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Brazilian judge orders Netflix to stop showing a movie depicting Jesus as gay

Friday, January 10th 2020 - 09:50 UTC
Full article 4 comments
The First Temptation Of Christ, by Brazilian YouTube comedy group Porta dos Fundos, portrays Jesus bringing home a presumed boyfriend to meet his family. The First Temptation Of Christ, by Brazilian YouTube comedy group Porta dos Fundos, portrays Jesus bringing home a presumed boyfriend to meet his family.

A Brazilian judge ordered the streaming entertainment service Netflix to stop showing a controversial movie depicting Jesus as a gay man, according to court documents made public. In the ruling against Netflix, the state court judge said: “The right to freedom of expression... is not absolute.”

The First Temptation Of Christ, created by Brazilian YouTube comedy group Porta dos Fundos, portrays Jesus bringing home a presumed boyfriend to meet his family.

The show, which started playing on Netflix last month as a Christmas special, has caused an uproar among Brazil's conservative Christians. About two million people have petitioned Netflix to remove the show from its online streaming service.

The injunction ordering Netflix to take the show off its online platform was issued by judge Benedicto Abicair after a religious organization Associacao Centro Dom Bosco de Fe e Cultura filed a lawsuit against the show's creators Porta dos Fundos.

The injunction had been denied by a lower court but Judge Abicair, who handles appeals, wrote that the ruling was needed to protect against abuses of the freedom of expression.

“I understand, yes, that there must be reflection so that excesses do not occur, avoiding nefarious consequences for many, due to eventual foolishness by a few,” he wrote.

“Exhibiting the 'artistic production'... may cause graver and more irreparable damage than its suspension.”

The Order of Attorneys of Brazil, the Brazilian Bar Association, criticized the decision as censorship.

“Any form of censorship or threat to this hard-won freedom means a setback, and cannot be accepted by society,” Mr Felipe Santa Cruz, the Order's president, said in a statement.

The injunction is valid until the merits of the lawsuit are determined.

Brazil is home to the world's largest Catholic population as well as a growing evangelical Christian community supportive of the right-wing government of President Jair Bolsonaro.

His son, Eduardo Bolsonaro, has called the Porta dos Fundos' show “garbage” on his Twitter account, saying the filmmakers “do not represent Brazilian society”. On Dec 24, a group attacked Porta dos Fundos' headquarters in Rio with fire bombs.

One man suspected of having been part of the attack has fled to Russia, and the Brazilian authorities have issued a request for the international police organization Interpol to help apprehend him.

Categories: Politics, Brazil, Entertainment.

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  • Terence Hill

    Apparently the Supreme Court has reversed the judge's ruling, meanwhile.
    “Last Monday, the Estado de S. Paulo newspaper published an interview with Supreme Court Chief Justice Dias Toffoli, which deserves to be read by everyone.
    The headline reads: “Toffoli says Lava Jato destroyed businesses and the Public Prosecutors Office didn’t act transparently.” In other words, the Chief Justice admitted what we have been saying for a long time.
    The Lava Jato investigation was not effectively created to fight corruption – it was created to implement a policy based on the interests of international capital in Brazil, especially US interests. The fight against corruption is something that has to be conducted by the judicial, legislative and executive branches of government together, and primarily by society as a whole. This fight has to be permanent because corruption, unfortunately, is an integral part of the capitalist society that we live in where commodities, money and property matter more than people. The fight against corruption should never be confused with a fight against the business sector, whether public or private. But this is exactly what happened in Brazil under the guise of a fight against corruption.
    The Lava Jato investigation had two primary goals. The first was to criminalize the political opposition and make it impossible for the left to continue governing Brazil. The second was to destroy strategic Brazilian companies and economic sectors such as oil and gas. But they did not only destroy Petrobras. Lava Jato also destroyed Brazil’s most important construction and engineering businesses, which were operating worldwide.
    This is exactly what Chief Justice Dias Toffoli says in his interview. What happened in Brazil would have never happened in the United States or Germany. There, entrepreneurs are punished, but companies aren’t normally punished.”

    Jan 11th, 2020 - 06:55 pm 0
  • Jack Bauer

    Speak to us, 'Oh toothless wonder', what has the the depiction of Christ as a gay man got to do with your (and Toffoli's) above bs ?
    Don't you ever get tired being a frustrated little man ?

    Jan 11th, 2020 - 09:40 pm 0
  • Terence Hill

    UN rules Bolsonaro violated torture treaty
    Monday, December 16. The United Nations Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture condemned the Bolsonaro government’s policies for failing to prevent torture. It is the first formal statement issued by a UN agency on the violation of international treaties on torture by Brazil during the Bolsonaro era.
    The legal text that was analyzed by the UN is Presidential Decree 9.381 of June 10, 2019, which was denounced by NGOs and activists as an attempt to dismantle control mechanisms for prevention of torture in Brazil.

    Jan 11th, 2020 - 11:21 pm 0
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