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Argentine president recalls when the British invaded the Malvinas and reaffirms Antarctica policy

Saturday, January 4th 2020 - 09:55 UTC
Full article 3 comments
Fernandez headed the ceremony launching the second leg of the Antarctica Summer Campaign, 2019/20 held on board icebreaker ARA Almirante Irizar Fernandez headed the ceremony launching the second leg of the Antarctica Summer Campaign, 2019/20 held on board icebreaker ARA Almirante Irizar
Speaking of sovereignty, ”this is an appropriate date to claim sovereignty because today, (January 3), 187 years ago the British invaded the Malvinas Islands”.  Speaking of sovereignty, ”this is an appropriate date to claim sovereignty because today, (January 3), 187 years ago the British invaded the Malvinas Islands”.

President Alberto Fernandez on Friday underlined the significance of Argentina's standing presence in Antarctica, --to defend its sovereignty claims--, and also recalled that 187 years ago the British invaded and usurped the Malvinas Islands, a land which “we will never renounce to, and we will always claim”.

The occasion was the ceremony launching the second leg of the Antarctica Summer Campaign, 2019/20 held on board Antarctica flagship icebreaker ARA Almirante Irizar, docked in Buenos Aires and which early Saturday left for the south

“This is a unique experience since when I was cabinet chief, this marvelous vessel caught fire and we all felt we had suffered a tremendous loss”, said president Fernandez.

He added that with then president Nestor Kirchner, “we decided that Argentine shipyards should rebuild the vessel: for us it is so important because it ensures that Argentina permanently defends the sovereignty rights it has in Antarctica”.

“Scientific research and all the standing activities displayed by Argentina in Antarctica are essential to sustain our sovereignty claim over the Argentine Antarctic Sector”, underlined Fernandez.

And speaking of sovereignty, ”this is an appropriate date to claim sovereignty because today, (January 3), 187 years ago the British invaded the Malvinas Islands“.


 ”It is a land which we will never renounce to and will always claim as ours“, Fernandez said, adding that ”to each of the Armed Forces heroes, our eternal gratitude for having sacrificed their lives in defense of our land”. He also had words of praise for all those women and men who defend Argentine presence in the South Atlantic Islands and Antarctica.

Fernandez went on to say that the Antarctica Policy is a true State policy both domestically and internationally, conducted by the Argentine foreign office and based on two main pillars: ensuring the sovereign rights of Argentina in Antarctica, and strengthening the Antarctic Treaty System.

To comply with these purposes, scientific research in Antarctica is implemented by the Argentina Antarctic Institute, together with universities and scientific-technological organizations, both domestic and foreign through the logistics articulation under the Antarctic National Directory and the Ministry of Defense.

President Fernandez was invited to a tour of the icebreaker, visiting the bridge and command post, communications system, surgery room and the different research labs, and finally signed the guests' book

Attending the ceremony were the Foreign, Defense and Interior ministers, Felipe Solá, Agustín Rossi and Eduardo de Pedro, the Malvinas, Antarctica and South Atlantic Secretary Daniel Filmus plus Chiefs of Staff and Armed Forces commanders, among other officials and guests.

In the second leg of the Antarctic season, ARA Irizar will be taking supplies and a new shift of personnel for the Orcadas and Belgrano II bases, and continue with logistics support at Esperanza, Carlini and Petrel bases.

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  • Roger Lorton

    The British saw the islands in 1592.The British claimed the islands in 1594. The British stepped on the islands in 1690. The British established a garrison in 1766.

    Argentina did not exist.

    Buenos Aires was trespassing in 1833. Two written warnings ignored. It was not an invasion. The British could not invade the islands as they had claimed them 140-odd years before. Britain effected a peaceful police action to eject the trespassers.

    Argentina has no claim.

    Argentina has no move.

    Jan 04th, 2020 - 11:05 am +3
  • tallison46

    There is no one alive that remembers when the British first set foot on the Falkland Islands and they will never lose control of them.... Argentina needs to get on with all of the real problems and issues facing them.....

    Jan 04th, 2020 - 10:23 am +1
  • Pugol-H

    Opiate for the masses, never let the truth get in the way of a good story, eh.

    What is the betting the ship catches fire again or otherwise breaks down, if not sinks.

    “flagship icebreaker” also the ONLY icebreaker I’ll wager.

    Sail on Boaty McBoatface.

    Jan 05th, 2020 - 01:05 pm 0
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