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Falklands suspending blood clinics at Stanley hospital because of Covid 19

Tuesday, March 24th 2020 - 08:22 UTC
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The King Edward Memorial Hospital in Stanley The King Edward Memorial Hospital in Stanley

In light of the developing situation with COVID-19, the Falkland Islands King Edward Memorial Hospital, KEMH in Stanley is suspending the Monday – Friday walk-in blood clinic with immediate effect until further notice.

Arrangements will be made for patients who are a priority for blood testing over the coming weeks; these patients will be contacted by KEMH in due course.

KEMH wishes to remind patients not to present to the hospital but to telephone 28000 for advice.

We appreciate the public’s understanding and patience at this time.

What to do if you feel unwell and are worried you might have COVID-19:

If you have flu-like symptoms, phone the Hospital on 28000. Staff will provide advice. DO NOT come to KEMH directly.

The symptoms of COVID-19 are:

• a cough
• a high temperature
• shortness of breath
• aches and pains in muscles and joints

Please remember the importance of good public health hygiene measures:

• Always cough and sneeze into a tissue and dispose of the tissue safely in a bin and wash your hands afterwards. If you do not have a tissue, sneeze and cough into the crook of your elbow.
• If you are unwell with any infectious illness, please act responsibly and stay away from people and crowds and isolate yourself as much as possible.
• Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and avoid sharing personal items.
• Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds or use a disinfectant, especially after coughing and sneezing, and always before handling and consuming food and after using the toilet.

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