on 31 December 1831 took prisoner the seven men who had seized the three American ships”
    Getting it right: the real history of the Falklands/Malvinas. by Graham Pascoe and Peter Pepper © 2008

    Aug 22nd, 2019 - 11:40 pm - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Las Malvinas no sólo se asientan debajo de Buenos Aires meridianamente, sino que históricamente dependen de la Gobernación de Buenos Aires.

    Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.

    Aug 23rd, 2019 - 12:05 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    “Plus Ultra. Uti possidetis.” the very legal theory that absolutely demolishes the Argentine lying claim, thanks.
    ”LAWS OF WAR By H. W. HALLECK, 1866, CHAPTER XXXIV, TREATIES OF PEACE.12. Principle of uti possidetes. A treaty of peace leaves every thing in the state in which it finds it, ...Treaties of peace, made by the competent authorities of such governments, are obligatory upon the whole nation, and, consequently, upon all succeeding governments, whatever may be their character.”
    It was well known that a TREATY OF PEACE and reconciliation was concluded and ratified between Great Britain and the Argentine Confederation more than twelve months ago.
    “draft of CONVENTION OF PEACE, Juan M. De Rosa.
    Buenos Ayres, December 27th 1849. Chamber of Representatives”
    Keep on lying but it doesn't work.
    ”How liars create the 'illusion of truth'
    ... This shows something fundamental about how we update our beliefs – repetition has a power to make things sound more true, even when we know differently, but it doesn't over-ride that knowledge.

    Aug 23rd, 2019 - 12:44 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Roger Lorton

    Sergio, Soledad (only) being dependent upon a Spanish colony would make it Spanish. Argentina is not Spain. There was no inheritance and uti possidetis juris is a legal fantasy which is why you fear to take that argument to a court or tribunal.

    Go learn little fool.

    Aug 23rd, 2019 - 01:00 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Sergio Aracri

    Lorton, viejo granuja, tus días están tan acabados como tu reino, y por eso jamás tendrán autodeterminación tus amiguitos piratas implantados. Vos sos el que tiene que ir a aprender sobre España y su imperio. El tribunal va a ser la espada nacionalista que les corte la cabeza a todos ustedes, agentes de la perra windso.. A éso le tienen miedo, y por eso odian a Perón, manga de tránsfugas, ustedes y sus seguidores.

    Aug 23rd, 2019 - 03:07 am - Link - Report abuse -3
  • Roger Lorton

    You Sergio, do indeed live in a fantasy world. It is to be hoped that one day you will grow up. Personally, I have my doubts.

    Aug 23rd, 2019 - 08:23 am - Link - Report abuse +1
  • Swede

    Sergio Aracari: The Falkland islanders are no more “piratas implantados” than any other people of European origin living in the Americas. 62,5 % of Argentines are of Italian ethnicity. Do you also mean they should “go back” to Italy, even if they are born and raised in Argentina?

    Aug 23rd, 2019 - 09:56 am - Link - Report abuse +2
  • Terence Hill

    Sergio Aracri
    The only pirates in the area were from “There is scarcely a Buenos Ayrean privateer which has not committed piracy of every description” John Quincy Adams July 20th, 1820. David Jewett, and Louis Vernet
    “will never have self-determination” Not according to international law, as stated in the Charter of the United Nations
    2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take
    other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
    You threatened violence in 1832 and 1982, thus harking back to the old-days of “right is might”
    So whatever illegal method you attempted, the right result occurred. So God must be on the side of the British, according to your methodology.

    Aug 23rd, 2019 - 11:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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