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Bolsonaro in Arab countries: signs agreements in Abu Dhabi and will address economic forum in Riyadh

Tuesday, October 29th 2019 - 08:09 UTC
Full article 2 comments
President Bolsonaro with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed President Bolsonaro with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed

The United Arab Emirates and Brazil signed several agreements on Sunday during President Jair Bolsonaro's visit to Abu Dhabi, which marks his first official trip to the Arab world. He arrived in the UAE on Saturday and is set to head to Qatar and Saudi Arabia, where he will take part in the Future Investment Initiative.

 “Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and I witnessed the exchange of agreements and MoUs between our countries,” tweeted Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed after a meeting between the two men.

“We are looking to establish joint projects that help diversify cooperation and enhance our friendship.”

According to UAE state news agency WAM, the two countries signed a number of agreements, including on customs cooperation, exchange of classified information, defense and trade.

Bolsonaro is scheduled to address the forthcoming investment summit in Riyadh, nicknamed Davos in the Desert.

A strong turnout at the three-day event, which starts on Tuesday, would further rehabilitate de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's image, a year on from the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The Washington Post columnist's murder last October at Saudi Arabia's Istanbul consulate triggered one of the kingdom's worst crises.

It prompted a wave of business and political leaders to pull out of the glitzy Saudi investment conference at the last minute this time last year.

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  • :o))

    Signing agreements is EASY! Is it = the toilet-paper signed with EU?

    Oct 30th, 2019 - 12:15 am 0
  • imoyaro

    Won't that plug your toilets?

    Nov 05th, 2019 - 05:12 am 0
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