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Falklands' eligibility criteria for self employed and private sector workers affected by Covid-19 response

Tuesday, March 31st 2020 - 07:58 UTC
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On Thursday the Falklands' government will set out to employers and self-employed people on how to make a submission. On Thursday the Falklands' government will set out to employers and self-employed people on how to make a submission.

In an update on the measures announced on 26 March for self-employed workers and private-sector workers, referred to the current coronavirus global pandemic, the Falkland Islands Executive Council has approved two additional eligibility criteria.

• When private sector employees without symptoms are a) advised by KEMH to self-isolate due to a household member being symptomatic with a fever and with that household member having been advised by KEMH to self-isolate; or b) advised by the government to stay home due to being classified as a non-essential worker; and who in both instances cannot work from home, they will continue to be paid by their employer (regardless of whether they are entitled to leave or sick pay) for a period of up to 14 days.

• When self-employed people without symptoms are a) advised by KEMH to self-isolate due to a household member being symptomatic with a fever and with that household member having been advised by KEMH to self-isolate; or b) advised by the government to stay home due to being classified as a non-essential worker, and who in both instances cannot work from home, they will be able to claim a sum of up to £1,250 for a period of up to 14 calendar days.

On Thursday the government will set out to employers and self-employed people on how to make a submission.

Executive Council and Legislative Assembly are meeting regularly to consider response and make other policy related to the COVID-19 response.

MLAs are also meeting regularly to consider COVID-19 related matters and have worked with Directors on business continuity plans. Regular portfolio and other meetings are postponed until mid-April 2020.

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